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Portable Role playing System


Character Creation 5

Core Rules 8

Stuff 12

Nature 15

Combat & Health 17

Character Creation
C reating your Character
is a very simple ordeal.
First you need to know a
Derived Traits:
few things to make a Great Speed
Initiative determines how
Concept: What you are. many actions you might get
Super spy, ninja or warrior per round. Health is your
princess. life expectancy. Speed is
how fast you can do things
Traits: and how far you can move.
Mental Now lets get that
Social Character built.
Choose a concept. It can
be anything you want
All these start at level 1. that fits in the genre
Except Size. This means of the game you want
when you try something to play.
physical you roll 1d6. If you Examples of concepts
try something Mental you are , Super spy,
roll 1d6. See the pattern? Mailman, Cop, Warrior,
Size is small (1), med(2) or Hunter, Bounty
large(3). hunter from the ninth

You start with 1 level in
each Trait. Most normal sized
characters are Size Med.
Physical: 1
Mental: 1 Size:
Social: 1
Starting Characters get to Med:2
add 1 level to one of these Lg:3
traits making it level 2.
Your size adds to traits to
Example: get derived traits.

Our Hero Bob Lets do those derived traits

Concept: Super Paperboy now.
Health: Size + Physical
Physical: 1 Speed: Physical + Mental
Mental: 2
Social: 1 Your Initiative is 1+ the
number of successes you
Our hero has an average roll on a Speed test.
physical and social abilities
but has twice as good How do you get successes?
mental capacity. He’s That’s next.

Core Rules
T he PRS System uses
standard 6 sided dice.
These will be referred to as
All normal rolls are open
ended. Meaning, Before
(repeat, BEFORE) any
D6. 3 of these dice would modifiers are added or
be 3D6. subtracted from the dice
if any of them are 6, then
When a roll is called for you grab another die and roll
grab the number of dice it also. If the extra die
equal to your trait. If you rolls a 6 also grab another.
need to make a physical After all dice have been
roll and your Phys trait is 2. rolled then add or subtract
Then you grab 2D6 and roll modifiers.
Die modifiers? There are 2
1,2,3 = failures type of die modifiers. Those
4,5,6 = Successes that give you additional
dice to roll with your trait
You want successes. In a or modify your die results.
general test any successes
and you succeed at your Modifiers that add dice
task. do so before you roll. A
weapon might add +1D. If
Versus test you need your physical is 1d and you
more successes than your use that weapon to attack
opponents trait. then you roll 2D to attack.

If a modifier modifies Lets try this out.
your result then you add Bob wants to charm a Lady
or subtract it to each die at the bar. Versus test. His
rolled after you roll. Social is a 1, Her Social is
a 2. Bob needs 2 successes
Most tasks have this kind of to charm Her. But how can
modifier. he? He only has one die.
Well 2 things can Happen.
If the task is: Bob Might roll a 6 and get
another die to roll or He
Easy +1 may also Spend his Luck to
Normal +0 buy a Free Success. What
Hard -1 is this luck ? We will get to
that soon.
So a Hard task would Bob rolls 1D6. He gets a
subtract 1 from each die 5. 1 success. Not enough
after the roll. to beat her trait of 2. She
snubs him and walks away.
Example: Bob tries to Read Poor Bob. That’s the basis
Sanskrit. Its a Hard Mental for all tests. Roll a trait.
task, He Rolls his 2D6. He 4,5,or 6 is a success. Some
rolls a 4 and 5. No 6 so no tasks take 1 success. Others
extra die to roll. Then its take more. The more
modified by the Hard task. successes in combat the
His roll is now a 3 and 4, 1 more damage you do.
success. Yay he succeeds.

I f your Trait is reduced to
0 or less from modifiers or
what not then you can still
roll . This is a Chance roll.
You roll 1D6 , his roll is NOT
open ended. You do not get
additional dice if your roll
a 6.

So if you attack and your

roll is reduced to -1 then
you would roll just 1D6 and
if you get a 4,5 or 6 you get
a success.

Lets get some Stuff now.

G etting your Character
stuff. Well that’s up to
you. Your character gets
Accuracy generally will give
you a +1D to your roll on all
anything he would normally really accurate weapons.
need for his Concept.
The only Stuff we need to Damage is usually your
discuss is the stuff that successes from your
modifies rolls. physical Attack roll. Some
weapons add to this roll

W eapons have three

traits. Range,
Accuracy and Damage.
-1 for cheap weapons to
+1 for deadly weapons. All
weapons either do STUN
or LETHAL damage. More
Range is what the weapon about the difference in
attacks at normal in feet. the Combat Section. All
Only Ranged weapons use Blunt Weapons do Stun,
Range. unless Special. All Others
generally do Lethal.
Close range is within 5 Type Range Acc Dam
feet. You get a +1 with Fist - 0 0
ranged weapons for being
Gun 20 +1D 0
in Close range. Long Range
Laser 40 +1D +1
is farther then Normal
range. You get a -1 with
ranged weapons at long

O ther Stuff might modify
your other non combat
traits. Such as laptop might
If the Character uses the
Stuff in really Creative
ways then yes its worth a
give a +1 for Mental roll Modifier.
and Cologne might give +1
to a social roll. Its really
up to you what gives a

N ature is a personality
trait or belief that IS
your character.
Negotiations you keep
pressing for a bigger pay
off till the buyer snaps. The
Example: Loud mouthed, GM (game master) Gives
Stubborn, Seductive, you a luck point gem. When
Greedy. a roll to convince the buyer
that your threats are real
Nature is a way of getting later in the scene you need
a luck point. It works this 3 success’s . you roll your
way. During a scene if 1 social and get 1 success.
you Role play your Nature You could spend the luck
truthfully, you get a Luck gem to get another success
point. A luck point (a bead, but your total would still be
a penny, a button, anything 2, a failure.
physical to hold on too) can
be used as an automatic You can spend a Luck point
success after a role. Even on any roll any time as long
if you rolled all 1’s you can its within the same scene.
turn in your luck point and
receive a success. This does You can have only one (1)
not mean you succeed at Luck point at a time. After
what your trying. But it you spend it Role play
cant hurt. your Nature Convincingly
and get another one. All
Example: Your characters unspent Luck is lost at end
Nature is Greedy. During of the Scene.

Combat & Health
C ombat and Health. Two
things that generally
don’t exist together.
declare what your attacking
with and is it Melee or
Ranged. If its Melee roll
Generally Combat will start your Physical + any Dam
at Melee or close range . Or dice from the weapon.
long range. To start combat The successes is your
you roll Initiative. damage to your opponent.
Armor subtracts from
Initiative: Roll your that total. Armor has two
characters speed. Add any ratings, Lethal and Stun.
successes to 1. (Speed Subtract the Armor rating,
success’s +1) this is how If any lethal damages gets
many actions you get to through then subtract
take in a turn. A turn is a it from your opponents
few moments of action. health. If any Stun get
through, Double the
Actions: You can do damage that got through
several different things as then subtract it from Your
an action. Attack, Move opponents health.
your speed in Yards, Drop
something, Grab Something Ranged Combat is the
,Make a test, Role play your same way except there
nature( Yes it does cost an is a modifier to the roll.
action to get a luck point). Close=+1, Normal =+0 and
long =-1.
To Attack you simply

There are a few Actions this modifier if you take a
that Modify rolls. different action before the
attack is made.
Aim: You can aim with a
Ranged weapon. This Takes Take Cover: Cover gives
1 action. This gives you you a +1/+1 (lethal/stun)
+1D to your next Ranged armor bonus for as long as
Attack with that weapon your behind it. Taking cover
. The attack must be your takes one action. If you
next action. If you take any attack from behind cover
other actions before the you lose this bonus until to
attack you lose this bonus. you take cover again.

Charge: Same as Aim The Game Master can

except with Melee always give situational
weapons. Takes 1 action Modifiers.
and gives +1D to next Melee
attack with this weapon. Good Situation=+1
The attack must be your Normal Situation=+0
next action. If you take any Bad Situation=-1
other actions before the
attack you lose this bonus.

Dodge: takes 1 action. -1D

to next Attack (ranged or
melee) against you. Lose

If your current health is again giving him 2 lethal
ever dropped to negative and 1 stun. Stun damage
your Health Trait then the can kill you in this way if
stun is converted to 1(only you take enough of it.
1) Lethal damage and your
Current health is changed Any lethal damage past 0
to 0. After the current turn Current health just makes
is over. Not in between it just that more difficult to
actions. survive death.

Bobs health is 3. He
takes several stun hits.
His current health is now
-3. This means after the
current turn( not in the
middle or in between
actions) Bob takes 1 lethal
damage and his current
Health is 0. He has 1 lethal
and 2 stun. If later before
healing His current health
is reduced to -3 again from
stun he would take another
lethal damage and his
current health would be 0

Heal rolls allow you to make a Chance roll. Roll
regain lost health. 1D6 and if you get 4,5,6
then you get to heal 1
If you take lethal damage point. Remember you don’t
then after a 5 turn rest get extra dice for rolling 6’s
you get a Free Heal roll. on a Chance roll.
Roll your Current health
(not Health trait) with no If your dead not all is lost.
modifiers. Add successes 5 turns after you die you
to your current health as still get a Chance roll to
healing. After you Make this heal. Hope you have a Luck
First roll you can no longer point at this Juncture.
heal lethal damage unless
A: you take more damage Lethal damage => than
in combat or B: you rest for Health trait = DEAD
6 hours.
Stun + Lethal Damage =>
When you take Stun Health Trait=UNCONSCIOUS.
damage You roll a heal
roll equal to your current You always get a heal roll.
health every round after Every turn for remaining
you take the damage. stun, and after 5 turns of
Continue to make rolls rest (or death) for lethal.
healing only stun damage. Then after 6 hours of rest
for lethal.
If your unconscious you still






Health: / Dam: L: S:




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