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The local government is inconsistently none of the three tiers of Governments in Nigeria. This is
the position of the constitution of Nigeria. Today, it is regrettable that the status of Local
Governments in Ekiti state by concessive governments has been reduced mere parastatals in an
extent of the governor's office. The statuary duties of the Local Government have been taken
over and usurped by the state:

Building of coverts / bridges.

Renovation of primary schools.
Rural electrification.
Grading and repair of roads.
Building of markets etc.
All these are known to be timeless duties of the Local Governments. Today all these have been
centralized and awarded from the ministry of local governments to be passed and rubberstamped
by the f&hpc of the local governments. This is clearly unacceptable

The reasons for usurping the duties of the local government have always been hinged on

corruption. It is alleged that our local governments are home to corruption and fraud. This is is a use of a pot calling the kettle black. There is indeed more fraud in the state than
in the local governments. Research has shown that the extent of fraud is proprumptimate to the
quantum of many available of all levels of Government. There is no doubt that there is more
fraud at the federal level than the state and more in the state than the local governments.
For god's sake, the total security vote of all chairmen in Ekiti state stands at 2.516=40 out of
which #16m is returned to the state through the bank doors, whereas the security vote of the
governor is #150m. So who is more fraudulent and who is deceiving who?
Is it not a known fact that no Local Government chairman can approve any expenditure in
excesss of #500, 000.Any expenditure in above this must pass through the approval of the
Governor? Who are then aiding, abetting and encouraging fraud? The sumac of the alleged fraud
in the Governments.

The level of purity in the state is alarming and this is orchidralud by the fact that the

grass roots people are deprived of the dividends of democracy by the overcentralisation of the

contracts in the office of the Governor. There is therefore the need to return the Local
Governments to its original concept; that of rural and grass root development. How?

My administration intends to immediately embark on a total reversal to the original

concept at Local Government Administration

Conduct election into all the Local Governments within the first 6months of my administration
Restore the dignity of Local Governments
Immediate implementation of the National scheme of service for Local Governments
Train and retrain all the Local Governments staff both locally and overseas. Provision of fund in
accordance with the provision of the Local Governments administration law will be religiously

My administration will not in any way fiddle with the funds of the local government
Autonomy of the Local Governments will be respected
Contracts will be localized as of old
Animal performance Evaluation report (APER) will of course determine the promotability or
otherwise of staff, definitely not by any obnoxious examination s which results have been

Willing staff of Local Governments unjustly and unjustifiably deployed to primary and
secondary schools will not be denied of the opportunity to return to Local Governments system
where deployed Local Governments staff are almost redundant in these schools will be revised
and reversed
Local Governments will be encouraged to undertake profit oriented business to engage the
surplus staff and boost the internally generated revenue
The issue of Local Government autonomy in the spirit of Fiscal federation will be pursued with a
renewed vigor moving in diadem will like minds across the federation


This is my pledge


My campaign I insist must be issued based not costing aspersims in any personality or violently
abuse the rights of others. My campaign efforts will identify the gap, analyse the gap and provide
a solution to fill the gap. I wish to support this scripture and I quote; and I sought for a man out
the hedge and stand in the gap below me for the land that I should not destroy it but but I found
none Ezekiel 22:30. My people I offer to stand in the gap


The leap: my dear people of Ekiti State the purpose of Government globally is to evaluate

development, growth and practices that will impact the standard of living of the people. This the
United Nations has identified when it encouraged the whole countries of the world to embrace
the millennium development goals encapsulated in the year 2000 chapter of:

Eradication of extreme poverty

Active primary education
Promotion of gender equality
Reduce child immortality
Environment sustainability, development of global partnership etc.
Government should ensure adequate shelter, food, employment, security and good health. There
is no doubt these require large funds.

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