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Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition Meeting www.sacurbanag.

1/7/2016, 10:00 a.m.
Stockton Blvd Partnership, 5625 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95824
Contact: Matt Read, 503-302-5408


Discuss timeline and gather volunteers for County CPAC process

Discuss Possible SUAC Initiatives for 2016

Review proposals for updates to goat and chicken-keeping regulations, use standards
(proposal to come)

Hear About More Ways to Support Int'l. Garden of Many Colors

1. Introductions (15 minutes)
a. Ben Miyamoto, Farming Family with hecka acres roundabout Elk Grove
b. Alex Reagan
c. Cameron Rhudy
d. David De La Pena
e. Khakoum Yisrael
f. Shosha Capps
g. Chanowk Yisrael
h. Christine Tien, Cal Endow

Rebecca Campbell


Mike Viscuso

k. Glen DeStatte

Charlotte Glenney

m. Shannon Bradley
n. Erin LeBolt

o. Alicia
p. Paul Towers, PAN
2. City Update ( 10 minutes)
a. Reviewed letter (link here:
b. Water tiering is a subject of a lot of confusion
c. Use capital investment or improvement language to make policy members more
comfortable with prorated changes.
d. Lets get people there on Tuesday!
1. Language to Alex on getting people there
2. Facebook Blast:
1. Hey Everyone! Have you bought urban grown produce since the
Sacramento Urban Agriculture Ordinance passed last March?
Have you started growing food or otherwise taken advantage of
the ordinance? Have you noticed more edible landscapes? We
want to hear from you! City Council is having a hearing on the
impact of the Urban Agriculture Ordinance Tuesday, January 12th
at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Come share why you think Sacramento is
better with urban ag now legal.
3. Alicia, Alex
3. County Ordinance Review (30)
a. Discussion on proposed methods for animal husbandry regulation?
1. Goats proposal and ideas here:
2. What about pigs?
1. Including them in the ordinance at all?
2. Alex
1. Pig smell, big issue

3. Alicia
1. Benefits of pigs
1. Rooting pigs help aerate the ground
2. Waste management
3. Valuable to rotate the animals with crops
2. Pigs cant be kept small, underfeeding the only way
4. Goat and chicken management on vacant lots by community
1. Animals could be allowed to be maintained on vacant lots
if managed by nonprofit or community association, single
point of contact in case of animal escape.
2. Mike says
1. Not just vacant lots, but they should be larger and
more of a hub for other activities
2. Accessory lots?
5. Requirement that someone is there or to post contact
6. Tying it to education
7. Look at conditions on soil borns CUP
1. Doves, quails?
2. Vermiculture? Should we specifically allow it?
1. Are worms pets? Bugs?
3. Cooperative extension person at Vet School
1. Follow up with Shosha SHOSHA WHO IS THIS
4. Required contacts
b. Review timeline and progress indicators from County staff
1. Attendees at CPACs
1. Mid to Late January training for advocating at CPACs?

1. Separate trainings for general advocacy vs. CPAC specific

2. 4 hour block Training Leaders Sac ACT, LSNC, Gabrielle,
Michelle Pariset
1. LOL just a two hour block
2. Alicia represent
3. Khakoum
4. Charlotte
5. Alex
6. Shannon
7. Get a team together Advocacy Training necessary anyway
1. Statistics, legal, practical farm knowledge
8. Introduction to Planning Commission Dynamics at the County
1. Agenda Item for next time
1. Who is on the Planning Commission?
2. Doodle Poll for training
2. Early workshops
1. Good feedback from attendees
4. Sac. Urban Ag. Coalition Program Initiatives (30)
a. Volunteers for clinics
1. Cameron
1. Need help doing outreach
2. Shannon add volunteer the CPAC organizing meeting
3. Call for volunteers
4. Christine has list of community groups

5. Location info
1. The Reason Center- follow up with Shannon
2. Mutual Assistance Network, Roberts Family Development Center,
has a small urban garden, contact from Erin
b. Shosha Garden Tour, Spring/Summer
c. Edible Parks Initiative How can we get the Parks Department to take more of a
lead on Urban Ag/Edible Initiatives?
d. Coming from Italy
1. Focusing on industries that are integral parts of the food system and
connecting youth to opportunities in that movement
2. Embracing opportunities for youth
3. Youth Food Bill of Rights incorporate that into the youth program
5. International Garden of Many Colors Update
a. Background
1. Letter from SUAC sent last month: Letter here:
b. Next Dates
1. Open House Can Harris attend? Next Friday January 15
2. Closed meeting with Parks staff, Harris, Gardeners, Jan 11.
3. Outreach to media SN&R? Give SacBee opportunity to make the last
story right
4. Promote American Green Garden Review
5. Follow up with the Yisraels for the video development
1. Yeshayah or Yahqiym want to take this on?
6. Get a petition developed

6. Announcements (10)
a. Logo for SUAC on the way!
b. Earth Day farm stands April 24th
c. Veg Fest! January 30th Serna Center 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
1. Portable gardens
2. Tabling opportunities
d. Potluck Subcommittee
1. Chanowk
2. Alicia
3. Matt
7. Adjourn

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