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The author, Amen Al-Azar El is a Free Moor, hailing originally from the rural Carolinas, but now
domiciled in Northern New Jersey and employed as a New Jersey state Licensed and Certified
Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He holds a Master of Science in Management Degree from Thomas
Edison State College and a Bachelors in Psychology from William Paterson University.. His hobbies
include the study of Freemasonry, comparative religion, esoteric philosophy, occult symbolism,
photography, and graphic arts. During his earlier years, Amen achieved professional competency in
Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do. According to the author, it was during this period that he grasped the
prolific nature of ritual. Since youth, he has exhibited a healthy interest in all things metaphysical or
occult and understood that ultimate reality transcends the observable. Born intuitive, the author
documents several significant encounters with what is generally referred to as the supernatural. He
considers many of these psychic experiences as enhanced through protracted experimentation with
such abstruse mechanisms as Tarot, light and sound devices, and practices such as psychoanalysis
and astral projection. Amen is also a faithful practitioner of a modified form of Kundalini Yoga. He is
convinced that such practices sharpen psychic perception and advances spiritual evolution.
Throughout life, he has demonstrated a close affinity with living nature. Amen fosters a healthy
regard for culture and ethnicity and consider these key factors in resolving mans existential
dilemma. He considers all humans sovereign and endowed with the absolute liberty of selfdetermination. His life work is dedicated to unearthing and reconnecting the buried and scattered
remnants of Moorish history, unveiling secrets, and in assisting fallen humanity in their quest to
reach higher degrees of social and moral equilibrium. The author is absolutely convinced that
eventually enlightenment and love will replace ignorance and fear and universal harmony will prevail
upon the planet. Graphic design, Literary arts, Mixed media, Motivational Speaking, Other, Photography, Presenting, Publishing, Research,
Visual arts, Writing

Photography, Writing, Lecturing, Counseling, Graphic Arts, Esoterica, Psychology, Metaphysics, Comparative Religion and
Philosophy. Self-help Literature. Culture.

Grants to fund printing, publishing of literary compositions, visual and graphic arts, press releases, promotions, lectures and
presentations. Repositioning of published work.
I am a beginning writer whose interests are based in esoterica and comparative
religion, psychology and philosophy. I have been published but now lack the
financial resources to fund my latest set of projects. I am employed as a Licensed
Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor in Newark, New Jersey. I support the uplift of
fallen humanity.

Application Budget

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Contributed Revenue
Individual Contributions
Foundation Grants
Government Funding
Other Contributed Revenue
Earned Revenue
Admissions and Ticket Sales
Tuition / Workshop Fees
Other Earned Revenue
Total Revenue
Artist Fees
Professional Fees
Rent and Utilities
Travel and Transportation

Administration and Overhead
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Surplus / Deficit

Wallington, New Jersey
Case Manager/ Alcohol and Drug Counselor
My Work in the Arts
Graphic design, Literary arts, Mixed media, Motivational Speaking, Other,
Photography, Presenting, Publishing, Research, Visual arts, Writing
Photography, Writing, Lecturing, Counseling, Graphic Arts, Esoterica, Psychology,
Metaphysics, Comparative Religion and Philosophy. Self-help Literature. Culture.
Grants to fund printing, publishing of literary compositions, visual and graphic arts,
press releases, promotions, lectures and presentations. Repositioning of published
Fiscal Sponsorship
Masonic Alchemy
Send a private message

This project involves funding the publication, promotion and distribution of a wellresearched literary work designed to uncover the esoteric interrelations between
Freemasonry, medieval alchemy and Moorish Science. It is the authors intent that
this work will bridge the quintessential gaps which impede the practical
functionality of either of the three traditions and serve as a channel of convergence
to direct each from its present state of dry speculation to a puissant unitive co-opt
of psychospiritual evolution. This work is created to benefit the masses of
bewildered seekers still stumbling on the fringes of social acceptability. It has been
said that a threefold cord is not easily broken.

This project although well researched and written will nevertheless require
professional copy editing, copyright, publishing and marketing venues. Advancing
upon the lecture circuit will require a significant amount of planning and
forethought. Because I am employed in a very demanding occupation full-time, the
allocation of time will prove somewhat of a daunting challenge.

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