Mathematics Higher 2: Paper 2

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J2 Preliminary Examination


Higher 2

26 August 2010

Paper 2
Additional materials:

3 hours
Answer Paper
Graph paper
List of Formulae (MF15)
Cover Page


Write your name and civics class on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all the questions.
Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles in
degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
You are expected to use a graphic calculator.
Unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are allowed unless a question specifically states otherwise.
Where unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required to
present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator commands.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together, with the cover page in front.

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

[Turn over

Section A: Pure Mathematics [40 marks]

1 (i)

The diagram shows a rectangle inscribed in a semicircle of centre, O, and fixed radius a.
The length OP is denoted by x. Show that, as x varies, the perimeter of the rectangle is a
maximum when its sides are in the ratio 4 : 1.

(ii) Variables x and y are related by the equation

y 2 + xy = x 2 + 3 ,

Given that x is increasing at the rate of

where y > 0 .

units s 1 , find the rate of increase of y when x is 1.

2 A particular solution of a differential equation is given by ( x + y ) 2 = 2 xy

( y 2 + y)

2 3
y . Show that

= x


A second, related, family of curves is given by the differential equation


= y2 + y

By means of the substitution y = ux , show that the general solution for y, in terms of x, is
where c is an arbitrary constant.


Sketch, on a single diagram, three distinct members of the second family of solution curves,
stating clearly the coordinates of the points where the curves cross the axes and the equations of
any asymptotes.

3 Relative to the origin O, the position vectors of A, B and C are

i + 3j + 4k, 2i 2k and 4i + j k respectively.

(i) Point M lies on the line segment AB such that AM : MB = 1: 2 . Given that the position
vector of M is 2j + 2k, find .

(ii) Given that the length of projection of BC onto the line OM is
units, find , where is
a positive constant.

(iii) The line l has vector equation r = 0 + 0 , , a . Using the values of and

found above, determine the value of a if l makes an angle of

radians with the plane ABC.


4 (i) Given that z 2 = 2 and arg(iz ) =

, find w in the form a + bi , where a, b , if

wz = 2 2 and arg = .


(ii) Solve the equation

z4 +1 3 i = 0 ,
giving the roots in the form re i where r > 0 and < .


Show the roots on an Argand diagram.


Describe the geometrical shape formed by the points representing the roots and justify your

[Turn over

Section B: Statistics [60 marks]

5 From the letters of the word DISTRIBUTION, find

(i) the number of 4-letter code-words that can be formed if the code-word contains exactly
three Is.
(ii) the number of code-words that can be formed using all the letters such that all the three Is
are separated.

6 In a badminton team of 8 players, 5 are boys and 3 are girls. Boy A and Girl B are the only 2

left-handed players in the team. In a particular practice, 4 players are chosen to play doubles.
Find the probability that
(i) exactly 1 left-handed player is chosen,


(ii) 2 girls are chosen given that exactly 1 left-handed player is chosen,


(iii) either Boy A or Girl B is chosen (or both).


7 The number of guitars sold by a music shop per day follows a Poisson distribution with mean .

It is known that on 2 in 7 days, there are no guitars sold. Show that = 1.253 , correct to 3
decimal places.


(i) Calculate the probability that less than 4 guitars are sold in a day.


(ii) Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that, in a random sample of 100 days,

there will be more than 95 days in which less than 4 guitars are sold per day.


(iii) Calculate the probability that in a period of 90 days, the mean number of guitars sold per

day is more than 1.5.


8 The random variable X has a normal distribution with mean 15 and variance 5. The random

variable T is the sum of 2 independent observations of X.

(i) Find P(T > 2 + 3 X ) .


(ii) Three independent observations of X are obtained. Find the probability that exactly two of

the observations have value less than 20.


The random variable Y has a normal distribution with mean and variance 2 .
(iii) If = 22.5 , find the greatest probability of P (15.1 < Y < 29.9) , stating the value of .


(iv) If = 10 and P( X + Y > 27) = 0.25 , calculate the value of and state an assumption

needed to carry out the calculation.


9 A sample of 60 customers is to be chosen to take part in a survey conducted by a restaurant


(i) Explain briefly how the restaurant owner could use quota sampling.


(ii) The purpose of the survey is to investigate customers opinions about the different lunch

and dinner menus.

Give a reason why a stratified sample might be preferable in this context.


Explain clearly how the restaurant owner could use stratified sampling from his list of
regular customers if the ratio of regular customers for lunch and dinner is 2 : 3.


[Turn over

10 Water in a reservoir undergoes a purification process before it can be consumed. The
effectiveness, y %, of the process for various flow rates, x m3 s-1, is shown below.










The variables x and y are thought to be related by the equation e y = axb , where a and b are
(i) Give a sketch of the scatter diagram of y against ln x . Comment on whether a linear model
would be appropriate referring to the scatter diagram.
(ii) Find the value of the product moment correlation coefficient between y and ln x and explain
whether it supports your comment in part (i).
(iii) Find the least squares regression line of y on ln x and estimate the values of a and b . [3]
(iv) Predict the effectiveness of the process when water flows at 0.5 m3s-1. Comment on the

reliability of your prediction.


(v) Explain why in this context, the above model would not be appropriate for large values of x .

11 The past records of a supermarket show that the mean amount spent per customer was $59 with
standard deviation $8. The supermarkets management suspects that the mean amount spent per
customer has decreased. A random sample of 8 customers was taken and the amount spent per
customer , $x, was recorded. The following result was obtained.
x = 432
Stating a necessary assumption about the population, test the supermarkets managements
suspicion at the 5% significance level.

To encourage customers to spend more at the supermarket, the management initiated a

promotional campaign whereby each customer will receive a voucher which can be used to
redeem products at the supermarket. A week after the start of the campaign, the manager of the
supermarket took a sample of 9 customers and the amount spent per customer, $y, is
summarised by
( y 70) = 72,
( y 70) = 1234 .

The actual mean amount spent per customer is $ . In a test at the 5% level of significance, the
hypotheses are:
Null hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis :

= 0
0 .

Given that the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis, find the set of
possible values of 0 .

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