Jeffery's Evaluation

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

An aspect used often in the thriller genre is of a seemingly
innocent character being kidnapped, as is seen in another
thriller Se7en, as the daughter is kidnapped, we used codes
and conventions we saw in this film, and used it in our

The first shot I have chosen to analyse is

the screenshot of when the title of the
film is displayed, with the black
background an atmosphere of
unpredictability is created. ‘A Lovely
Possession’ insinuates that the film is of
control and ownership.

The screenshot of Jasmine being tied to the

chair is typical of a thriller as it shows a
dominant male watching sinisterly a
defenceless female in a dark room. From this
shot alone, regardless of what may come or has
already happened that the girl in this shot is
the protagonist in the film.
The dark lighting of the room shows that it is
a closed location, that nobody will be able to
help her.

This shot of the female leaving the

building is not an image that when
viewed would immediately cause the
viewer to believe it is a thriller,
the reason for this shot is that a
common element of thrillers is that a
calming period is always evident in
films, for example the calm period
when the public is unaware of any
danger as we see shots of people in a café. The purpose of
this shot was for the surroundings to show the audience the
emptiness around her and show how late it was in the day, as
thrillers cause unexpected events, showing the surroundings
would help make any surprise in the scene realistic, the
audience knowing that it is late and not seeing any other
people will also feel that there is no protection for her.
I chose the shot of a close up of
the male antagonist as it is suits
the common stereotype of dominant
male and defenceless females, this
shot shows the facial expression of
the antagonist and enables the
audience to feel sympathy for the
protagonist as she suffers because
of him. This is a controversial part of the sequence as
previously the antagonist was the partner of the protagonist
who is now helpless, this as the main twist we presented in
our sequence.

This shot is important to

analyse as it shows that
Justin is not aware that
someone is approaching him,
this answers any doubt that
the audience may arrive at as
they wonder whether or not
the victim is aware of his
attackers presence and feels
no threat or, as is the case,
is completely unaware.

In contrast to the previous shot I

analysed, this shot shows the eventual
antagonist as the victim, this shot shows
an unidentifiable individual approaching
the victim with a weapon in hand, the low
shot adds mystery as we are unaware of
the appearance of the approaching person
and if the victim is aware of his

I chose to analyse this shot

as the character being played
by David Fajobi, at this
point in the sequence the
audience is unaware that he
has been hired to take
Jasmine and so as he follows
her into the female toilets
the audience will understand
that he is going to cause trouble.
This shot shows the
surroundings of Justin, as he
is a part-time DJ we felt we
has to show him in this
location to match with the
character profiles we created

How does your media product represent particular social


What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?
In developing our opening sequence we attempted to confuse our
audience and leave them in suspense, as they are unable to
piece together what is transpiring.
Any potential distribution company would have to consider how
our target audience of 16 – 24years old would be reached. Our
storyline could also be neglected and attacked by radical
feminists as Jasmine is controlled.

The target of AF Guys Ent, is to make sure that the planning,

research and development of the film is reliable before the
production process begins, incorporating shots, angles and
continuations accustomed to thrillers.
The editing of the piece will also have to be made well and,
arguably to most difficult task for the production company; to
distribute the final piece to audience and viewers.

We believe that a successful production company should be

aware and control all monetary involvements and be liable to
the punishment of any laws or regulations that is not adhered
to. Regarding the creativity, the production company should
have the final say on the idea(s) that will be presented and
used, and decide of funds will be require for certain tasks,
when/where/who regarding the film.

Involvement in the filming and shots used should be mandatory

for the production company and should have a huge role in the
editing of the shots.

The distribution of our film was an area we required detailed

research into, we thought the more common method of using a
specialist distribution company was our better option, but the
independence in distributing the film ourselves also had its
The benefits of the specialist distribution company that were
experienced in distribution of thrillers, would be that a
better reputation could be made for our film as well as
generating greater funds. If we choose to distribute ourselves
then funds would be needed and generating the funds would have
posed a difficult challenge for us.

As with all opening sequences the cast names are presented,

Sabrina Byfield, Maurice Euter & Clifton Aboagye, as there is
only one female characer the audience easily established the
Sabrina was Jasmine, Maurice Euter is displayed when Justin is
first seen so the audience also understands the Maurice is

The names of the roles appear in no particular order as

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We believe that the title of our film, ‘A Lovely
Possession’, would be attractive to a wide range of
tastes, the title suggests a film of love and that
may entice viewers of age and maturity, whereas
possession may attract young people, particularly
males due to the young mindset of ‘controlling what
QuickT ime™ and a
T IFF (Uncompressed) decom pressor
are ne eded to see this picture.

is yours’. The certification we have given of 15

will make both of these audiences able to view our

Daniel Puddicombe is someone who we believed

would like our original idea and would like
Quick Ti me™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are ne eded to see this picture.
the final piece, he prefers all types of films, and although
our piece is a thriller it is under the sub genre of drama
thriller so his wide tastes should suit our film.

He works at HMV so has an insight to many different media

platforms, he communicates with other youths who come to his
store about current media so his opinion and taste are
something we believed could express a wide demographic

As the young people today are curious of how relationships

around them are transpiring we believe that young males will
want to see how controlling and dominant Justin is as males in
this time feel they control their female partners.
Young women may see this film as a lesson in how not to let
your partner treat them and will also sympathise for Jasmine,
the protagonist.

The audience we have established we are going to attempt to

attract to our film are older youths 16 - 24, however we feel
that older viewers will still be attracted to our piece, our
film requires maturity from our audience to understand the
twists and surprises in our storyline, this could prove to be
more accustomed to the females as deeply engaging storylines
are more attractive to their emotions, but neither gender has
been made as our priority. Although our cast are of a single
ethnic group we believe that all ethnicities may find the film

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing the product?
Before this coursework, a lot of the equipment that I used was
unfamiliar to me, as I was cameraman in my group; I had to
learn how to use the camera equipment, the tripod and the
camera itself.
I was required to understand how shots are combined to make an
effective scene; also I had to adhere to the rules of filming,
for example, the 180degree rule and other small requirements
that seemed minor but were vital for effective filming

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that

you have learnt in the progression from it to the full
The first shot was a simple shot of the character leaving a
room and walking towards another door, as this was our first
time using the equipment we ensured that the vital details of
camera work was adhered to.

Our second and third shots were a match on action of the

character going through a second door, this was a technique
that we believed would need practice before incorporating into
our final piece, in our original plan, we wanted to use this
technique in our piece when Justin is attacked by James but
more thinking caused us not to choose this.

We had to learn how to film characters who would be moving by

taking effective shots. This was needed, as we knew Jasmine
would be walking in our final piece so practising that in our
preliminary with Jaime was also helpful to us in the long run

A common element in both our preliminary and our final piece

was shot reverse shot during conversations, during our
preliminary we knew we had to perfect our camera work during
the shot reverse shot as we knew that it would be necessary in
our final piece, although our preliminary shot reverse shot
was with the characters in the same location between Jaime and
Clifton, it was still useful to us when we incorporated it in
to final piece during the phone conversation between Jasmine
and Justin.

Although in our piece there were no two shots, we were aware

of the 180degree rule and where we had to position the camera
for each shot to not break the rule.

Looking back on our piece we realise that the work and

techniques learnt and perfected in the preliminary were truly
beneficial and helped us a lot, without the practice

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