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Voice 101

Vocal Development Guide

So, you want to be a singer? Here are some Tips and Guide
thatll help you develop your Vocal skills.

Healthy Voice

As a singer you need to take care of your voice and your

entire body before singing begin.
Good nutrition and adequate rest boost your immune
system, helping you avoid colds and other health
problems that will affect your Voice Usage.
Hydration is very important for helping the voice function
at its optimum for lessons and performances. During
singing tasks, drinking tolerable WATER is ideal (NOT

Warming up!
When youre ready to begin practicing, you need to take
time to slowly warm up your vocal instrument so that it will be
ready for the demand that are about to be placed on it. It is
never recommended that a singer do an intense vocal demand
without first allowing the voice to properly warm up.


Prepare your body before singing: You want to get

your entire body ready to sing, not just your singing
muscles. Try the following stretching routine.

1. Head Rotation
2. Smile closed mouth
3. Smile open mouth
4. Open mouth stretch
5. Frown (lower lip)
6. Face massage
7. Throat massage
8. Shoulder massage
9. Shoulder Rotation
10. Side bend
11. Front bend
1. Lip Trill :
1. Take a breath, and send the breath between
your lips and let them vibrate. If your lips
dont vibrate its probably because theyre too
2. If your lips are tight, place a finger at the
corners of your mouth and gently push the
corner of your lips as you do the lip trill.
3. Try to sustain the lip trill in 4 counts *repeat
4. If mastered, do the lip trill and produce a
sound in one pitch or note
1. You already know how to do your lip trill. Try
to sustain your lip trill in 6 counts and repeat
5 times
2. Now, Do the lip trill with 3 notes *2counts
each note* *repeat 5x*
1. Sustain your lip trill in 10 counts and repeat 5
2. Do the lip trill with 5 notes *2counts each
note* *repeat 5x*

2. Breathing Exercise :
1. With a proper way of breathing, produce this
ssss focusing on making the sound stable
and keeping the volume constant.
2. Next is Produce the same ssss sound, but
this time, try to do it as loudly as you can,
expelling the air through that small hole from
your air balloon as quickly as you can! SSSS!
3. Produce a series of light and bouncy ssss
sounds. sss! sss! sss! sss! sss!

1. Long S
2. Short s

Vocal Exercises

Humming 1
Vowel (eeh)
Vowel (aah)
Lip trill


3. Vowels : Good Articulation Begins With Good Vowel

1. One of the most important techniques to
learn is proper shaping of primary vowels. (Ah
Eh Ee Oh Oo )
2. Open your mouth widely and observe the
different shapes of your mouth while
pronouncing each vowels



Stage Performance :

Beginners :
Advanced :
Intermediate :

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