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Goose Creek Friends

Newsletter January 2016

Goose Creek Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Lincoln, Virginia

Queries for First Month: Outreach

How does my life witness to my Quaker faith?
In what ways do I reach out to new attenders and
encourage their exploration of Quakerism as a
spiritual path?
How does our Meeting convey Quaker faith and
practice to the wider community?

Monthly Meeting for Worship with a

Concern for Business: First Month
The Clerk read the note accompanying a Christmas
card sent to us by Kent Brewer, an inmate at the
Maryland Correctional Institution in Hagerstown.
Friends were moved to hear that Kent sent a donation
to Goose Creek Meeting.
The report of the Nominating Committee for 2016
was presented. The Ad Hoc Music Committee has
been laid down, at the suggestion of its members.
Anne Marie Pecha is the new Library Committee
clerk, and Maria Nicklin and Cameron Hughes
will continue to co-clerk the Religious Education
Committee. The Meeting clerk, assistant clerk,
recording clerk, and treasurer will remain the same.
Brian Burgher and Suellen Beverly will continue as
members of the Nominating Committee for 2017,
joined by Ed Devinney and Rich Weidner.
Friends discussed Meetings various outreach
activities, and about how all our ways of interacting
with the community are means of outreach. It
was suggested that we might invite others in the
community to a discussion of who Goose Creek
Friends are and what we do. Sylvia Shuey, Jeanne
Smith, and Maria Nicklin volunteered to serve on the
Outreach Committee, with Patricia Barber continuing
as its clerk.
Eric Carlson read a press release about the Peace and
Social Concerns delivery of sixty trigger locks to the
town of Purcellville. Friends approved its wording.
Eric will speak with the Town Manager about their

plans for disseminating the release. Friends agreed

that we wish this to be a real partnership with the
Town. Eric also reminded Friends of Peace and Social
Concerns upcoming meeting with Amy McPike,
president of Moms Demand Action in Loudoun
County. This will take place at the rise of Meeting on
January 17, and everyone is invited.
Patricia Barber offered to co-facilitate a discussion
session or sessions on Quakerisms rich spiritual
history, and asked Friends who are interested to
contact her and indicate when they would like to
meet. Chuck Hedges offered to co-facilitate the
group with Patricia.
On behalf of the Religious Education Committee,
Maria Nicklin thanked Allen Cochran for the
use of his newly renovated building as a meeting
place for our teenagers. She also suggested the
possibility of a Meeting group entering local races
or walks and wearing Goose Creek T-shirts. Friends
enthusiastically approved this concept!
Friends thanked Rich and Marcia Weidner and Bill
Cochran for their work on the new Meeting House
sign, which is now in place.
Sheila Kryston noted the large Goose Creek turnout
at the recent silent vigil for a diverse and united
community, titled Witnessing Our Faith in One
Another. This was sponsored by Loudoun Interfaith
Bridges, and took place in Leesburg.

January 10 The spiritual state

of the Meeting, 2015
Baltimore Yearly Meeting asks us for an annual
Spiritual State of the Meeting report, and this will
help in its preparation. More important, it is a time
corporate and individual. Please stay after First Day
refreshments to be a part of this conversation.
Continued on next page !

Page 2 | January 2016 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter

From the Peace and Social

Concerns Committee
In a cooperative effort with the Town of Purcellville
to curb gun violence and accidents, Peace and
Social Concerns has delivered sixty trigger locks
to the Purcellville Town Manager, Rob Lohr. The
locks will be available at the Town Hall and at the
police station.
On January 17 at the rise of Meeting, Amy McPike
from Moms Demand Action in Loudoun County
will join an open meeting of the Peace and Social
Concerns Committee to discuss topics related to
curbing gun violence. Peace and Social Concerns
invites everyone to attend. The meeting will be held
in the First Day School room.

1866: Change, Resistance, and

Uncertainty in the Northern
Virginia Piedmont
On First Day, January 31, 3:00, at the Meeting
illustrated lecture in his series that has followed the
Civil War year by year in Loudoun County and the
surrounding region. The lecture is co-sponsored
by the Lincoln Community League and the Mosby
Heritage Area Association.

From Baltimore Yearly Meeting

Grants will be made to enable members and

regular attenders of local Meetings associated
with Baltimore Yearly Meeting (or their children)
to pursue their educational goals. Grants may be
applied to expenses associated with undergraduate
attendance at accredited post-secondary educational
institutions such as universities, colleges,
professional and vocational schools. Attendance
may be either full- or part-time.
need and the Committees assessment of an
applicants statement of purpose, including
consistency with Friends testimonies.
For more information and to download the 2016-17
application form:
Third Month Interim Meeting Saturday,
March 12, 2016, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Langley Hill Friends Meeting (McLean, Virginia)
Continued on next page !

Goose Creek Women:

Conversation at the
Meeting House
Saturday morning
January 9, 2016
10:00-11:30 AM

Registration for this months Womens Retreat is

full, but you can be placed on the waiting list. See
BYMs website for more information.
Donate your unwanted equipment to BYM
camps! Do you have a refrigerator that is still in
good working order you are not using? How about
a lawn tractor or a small farm tractor with a mower?
Snow blower? These things are needed at the BYM
Camp properties. Donations are tax deductible and
we will pick them up. Please contact David Hunter
at or 240-285-5186 if you
have items you would like to donate.
The Educational Grants Committee of Baltimore
Yearly Meeting will be awarding a limited number
of modest grants for the school year 2016-2017.

From the Camping Committee

JANUARY 10, 2016
The Camping Committee will visit with the
First Day School to talk about BYM Camps.
All children and adults are welcome.

Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | January 2016 | Page 3

Adult RE: The Quaker Spiritual

Journey: What Canst Thou Say?
Join us as we explore our rich Quaker spiritual
Friends to today's diverse tapestry of belief and
practice. Facilitated by Patricia Barber and Chuck
Hedges, this multi-session, participatory workshop
will be a shared journey of discovery that aims
to help us deepen our own spiritual paths even as
we trace the golden thread that connects modern
Friends to their Quaker forebears. Dates and time
to be determined by the group. Babysitting will
be organized if parents of young children wish to
Please contact either Patricia at patloubar@gmail.
com or Chuck at if you
are interested in participating.

Goose Creek Meeting News

The Loudoun Chorale and other local choirs will
present a program celebrating the legacy of Martin
Luther King, Jr., on Sunday, January 17, at 4:00 pm
in the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Leesburg.
Goose Creek's members of the Chorale have issued
a special invitation to Friends to attend.

2 Donation Collection Boxes

Food, toiletries, diapers, and similar items will
be collected on a regular basis at the Meeting
House for distribution to Mobile Hope and other
organizations serving the needy. Canned or
bottled vegetables and meats are a priority, and
smaller (not jumbo) sizes are best. Look for a
box in the gathering room. Donations are
picked up on Mondays following the
20th of every month.
In another box, Seren is collecting warm
clothes to distribute to the homeless
through the end of January.


Community Blanket Project

First Day Schools Knitting Circle is collecting
30-stitch squares (7 or 8 needle, of any yarn or
pattern) for the blanket we will be making later
this year (est. summer). All Friends and friends of
Friends in the community are welcome to donate
a knitted square. We have a box in the First Day
School Room for the knitted square collection.


Knitting & Sewing Circle Students have
the opportunity to work on a knitted square
for our community blanket project or, help
sew together our Quaker Testimonies banner
(SPICES) for the FDS room.
Quaker Camp Presentation The Camping
Committee will run a slide show and campers
will tell about their experiences and share
camp songs and games along with questions
and answers. Also, there will be information
needed to sign up for the camp program
available. Open to all students and adults.
John Woolman The elementary age students
in Quaker history. Peace Corp Discussion
Group (tentative) The teens will have an
opportunity for a Q&A with our former Peace
Corps volunteers.
Goose Creek Friends T-shirt Design
All students will have the opportunity to
come up with ideas for t-shirt designs that
communicate the Quaker Testimonies while
celebrating our unique Meeting.
JANUARY 31 Friends Interview Project All
students will continue the oral history project
by interviewing two of our Meeting Friends.

Page 4 | January 2016 | Goose Creek Friends Newsletter



Meeting for worship at 9:45 a.m.

First Day School at 10:00 a.m.
Fellowship at 10:45 a.m.

Debbi Sudduth
Carolyn Unger

Worship and Discussion Group

Wednesday evenings, 7-8



Peggy King


1.9 Saturday 10-11:30 am

1.10 Sunday 11:00 am
1.17 Sunday
1.22 Friday
1.31 Sunday

11:00 am
2:00 pm
11:00 am
3:00 pm

Goose Creek womens conversation group

Discussion of the spiritual state of the
Meeting 2015
Peace & Social Concerns open meeting
Spiritual Formation meeting
Ministry & Oversight Committee meeting
Richard Gillespies Civil War Lecture




11:00 am

Meeting for Worship with a Concern

for Business

Young Friends at the

Christmas Potluck. Photo
by Patricia Barber.

Indeed if one has been visited by a direct sense of inward

presence, he is driven to tell everyone who will listen to
speak so much about the Inward Light should so timidly
hide their own light under a bushel! The time has come to
preach the faith we have resolved to practice. If we have
good news for our brothers, and I believe we do, let us
shout it from the housetops! Let us learn to be publishers
of truth about our faith as well as our social concerns.
-RKQ<XQJEOXWQuakerism of the Future, 1974

Jackie Kosbob
Robert Close &
Nina Frost
Charlie Cottingham
& Lisa Orr

The Goose Creek Friends
Newsletter is published monthly
by the Goose Creek Friends
Meeting, 18204 Lincoln Road,
P.O. Box 105, Lincoln, VA 20160.
Debbi Sudduth, 540.338.3363
Patricia Barber, 301.432.5706
Annie Carlson
Catherine Cox, 301.834.6892,
Please direct donations for
Goose Creek Friends Meeting to
Annie Carlson, P.O. Box 105
Lincoln, Virginia 20160

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