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To thrive, a child must experience the consistent and ongoing care by a loving, nurturing
caregiver, whether that person is a parent or substitute caregiver. The security and support that
such an adult can provide gives a child the self-confidence and resiliency to cope effectively with
To mature emotionally and socially, children must interact with people outside the home. These
interactions typically occur with close relatives, friends, neighbors, and people at child care sites,
schools, churches, and sports teams or other activities. By coping with the minor stresses and
conflicts inherent in these interactions, children gradually acquire the skills to handle more
significant stressors. Children also learn by watching how the adults in their lives handle distress.
Certain major events that disrupt the family structure or routine, such as illness and divorce, may
challenge a child's abilities to cope. These events may also interfere with the child's emotional
and social development. For example, a chronic illness may prevent a child from participating in
activities and also impair performance in school.
Events affecting the child may also have negative consequences for people close to the child.
Everyone who cares for a sick child, or a child who has serious behavioral problems, is under
stress. The consequences of such stress vary with the nature and severity of the illness or
behavioral problem and with the family's emotional resources and other resources and supports.
Many life events, including illness or death of someone close, divorce, and bullying, are scary or
unpleasant for children. Even events that do not directly affect the child, such as natural
disasters, war, or terrorism, may cause anxiety. Fears about all of these, rational or irrational, can
preoccupy a child.
Children often have difficulty talking about unpleasant topics. However, open discussion can
help the child deal with difficult or embarrassing topics and dispel irrational fears. A child needs
to know that anxiety is normal and that anxious feelings will lessen over time. Parents who
routinely discuss difficult topics with their children from an early age often find their children
more open to talking about the complex issues they face as adolescents.

Parents should discuss difficult topics during a quiet time, in a safe and comfortable place, and
when the child is interested. Parents should remain calm, present factual information, and give
the child undivided attention. Acknowledging what the child says with phrases such as "I
understand" or with a quiet nod encourages the child to confide. Reflecting back what the child
says is also encouraging. For example, if a child mentions anger about a divorce, a parent could
say, "So the divorce makes you angry" or "Tell me more about that." Asking how the child feels
can also encourage discussion of sensitive emotions or fears. For example, fear of abandonment
by the noncustodial parent during a divorce or guilt for causing the divorce.
By talking about their own feelings, parents encourage children to acknowledge their fears and
concerns. For example, about a divorce, a parent might say, "I am sad about the divorce, too. But,
I also know it is the right thing for mommy and daddy to do. Even though we cannot live
together anymore, we will both always love you and take care of you." By doing this, parents are
able to discuss their own feelings, offer reassurance, and explain that divorce is the right choice
for them. Many children, particularly younger ones, need to hear the same message repeatedly.
Parents should not underestimate the value of the reassurance offered by these messages.
A parent may also have to address a difficult aspect of the child's own behavior. For example, a
parent who suspects the child or adolescent of using drugs or alcohol should address the issue
directly with the child. A parent might say, "I am worried that you are using drugs. I feel this way
because. . . ." It is important for the parent to speak in a clear and calm manner, expressing both
the concerns about the child's behavior as well as their support and love. After the parent's
concerns have been stated, the child should be offered an opportunity to speak. The child and the
parent should develop a plan of action that may include an appointment with a pediatrician or a

Choose the present perfect or past simple.

Set 1
1. I ___________________ (never / go) to Vienna.
2. My great great grandfather ___________________ (have) five sisters
3. He ___________________ (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.
4. Oh no! I ___________________ (lose) my wallet!
5. ___________________ (you / see) Julie today?
6. At the weekend, they ___________________ (play) football, then they___________________
(go) to a restaurant.
7. I ___________________ (read) six books this week.

8. Amy ___________________ (live) in Portugal when she was young.

9. She ___________________ (visit) her grandmother last month.
10. The Vandals ___________________ (invade) Rome in the year 455.
11. She ___________________ (live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about
different cultures.
12. I ___________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
13. Oh! I ___________________ (cut) my finger!
14. ___________________ (you / see) The Kings Speech?
15. John ___________________ (never / understand) the present perfect.
16. She ___________________ (break) her leg the day before her exam.
17. We ___________________ (see) Oliver yesterday.
18. He ___________________ (be) here all morning.
19. They ___________________ (live) here for many years (and they still do).
20. King Henry the Eighth of England ___________________ (have) six wives.
Set 2
1. 'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived here?' 'I_____________(live) here since 1997.'
2. He lived in London for two years and then he_____________ (go) to Edinburgh.
3. When I left school, I cut my hair and _____________ (wear) it short ever since.
4. Shakespeare _____________ (write) a lot of plays.
5. My brother _____________ (write) several plays. He has just finished his latest.
6. I _____________ (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.
7. He _____________ (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.
8. Chopin _____________ (compose) some of his music in Majorca.
9. 'When _____________ (he/arrive)?' 'He arrived at 2 o'clock.'
10. I read his books when I was at school. I_____________ (enjoy) them very much.
11. I can't go out because I _____________ (not finish) my work yet.
12. 'I _____________ (never/drink) whiskey.' 'Well, have some now!'
13. Here are your shoes. I _____________ (just/clean) them.
14. I left home at 8.00a.m. and I _____________ (get) here at 12.00p.m.
15. I _____________ (meet) him last June.
16. _____________ (you/see) the moon last night?
17. Cervantes _____________ (write) Don Quixote.
18. He _____________ (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year.

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