Spanish Imposed Political and Economic Institutions

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I. Coming of Spaniards
Spain Objectives
There were four (4) aims of Spanish Colonization in the Philippines;
1. Spread Christianity
2. Generate wealth for the Spanish Government
3. Acquire Territories
4. Acquisition for more Spices
Ferdinand Magellans Expedition
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
-Magellan is Portuguese maritime explorer and expert in expeditions who left Portugal because he was ignored
by their King (King Manuel 1)
-Magellan went to Spain to offer his service to King Charles I then the King of Spain.
-He was commissioned as a Commander in Chief for an expedition to Moluccas (known as Spice Island or
Indonesia) by King Charles I.
The Timeline of Magellan Expedition:
September 20, 1519- the expedition left Spain and sailed southward across the Pacific Ocean.
The expedition were consisted of five (5) ships namely;
1. Trinidad

4. Santiago

2. Concepcion

5. San Antonio

3. Victoria
Persons among Magellans expedition were;
1. Antonio Pigafetta is an Italian chronicler.
2. Pedro de Valderam- a Spanish priest
March 1521- There were only 3 ships remaining and they reached Marianas Island (Ladrones Island)
March 16, 1521 The expedition sighted the mountain in Samar and marked as the coming of Spaniards in
the Philippines.
March 17, 1521 Magellan and his 150 men went to Homonhon and rested there. They went to Limasawa
and met Raja Kulambu and sealed their friendship or alliance by means of the first blood compact was held.
March 31, 1521 Fr. Pedro de Valderrama celebrated an Easter Sunday Mass and it was the first mass held
in the Philippines at the seashore of Limasawa. Then a large cross was planted on top of the hill in Limasawa.
April 8, 1521 Magellan proceeded to Cebu and held a blood compact between him and Datu Humabon.
April 15, 1521 A mass was celebrated and cross was erected in Cebu.
-800 natives were Christianized including King Humabon.

-Magellan called the Island as Archipelago de San Lazaro because it was St. Lazarus day when he found
the Island. However in 1542, the island was named Philippines by Ruz Lopez de Villalobos. It was name after
the Spanish Prince Felipe and who later became a King Philip II.
April 27, 1521- Magellan and his 60 men went to Mactan to fight Lapu-Lapu who refused to pay tribute to
Spain. But Magellan was defeated and killed.
May 2, 1521 the remaining Spanish men left the Philippines with only 2 ships, Trinidad and Victoria.
Other Spanish Expeditions:
Loaysa Expedition 1526
Sayavedra expedition 1528
Cabot expedition 1530
Villalobos and Legazpi expeditions 2 famous significant expeditions
1556- King Philip II sent Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to head another expedition
Father Andres de Urdaneta- former member of Loaysa expedition, became the pilot of Legazpi expedition
Legazpi Expedition
-4 ships, 380 men
-1564- sailed from Mexico
-1565- they reached Cebu
-Legazpi made Manila as the capital of the Philippines (June 3, 1571)
-he became first governor general/capt. general
King Philip II called Manila as Distinguished and ever loyal city

II. Spanish Colonial Government and Political Institutions

A. Central Government
Head of the Government in the Philippines, as colonized country, called Governor-General. The
Government was centralized and there were only two branches of Government Executive and Judicial.
Governor-General hold the following positions and obligations;
1. Executive he could appoint minor officials and even a parish priest.
2. Commander in chief- He was the head of the armed forces.
3. Presiding officer of Audencia (Judicial branch)- rendering a judgment for civil and criminal cases.
B. Local Government
1. City Government (Ayuntamiento) headed by Alcalde Mayor and Regidores (councilors)
2. Municipal Govt- headed by Gobernadorcillo in terms of towns.
3. Barrio- headed by Cabeza de barangay
Union of Church and State
1. The Governor General can appoint a parish priest
2. Friars can be a head of government agencies like in the health office and inspector of schools
3. Church official can be an acting Governor General in the absence of the latter.

Residencia and Visita

There were two institutions introduced in the Philippines to investigate Spanish officials abuses.
1. Residencia Public investigation and trial of outgoing colonial officials to determine whether they had
committed abuses.
2. Visita secret investigation of an officials conduct as public officer. It was done during the tenure of a
public officer.

III. Spanish Imposed Economic System

A. Encomienda
The Spaniard has the authority to collect taxes or Tribute from the inhabitants assigned to him.
1. Royal Encomienda- which belong to the King
2. Ecclesiastical Encomienda- which belong to the church
3. Private Encomienda- which is for the private individual
B. Forced Labor (Polo y Servicio)
Filipinos were required to work in the construction of churches, roads, bridges, ships and in the
industries of hauling and cutting timber. However certain conditions under Forced Labor which includes;
1. Filipinos to be drafted for work must paid for their work
2. Filipinos laborers should not be made to work in distant places.
3. Drafting of laborers should not coincide with planting and harvest seasons.
4. Men who are physically incapable should not be overworked.
5. Forced labor should be resorted to only in cases of absolute necessity.
6. Number of laborers drafted should be diminished as soon as laborers from other countries had
volunteer to work.
Falla- is formed of payment used for Filipino laborer to be exempted from forced labor which is very
C. Tribute
The Filipino were compelled or forced to pay taxes in cash or in kind, in full or in installment.
Tribute use for the construction of churches, building and other infrastructures.
D. Galleon Trade
Galleon Trade was the name called for the trade across the pacific. Trades with our neighboring
countries and Mexico.

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