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Word Pakistan is of Persian language

2. Emergence of Pakistan written by Ch. Muhammad Ali
3. Word Pakistan was not used even a single time in Pakistan Resolution
4. Supreme commander of Pakistan Armed Forces is President
5. First census of Pakistan was held in 1951
6. Length of Indus river is 3200 km
7. Paala is important fish found in Indus River
8. On October 10, 2014, Malala became second Pakistani to receive noble prize for
9. Wahga Border Suicide attack 2nd Nov 2014, 60 killed 110 injured
10. Pakistan formally launches military operation against insurgents in North Waziristan
on 15 jun 2014
11. Gunmen attack at Jinnah International Airport, karachi, June 2014
12. Pakistan Lifted ban on Death penalty on terrorism on 17th Dec 2014
13. Latest version of Hatf-5 is Shaheen -1
14. Punjab rangers Headquarter is in Lahore
15. Name of first Pakistan made sub-marine is: Augusta 90B
16. Range of Hatf 4 is 750 Km
17. Hub is a river of Sindh Province
18. Marala Head works located on Chenab River
19. Taxila University was established by King Ashoka
20. Dr. Mira Phailbus on 22 Feb 2014 became first woman of this slot becoming Punjab
21. On Feb 17, Pakistan & Palestine agrred to form Joint commsiion comprising of Foreign
Ministers of two states.
22. On Feb 18, Mirza Omair Baig was appointed as Justice peace in South karachi

23. Total Number of Approved electoral Symbols in Pakistan: 197

24. Sindh Local Govt. Ordinance 2012, replaced earlier of 1979
25. Pakistans Current envoy to US: Jalil Abbas Jillani
26. Kishanganga is another name of Neelam River
27. Army Chief during 1965 war: Muhammad Musa Khan
28. Swat is known as Switzerland of Pakistan
29. First Muslim C-in-C of Pak Army: Gen. Ayub Khan
30. In 1946 leadership of Sikhs were in the hands of Tara sing and Baldev Singh
31. Direct action day by Muslim League: 16 Aug 1946
32. Language of Lahore resolution was English
33. Struggle for Pakistan was written by Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi
34. Towards Pakistan written by Dr. Waheed u Zaman
35. Burma separated from India in 1935
36. Muslim Politics in India written by B.M. Chaudhary
37. Karachi remained capital of Pakistan from 1947 1959
38. First President of Congress was W. Bannergy
39. Pathway to Pakistan written by Ch. Kahliq u Zaman
40. Viceroy of India at the time of partition of bengal: Lord Curzin
41. Which state was attacked by India in 11 sep 1948: State of Hyderabad Daccan
42. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wrote famous book Indian Muslamans in 1871
43. Kashmir started freedom movement against Dogra Rule in 1930
44. Indian Independence act was enforced on 14 Aug 1947
45. Indian Council Act was passed on 8 Aug 1858
46. Aligargh trusteeship bill was passed in 1889
47. Indian National Congress was founded in Bombay

48. Khutbat e Ahmedia written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

49. At the time of independence Muslims were in majority in kashmir
50. In 1847 British East India company occupied Punjab
51. Real name of Tito Mir: Nisar Ali
52. Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan: Khyber Pass
53. Area of Punjab 205,344 sq km (3rd among provinces)
54. SNGPL stands for Sui Nothern gas Pipeline Limited
55. Second Prime Minister of pakistan Khawaja Nazim u Din
56. Constitutionof 1962 was enforced by Ayub Khan
57. Lower Chenab Canal starts from Head Khanki
58. Walur lake is situated on River Jehlem
59. Head Sulamanki is situated on Satluj River
60. Area between river Jehlem and Chenab is called Chaj
61. Abdul Rehman Chughtai was attached with the art of Painting
62. In Thatha, shahi mosque was built during Mughal period
63. Sadaqain is famous for painting and Caligraphy
64. Lower bari doab starts from Balloki
65. Current Speaker of KPK: Asad Qaiser
66. What was Fatimah Jinnahs profession: Dentist
67. Aurangzeb had confined his father Shah Jehan to prison in 1658
68. First Muslim C-in-C of Pak navy: Admiral Muhammad Siddique
69. Captain Muhammad Sarwar was martured in war of 1948
70. Army Chief who died in Uniform: Gen. Zia ul haq on 17th Aug 1988
71. Range of Ghouri 1 is 1200-1500 Km
72. First Muslim C-in-C of Pak Airforce: Air Marshal Asghar Khan

73. Length of Siachn Glacier: 75 Km, Height 2000ft

74. Length of Batura Glacier (55km) and Baltur Glacier (62km) situated in Gilget Biltistan
75. Pearl of Hamaliya: Kaghan
76. Land of Brave People: KPK And GB
77. Place where cooking is forbidden: Hunza
78. Manchester of Pakistan: Faisalabad
79. Replica of Sahara: Sakardu
80. Badshahi Mosque was Built by Aurangzeb Alamgir in 1674
81. Shalimar Garden was built in 1642
82. Heart of KPK: Mardan
83. Peace agreement between Pakistan and India after 1965 war is known as Tashqand
84. First ever civilian Chief martial Law administrator of Pakistan was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
from 1971 to 1973.
85. Ayub Khan became chief martial Law Administrator of Pakistan in 1957.
86. Pervaiz Musharaf remained chief martial Law Administrator of Pakistan from 1999 to
87. Total no of individuals who served as chief martial law administrators of Pakistan: 5
88. Gen. Zia ul haq remained chief martial law administrator of Pakistan from 1977 to
89. In north of Pakistan which country: China
90. 1st woman to take part in Presidential Election in Pakistan: Fatima Jinnah
91. 1st woman who ruled Hindustan: Razia Sultana
92. Constitution 1973 was first time suspended by: Gen. Zia ul Haq
93. Quaid e Azam 14 nakat were answer of: Nehru Report
94. 1st round table conference held in: London
95. In 1947 the ruler of Kashmir was: Hari Singh

96. In 1971 the president of India was: Andhra Gandhi

97. Gomel University is In: DI KHAN
98. 1. SBP established on 1st July 1948
99. 1. Qissa khwani bazaar is in: Peshawar
2. Nationalization was started first by: Bhutto
3. Punjab districts: 36
Economy of pakistan

GDP Growth rate = 4.24% as compare of 2.7 % of previous.

Agriculture sector accounts for 20.88 % of GDP, 43.5 % of employment..

Growth rate of Agriculture= 2.9% (2.9% in prev year),

Important crops contains 25.6 % of agri value and 64.5 % in overall crops

Other crops contain 11.11 % agri value and contribute 2.3% of GDP

Cotton ginning has 2.9% share in agriculture and .6% in GDP

livestock share 56.3 % in agriculture, 11.8% to GDP, grew at 4.12%

Forestry shares 2.0% in agriculture, growth rate 3.15%

Fisheries share 2.1% in agriculture, growth rate 5.75%

Industry sector accounts for 20.30 % of GDP


Industrial growth rate= 3.6 % (4.5% in last year),

Four sub sectors: Mining & quarriying, manufacturing, Energy generation &
distribution, construction

Manufacturing contributes 13.3% to GDP, employees 14.2% of labor

manufacturing growth 5.5%

LSM (Large scale manufacturing), 10.68 % to GDP, 11 % of industry

and 80 % of manufacturing

LSM growth rate : 2.5%

SME/SSM growth rate 8.2%, 1.7 % to GDP, 13 % to manufacturin

Construction contributes 2.4 % to GDP, 12% share to Industry, employees

7.33% of labor force, growth rate 7%

Mining & quarrying 2.9% in GDP, 14.4% to Industry, growth rate 1.6%

Power Generation and Distribution contributes 1.7% tp GDP, 8.2% in industry

and grew at 1.9%

Services sector accounts for 58.82% and growth rate 4.95 %


Six sub sectors: Transport, Storage & Communication, Wholesale & Retail
Trade, Finance & Insurance, Housing, General Govt./Defense Services/Public
Administration, Private Services/Social Services

Wholesale and retail trade grew at 3.38%

Transport, Storage and Communication grew at 4.21%, employees 5.44 % of

labor force

Housing Services grew at 4%

Other Private services grew at 5.94%

Finances and Insurance grew at 6.2% against 5.8 last year

General Govt. services grew at 9.4% 9increase in pay & pension, low default

Total investment to GDP improved at 15.1% as compared to 13.9% last year


Fixed investment to GDP 13.52%

Private investment 9.66% of GDP

Public investment gre at 25.56%

KSE 100 index witnessed highest in history

Market capitalization $ 71.8 billion

FDI inflows : grew at 10.2 % and reached at $ 2057.3 million

Savings improved to 14.5% ------Rs. 4140 billion

Remittances reached at $ 14969.66 million, growth of 16.06 %

Gross fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) Rs. 3702 billion 10.3 % increase

Commodity Producing Sector accounts for 41.2 % of GDP, growth rate 3.24%

Declining oil prices led to shortfall in FBR collection by Rs. 205 billion

Fiscal Development

Fiscal Deficit: 3.8 % (July-March 2014-15)

Fiscal /Budget Deficit 5% of GDP (FY 2014-15

Trade deficit: 0.7%

Foreign Ex. reserves(of country): $ 17.739 billion, +ve change of 25%

Total Revenue grew by 8.3% and reached Rs. 2682.6 billion

Total tax collection Rs. 2063.2 billion, growth rate of 15.5 %

FBR collected Rs. 1972.4 billion with a growth rate of 13% (GST on Petroleum
27%, 2% withholding tax on non filers)

Total Expenditure Rs. 3731.6 billion against Rs. 3446.2 billion

Current Expenditure grew by 10.1% and reached Rs. 3199.1 billion

Dev expenditure and net lending grew by 6.9% and reached Rs. 594 bill

PSDP grew by 27.1% and reached Rs. 499.4 billion

Decline in current subsidies from Rs. 201.8 billion to Rs. 185.9 billion

Money and Credit


SBP Discount Rate in monetary policy = 7%

Broad money M2 witnessed increase of 7.33% and stood at Rs. 730.5 bill

Net Foreign Assets (NFA) grew and stood at Rs. 220.1 billion

NDA of banking sector grew by 5.45% and stood at Rs. 510.5 billion

Govt. borrowing for budgetary support Rs. 601.1 billion against 240.2 pre

Credit to Private sector grew by 4.3%

Decline in NPL ratio to 12.3%

Capital Adequacy ratio (CAR) of banking 17.4%

Pak Rupee recorded a depreciation of 3.1 %

Capital Market:

27 % return for investors (31 % return in terms of US $)

Gained 6870 points till 32131 level

Auto sector top performer with market capital increase by 133 %

Domestic Sukuk : Rs. 26 billion

International Sukuk : $ 1 billion

TFCs : Rs. 6 billion

Mutual Fund Industry stood at Rs. 510.920 increase of 14%

Portfolio of National Saving (NSS) Rs. 2938920.21 million constituting 25 %

share of overall domestic debt of GOP.


Literacy Rate 58 % as compared to 60 % last year

LR in urban and rural areas 74% and 49 % respectively

LR for men and women 81 % and 66% respectively

Province wise LR for Punjab 61%, Sindh 56%, KPK 53%, Balochistan 43%

Increase in enrollment by 2.4% reached 42.1 million


Expenditure on health 0.4 % of GDP Rs. 114.2 billion

Calories intake per day per person increased from 2484 to 2490 0.24 %

Medical Facility ratio: 1073 persons / doctor, 12447 persons / dentist, one
hospital bed for 1593 persons

1142 hospitals, 5499 dispensaries, 5438 BHU, 669 RHCs, 118041 beds in

175223 doctors, 15106 dentists, 90276 nurses in the country

Population & Employment


Estimated population 191.71 milion, growth rate 1.92 %, 6th populous


Unemployment rate : 6%

Total labor force 60.09 million, 56.52 are employeed

49 % of overseas Pakistanis are in middle east, 28.2% in Europe, 16 % in


Manpower export increased to 0.752 million

Per Capita Income: $1512

Transport and Communication


NHA highways, expressways, motorways of about 12313 km, portfolio of 72

projects costing Rs.1342 billion

Pakistan Railway

Revival of PIA, losses reduced from 44.3 bill to Rs. 32 billion

Ports and shipping earned Rs 11.424 billion

Karachi Port Trust 11.5 km long, 12 meters deep, turning basin of 600 meters
provides upto 75000 metric tons deadweight and handled 31.133 mill tons of

Total volume of Port Qasim 15.189 mill tons

Gawadar Port future centerpiece alongwith china


Last year govt retired circular debt of Rs 480 billion, now again circular
amounts Rs. 250 billions including current payments

Turkmanistan-Afghanistan, Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline ($10-12) will be

materialized till 2017 will provide 1.3 billion cubic feet gas to Pakistan

Jamshoro Power project will be complete in 2018 with 1300 MW.

Enhancement of distribution network and upgradation of 284 grid stations

with investment of $ 167.2 miilion

Dasu Hydro Power I on Indus River through IDA credit of $ 588.4 million will
add 2160 MW.

Different MoU signed with china on energy projects of coal, wind, sola, and
hydro project by 2017 adding 10400 MW

Neelum Jehlum Hydropower to be completed in 2016

Telecom: Total Subscribers 134 million

Allocation of 4.5% of GDP to social safety Nets through BISP, PPAF, RSPNs, Pakistan

Foreign Exchange reserves(of SBP): $ 12.550 billion as on 8th May

Public Debt 61.8% of GDP Rs. 16936 billion, increase of 940 billion from prev

Public Debt servicing Rs. 1139 billion 44.5 % of total revenues

EDL stock $ 62.6 billion out of which external public debt $ 49.1 billion

Three main drivers of economic growth are consumption, investment and export

Inflation: 4.8 %, Food and Non Food Inflation 3.6% and 5.7 % respectively

Import Volume: $34.086 billion decline of 1.61%

Export Volume: $20.176 billion - 3% decline

External Account posted a surplus of $2.12 billion

Current Account deficit: $ 1.364 billion (.06% of GDP), 53.5 % less than prev

Tax to GDP ratio= 8.7% (min average in world is 15%)

If Poverty line= $2 per day then 60.19% Population fall below poverty line in
Pakistan. In china 29.7%, India 68.7% and Bangladesh 76.5% of population is below
poverty line.

Financial Account balance: $2.836 billion

Sale of EURO Bonds: $ 2 billion

Issuance of Sukuk bonds in international market: $ 1 billion

Budget 2015-16

Total Outlay : Rs.4451.3 billion 3.5 % higher than previous,

Estimated gross revenue receipts are Rs.4,313 billion , 9.1 % higher

Estimated net revenue receipts Rs 2,463.4 billion with 3.6 % increase,

Est. provincial share in federal taxes Rs 1,849.4 billion 17.4 % higher,

Estimated net capital receipts Rs 606.3 billion with decline of 12.2 %,

Estimated external receipts Rs 751.5 billion 12.1 % higher.

Estimated expenditure Rs 4,089 billion, 4.8 % higher


Current expenditure is Rs 3,128 billion (78.2%)

Defense Budget Rs.780 Billion, 11 % higher

Development Budget is Rs 700 billion, 29 % higher

Size of PSDP Rs 1,513.7 billion

Target Budget deficit 4.3 % - that is Rs. 1625 billion


Capital gain Tax 15 % and 12.5 % for securities held for 1 year and 2 years
respectively and 7.5 % for holding securities for 2-4 years

For commission agents/non filers increased to 3 % against 2 %

Adjustable Advance income tax on banking instruments 0.3 % (Cheques)

Income tax for banking companies income @ 35%

For dividend income 12.5%, for non filers 17.5%, for mutual funds 10 %

Adjustable adnace income tax @ 0.1% for each transaction at PMEX

Adjustable advance income tax of 7.5 % at electricity bills amounting to Rs.


A tax @ 10 % for not distributing dividend

An additional withholding tax of 10 % for renting machinery, equipment,

scientific instruments alongwith already final tax of 15 %

Additional one time tax of 3 % on banking companies and 4 % for others

having income above Rs. 500 million for rehabilitation of TDPs

Proposed income tax of 32 % for companies instead of 35 % earlier in lieu of

1% reduction strategy annually.

Tax credit for enlistment is increased to 20 % against 15% earlier

Tax credit for new investment limit is proposed to increase to 1.5 million
against Rs. 1 million earlier

Reduction in Withholding Tax On Token Tax by 20-25% for tax filers

Reduction in Withholding Tax On Transfer of Vehicles by 75 % for tax

filers and one third for non filers

Reduced income tax of 25% for small company and propsed limit
enhancement to Rs. 50 million

Reduction in income tax to 2% for salaried persons with income 4 5 lac, and
7% for non salaried persons having income between 4-5 Lac

FED on cigarettes increased from 58 % to 63%, 0.75% on each filter rod

Rates of further tax enhanced from 1 % to 2%

Sales tax on Mobile phones increased from 150, 250 and 500 rupees to 300,
500 & 1000 rupees respectively

FED on aerated water increased from 9% to 12 %

Reduction in maximum tariff slab from 25 % to 20% and reduction in number of

slabs from 6 to 5

Powers of FBR to issue exemptions are withdrawn and subjected to circulars through


Markup on housing credit be deductable to income upto 50 % of taxable

income or Rs. 1 million

Sales tax on bricks and crushed stones is exempted for 3 years.

Custom duty on import of construction machinery is reduced from 30% to


Tax/mport duty exemption for solar panels


Income Tax holiday of 3 years for agri supply chain if set upto 2016

Tax exemption for halal food manufacturers for four years if set upto 2016

Reduction of sales tax from 17 to 7%, withholding tax to 0%, and import duty
to 2 % o n import or local supply of agril machinery

Income Tax reduction for rice mills to minimum level

Interest free loansof Rs. 1.1 million for solar tubewells against deposit of Rs.

Estimated bank borrowing Rs 282.9 billion

NFC Composition: Punjab 51.74%, Sindh 24.55%, KPK 14.62 %, Baluchistan 9.09 %

Expenditure on General Public Services is 70.3 % of current expenditure

Income tax holiday for all manufacturing units set up in KPK upto 2018

7.5% adhoc relief allowance on running basic pay, merging of previous adhoc relief
allowances to basic pay, medical allowance increased to 25 %. 7.5% increase in

Minimum wage rate.Rs 13000

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