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Table of content.
Place of freedom.3
Captive to the Society...6
My World.8
What if?...............................................................................................12
If only you can see it.14
What are you investing in?........................................................16
Whatever you do,do it with great passion..18
Life is a Race20

This ebook is guaranteed to change your life after reading if you practice
the ideas in it.This ebook carries the ideas,words and believe of some of the

great minds that has contributed in their own unique way to the world we
live in today.
This ebook will stimulate your mind,it will motivate,educate and inspire
you on a day to day basis.
This ebook is an eye opener if read and digested appropriately,it will change
your ideas on how you look at people and situation around you.This ebook
was compiled as a source of inspiration and ideas.Personally the stories in
this e book changed my life.This ebook will help people change their
attitude,psychology and the way they react in different circumstances.
This great minds are people like you and i.If they changed their world
with ideas and doing thing differently,then we can change our lives as well
putting this ideas into practice.Has humans,we are responsible for our
lives,if we dont like the way we are living,we can change it.

Chapter 1
Place of Freedom.

1. What is freedom?
2. What does freedom mean to you?
3. Do you live in total freedom?

Freedom means different things to different people in different situation.

Freedom to a man or woman experiencing a bad relationship will mean an exit from that
Freedom to a prisoner behind bars will mean walking away from prison.
Freedom for a set of people stuck on an island,would be exit from the island.
Freedom to a mother looking after kids would be when those kids are old enough to
fend independently.
Freedom for a crew stuck at sea,would be returning home.
Freedom for an illegal immigrant will be,getting a green card.
Freedom for a man who lives in a rented apartment/house would be building or buying
his own property.
Freedom to the one preparing by reading for an exams would be after sitting the
Freedom to a broke person financially will be having a lot of money.
Freedom to someone who is in pain will be free from pain.
Freedom to the one suffering is death.
Freedom to a teenager would be to live away from home.
Freedom to a christian would be to make heaven.
Freedom to a buddhist would be awakening.
Freedom to the hindu life is attaining,Kama,Artha,Dharma and Moksha.
Freedom to an homeless man would be to live in a home.
Freedom to the sick body is to get well.
Freedom to a lame man is to walk.
Freedom to the blind is to see.
Freedom to the body is acceptance.
Freedom to consciousness is expansion.

Freedom to me means a place of total being.A place where i stand disentangled of

all that will make me act or do something because of someone or something around me
regardless of the out come,Its a place i fear not to be critisie and judged,it means i act
or do things because i want to do it not because am expected to do it.It means by
expressing myself the way i am, not the way i think i ougth to be or the way people think
and expect me to be.Freedom is a place of total surrender,freedom is a state where i
care less of what and who is around me.Freedom is deep and authentic,Freedom is
when you say! No matter what people think about you, youre going to do things the way
you want.Freedom is a place of target happiness and joy when reached.Freedom!
freedom!.Freedom is a state of the mind that assures you that you need not worry if you
will be judged or condemned by your action.

This state is where you want to be,You want to be in a place of total freedom,a
place you regard nothing superior over your state of being and expression of self.
To be free means to set aside every rule and programming that as been instilled in you.
Freedom is when you as a father say!I want to go back to school and get my grade
and you go back to school learning,sitting in the same class with your son or daughter
regardless of what people say or do.Freedom is when a worker looks to his/her
employer and say this is my opinion in regards to doing things without the fear of losing
their job.
Freedom is when a janitor will seat and eat on the same table with the chairman telling
him he should improve his table manners,Freedom is when you can walk down the
street without any cloths because you dont feel like,Freedom is when you can get out of
your car dancing in the middle of the street because you want to,Freedom is when you
express yourself to a total stranger,freedom is telling your spouse how you feel
regardless of the issue at hand,Freedom is when you can look a policeman in the eye
an tell him to get off his phone because its against the law he stands for.
Freedom is when you can hug and kiss a total stranger on the street because you feel
like doing it.Freedom is when you can tell the girl next door how you feel about her
regardless if she is seeing someone or not,freedom is when a gardener tells his boss
he's in love with her.
Today most people are suppressing and denying self of what it should be because
they have chosen to live the way the world expect them to and not the way they want
to,What is the point of living if you can not express yourself and feel good about it,what
is the point to life if you can not get out to tell the world what you stand for.We all have
the right to choose the way we want to live,Its your life,not mine!! Your Life, so why
would you let what i or anybody else think about you matter and shape the way you live
your life,Freedom of self expression should be everyones goal in life,we should all live
the way we want to and not the way we are expected to.There is a great job knowing
you can do something and actually doing it because it gives you great pleasure and

Chapter 2
Captive to the Society.

I have chosen to be a captive in the way i live,not a captive behind bars or prison,not
a captive bond with shackles and bars of iron but a captive of self,a captive of self
pretense,a captive of who i am,a captive of the society i live in,a captive because i can
not live the way i want to live,am a captive because i fear to be criticized, am a captive
because have allowed the society and the walls around me decide how i should live my
life,am a captive because of the fear in me about the thought of others,am a captive
because if am seeing dancing in the rain i will be labelled as been mentally ill,i have
killed self so many times that it should express itself and live.
My captivity has rendered me selfless with no expression of any kind.Each time i kill
self or deny myself of the freedom i should express,it leaves me with
pain,regrets,bitterness, and unfulfilled.
The question you should ask yourself is!
How long do you want to keep subjecting yourself to pain,regret and
How long do you want to live as a captive?
How much long do you think you have to live?

You have the right to live the way you want,You can say you are living a life of freedom
which we all agree with you,But deep down in you,you know that is not true,How do i
know this?I know this because we are all faced with the same situation most times,Go
down the memory lane and look at some vast decision you have taken,you will admit
that if not all the decision you took but most of them were as a result of a standard or
rules drawn by someone else and not your own standard if you have one,most people
today lives in the shadow of other people or the society as we may call it,Think about it
yourself,when was the last time you dressed the way you want to dress?When was the
last time you eat at a dinner table the way you wanted to eat?When was the time you
told your boss he/she has a horrible breath,because they do,and you can't stand
it.When did you ever tell your partner the love making was below expectation,When did
you ever tell your rich brother he's stealing from people and if he does not stop you will
expose him,When did you ever tell your husband to sit and watch a movie that will
improve your love life in bed,when did you ever tell your son you have another son from
a different woman,when will you ever have the freedom to express yourself the way you
want. What is wrong with wearing shorts for a dinner meal if you feel like it,what is
wrong with showing up at your own wedding with a singlet and bell bottom if you feel
like wearing them,Is it a crime if you choose to wear swimming vest to work or dress in
a suit to play golf?Living a life of freedom as alot to risk because you will be different in
most cases with the ideas and character you exhibit.
freedom is when a daughter can tell her mother she is not doing things the right
way,freedom is when a president of a state can take a public transport without any
bodyguards or special security,freedom is when a priest can dances and wines on the
poll because he wants to,freedom! freedom !freedom! Is when a man decides to work
because he wants to,freedom is when you do things in your own way because you want
to.freedom is when you decide to worship/believe in any God you choose to
worship/believe regardless of what people around you do.any man that can proclaim the
name of Jesus in saudi arabia lives in freedom so is any woman that can broadcast
shes a buddhist in jerusalem lives in total freedom.

Chapter 3
My World.

How wonderful will life be if i wake up to the reality of me as in myself,as a human that
has no registered programming,boundaries, no rules to follow,no duty call but only
answer to the question of nature.
How wonderful will it be if i wake up to be the person have always wanted to be?
How wonderful will it be if i wake up to the reality of my creation?
I wake up every morning to live the way i don't want to live,I wake up not because i want
too!I wake up and get up because i'm expected to,i wake up faced with different
challenges and decisions to make.
How wonderful will it be if i was in a world of mine playing by my own rules,a world that
only people of my choice exist.

A world that is not time conscious.

A world where crime and theft does not exist.
A world time is only but an illusion.
A world of no sorrow and pain.
A world where money is not needed nor Trade.
A world free from judgment and criticism.
A world of allowing and acceptance.
A world of peace and joy.
A world of no disease and sickness.
A world where the only thing you wake up to is the beauty of nature.
A world of no trade and shopping.
A world where racism does not exist,no color matters,either black,red indians,chinese or
white we all live together like brothers and sisters.
A world of no tribalism.
A world free from bombing and terrorist attack.
A world which every human's goal is to live on earth and not to go to heaven or
A world of sweet melodies of birds.
A world of everlasting joy filled with love,romance and passion.
A world where the north Korea would not have to test an hydrogen bomb.
A world Without the experience of an earthquake.
A world where food is free for all.
A world where lack does not exist.
A world which a leader's intention are to serve people.
A world of no lies we tend to believe.
A world we do not have to deal with temptation.
A world we need not struggle with forgiveness.
A world of true love for all.
In this world of mine,I get to live and choose whatsoever i want to do, not thinking of
the society and the programmed world around me.
A place of total freedom where training and courtesy are not the part of life.
A place i would not have to think of been slagged,Where no one has an influence on me
or anything i do,It's a place of no return,i take hold of life an act just how i feel from
within me.
In today's society we suppress lots of feeling and emotion inside,we live in pretence of
who we really are.This suppressed emotions and self denial as caused many people
their joy and happiness,in replacement of the vacuum they created in their life they

aboure anger and the anger begins to grow and expand until they start taking it out on
people and everything around them,am sure you know few people like that in your
life,unless you happen to be like that.
If this anger is not deal with at a reasonable stage,they keep suppressing and still
live with the anger until they get to a stage called depression.Depression is Anger
turned inwardly
In todays society we wake up every morning not because we want to but because
we are expected to.we do lots of things dening ourself of the inner hunger and
satisfaction.what is expected of us in the society is not what we want most times.Am
human cause am human and was made human to be and live like human which should
give me the right to live and do things the way i want,This does not have to make sense
to all but to few that knows the day to day struggle of what it means not to be able to
express yourself as you want,it means alot to those who share,feels the pain,struggle
and hunger for a world of self freedom from the call of the society.I want to live the way i
want from within me and not the way the society and enviroment as created around me.
What meaning as life got if you can't live for you,Many say they live for themselves
and the way they want, but honestly it's a lie.We live the way the society has
programmed and conditioned us to live,some even live in the 1800s, and 1600s,by this
i mean some live by the rules and believe held and implemented by people who lived
then.we live with the intention that we are here but for a short while.How would you live
your life if you have no clue about death?Different right?
Death is a part of becoming,a process in life that should be welcome by all.Don't
fear death because in death you realize your true potential,no limit,no fear and no
boundaries.You are your pure self in death,free from all rules and programme.
At times i feel like playing like a child,running around having fun with no cloths
on,Sometimes i feel like playing hide and seek,hiding in the closet as a 3 year
old,Sometimes i feel like just sitting in the rain letting the drops run down from my head
to my feet,Sometimes i look at a stranger and feel like giving them a big hug telling them
we are one,I know many feel that way as well.If we walk naked today as an adult,the
society will brand us under a certain label they call crazy!Why?Because we live by the
rule of the society and not ours.How long do we have to keep suppressing our inner
hunger for that which we so desire.
I believe in a world that is to come,a world that people will live just the way they
want,a world of no barriers,a world of beautiful and special people that understands
what it means to live a life of inner desire,a world where we don't have to buy or sell,a
world where we are all equal,a world of no sin and crime,a world of great passion and
romance,a world where the trees are all green,the sea blue and the color of love its a
boundary that can not be broken either by color,race or beliefs.this is my world,Come
live with me in my place of total freedom,A place you want to be,Where everything
happens just the way you see it,Free from every judgement and emotions.I want to live
for me,because i deserve it.My Life is what i make of it.



There's something so strong and powerful about hunches,We all have hunches,some do believe in them
and some don't.We usually use the word hunch when ideas and concepts flashes into one's mind.They
come from different source.
our subconscious mind
From the mind of someone else who has just resealed the thought through conscious
From unknown powers or energy
from someone else subconscious mind.

The only reason i decided to write this is because i have a hunch,my hunch is telling me to tell you
NEVER,EVER GIVE UP.I don't know who you are and what you might be passing through,don't give
up,The answers which you seek is just near,don't give up,i say don't give up.
I know how it feels when you expect and invest so much into someone or something,you have waited this
long,why now?Don't give up,I know your relationship is not working out the way you want but there is
always a turn around when you feel it has come to the end,The best time is just before you,If you look
well,you will see a brighter tomorrow.the fact that you have been single for awhile does not mean your Mr
right is not going to show up,he his very close,I know you're looking for a job and worried about your rent
payment,Don't give up,the best job interview is on the way. The fact that you are sick is not the end of the
world,Do you know the sickness is just away for you to discover more of yourself.sometimes life puts us in
a position or circumstance to make us get use to our self with no one around.If you always have people
around you,the less you know about you. maybe someone just broke your heart an you think its the end
of the world,Hey i have news for you,They left you so the perfect person will come into your life,they don't
deserve you anyway.You should never give up on yourself.Life is so beautiful and sweet for you to allow
small and things that does not matter distract you.I don't know you but i know you have greatness in
you,Now is not the time for you to give up,Change is just a step away,Don't give up.Don't ever give
up.You deserve to be happy and have the best things in life.

Chapter 4



This topic to me is not what we should think about, but should be prepared for because
life has no guarantees,It is a known fact that life is a challenge we have to face and
conquer.I came up with lots of question that would make you think deep and set you on
the right part.we all take lots of things for granted forgetting that we have a major role to
play in the society,You might say! you are not significant in any way in the society
because you are not a lawmaker or a politician, The fact is,we are all significant and
have a role to play in the society,i give you an example,a constructed built house with
bricks will not be standing if every brick did not play their role supporting the other,just
as the tiny insect as a role to play in the food chain of cycle.
If we all think all the time putting ourselves in others shoes we might see things
differently and make our society a better place,You can start asking yourself the
question of the unknown,a question that could be or never be,''WHAT IF ?''
What if you lose your job today or what if you get a better job,
What if you find out after 40 years working for a company you have no pension plan set
up for you?
What if you lose your sight in a sudden accident? or what if you begin to see after a long
time of blindness?
What if you find out your best friend is sleeping with your partner or what if they never
did? all was just an assumption.
What if you were the next prisoner to be set free or what if you will never be free?
What if you come home and find out your house has been totally destroyed or what if
you find something unusual in your home?
What if you get a life sentence for what you did not do or what if another man was
taking for a crime you committed?
What if you loose all you have worked for in a moment or what if you win the lottery?
What if you were told you had just one year to live or what if the doctor was wrong
saying you had one year to live?
What if you are eating from a trash can or what if you are eating better today?
What if you were told you had cancer or what if you don't have cancer?
What if you find yourself in a place you never thought off or what if you were the next
successful candidate?
What if your employer dies suddenly,or what if he's still alive?
What if you discovered all the stories you were told was a lie?
What if that poor old lady you see that begs in the train station happens to be your
biological mother?
What if you find out the kids you're raising are your best friends kids?
What if you were trapped in a lift?
What if Today was your last day to live?
This question can go on and on,what if you were that pizza boy?


What if you were that man that needed $1 for transportation?

What if you were that homeless man you walked pass this morning?
What if you were that stranger begging for food to eat?
What if you are that man you shout on because he sleeps on your poach?
What if you were that waiter or waitress you slapped for mistakenly pouring the source
on you?
What if that boy you got fired from work was your own son?
What if the old lady you spilled water on was your grandmother?
What if you were that man who lost all his family in the plane crash?
What if your investment just went down the drain?
What if you are wanted for what you did not do(crime suspect)?
What if you were that lady you implicated?The list is endless.You see all this everyday
but don't put them into consideration forgetting that it could be you,If it was you how will
you feel,how will you expect people to treat you?The most important lesson here is to
always think out of the box,help people every time you find yourself in the position
to,live life thinking off how to contribute positively and try maintaining good relationship
with everyone you come in contact with..


Have you ever been asked?Who you are?yes we all have been asked!and if you've not
been asked!wait it will come! Its a question we all get asked at a stage or a point in
life,people or circumstance demands to know who we are when the situation arise,we
live in a society where we are demanded to sell our self through one medium or the
other to attract value or reward,we live life presenting to the society who we are and
what we can contribute to it,we all have an outward image which we present to the


society and people we meet in life, likewise do we have an inward image that we know
about our-self when we are by our self.we represent one thing or the other to different
,nephew,friend,neighbor,ex-spouse,child father,child mother,or someone else's
boss,employee,employer,manager,and some just identify and call us by our profession
example: the carpenter,the accountant,the doctor,the motivator,the kitchen pother,the
painter etc,and some call us by our names or call us with the habit we have identified
our self with Example; James the womanizer,or Sharon the drunkard,john the chime
smoker etc,some call us by the limitation we have allowed life to create for us ,which
should not hinder or stop us from becoming our best,eg the blind boy,the cripple
man,and some even remember to call us by a situation that brings us in contact with
them example; David the cat Saviour,susan the key finder, the list is endless.People
have different opinion and views about us,so they see us differently which is
acceptable,but the most important thing is how do you see yourself?what do you see
about you when know one is there?what do you know about yourself that people don't
know?What do you do when you are all by yourself?How do you see the situation you
are in presently?Who are you?what do you really represent?who are you?what is that
thing that is drawing you down?you put up a smiling face in public but you are hurting
deep inside of you,how do you see yourself?They call you doctor,daddy and uncle but
you have another side that nobody knows,Who are you?how do you see yourself?
people say Sharon is a drunkard,or they call you names due to your habit,but how do
you see yourself?Are you that drunkard they call you?or they just don't know what is
eating you up inside because you decided not to tell them.Are you locked up behind
bars because of what you did? so they call you a prisoner,,What do you call yourself
and what do you see??if you see freedom you will be free,ask yourself who you really
are?Has life placed you on a wheelchair? so they call you a cripple,i know how it feels
when everybody seems taller than you because you are on a wheelchair,what they call
you is not who you are,how you see yourself is who you really are,if you see yourself
walking,then you will walk again,you have to decide what you want to see about
yourself,who are you Trevor? Dali o are you really the crack head they call you?Or you
see yourself as a responsible father that you are,You have all it takes to change any
situation or predicament you are into but you have to see it to make it happen.


I know a lady who was told she could not have children,the doctors confirmed the
situation telling her she could not get pregnant and even if she did,her womb will not
hold a child,all odds were against this lady,her story was spoken all around the area
because she was well known in the area as a dentist.This lady knew what people did
not know,she saw beyond the medical condition that was said about her,she saw herself
as a mother despite she had none at the time,she did something which i found amazing
at the time.After work each day she goes to the supermarket to buy lollipops,she did this
frequently, so i asked her on one occasion who does she buy all the lollipops for
everyday, knowing the fact that dentist should know better about sweets,she told me
they were for are kids,john and josh,''Wow i said''she caught me staring at her with
caution after the statement and she immediately replied calling my name and
saying''you don't have to believe me about them because you don't see them but i see
them and will introduce you to them very soon''I paused and just answered with yes you
will smiling! Today the same lady is a mother of 3,john,josh and Fred. She saw what
everyone did not see and proved everyone they were blind.

Chapter 5
What are you investing in?
Jane and Joanna are sisters living in the south east of London both decided
to invest the money they got from their grand parents last Christmas.At the
end of the season Joanna got a full return percentage on her investments
while Jane got less than she had originally invested.Both were asked by their
parents how they came about their result,Joanna said she took her time to
study every stock and commodity she had invested in before investing and
even after investing she kept on re-investing by compounding,she also said
she worked hard by applying all the knowledge she had sort in investment
because she wanted good profit on her investment and also wanted her
portfolio to grow,while Jane said she only invested in the stock people were


investing in and also what was at her disposal but she did not know
why,which means she invested in what was easy to find,she did not bother
searching for profitable stocks which means she invested by following the
The story of Jane and Joanna is a simple way to show how we live our lives









discovery,guided each by a private chart,of which there is no

duplicate,The world is all gates,all opportunities''.Ralph waldo
We all should ask ourselves this questions and be honest about the answer
we give.
What type of investment am i making in my life?
Am i guaranteed to be accomplish in life?
Will what am doing now bring me to where i want to be in the
Which habit do i have that will hinder me from my full life
Is my job what i really want to do or did i just take it because it
was available to me?
Who am i and what am i really good at?
You know the answers to this questions,We all are investors in life and we
have the right to decide how we want to live our lives.Living life is not just
passing bye everyday and taking it the way it comes,Life is a challenge
which we have to take on a daily basses.We have to decide what we want
and make a plan on how to get what we want regardless of what the
surrounding is saying.The path you go in life will be determined by you,You
just have to decide.Decision,setting a plan of action and doing what you
have planned is powerful because it will bring you to your destination,Its just
like having a map.If you let two ships sail on the ocean,one with a captain
and a planned destination and the other without,the one with a captain and


a planned destination will arrive safely at the set destination while the other
will only wonder and drift to different direction on the sea and will end up
crashing into anything that's in its direction.That is how powerful a plan
is,Most people get up in the morning without even knowing why!Most people
do things without even knowing why,that is why most people go through life
without knowing why and what they want out of life.You have passed
through life for a long time but now is the time for you to make life what you
really want,Decide on what you want and put yourself to work.Its time for
you to create your own life,you have lived in other peoples shadow for a long
time,take the step by deciding now,the best is in you,Running the rat race is
not your call,you have something great in you,something that will create
your future,you have what the world is waiting to see.If you don't take the
time to invest in yourself you will end up just passing through life without
accomplishing what you really want.This is a wake up call for you,Get up and
get to work,you can do it.Many are depending on you to have an hedge in
life.If the most successful people we have today have not taking the decision
they took,where will the people they have touched be today?So many are
waiting on you,get up and take the lead.You are a leader and a winner,step
up and take your rightful place.I want you to know you can do anything,all
you just need is to decide,have a plan,if you have to learn a new skill, do it
and take the action by working towards your plan,The world is waiting on
you,Get to work now.No matter where you are today,you might be behind
bars,or might be on a sick bed,You are able to do all things,your present
situation should not predict and shape your life,your life is precious and must
be taking care off by you,no one is going to do that for you but you,Make life
what you want it to be,design it,craft it,create it,draw it,see it,and bring it to
reality with every action.The only thing that is standing against you is
you,why stand against yourself?You can make the full percentage of your
investment like Joanna did in the story that was told,get to work.


''whatsoever you do,do with great passion''

Whatever you do and whatever you commit yourself to do, do it fully, creating
your own way of fulfillment,Anyone can learn to do whatever he or she
pleases,The difference between the one that stands out and the one that does not
stand out is their passion towards what they do.If you have passion towards
something,It will drive you to a state of commitment and persistence no matter
what is happening around you.
We all can testify to this in one way or the other,Remember when you were
trying to woo that girl,despite the fact that she keeps turning you down you keep
going back.passion can also be seen in a baby trying to walk,no matter how often
the baby falls or trip the baby gets up and try again until he/she walks.I say to
people it's better to have a carrier in what you have passion for,so your working
hours is going to be fun, give one hundred percent focus and time to whatever
you're doing. That is surely the best way to be satisfied with what we do and get
the best have greatness in you,the greatness in you will only shine
through stretching,Which means you have to have a consistence ritual,An habit
that will bring out the

best in you,it could

be any thing,training

constantly,reading,attending seminars and work shops,working hard on your

self,burning candles to be the best at what you do.Do what others will not do for
you to achieve a better result in whatsoever you are doing, Your push with life is
very important because life will only pay what you ask of it,Its a known fact that
sometimes we get discouraged,sometimes we feel its not coming together,we put
so much an nothing seems to be happening yet,Nobody believes in that idea we
have,I have good news for you,it does not have to look as if its coming together
for it to come together,That idea you have its your idea,if you believe in it then
work on it to prove it can be done.You seek peoples opinion about the idea you
have,asking them what they think,the people you ask probably does not think so
they tell you what they don't think and you get discouraged about the idea that
would have made you a fortune or the idea that will create jobs and put food on
the table for many,If you can see it and if you believe in it,work it out and prove it


can be done, don't seek peoples approval for your dream in life.Its time for you to
commit yourself to that dream of yours,you have left it so long,you have left many
jobless and hungry because you will not act,because you have refused to execute
that great idea,the seed its in you and it has to come out, don't let your dreams
die in you,work it out,it can be worked,The best is in you let it shine

Chapter 6
Life is a Race

Tom and harry grew up together on an island in the west coast of Africa,as children
growing up they always talk about the future,and what they were going to do when they
get their first pay cheque,the future for them was travelling abroad together to drive a
rally car in a big city,just has we all know time is no one's friend, future was now their
reality,After they both finished university,tom got a job as an accountant while harry got
a job as an IT programmer.Getting their first pay cheque they both booked a holiday to
France to drive in a rally race as they have both waited for all these years.They got their
self in a rally car competition, just before getting into the rally cars,they were both giving
road maps, emergency number to call in case they run into any problems on the
way,They were also warned specifically to be very careful on the roads and watch out
for signposts and road signs.
They both got into their cars ready to take the challenge,At that point Tom decided he
had no use for the road map and the emergency number,he threw them out of the
car.Off they went,Tom got ahead so fast that he was at the top of the game while harry
was way back,Along the road a man waved at him who seems to need help cause his
car was broken but tom ignored cause he was so in a rush to win and finish the
race.After driving few hours Tom noticed he had a flat wheel,the fuel was running


low,he also noticed he was off track and there where no gas station along the road.He
got down to change his flat wheel but the trunk was full of food stuffs,No spare wheels
and no changing kits,Tom was devastated and helpless while harry was still in the
race,Harry saw the same young man parked on the side of the road with his car bonnet
opened,harry stopped to ask him if he needed any help but the young man said he was
standing there to help him finish the race,How do you mean? harry asked! the young
man said,this race is not just about winning but it's about helping others as you Aim to
win.,so the young man gave harry more fuel,a spare tire and helped him check his car
before he continued his race.harry gave him the food stuff he had in his trunk in return
for he could not carry a wheel with stuff in his trunk.harry completed the race and also
ended the race in good time.while Tom was stranded on the road with lots of stuff in his
trunk that was not useful to him for the completion of the race.when Tom was asked why
he did not complete the race,he complained about getting lost,not having a spare wheel
and enough fuel,but it is a known fact that he had equal opportunity which harry had as
well,they had practically the same time an opportunity.
The story above relates to our journey in life,we all have been giving the same
opportunity to create and magnify whatever we want in life,we all know for the fact that
life is not just about you but about both of us,we often get to busy sometime ignoring the
things and the people around us,we come in contact with different people every day,we
meet people in the shop,at our place of work,on the street,in restaurants night
clubs,meetings, seminars,work shops,schools,shopping mall,at the doctor etc.we also
meet people in bad and good situations which could be in any circumstance.I believe
we meet people for a reason,every one we come in contact with has a role to play in our
life either for good or bad.It is very important to know that no man is an island,You could
be in a position to help someone or you might need help from some one in respect of
anything in life.I did a survey recently with few friends in a shopping mall on how people
react meeting strangers for the first time,The result derived brought me to the
conclusion that men are more welcoming in terms of approach to both male and
female,they have this attitude of listening while women are more attentive to other
women.(this assumption is based on the result that was derived in the shopping mall).
In this race of life,watch out for sign post,people that has been set in position to make
you win.It is well advisable to be nice to strangers as we run about our daily schedule in


life cause you don't know who the next person is or what role they would play in your
life.Tom was in a rush while he ignored the most significant thing that will make him win
while harry was nice to a stranger who made him finish his race.Ask yourself
today,Which sign are you ignoring today?or who are you looking down on?You don't
know what they have in them,so never judge a book by the cover.lets make it an habit to
pull people along side as we run in this race of life.

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