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Lab - Researching Converged Network Services

Part 1: Survey Your Understanding of Convergence
Part 2: Research ISPs Offering Converged Services
Part 3: Research Local ISPs Offering Converged Services
Part 4: Select Best Local ISP Converged Service
Part 5: Research Local Company or Public Institution Using Convergence Technologies

Background / Scenario
Convergence in the context of networking is a term used to describe the process of combining voice, video,
and data communications over a common network infrastructure. Converged networks have existed for some
time, but were only feasible in large enterprise organizations because of the network infrastructure
requirements and complex management required to make them work seamlessly. Technology advances have
made convergence readily available to large, medium, and small businesses, as well as for the home
In Part 1, you will describe your current understanding of convergence and any experience you have with it.
In Part 2, you will research which providers have this service, regardless of geographical location, using the
predefined form included in the lab.
In Part 3, you will research which local ISPs in your area offer converged services for end-user consumers,
using the predefined form included in the lab.
In Part 4, you will select the ISP you like best for home use and list the reasons why.
In Part 5, you will find a local company or public institution using convergence technologies in their business,
using the predefined form included in the lab.

Required Resources
Device with Internet access

Part 1: Survey Your Understanding on Convergence

Step 1: Describe convergence as you understand it and give examples of its use in the home.
Write a definition of convergence and list some examples.
Convergencia es la unin de dos o ms cosas que confluyen en un mismo punto, por lo tanto, una red
convergente se basa en la transmisin de datos, voz y video mediante un mismo medio, en general es el


Celulares inteligentes

TV por cable

Internet de alta velocidad

Telefona mvil y fija

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public.

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Lab - Researching Converged Network Services

Part 2: Research ISPs Offering Converged Services

In Part 2, you research and find two or three ISPs who offer converged services for the home, regardless of
geographical location.

Step 1: Research various ISPs that offer converged services.

List some of the ISPs that you found in your search.




TV Cable



Step 2: Fill in the following form for the ISPs selected.

Internet Service Provider

Product Name of Converged Service


Telefonia movil y fija, internet movil, adsl, fibra,

televisin de pago


Telefonia mvil y fija, Television satelital


Part 3: Researching Local ISPs Offering Converged Services

In Part 3, you research and find two or three local ISPs who offer converged services for the home in your
geographic area.

Step 1: Research various ISPs that offer converged services.

List some of the ISPs that you found in your search.




Step 2: Fill in the following form for the ISPs selected.

Internet Service

Product Name of
Converged Service

Cost per Month

Download Speed



$ 30.00

3.08 Mbps


Internet y telefona fija

$ 30.00




$ 19.90


2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public.

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Lab - Researching Converged Network Services

Part 4: Select Best Local ISP Converged Service Offering

Select your top choice from the list of local ISPs that you selected and give reasons why you chose that
particular one.
Netlife es el primer Internet FTTH (Fibra hasta el Hogar) del pas, que ofrece un desempeo nico en su
categora, comunicacin a una gran distancia, es el medio de trasmisin por excelencia al ser inmune a
interferencias electromagnticas.
La comparticin es la cantidad de servicios que utilizan la misma va para poder contactarse al Internet,
actualmente en el mercado nacional, la comparticin puede variar dependiendo del segmento al cul va
dirigido, por ejemplo las ofertas para clientes home es de 8:1, profesionales 6:1 y pymes 4:1, NETLIFE, te
ofrece la menor comparticin del mercado a todos sus clientes 2:1.
Todos los datos que existe en el Internet proviene de la gran nube de informacin que existe a nivel mundial,
hay mucha informacin que se almacena a nivel local, es decir en servidores que estn dentro de nuestro
pas como por ejemplo, pginas del estado como (SRI, IESS, municipios, etc), bancos, correo electrnico
local y los videos ms visitados de YOUTUBE.
NETLIFE, es el nico servicio que te ofrece 5 veces ms velocidad en contenido local.

Part 5: Research Local Company or Public Institution Using Convergence

In Part 5, you research and locate a company in your area that currently uses convergence technologies in
their business.

Step 1: Research and find a local company using convergence.

In the following table, list the company, industry, and convergence technologies used.
Name of Company


Convergence Technologies

Harvard University


High Speed Internet


Fast Food

High Speed Internet and cable

1. What are some of the advantages of using convergence technologies?
Nos facilitan las cosas, ya sea por internet, telefona etc., tener estas tecnologas a nuestro alcance favorece
mucho en la educacin de las personas y de las nuevas generaciones, nos permite una gran flexibilidad en los
tiempos y espacios dedicados al aprendizaje, ya que se le facilita ms el conocimiento, permiten tener ms
contacto con las personas a largas distancias, por medio de los servicios brindados.

1. What are some of the disadvantages of using convergence technologies?

La informacin encontrada en la web no sea la correcta o muchas veces sea incompleta, la tecnologas de la
convergencia nos permiten tener contacto con amigos, familiares, pero en ocasiones nos pueden contactar
personas que no conocemos.

2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public.

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