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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


Objective of Deployment:

The primarily objective of the proposal is to provide Internet communication and Internet access based on WiFi Mesh Network throughput the Mashhad City.
And in addition, to cater and accommodate for other applications such as traffic control, security IP-CCTV monitoring, mobile computing, mobile e-commence,
mobile e-finance, e-government, etc.
The fundamental networking architecture will be a Mesh overlay networking topology, where the individual Mesh Node is recommended to be the AlgolNet
NodeAP (Node Access Point) equipment with dual-Radios WiFi technologies. Where the backhaul radio responsible for meshing interconnection between all
(or partial) other backhaul radios to form a complete mesh (or partial) mesh topology. The second WiFi Radio is responsible for the individual Client Internet
Access. The NodeAP has also an additional LAN interface, where providing LAN extension to any local building with wired or wireless access. When
configuring as Gateway, the WAN interface is to be connected to the IP-Network (WAN) for backbone access to the Internet World.

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


Proposed NodeAP Deployment Plan

The following is the proposed NodeAP deployment plan. In general, the total number of recommended NodeAP (configured as Gateway) would be 11 units,
the main streaming point will be centered at the Hashhad city (CCH, TCC, MR1, MR2 and MR3) and plus other 6 Node surrounding outcurve of the City (there
a total of 5 of them), and hence make up to be a total of 11 NodeAP (Gateway).
A total of 92 NodeAP configured as Relay will be recommended for the WiFi Mesh topology and structure. Where the location of the NodeAP installation is
recommended in the following diagram, and is commonly determined to be nearby the security monitoring camera. In general, all these NodeAP (Relay) and
together with the NodeAP (Gateway) will form the complete Mesh Network topology for the Hashhad WiFi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network.
It is noted that to achieve the required mesh topology, varies type of antennas would be needed for the deployment, they are omni-directional with 12dBi,
Section antenna (65 or 90) with 18 or 23dBi, and also parabolic antenna of narrow horizontal beam width (10) with high gain of 26dBi. And also the
installation of the NodeAP (Gateway and Relay) must be within the LOS (or near LOS) of each others.

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


NodeAP Deployment overlay with Mashhad City Map

The following give the overview topology architecture of the proposed WiFi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network for Mashhad City.

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


Mashhad City WiFi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network System Architecture

The following figure and diagram give the following detail information:

System network connection architecture,

System network connection with Mashhad overlay
Operational architecture of NodeAP (Relay)
Operational architecture of NodeAP (Gateway)

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Figure 1 - System network connection architecture

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Figure 2 - System network connection architecture with Mashhad Map Overlay

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Figure 3 - Operational architecture of NodeAP (Relay)

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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Mashhad Wifi Mesh Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Figure 4 - Operational architecture of NodeAP (Gateway)

Actinium/Dr Peter Lim

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