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Created and Designed by Mandar Sutar



Total Duration:
120 Minutes

Special Workshop - Circle of Control PART II


Purpose - [Why?]
Basic Mannerisms

Method [How?]
Verbal Greetings

State the Objectives and Workshop

Icebreaker/Recall if in continuation

To grab the attention of all the

Session I focussed a discussion
around the circle of control

Verbal / Display


Experimental learning keeps the

participants involved in the

Recall - Session I of COCIC. I

narrate a personal experience /
situation to surface the
objectives of the day
Announce a situation, a Common
Situation which related the
teacher to School / Educational

Opportunity to communicate,
Group work
brainstorm and synthesize solutions
Opportunity to communicate,
Group work
brainstorm and synthesize solutions
Opportunity to communicate,
Group work
brainstorm and synthesize solutions
Opportunity to communicate,
Group work
brainstorm and synthesize solutions

Activity debrief

Global Reference to the topic

Practical Challenges in the directions of

the objectives of STEP [Think of
solutions to increase the number of
graduates in M East ward ]

Wrap up

Revise to Recall

Mandar Sutar

Special Workshop

Relate the activity to the objectives After hearing to the

to be addressed during the day.
presentations of all the groups summarize and select the points
in line with the objective
To win the trust of the participants/ Play Videos/Articles,
teachers regarding my opinions
acknowledged at a platform
recognised globally.
Link up the understandings drawn so TISS report /PISSA report/News
far to the points that have been
Report [Can be acceptably
mentioned under Can Do, Can't Do fictitious ]
and Challenges
Mandar Sutar
Handover the A4 size - Handout


Presenting Style
Personal and Professional choice
Facilitate verbal interaction

Specifics of Presentation
Personal and Professional choice [PPC]

Materials/Resources Required


Expected Duration


Group Activity: Reference: Handout Activity Situation: Teachers are given

A [NewsPaper Article M East Ward]
additional responsibilities for introducing
Or Present an imaginary situation.
computer to the school students in the remote
rural areas of Maharashtra.
Teachers/Groups enlist their opinions in a
tabular manner - Column Headings - Can Do,
Cannot Do and Challenges related to Cannot Do.
The points written in Can Do relate to the
Facilitate a discussion
activities/thoughts that lie within the control of
that group - Circle of Control.
The points written in Cannot Do relate to the
Facilitate a discussion
activities/thoughts that are not in control of
that group - Outside the Circle of Control.
The points written under Challenges are the
Facilitate a discussion
thoughts opined by each group to justify the
respective points mentioned in the column
Cannot Do
Facilitate a discussion
Facilitate to arrive at a common consensus that
the points the have been expressed by each
groups lie within a boundary of percieved
capacities - called the Circle of Control
Display a Video Clip - Sugata Mitra - Introduce the video clip to the teachers in a
Experiment - Hole in the Wall
nutshell - Who,Why,When and Where.
Facilitate a discussion

Facilitation - Get the groups to read

and come to a common
understanding on the key highlights
of the articles
Instruct the teachers to write their
opinions mentioned under Can Do in
the Innermost circle - The Circle of
Instruct the teachers to write their
opinions mentioned under Cannot Do
in the outer circle, adjacent to the
innermost circle - The Circle of
Influence (do not discuss in detail)
Request the teachers to take turns
to write one point they learnt from
the session on the blank chart

Charts prepared by teachers [from

Session I], blank chart papers,
markers, RBG wall tape, etc.
Preparation time 5-10 min
Presenting time - 2-3 min/group
Chart Paper Markers, Pick Pens

Chart Paper Markers, Pick Pens


Chart Paper Markers, Pick Pens

Chart Paper Markers, Pick Pens

Chart Paper Markers, Pick Pens

Video clip, laptop, projector, screen
and speakers

Facilitate to arrive at a common consensus that PPT, Handouts

the points the have been expressed by each
groups lie within a boundary of percieved
capacities - called the Circle of Control
Handout B



Handout B

Blank Chart

Depending on the punctuality of the teachers or challeges poised at the venue, the session plan can be altered to fit the time available and meet the objectives.

Session Plan

Ver Jan08.2016.001

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