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Declarations for 2016

5776: Ayin Vav

Key Scriptures
Gen 24:60; Num 13:30 & 14:24; Ps 24:7; Is 52; Zech 9:14-17; Isa 66:9; Ps 29:9;
Joshua 14:15; Isa 47; Ezra 6:14; Jer 31:10.
Prayers of Thanksgiving & Agreement with Heaven
Thank You, Father, that 2016 is a Year of Promise, and that You are faithful
to keep all of Your promises.
Thank You that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Thank You for making me a priest and king before You, to serve You with
Thank You for satiating the souls of Your priests with abundance and that
Your people will be satisfied with Your goodness this year.
Thank You for making me a son/daughter who shines and displays Your
Thank You for taking me out of places of confinement and limitation and
into the broad places of abundance, provision, and fulfillment.
Thank You for a year of renewal, revival, and transformation.
Thank You that the time is NOW and that this year is a time of birthing.
Thank You, Lord, for positioning us in the strategic gates of our city and
revealing us now.
Thank You for the spirit of revelation to understand the blueprints and fulfill
the dreams and visions You have given to us.
Thank You for the release of supernatural provision into every area of my
life (spiritually, emotionally, financially, relationally, and in my career,
business, etc).
Thank You for assigning me to positions of influence and authority (politics,
media, education, business, etc).
Thank You, Lord, that a NEW SOUND is being released that is shifting
things into alignment and bringing heaven to earth.
Thank You for releasing the provision of real estate and a new building.
Thank You for creating Storehouse to be an apostolic revival center that will
become a global revival hub.
Thank You that Storehouse is taking its place as a center of divine
outpouring and awakening.

Thank You that a new sound of worship is being released at Storehouse.

Thank You for a new creativity in worship that is releasing creativity in
other areas like business, architecture, education, etc.
Thank You that many young Joshuas are leaving the camp of religion to lay
all night in the presence of the Lord at Storehouse. They will rise up and go
out as leaders over their place of influence.
Thank You that our words, worship, and honor are changing the
atmosphere over Storehouse and over Dallas.
Thank You for the invitation for Dallas to enter into a year of worship with
deep intercession over the region and for the state for her to enter into
courtship with the King
Thank You, Lord, that this year will be marked with supernatural
provisions, heavenly worship, and ecstatic encounters.
Thank You, Lord, for the sound in the spirit that is gathering people to
Storehouse. Its a heavenly sound anointed with the fragrance of encounter.
I receive the blessings of Ayin Vav this year.
I agree with heaven that this is a year that Gods fire is falling on me and
my family.
I declare that I am seeing and understanding what God is revealing in this
I declare that this is a year of fulfillment and acceleration.
I declare that it's not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord.
I declare that I have the eyes of Caleb to see possibilities, opportunities,
and victory.
I declare that I have the spirit of Caleb to possess my land/inheritance and
rest from war.
I declare I am operating in faith to receive my promises of love and destiny
for Your glory.
I declare that You are breathing on businesses and releasing fresh
marketplace strategies.
I say yes to the call to evangelize. We will love and serve our
neighborhoods this year.
I declare that I am filled with a fresh fire of the Holy Spirit.
I declare that a new fire and a new passion is coming to hearts.
I declare that Dallas is and will be a place that beckons the King.
I declare that this year will be marked with atmospheric change by worship,
prayer, decree and declaration.
I receive grace for holiness.
I declare that I am a part of the sound that the Lord is releasing in His
people this year, and all the world will hear it.
I agree with heaven that Dallas experiencing an outpouring and that hope
is arising out of Texas this year.

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