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Nombre: lvaro Rolando Garca Villalva

Propiedades de Hidrocarburos y comportamiento de fases

Resolucin de los problemas Pares del Capitulo 5

5 2.

The following notices were taken from the Bryan-

College Station Eagle, Sunday, September 15, 1985. Make an

estimate of the type of reservoir fluid in each reservoir.
At a location 5.8 miles south-southeast of Kurten,
International Drilling System has finaled a new producer
in Brazos Countys Buda Field.
The well is designed as the No. 1 Cargill/Chase, flowed
ten barrels of oil

per day, along with 50,000 CF

casinghead gas on an 18/64-in. Choke.

Location is in an 814-acre lease in the B.F. Stroud Survey.
Bottomed at 10,059 feet, the well will produce from
perforations in the Buda Formation, 9,799 to 10,042 feet
into the wellbore.
Patterson Petroleum of Houston filed first production
figures on a new oil well in the Giddings Field, Washington
County. The No. 1 Fischer Showed potential to flow 350
barrels of oil per day, along wiht 750,000 CF casinghead
gas on a 20/64-in. Choke. Tubing pressure registered
1,100 PSI.
The operator has 160 acres leased, with drillsite in the J.
Goocher Survey, 7.5 miles north of Burton.
The well will produce from perforations in the Austin
Chalk, 10,222 to 10,392 feet into the wellbore. Total
drilling depth was 10,471 feet.

HEA Exploration has filed first production figures on two

new oil Wells in Brazos Country.
The No. I A. Varisco Estate indicated ability to flow 368
barrels of oil per day, plus 447,000 CF casinghead gas on
a 16/64 in. Choke. Tubing pressure registered 1,125 PSI.
The well is located two miles southwest of Fountain in a
71-acre lease in the D. Harvey Survey, Northeast Caldwell
What other field data would you like to have to verify your

Debido a que hablan de 50000 ft 3 y 10 bbl / da entonces se

trata de un gas hmedo.

Debido a que hablan de 750 000 ft3 y 350 bbl / da en 20/64 in

y una presin de 100 psi se trata e un gas seco.

Debido a que hablan de 447000 ft 3 y 368 bbl / da en 16/64 in
y una presin de 1/25 psi se trata de un gas hmedo.

5 4. Laboratory analysis of a simple from the summerland

( upper Washita-Fredericksburg) Field indicates a ratio of
volume oil leaving the reservoir to volume of oil arriving at the
stock tank of 1.10 res bbl/STB. Does this information confirm
your answer to exercise 5-3? Why or why no?
Es un petrleo negro y la ultima informacin si confirma el tipo
de fluido presente.

5 6.

A field in north Louisiana discovered in 1953 and

developed by 1956 had an initial producing gas-oil ratio of

2000 scf/STB.

the stock-tank liquid was mdium orange

and had a gravity of 51.2 API. Classify this reservoir fluid.

Con una produccin de 2000 scf 3/STB color naranja medio y 51,2
API se trata de un petrleo voltil.
5 8.

Laboratory analysis of a simple from the reservoir of

Exercise 5-6 gave the following composition.


S6 = 0,799

Mw = 181 lb/lb < mol

2,6 res bbl/ S + B

The formation volumen factor was about 2.6 res bbl/ STB.
Does this information confirm your classification? Why or Why
El % de C7t indica que se trata de un petrleo voltil y el Bo > 2rb
por lo que lo confirma.

5 10. The initial reservoir pressure and temperatura in the

lower Tuscaloosa reservoir of the east Fork Field was 5043
psig and 263F, What type of reservoir fluid is in this

reservoir? Is the reservoir oil saturated or undersaturated?

How do you know?
Como posee 40 API y 110 scf/ STB de 60R se puede tratar de un
Black Oil ya que al aumentar la presin el liquido se condensa por lo
que la composicin de C7t se incrementa.
5 12.

A Discovery well produced during testing 46.6 API

stock-tank liquid with a gas rate of 2906 scf/STB. The stocktank liquid was orange- Brown. How Would you classify this
reservoir fluid?
Como tenemos un 2000 < 60 R < 3300 se trata de un petrleo
5 14. The Crown Zellerbach No. 1 was the Discovery well in
the Hooker (Rodessa) Field. The reported production during
the first year of production is given below. How Would you
classify this reservoir Fluid? Why?

Como nos podemos dar cuenta los API estn variando muy poco y
mis Gas (Mscf) esta variando con una gran diferencia, entonces
podemos deducir que se trata de un Gas Retrogrado.

5 16. The following tem was in the December 14, 1987

edition of Oil y Gas Journal.
Mobil Exploration Norway Inc. Discovered gas and condensate in its
35/11. The wel drilled to 13,205 ft in 1,210 ft of wter north of troll
gas Field, flowed at mximum sustained rates of 18.8 MMcfd of gas
and 3,290 b/d of condensate through a 40/64-in. Choke.
How would you classify the reservoir fluid? What other
information would you request?

60 R=


18,8 MMcfd
3290 bbd

13205 ft
=10, 91
1210 ft

podra ser un Gas


Retrogrado, pero necesitamos conocer el API

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