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Region: PARO

Country: Argentina

Member Organization: AEFRA

Event Coordinator: Mr. Franco Rizo AEFRAs Secretary of Public Health

Portfolio: Public Heath
Name of activity: World Antibiotic Awareness Week Online Survey
Date(s): 16th-30nd November 2015
Aims of this activity
This online survey aims to increase awareness of global antibiotic resistance
and to encourage best practices among the public, health sciences students and
health workers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.
In addition, this serve as an initiative to improve understanding of the problem and
change the way that antibiotics are used.

Part A: Planning
Who are involved in this activity?
AEFRAs Secretary of Public Health called all Regional Secretaries and AEFRAs
Contact Person to add to this online initiative and so they could spread it to all the people
at their places and Universities. The Regional working groups involved with were AEFRA
headquarters, AEFRA Buenos Aires, AEFRA Chaco, AEFRA La Rioja and AEFRA Mendoza, all of
this through their own secretary of academic affairs.
Target Audience
This event targets students and recently graduates of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences from Provinces of Argentina existing an AEFRA regional working group, as we said
above. In addition to them, also target to student of other Health Sciences, Health workers
and the general public.

Plan of procedure of the event

1) Implementation timeline:
We set available the online survey as Google Form, in which we put the same questions
that WHOs one was but translated to Spanish. The link was available since 16 November at
8 am, and closed the survey 30 November at 23:59 pm.
2) Advertisement:
Online promotion:
As we said before, this survey was an online one as a Google Form. Therefore, the
only promotion that we did was by Social Networks and by AEFRAs Official blogpost.
Main Secretary of Public Health used as main promotion channel, AEFRAs Official
Facebook Fanpage, and the AEFRAs blogpost as Secretary of Communication and Media
provided them. Regional Secretaries used their own Official Facebook Page as promotion
channel and AEFRAs Contact Person promoted the survey by mail using his own Google
group Asociados de AEFRA, which served as a mean to spread not only the survey itself
but also the answers of them too.

AEFRAs Official Facebook Fanpage

AEFRAs members Official Facebook group

AEFRA Buenos Aires- Maimnides University Official Facebook Fanpage

AEFRA Chaco Official Facebook Fanpage

AEFRA La Rioja Official Facebook Fanpage

AEFRA Mendoza Official Facebook Fanpage

AEFRA Official Blogpost website
3) General budget:
Following the main idea of doing an online survey and having in consideration that all the
online services and platforms that we used, we did not had a budget, because the activity
had no cost at all to anybody of involved ones.

4) Logistics and materials or resources required:

Coordinator in chief:
Mr. Franco Rizo AEFRAs Secretary of Public Health
Collaborator in National Coordination:
Pharm. Mr. Roberto Ezequiel Chaile AEFRAs Contact Person
Regional Coordinators:

AEFRA Buenos Aires- Maimnides University

Miss Brbara Btori Secretary of Academic affairs

AEFRA Chaco National University of Chaco Austral

Miss Mara Victoria Villn - Secretary of Academic affairs

AEFRA La Rioja National University of La Rioja

Miss Emilia Contreras - Secretary of Academic affairs

AEFRA Mendoza Maza University

Mr. Facundo Yamil Del Hoyo Regional Chief

For promotion:

Facebook pages and groups

Gmail Account

Google Groups

Blogpost account

For survey:

Google Form

Google groups

Gmail account

Excel spreadsheet

5) Planning methods and steps:

AEFRAs Secretary of Public Health by suggestion of AEFRAs Contact Person to adding
to World Antibiotic Awareness Week, proposed this activity in order to add to World Health
Organizations global survey, which was at its official website.

Board Meetings:
In first step, Secretary of Public Health congregated all Regional Secretaries and
AEFRAs Contact Person to add to this online initiative by calling to Skype meeting, in which
He explained all the details of the event and assigned specific tasks to each Regional
coordinator and Collaborator in coordination. By result of this meeting, each Regional
coordinator were responsible of doing the Google Form survey online promotion at their own
university and by all their Social Networks like Official Facebook page. Collaborator in
coordination was in charge of doing the Google Form survey promotion by AEFRAs Google
Group and by email of each association, in addition of following the answers and by the end
do the data processing.

Members Recruitment:
Each Regional Working group and Main Secretary of Public Health, recruited as much
possible members to participate and to collaborate in promotion as they could. They recruit
all the people by their Social Networks, mainly by Facebook.

Part B: Report
Organization of event
Phase 1: planning phase.
10th November to 15th November
Man power: Campaign Coordination Team: 6 (six) persons.

To call and have a meeting with all academic regional secretaries and contact
person, which informed how to pick the promotion channels, to make the survey and
to apply implementation plan of the event.

To make the translation of the WHOs online survey and to craft the Google Form in
To send the link of the Google Form to all Secretaries and Contact Person.
To plan the data recollection and process once the period of the survey availability

Phase 2: Online Promotion of the survey

16th November to 22th November
Man power: Campaign Coordination Team: 6 (six) persons.
All Regional Working Group Members: 12 (twelve) persons.

To spread the online survey to target audience from all over the places where
Headquarters and Regionals are.
To spread through the survey, information of World Antibiotic Awareness Week.
To follow the development of the data recollection and the variability of answers.

Phase 3: Setting the online survey available

15th November to 30th November
Man Power: Main Coordinator and Collaborator in coordination: 2 (two) persons
To craft the online survey as a Google Form and set available to answer since
16th November to 30th November.
The Collaborator in coordination (AEFRAs Contact Person) was in charge of translate the
WHOs survey, make the Google Form in Spanish and set up available. Then, Main Coordinator
(AEFRAs Secretary of Public Health) and the Collaborator in Coordination send the Google Form link to
all Regional Secretaries to spread it. It worth to say that setting survey available and promotion period
were simultaneously at the first day of promotion. After that, Main Coordinator was in charge of
following the data recollection and its analysis.

Phase 4: Finalization phase: Data Processing, Analyzing and Report

1st December to 4th December
Man Power: Main Coordinator and Collaborator in coordination: 2 (two) persons

To do the data processing by the end of the survey availability period.

To analyze the results, make the report and send to AEFRAs Headquarters and to

Results/Outcomes of the event

The survey conducted reached 122 contestants, all them were persons who
committed themselves to respond and sent their results. The range of ages in the total
sample group people was 16 to 58 years old. They were of both gender and had several
different professions, but being the majority of contestants, pharmacy students of all years
of the career.
The answers to the questions that were in the survey had the following result,
expressed in absolute values:
Question 1 Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill:



All microbes

Question 2: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can spread to humans through:

Contact with a person who has an antibiotic-resistant infection

Contact with something that has touched a person who has an
antibiotic-resistant infection (e.g. a health-workers' hands or instruments
in a health facility with poor hygiene)

Contact with a live animal, food or water carrying antibiotic-resistant

All of the above

Question 3: Stop using antibiotics as soon as you feel better:



Question 4: What can happen if I get an antibiotic-resistant infection?

I may be sick for longer

I may have to visit my doctor more or be treated in hospital
I may need more expensive medicine that may cause side effects
All of the above

Question 5: Antibiotic resistance is already out of control and it is only getting worse. There
is nothing I can do.



Question 6: I can help tackle antibiotic resistance if I:

Stop taking antibiotics when I feel better

Get antibiotics as soon as I feel sick - either directly from the pharmacy
or a friend
Keep my vaccinations up to date

Evaluation of the event:

In general, the whole event held normally and without any significant issue. All the regionals
participated through their members, their family and friends.
The only important issue that we note it is that not all the Regional Coordinator
provided a good promotion to their places, so survey had not so filled as we expected. We
think that the cause of this problem was that, all the member of the regionals coordination
team was under exam period and they could not take so much time to do a properly
promotion. Therefore, for future events like this, we are going to plan the tasks and event
implementation so much earlier so the coordination team can organize their jobs properly
and efficiently.

Final Remarks/ Conclusions:

In addition to the information previously analyzed, the survey also had the area of
expertise of people referring to their profession, where the most important was that of the
122 people, 64 related to the area of health, of which 54 those 64 related to career of
Pharmacy (students and graduates).
The overall average rating obtained in the survey was 4.77 of the 6 possible to could
be obtained as maximum, reflecting a good awareness about "bacterial resistance to
antibiotics" in the general population.

Google Form Online Survey link:
Survey look:
Identification part:

Questions 1-6 Part:







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