Cultural Collision Essay

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English 10

Things Fall Apart



Cultural Collision
Culture: the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs,
institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.
Catalyst: one that precipitates a process or an event, especially without
being involved in the consequences
Argue that one factor common to both a contemporary issue and in
Things Fall Apart is a dominating catalyst in cultural conflict.
1. Brainstorm contemporary cultural conflicts or collisions that have
a possible common factor as Things Fall Apart
2. Research several of these conflicts in order to find one that you
might be interested in writing a comparative essay you can use
the school databases to help you conduct research.
a. Find a minimum of two (2) articles that would support this
comparison remember that a comparison takes into
consideration both similarities and differences to prove a
i. Possible places for articles:
1. TIME Magazine articles
2. New York Times
3. BBC
ii. Possible search topics:
1. Cultural Collision
2. Cultural Conflict
3. Cultural Survival
iii. You can use videos in order to gain information
b. Create a COMPLETE MLA citation for the two articles & the
novel this should not include any n.p. elements within the
citation If you use a citation creator, dont be lazy go
back and find the missing information. If there is missing
information, you just leave it blank.
c. Record a minimum of five (5) pieces of information that
you believe will support the prompt for each article and
five (5) quotes from the novel

3. Draft a claim statement that addresses all aspects of the prompt.

Post your Claim in Edmodo. Must be turned in prior to the next
Create the citation for article #1. Consider using Bibme or EasyBib
Pierpaoli, Paul G., Jr. "Cold War." World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

1. Quote and page number from the magazine article to use as support of
your claim.
A large part of the Cold War "battle" involved competing political and economic ideologies

Analysis of the quote:

The battles of the cold war were not actual battles where people fought
each other with guns, but rather a political battle between two ideas of
how people should be allowed to economically sustain themselves.
2. Quote and page number from the magazine article to use as support of
your claim.
Cold War themes were not just the subjects of movies, plays, novels, and television shows; they
also gave birth to new genres of cultural expression

Analysis of the quote:

People influenced by the ideas that the cold war fought over that they
wrote their opinions into their expressions of arts. There is evidence of
their influences in movies, television, and even trending styles. Popular
spy movies often came around during this time. Music often had been
inspired by Cold War peace movements to each other, especially seen
during the Vietnam War. (Paul G, 2015)
3. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
In many industrialized Western nations, the politics of anticommunism resulted in periodic civil
liberty violations and overzealous attempts to suppress or outlaw communist or leftist

Analysis of the quote:

The conflict between the two superpowers in the Cold War often forced
hypocritical acts from the western democratic side. While they claimed
to allow free expressions, often those who wanted to express what the
government thought as communist. This is still present today, as a
requirement for naturalization in the United States is that you are not a

member of or affiliated with (A) the Communist Party of the United

States ;(United States Congress, 1958).
4. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
women and men were encouraged and even expected to fulfill very
specific social roles in the belief that this would "immunize" the nation
from communist influences
Analysis of the quote:
The cold war had people conform to their very specific role. The
government and citizens both had to fill their specific roles. Men were
seen as those who needed to take responsibility for their families. They
needed to go and work for the family. Women were expected to marry,
and stay at home and do housework more than work.
5. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
In the communist nations, the insistence on a singular politicaleconomic philosophy brought with it periodic crackdowns against those
who dared to think or act differently
Analysis of the quote:
Often times, those who showed political differences than those that the
government was trying to impress into the people were ridiculed, or
sometimes even incarcerated. As a result, the residents of these
countries quickly conformed to the ideals that authority wanted them
to believe in.

Create the citation for article #2. Consider using Bibme or EasyBib
Fogarty, Richard. "Cold War." American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2015.
Web. 18 Nov. 2015.
1. Quote and page number from the magazine article to use as support of
your claim.
it pitted not only two great powers against each other, but two
clashing ideological systemscommunism and capitalism
Analysis of the quote:
The cold war is commonly thought as a battle of democracy and
communism, when this was not the case. The cold war was a battle
mainly between economic/ideological systems, communism and
capitalism. Communism is the idea that the government would control
everything, letting nothing go to private owners. Capitalism is the
opposite; the idea that the government should interfere as little as
possible while businesses, property, and anything can be public. Since
these two opposite opinions were formed, it was almost inevitable that
the two would reach a conflict as direct opposites.
2. Quote and page number from the magazine article to use as support of
your claim.
Communism appeared to most Americans a conscious repudiation
of their own free-enterprise, capitalist economic system and a direct
challenge to American power.
Analysis of the quote:
Americans were taught to despise communism ever since its
beginnings. Ever since the new government had formed during 1917,
the United States openly opposed said ideas of the new government
(Fogarty, 2015). Americans felt so threatened that they sent troops
(with some of Europe) to restore czar ruling in Russia, unsuccessfully.
3. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
[President Harry Truman] stressed the right of nations (particularly
those of Eastern Europe) to choose their own form of government, free
trade, open markets
Stalin clearly favored a different approach, and between 1945 and
1947, he ensured the installation of pro-Soviet communist regimes in
the countries of Eastern Europe that were heavily dependent on the
Soviet Union
Analysis of the quote:
It is here where we start to see the beginnings of political ideas of how
a nation should run collide, as Stalin and Truman clearly define their
wants and intentions of making other countries conform to their
political idea. While President Truman only advises other countries to

follow his own idea, Stalin still forces his neighbors to adopt to the
communist way of life.

4. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
a very public campaign, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, that sought
to unearth alleged communist sympathizers in all areas of American
life, from the government to the entertainment industry.
Because McCarthy's campaign was fueled by public hysteria and had
little regard for the rules of evidence and proof, many Americans were
unjustly accused and persecuted.
Analysis of the quote:
This is the clearest example of the United States of America forcing
their residents to conform to the ways of the government. Both the
governments have now by this point forced (not just implied) their
opinions onto their own, and other, countries. This wasnt necessarily
for the better, either, as Fogarty states clearly that the paranoia and
fear was deeply destabilizing for the American public.(Fogarty, 2015)
5. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
[Russia] and other former communist countries commenced the slow
and often painful transformation to capitalist, open-market economic
Analysis of the quote:
The western world has now won; their ideas successfully forced upon
one of their biggest enemies. Or of what seemed to be their biggest
enemy. The USSR had disbanded. Russia had become democratic. The
goal is met: America successfully removed the ideas of one of (if not
the) most powerful nations in the world, and instead inserted their own

Create the citation for the novel. Consider using Bibme or EasyBib
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Lodi, NJ: Everbind Anthologies, 2007.
1. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
[Their kinsman] have joined [the Christians] and they help to uphold
his government If we were to drive out the white men in Umuofia we
should find it easy, there are only two of them. But what of our own
people who are following their way and have been given power? (pg
Analysis of the quote:

2. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your
(Achebe, 138)

Analysis of the quote:

3. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your

Analysis of the quote:

4. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your

Analysis of the quote:

5. Quote and page number from the novel to use as support of your

Analysis of the quote:

Other resources:
United States of America. Congress. Congress. 8 U.S. Code 1424 - Prohibition upon the
Naturalization of Persons Opposed to Government or Law, or Who Favor Totalitarian Forms
of Government. By United States Congress. Washington, DC: Cornell University Law School,
1952.8 U.S. Code 1424. Cornell University Law School, 03 Dec. 2003. Web. 17 Nov. 2015.

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