10 Essential Books For Freedivers

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.



10 Essential Books for Freedivers

By Stephan Whelan - June 21, 2012

Would you like to be a better Freediver? Get deeper and for longer? Or are you looking for an
exciting read about the sport to keep your mind in the ocean whilst you are on the train to work?
Below weve gathered the top 10 essential books in the universe that any Freediver needs to
have on his/her bookshelf (or kindle/e-reader these days).

The Books
Manual of Freediving: This is generally regarded as the bible of Freediving. The 362 pages
are packed full of physiology, physics, techniques and safety, but also contains a practical
training guide developed by World Champion Umberto Pelizzari.

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


Homo Delphinus*: Jacques Mayol is the grandfather of Freediving and is well known to a
wide audience from the (albeit fictional) account in film The Big Blue. This book is straight
from Mayol himself and takes the reader on a journey through his history of world record
breaking dives to 100m on a single breath as well as his passionate belief in the marine
world. Combined with stunning photos this is an amazing coffee table book for any Freediver.

The Last Attempt*: Carlos Serra, the right hand man and confidant of Pipin Ferreras details
his chilling perspective on the the run up to the tragic death of Audrey Mestre in 2002.

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


Neutral Buoyancy*: Tim Ecott give the reader of this unique book a guided tour of the
history of undersea exploration and the emergence of diving culture. He tells the extraordinary
story of mans attempts to breathe underwater, from the sponge divers described by Aristotle,
to the development of sixteenth-century diving bells, to the invention of modern scuba

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


Breatheology: This unique book takes a different slant to others in that whilst it is an
educational book it isnt about diving specifically. Inside this book youll find smoothie recipes,
stretches, visualizations, stories, philosophy and lots and lots of science presented in an
engaging style.

The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis*: Elaine Morgan presents an amazing Hypothesis in this book
one that turns modern theories of mans evolution on its headthat we went through an
aquatic period where we lived in shallow water. Heavy stuff, luckily Elaine is a rarity, a
scientist who can write so that the layman can understand.

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


Freedive!*: For many years before Umbertos Manual came out, this was regarded as the
authority on learning to Freedive. Written in a very personal style with great underwater
photography its easy to see why this book graces so many coffee tables and bookshelves.

BlueWater Hunting and Freediving*: Like the above book Freedive! this book takes basics
of Freediving and explains how to take your first steps into Spearfishing and Underwater
Photography. Another coffee table hardback book that is very popular with readers.

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


The Dive : A Story of Love and Obsession*: This is Pipins story of how he met, fell in love
with, married and lost his wife Audrey Mestre. An entertaining read as ghost written by Miami
Herald writer, it is annoyingly full of technical errors common in these sorts of books and by
no means provides any closure on matters around Audreys death, however does provide a
very good read none the less.

Deeply: The newest of all the books on this list, Umberto this time took time to write a vivid
narrative of the records and adventures that defined his life and sporting career: from the
beginnings in the pool, to the discovery of his own ability, the training, the teamwork and
acquaintances with the historic figures of the underwater world.

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


Disclaimer: Note that all links that end with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links.

Stephan Whelan

Stephan is the Founder of DeeperBlue.com. His passion for the underwater world started
during his early years with a try-dive in a hotel pool on holiday that soon formulated into a
passion he pursued in all his spare time. In 1996 his passion for the underwater world led him
to setup DeeperBlue.com. When he gets time he enjoys both Freediving and Scuba Diving
when not traveling for work or enjoying time with his family in London.

There are 3 comments

Fatbob June 21, 2012 at 11:15

Not essential but a good read is Breath by Tim Winton. Check it out

Tauno Niemi April 12, 2015 at 13:36

There is a new book out from some finnish freedivers, book called Freediving, authors
Lahtinen and two others. They have it at least in iTunes, where I picked it up. Good
reading, a good textbook with great pics, and covers a wide spectrum what you need to
know about it. I recommend, even on this list.

ella August 9, 2015 at 13:25

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10 Essential Books for Freedivers DeeperBlue.com


After watching the documentary on what happened to his wife there is no way I would
want to put any money in the pocket of Pipin Ferreras by buying his book. One seriously
creepy guy.

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