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Consent Form

Samantha McSporran is a BSc Bioveterinary Science student who will be looking at the
prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in UK bearded dragons as her final-year dissertation
project. She hopes that the results of this study may have a positive impact on the future
health of pet bearded dragons.
The project will involve performing laboratory analysis on a faecal sample from the bearded
dragon, which should have been passed naturally and collected from the animals home
environment. The sample may be stored by the student for up to 7 days before being tested
for evidence of parasites. If requested, the results of the faecal test will be returned via email.
You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire (attached to this form) giving some
background information about your bearded dragon for the purposes of the study. All
information given will remain confidential and will not affect your participation in the study in
any way.
Only clinically healthy animals should participate in the study. Please do not submit a sample
for analysis from an unhealthy bearded dragon.
If you have more than one bearded dragon, you may send multiple samples. However
please send them separately to avoid confusion.
If you would like to be contacted with the results of the study a short summary will be sent via
email. Please fill out a contact email address at the end of the questionnaire to be included.
I hereby give consent for
Faecal samples from my bearded dragon to be utilised for the purpose of the study
detailed above.
My answers to the questionnaire overleaf to be analysed alongside the data.
I understand that all data collected will remain anonymous and that I can at any time
request that my pets samples and clinical records are not utilised for this purpose.
Print name:

Husbandry Questionnaire
As part of the study it is requested that you complete this short questionnaire about your
bearded dragon. Please complete all questions honestly. This will help with analysing the
data to give a more comprehensive result. All responses will be used only for the purposes
of the study and will be kept confidential.
1. Age of bearded dragon

Less than 1 year

1-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16 or older

2. Sex of bearded dragon

3. How did you obtain your bearded dragon?

Pet Shop
Ordered online
Rescue Centre
Hatched - bred from your own adults
Adopted directly from previous owner
Other (please specify)

4. How long have you had your bearded dragon?

Less than 1 year

1-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years

5. Is the bearded dragon housed in a vivarium?
If No please describe the bearded dragons enclosure

6. Does the bearded dragon have a heat lamp and a UV lamp?

Yes, both
No, only a heat lamp
No, only a UV lamp
No, neither

7. What substrate is used to line the enclosure (if applicable)?

Newspaper/paper towels
Other (please specify)

8. Please give a brief description of the bearded dragon's diet.

9. If feeding live insects, where do you obtain these?

Pet shop
Ordered online
Caught from garden
Bred at home

10. Does the bearded dragon live with other animals? (Select all that apply)

Yes, other bearded dragons
Yes, other lizards of a different species
Yes, other non-lizard animals (please specify)

11. Has the bearded dragon ever mated or bred?

12. Have you ever treated your bearded dragon for internal parasites (also known as
13. Have you ever had a faecal sample from your bearded dragon tested for parasites?

If "Yes" what was the outcome of the test?

14. Are you aware of any risks associated with internal parasites in bearded dragons?
If "Yes" please give examples.

15. How concerned are you about internal parasites in bearded dragons?
Not at all concerned

Slightly concerned


Very concerned

Please leave a contact email address if you would like to receive the results of your
parasite check, and/or the overall results from the study.
I would like the results of my parasite check
I would like the results from the study

Please send this completed questionnaire and consent form, along with a fresh faecal
sample from your bearded dragon to:
Bearded Dragon Study
27 Croppings Park
Lightmoor Village
Faecal samples should be packaged in a secure container such as a screw-top pot or a
double-layer ziplock bag.
Thank you for your participation in this study.

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