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The National Dog Population Management

and Rabies Control Project was awarded
the Outstanding Animal Protection Award
by the Humane Society International (HSI)
at the Annual Animal Care Expo held in
New Orleans, USA, in April 2015.
The award was given in recognition for the
excellent work carried out by the livestock
department in animal welfare, sterilisation
and vaccination of free roaming dogs.

Pg.3: MHP cost shoots up to 45
Pg.5: Legal system loopholes allow
the corrupt an escape route
Pg. 8: ENT camp in east treats more
than 1, 000 patients
Pg.11: Earthquakes in Bhutan: past,
present, future
Pg.19: Strong proclamations to root
out corruption, a mere lip service:


His Majesty the King graced the opening ceremony of the Fifth Session of the Second Parliament
yesterday. The Parliament will begin with a joint sitting on Monday

Possible breakthrough in
airport extension plans
Gyalsten K Dorji in Thimphu
and Sonam Pelden in New Delhi

In a significant development that

should solve congestion problems
at the Paro international airport, the
Indian government has indicated it
is open to relocating the Indian air
force (IAF) camp there.


The Indian government has also

indicated that it is open to modifying its technical assistance to the
Bhutan Civil Aviation Authority
(BCAA), formerly the Department
of Civil Aviation (DCA), in reference
to management of air traffic services
(ATS) within Bhutan.
ATS, which involves providing
information to and directing aircraft within Bhutanese airspace is

currently handled by the IAF, while

Department of Air Transport officials, formerly also the DCA, play an
observer role.
The erstwhile DCA had proposed to the information and communications ministry to take over
ATS duties at Paro airport as early
as at least 2010, when the issue was
raised during the governments midterm review. Pg.2

Cooling-off period for ex-politicos cut down to one year

The new dispensation comes into effect immediately
Nirmala Pokhrel

Those wanting to join the civil service after withdrawing from a political
party need not wait for three years
to cool off. The Royal Civil Service


Commission (RCSC) has reduced

the cooling-off period to one year
from three.
The decision came after the
commission amended section of the Bhutan Civil Service
Rules and Regulations, 2012 (BCSR)
during its 26th commission meeting
on April 7. The section stated that

a candidate shall not be eligible to

appear BCSE if he/she has participated in politics and not completed
the required cooling-off period of
three years.
RCSC chairman, Karma Tshiteem, said the cooling-off period
was reduced to one year because,
upon reviewing, Pg.2


PAGE 2 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

Possible breakthrough in airport ...

From Pg.1
It has claimed since then
that it has enough qualified officials to handle the ATS duties.
In a meeting with Bhutanese
media in New Delhi on May 6,
the Ministry of External Affairs
joint secretary (North), Abhay
Thakur, said that Paro airport
was under the control of Bhutans civil aviation authority,
referring to the BCAA.
These arent really issues,
which cant be resolved, he said.
An alternative location, depending on the need of Bhutan, can
always be discussed and agreed
upon, he added. So I dont
think theres an issue at all, that
it cant be resolved to mutual
satisfaction. We can find an alternative location.
The government has proposed that the IAF camp, also
referred to as the air force element or AFE, be relocated to
Khangkhu, where an IMTRAT
camp is already located.
The relocation was proposed
as the aviation authority wanted
the space to expand the airports
apron or parking space for aircraft, and to construct a new
domestic terminal and car park.
The aprons parking capacity
of five aircraft has already been
exceeded, with seven aircraft operating regularly to Paro airport
causing congestion problems at

Joint secretary Abhay Thakur

pointed out that the Indian element is present at the airport
to provide technical assistance.
Basically, helps coordination,
given the particular geography in
which Bhutan is, and so its really
a technical assistance that is provided to the DCA (now BCAA)
by the Indian aviation support.
In a 2007 audit of the airport by the International Civil
Aviation Organisation (ICAO),
this arrangement was raised
as a concern. As the BCAA is a
civilian authority and required
to follow international aviation
standards, a number of its shortcomings, in terms of licensing,
procedures, policy on staffing,
among others, being outside its
purview were raised in reference to its monitoring of ATS.
This was one of the contributing
factors for Bhutans low compliance score with international
aviation requirements.
Bhutans score is currently
the lowest in the region.
Joint secretary Abhay Thakur
said that Indias technical assistance could be altered. And as
long as Bhutan requires technical assistance, wed be happy to
provide it. The manner in which
its provided, the way in which
its extended, can be worked out,
he said. So far, its working well
and we can always discuss further modification on the manner




Bhutan Football Federation would like to inform
the general public and local Tour Operators that the
match tickets for WORLD CUP Qualifying against
CHINA at Changlimithang Stadium to be held on the
June 16, 2015 will be available at the following places:
Osang video shop - below main traffic
2. Paro United Cafe Bar - near Jojos building
For local spectators : booking starts on May 15 and
closes on June 8, 2015.
Visiting fans from China: booking starts on May
10 and closes on June 8, 2015.
Note: The payment shall be made on the booking day
and the tickets will only be issued on June 8, 2015 and
is non- refundable.
General Secretary

in which it operates, he added.

Were only giving you assistance
in controlling the airspace in ac-

cordance to the wishes of the

technical requirement.
Discussions on relocating

the airport have been ongoing

since at least 2008.

Cooling-off period for ex-politicos cut ...

From Pg.1
three years was found unnecessarily long.
Moreover, the most affected
people were youth, who may not
be fully aware of such consequences for signing up to a party,
he said. Many graduates affected
by these rules, following the last
elections, have often claimed
that they werent aware of such
cooling-off period rules.
RCSC has also requested the
Election Commission of Bhutan
to make it mandatory for political parties to include the information, requirement of one year
cooling-off period before joining
civil service, on the forms used for
party membership registration.
Chief election commissioner,
Dasho Kuenzang Wangdi, said,
ECB welcomed the decision.
Chairman Karma Tshiteem
also said there was a real need felt

for a cooling-off period for people leaving apolitical institutions,

such as the civil service, National
Council and local government, to
join political parties.
If civil servants and other
apolitical public servants are
allowed to join political parties
without any cooling-off period,
as allowed currently, it does raise
the question of what implications
such movements will have on the
integrity of apolitical institutions,
Karma Tshiteem said.
The chairman added, Unfortunately, while desirable, this isnt
something the RCSC can address
but we do hope lawmakers will
take it up soon.
The amended cooling-off
period comes into effect immediately.
The Bhutanese civil service is
a closed system, once a civil servant separates from it. And there is

no coming back as a regular civil

servant, the chairman said.
The BCSR states that civil
servants, who have been compulsorily retired or terminated
from civil service, shall not be
eligible for re-appointment into
civil service.
However, he said, for those
senior civil servants, who voluntarily resigned to join political
parties in the last election, may
be recruited on contract through
open competition, if their services
are required.
The cooling-off period was
initially introduced to ensure
that people leaving the political
field and entering apolitical institutions, do not compromise the
apolitical institution because of
their political affiliation.
To do so for the civil service,
the RCSC had kept a cooling period of three years.

Solving unemployment issue is

governments priority: PM
MB Subba

Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay

has said that employment rates
are falling.

Speaking during the meet the
press on Thursday, he said that
people have been slamming the
government that there are not
enough employment opportunities for people.
Yes, thats why we are concerned. Thats why we have
promised full employment, said
the Prime Minister.
However, he said that achieving full employment in one or two
years is simply not possible. But
unemployment rate is falling.
The idea of the government,
he said, is to achieve full employment and the government will
continue to promote employment opportunities.
The Prime Minister also said
that there are many reasons for
growing unemployment, one of

which is the reluctance of youth to

take up the jobs that are available.
The entire cabinet is involved [in job creation], he said,
adding that the government is
giving the unemployment issue
importance. It is imperative
that the economy to improve as
economy generates employment.
The Prime Minister said
that employment prospects and
challenges will be highlighted
in the State of the Nation report
in the current session of Parliament. Just because that the Druk
Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) is saying that we are not discussing it in
parliament doesnt mean that we
are not doing anything.
The DNT said that the government has failed to frame a
long-term employment policy,
without which there is a danger
of government disrupting and
changing the path of development strategies. The party said
that the governments employment programmes are shortsighted and will only bring

temporary relief for a few wellconnected individuals.

The Prime Minister said that
some of the legislations the government is putting forward are
particularly aimed for the good
of the economy. And for those
who are looking for overseas employment, Prime Minister said the
government is trying its best to
ensure that the labour agents are
honest. But he also cautioned the
applicants to be very careful.
For those who have fallen
prey to unscrupulous practices
of consultants, he said that the
government will do its best to
bring the perpetrators to justice.
According to a recent report
prepared by the Ministry Labour
and Human Resources is lagging
behind in employing young people in the country. The report says
that while unemployment of 2.9
percent is low by international
standards, the countrys youth
unemployment stands at 9.6
percent, which is by much higher
than the national average.

Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL


MHP cost shoots up

to 45 billion
Tempa Wangdi, Trongsa

The construction cost of Mangdechhu Hydropower Project

(MHP) is going to escalate to
Nu 45 billion when the project
completes by its rescheduled
deadline in March 2018.

The cost of the project was
initially estimated at Nu 28.96
billion. The project is also delayed by six months, pushing
back its earlier commissioning
schedule of September 2017 to
March 2018.
While the revised project
cost calculated on March 31,
2015 price level was Nu 42.81
billion, it is however going to
ratchet up to Nu 45 billion by
March 2018 64 percent rise in
MHP reported 25 percent
cost escalation in June 2013.
From the initial cost of Nu 28.96,
it rose to 37 billion.
The following year, the
project reported new cost escaltion by 40 percent, taking the
cost to Nu 41 billion, which further rose to Nu 42.81 billion by
March 2015.
Managing director of MHPA

A K Mishra said the project cost

is likely to increase by 30 percent
by March 2018.
The total cost rise at completion would be around 64
percent, out of which 30 percent
is from annual inflation, A K
Mishra said. Rest of the 34 percent escalation is from variations, extra and new items,
which werent reflected in
DPR but was implemented as
the project requirement.
MHP rescheduling was
done by the project considering
the genuine initial delay. The
project, however, doesnt consider it a delay.
The project is being carried
out as per DPR construction
schedule at optimum time and
cost per MW within the SAARC
region, said A K Mishra.
According to MHP, the
project construction period is 6
years in DPR. And additional one
year is given for infrastructure
development works.
A K Mishra said that MHPA
is being constructed within the
time schedule and the initial
delay of six months happened
due to late signing of agreement
with its consultant, National Hydroelectric Power Corporation.
Therefore, the schedule of

Work-in-progress: The rescheduled project deadline is March 2018

the Project is still six years only.
The delay that took place in the
beginning is being considered
now, A K Mishra said.
During a visit to the project,
economic affairs minister Norbu
Wangchuk said that MHPA is a
benchmark project in SAARC
when it comes to cost and its
construction schedule. Our objective and target is to complete
MHP as the most cost-efficient
and time-scheduled project in
the South Asian region, which
could be a model for emulation
for other projects.
A K Mishra said that cost escalation to Nu 45 billion is not

due to six months delay.

Project of Mangdechhu size
in India cost about Nu 90 million
per MW. While the Mangdechhus cost, even by March 2018, is
only Nu 65 million per MW, A K
Mishra said. This project shall
be referred in future for its best
In 2013, project cost of
Punatsangchhu I and II were
also proposed for revision. The
project cost of 1200 MW Punatsangchhu I was projected at Nu
110 billion from initial cost of Nu
94 billion. And for the 1020 MW
Punatsangchhu II, cost rose to
Nu 75 billion from estimated Nu

54 billion.
DGPC in its report hinted at
the likelihood of an increase in
the tariff rates of these projects
because of construction cost escalation. In its proposal, DGPC
estimated tariff of Punatsangchhu I to be around Nu 3.50 per
unit. And tariff rates for Punatsangchhu II and Mangdechhu
is expected to be Nu 3 per unit.
According to its report, but
both project costs and tariff rates
are subject to further increase,
in which case electricity could
become dearer for domestic

ministry and later to the commission.

The prime minister also said
that when the commission had
sent foreign minister Lyonpo
Rinzin Dorjis case to the Office
of Attorney General (OAG), the
government decided that the
attorney general (AG) should
pursue the case independently.
The governments decision
was that the AG must prosecute
without consulting us, because
we saw what happened earlier,
he said, referring to the Gyalpoizhing land case. In the Gyalpoizhing case, he said the OAG
didnt prosecute those involved.
He described the governments actions with respect to

its policy on corruption as good

behaviour that deserves to be
included in the ACCs annual
report. We told lyonpo Rinzin
Dorji that he cant continue in
office and he submitted a leave
of absence.
The precedence in the
earlier government was that the
minister continues (while the
case goes on), but we chose a
good practice, the prime minister said.
On the foreign ministers
case, lyonchoen said that, when
lyonpo Rinzin Dorji started attending the court, the ACC reminded that the minister was
still using his official vehicle. He
stopped using it.

Govt. takes ACC seriously: PM

Lyonchoen provides examples to back up his claim
MB Subba

tric cars, stating that it benefits

environment a lot. We do use
Amidst reports of complacency electricity and dont import fuel.
towards corruption, the prime Its simple as that. All said and
minister, Tshering Tobgay, dur- done how much money has the
ing the meet the press on Thurs- government spent? Weve spent
day clarified that the government zero. We havent bought any
had been taking ACCs recom- vehicles and we havent spent
mendations seriously and abid- any money on this, the prime
ing by them.
minister said.
The prime minister
MEET-THE-PRESS also said that the work
on the secondary highCiting a few cases, lyonchoen way between Dagapela and Dalsaid that the commission was in- bari had to be reevaluated and
vited to investigate if there was a re-tendered, as suggested by the
case of conflict of interest in the ACC. This, he said, would incur
import of second hand electric a huge loss to the government,
cars. He also highlighted the as the contractor had to be comadvantages of the use of elec- pensated.

The ACC said that there was

mis-procurement. We revoked
and re-tendered, he said. He
also said that the people would
be upset with the decision, and
that the government had to go
through the whole process again.
He said this was an important point that the government
takes the commissions views
very seriously.
The cabinet decided to terminate the work in December
last year after the ACC wrote to
the cabinet to redo the tendering process. The commission
had investigated the case after
the lowest bidder, who was disqualified for failing to meet the
requirements, complained to the

PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

A good reform, indeed


he Royal Civil Service Commission

(RCSC) has reduced the cooling period for those who joined political parties and now wish to enter civil service
to one year from three. It is a welcome

Cooling period of three years was unnecessarily
long indeed. And many fell prey to the consequences, especially young graduates, who tried their luck at
the elections without understanding the repercussions if they failed to win a seat.
While as citizens failing to know the rules of the
land cannot be forgiven, rules should make sense
given the massive unemployment issue that we are
currently facing. And, still, to a large extent, civil service is the most preferred employer in the country.
Our private sector, even as we give so much importance to it for our economic growth, has not been able
to grow significantly to employ increasing number of
The new requirement that all the party forms
should specifically and prominently mention the
cooling the period time will make sure that those
who decide to join political parties and contest in an
election are aware of the consequences.
What is really heartening and encouraging is that
the Chief Election Commissioner has welcomed
RCSCs decision to reduce the cooling period from
three years to one. This decision will only do us good.
RCSCs chairman, Karma Tshiteem, put it most
eloquently without losing good sense, for which, of
course, he is widely appreciated. For indeed, if civil
servants and other apolitical public servants are allowed to join political parties without any cooling
period, it really does raise the question of what implications such movements will have on the integrity
of political and apolitical institutions.
This country needs to create jobs, awful lot of
employment opportunities. Thousands of people
graduate from colleges and universities every year.
Blitheness of the situation and hopelessness of finding gainful employment is pushing many of our young
people to the fringes.
What will come as a cost to the nation will be
dreadfully expensive. We are already beginning to
witness worrying developments related to youth and
unemployment. Let not cooling period add fuel to
the fire.
The good news is senior civil servants who voluntarily resigned to join political parties in the last
elections may be recruited on contract through open
competition if their services are required. Of course
we need people with eminent skills and experience.
We must be able to harness the wealth we have within
our borders.
Losing them to senseless provisions will be a loss
too big for a young nation like ours.
Politics, if real at all, should be opportunity to serve
in the best of an individuals capacity wherever the
place, whatever the position or time.
RCSCs decision to reduce the cooling period will
only help us build a strong democratic society that we
aspire for. We sincerely commend the move.

Moving house:
Everything must go
except, perhaps, the
kitchen sink
Photo by Sonam Dorji,
HR Officer, HR Division,


Dont let stray dogs

outnumber us
The stray dog population
in the Mongar municipality
area is on a drastic rise. The
growth in the population
of stray dogs cannot be
controlled without proper
initiatives from the authorities concerned.
Almost a month ago,
the growth of the stray dog
population drastically increased, and it is high time
measures are taken to con-

trol the population of the

dogs before it outnumbers
the human population in
this small but fast-growing
The rise in the stray
population has a direct negative impact on the human
Rabies and other threats
is an all time worry for the
residents. After a hard days
work, there is no peaceful
sleep. Time and again one

has to keep on controlling

the barking and disturbances created.
I urge the authorities
concerned to look into the
matter before it becomes a
major threat to us.
Karma Dorji
Mongar town

Send your letters and pictures to

Letters will be edited for space and clarity



Saturday, May 09, 2015



Legal system loopholes allow the

corrupt an escape route
ACC feels corruption does not get due come-uppance due to certain judicial shortcomings
Rinzin Wangchuk

The basis of not proven beyond reasonable doubt that

the judiciary uses in treating
similar corruption cases differently is one of the main
challenges the Anti Corruption Commission is facing

According to the commissions annual report 2014
released last week, the judiciarys reasoning of regulatory
bodies having failed to perform their duties or a committee approved it has resulted in the acquittal of cases
or reduction of sentences or
restitution figures.
The absence of a succinct substantiation of judgments has got prosecutors
and investigators confused
and, more importantly, do
not provide any counsel for
greater efficacy in future
investigations and prosecution, the commissions report
The same rationale, the

report stated, also applies to

judgments of conviction for
public confidence.
The system reposes
much faith in the impartiality
of the adjudicators (judges),
in as much as it confers on
them many powers, the
report stated. If the traditional rule relating to burden
of proof of the prosecution
is allowed to be wrapped in
pedantic coverage, the perpetrators of offences would
be the major beneficiaries,
and the state and the society
would be the casualty.
Supreme Court chief
justice, lyonpo Tshering
Wangchuk said the courts
follow the doctrine of stare
decisis (rules or principles
laid down). He, however,
said that doctrines of precedence, albeit of persuasive
value, do not apply to courts
at the same level.
Thats why judiciary
has an appeal system to rectify errors made by the lower
courts, the chief justice said.
He said the affected parties must move the High
Court if there are any dispar-

ities in sentencing, and the

precedent set by the appeal
court is applicable to all the
lower courts. Punishment
ought to fit the crime. However, in practice, sentences
are determined largely by
mitigating and aggravating
circumstances, he said.
The report also stated that
judges and prosecutors must
possess sound insights into
the dynamics of the modus
operandi of corrupt practices. For example, basic
knowledge of financial, procurement and contract management, money laundering,
among others, in the legal
fraternity would add value to
prosecution and dispensation of justice.
Sometimes, the acquittal
of accused, based on varying
interpretation of laws, not
proven beyond reasonable
doubt, no benefit to accused,
recognition of bribery/gratification as normal transaction
between individuals place
greater burden on investigators, the report stated.
If nuances of corrupt
practices are not under-


The National Environment Commission Secretariat would like to invite interested

schools in Thimphu to participate in an exhibition competition on innovative ways
of using waste materials under the theme Young innovative minds in sound
waste management. This is initiated in the interest of reducing waste and re-using
unwanted materials, promoting segregation and reuse with the aim to ultimately
instilling sound waste management ethics.
All interested schools should contact Ms. Kunzang at 17632420 by May 13, 2015 for
registration and details.


stood in the light of the existing management system,

for example procurement
management, one may miss
the whole point, the report
stated. Corruption is not
always quid pro quo, and
may not necessarily reveal
immediate or tangible benefits right away. Such insights
of stakeholders involved in
the adjudication of corruption cases will improve the
criminal justice system.
It also stated that investigation into corrupt offences
invariably hits institutions,
agencies and their employees, directly or indirectly.
The judiciary is no exception, the ACC report stated.
For instance, when some of
the court procedures are neither clear nor standardised,
it can be subjected to the
vagaries of the adjudicators
and associated professionals.
Lyonpo Tshering Wangchuk said that, although
legislature is the lawmaking
body, the law is deemed to be
what the court interprets it
to be. The courts, therefore,
have the responsibility to
give purposive and rational
interpretation, he said.
The report also stated
that, although a verdict
should be passed within
108 days of filing a case in a
court, delays in dispensation
of justice occur due to the appeal and review system of the
judiciary. Given the fourtier structure of the judiciary,
cases may take a minimum
of three years for the final
judgment, if appealed right
up to the Supreme Court, the
report stated.
Some criminals, according to the report, are taking
refuge in the procedure of
the criminal justice system.

Implementation of His
Majestys command, both in
letter and spirit, will result
in dispensation of justice
without undue delays, the
report stated.
The report also stated
that when the Army Welfare
Project case was adjudicated,
His Majesty commanded, A
person guilty of corruption
must be punished without
fear or favour and without
delay. Justice must prevail always and without exception.
Judiciary officials said
that the courts normally give
preference to criminal cases
as per the civil and criminal
procedure code. They, however, said that courts around
the country adjudicate the
cases with equal opportunity
given to the litigants. We
cant separate the ACC cases
unless there was a law, which
deals with only corruption
case, a judiciary official said.
Therefore, it may take some
time to pass the judgment.
The report also highlighted the lack of the executive
taking lead to implement
court verdict, which has
emerged as a serious challenge over the years. Long
after the judgments of the
courts, restitution or recovery of proceeds of crime or
administrative action still remains undone. In the end,
an entire cycle of the criminal justice system is rendered
ineffective and investigation
and prosecution redundant,
wasting huge public resources, the report stated.
The chief justice said that
enforcement of judgment is
the responsibility of the executive. Were here to seek
the truth and render justice,
he said.


Research Cum Clearing & Settlement In Charge


The Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan would like announce the disposal of
obsolete assets. All licensed scrap dealers are hereby requested to contact us at 02324296/323995 within May 15, 2015. Please visit www.rsebl.org.bt for detailed
list of the obsolete assets.

Call 326191 or fax 326638; or email us at

TO SUBSCRIBE: call 327463;
FOR NEWS: call 324684/322483

PAGE 6 KUENSEL Saturday, May 09, 2015

Contact 17129669.
Wanted for hire:
Tucson, SantaFe, Hilux.
Contact 17113110.
Sale: Mercedes SUV 09
model. Contact 17141411.
Sale: Toyota Corolla
car 94 model, excellent
condition. Contact
Sale: Renault Duster
RX2 October 14 model.
Genuine buyers contact
Sale: Volvo Excavator
& ELGI air compressor
in excellent condition.
Contact 77151717.
Sale: i10 11 model
@ 320,000. Contact
Sale: Hilux tiger nose.
Contact 17607674.
Sale: Swift Dzire VXI
10 model. Contact
Sale: Korean Getz
2004 model, 280,000
(negotiable). Contact
Sale: Electric car.
Contact 17412235.
Sale: Maruti car 02.
Contact 17238921.
Sale: Eicher DCM
12 model. Contact
Sale: Hyundai SantaFe
2012 year model, all
options except auto
transmission, black
colour, one hand
driven. Contact
Sale: Santro 2009.
Contact 17112300.
Sale: Bullet Bike 14
model. Contact 17114727.
Sale: Astar (full option
sunlight copper) 10.

Sale: Maruti car 01.

Contact 77209257.
Sale: i10 full option 10
model. Contact 17511713.
Sale: Hyundai Accent
12 model, diesel, thirty
five thousand km, ink
blue colour, no loan,
no accident records.
Contact 77106970.
Sale: Fully equipped
live music lounge,
fully equipped tourist
restaurant. Contact
Wanted: Immediately
required shop space in
Phuentsholing, 500600 sqft. Contact
Tshogdag Enterprise,
Phuentsholing @
Sale: Well running
gents salon, toilet
attached (sale per day
2,000-3,000) at Olakha.
Contact 17756508.
Sale: Flat 3 bedroom,
price thirty seven lakhs
(negotiable), located
at Taba. Contact
Rent: Space for
office and furnished
apartment available at
Changzamtok. Contact
Sale: Garment shop
below hospital. Contact
Sale: Shop at Etho
Meto Plaza. Contact

near Norling Medical,

Thimphu. Contact
Sale: Internet cafe cum
PS3 parlour located at
the city bus parking,
Thimphu. Contact
Sale: Restaurant near
Olakha workshop.
Contact 17230441.
Rent: Bungalow
at Babesa. Contact
Sale: Restaurant cum
bar @ three lakhs eighty
thousand, Thimphu
without bar licence.
Serious buyers may
contact 17849650.

Sale: Dry & wet land

at Namseling, Danglo.
Contact 77411066.
Sale: 27 decimal land
at Debsi. Contact
Sale: Land at Hejo,
prime area. Contact
Sale: 28 decimal dryland
in Kabisa (Sirigang),
Punakha @ 20,000
per decimal. Contact
Sale: Land at Paro,
Dawakha. Contact
Sale: 2.34 acres near
Dungsam Cement,
Nganglam. Good access
road, water sources
and powerline. Contact

Sale: Shop at
Changzamtok. Contact

Sale: Fifteen decimal

land in Babesa on way
to College. Contact

Sale: Garment shop

with some stock balance
of branded items such
as Levis, Pepe etc

Sale: 14.5 decimal land

at Jushina. Contact

Sale: Dryland at
Samtse. Contact

Vacancy: Sales girl-2

for shop in Thimphu,
waitress-2 with minimum
class X for a resort
in Trongsa. Contact
Vacancy: One full time
personal driver, 2/3
years experience with
free accommodation
at Serbithang. Contact
Required: One
experience cook,
salary 12,000, location
Jungshina, Contact
Vacancy: Car wash
service boy @ Penchu car
wash, Babesa. Contact
Vacancy: Heavy vehicle
driver. Contact 17117540.
Required: Helper/sales
girl. Contact 17112241.
Vacancy: Sales girl for
garment shop. Contact
Vacancy: One cook and
housemaid for private
residence. Contact
Vacancy: Sales
engineer for construction
equipments with one
year sales experience
of machinery. Contact
Bhutan Equipment,
Supplies and Services,
Yarkay Plaza, Thimphu.
Contact 17601400/
17161602 and email:
gmail.com, b@bess.
Vacancy: Experienced
secondary maths
teacher. Minimum 3
years experience. Submit

resume at Pelkhil School.

Contact 340638.

Announcement: Private
enterprise and companies
in Bhutan requiring
competent, dedicated and
hardworking accountant.
Please contact KheyRig
Institute, Jojos building,
Thimphu @ 17471946.
Sale: For genuine
i-phones, mobile phones,
TV, music system and
other electrical appliances
of reputed brands from
Bangkok at a suprisingly
cheaper price. Please
contact Green Tech at
17799438 or we also
repair foreign car parts.
Announcement: Srimad
Vagawat Paath, Durga
Mandir, Thimphu, 13-15
May 2015 in honour of
the deceased in Nepal
earthquake. All are
invited to attend and
donate for the cause to
support government and
public initiatives, Hindu
Dharma Samudaya,
telephone 329245.
Annual general meeting
of Hindu Dharma
Samudaya of Bhutan will
be held on May 17, 2015.
All are invited. Contact
329245 for confirmation.
Announcement: If
you are running a hotel
or a restaurant, contact
Speedway grocery as we
are the first ever grocery
having the cheapest rate
along with free delivery
service. For enquiries call
us at 337803 or visit our
facebook page Bhutan
Sale: Brand new Ps4
(500 GB) with 2 nos.
cassette offered. Contact

TO ADVERTISE IN KUENSEL: Call 326191 or fax 326638; or email us at

advertisement@kuensel.com.bt; TO SUBSCRIBE: call 327463;
FOR NEWS: call 324684/322483


Saturday, May 9, 2015 | KUENSEL




An ill wind from which many a young man has caught his death

Carbon footprint
MEANING The amount of carbon dioxide emitted
during an industrial or domestic process; a measure of how
that process contributes toward global warming
ORIGIN An early use of the term is from this piece from the
Welsh newspaper The Western Mail, July 2005: "First Minister
Rhodri Morgan ... was pleased to see the size of his 'carbon
footprint' was below average...



Speaking at the Annual Health Conference of teh Zonal
and District medical and health officers, which began
on April 25, 1990, the Chief Guest, Lyonpo T. Tobgyel,
Minister for Social Services, said that Bhutan today
needed general practitioners who could provide all
essential and emergency services in every field.
During the first three months of this year an additional
funding of Nu. 165 million was approved by the United
Nations Development Programme for Bhutan.

the trendy riddle

q: What is the coolest letter in the alphabet?

a: B! Because its always surrounded by AC.
Dema: One of the progressive farmers of Bumthang



Colonel Thomas Blood
attempts to steal Crown Jewels.



Poultry being fed at one of the new farms


beau peep


No one ever keeps a secret so
well as a child.

Hugo 1802-85

Common Pochard
(Aythya ferina)

By diving or dabbling,
they feed on aquatic
plants, molluscs,
aquatic insects and
small fish





Prize Sponsored by

Birth Anniversary

Go Green



60th BCC

Prize amount Nu. 500/-

keep your bathroom clean longer

Coat shower walls and doors with
water repellent. They help water,
minerals, and soap scum bead up and
run off, so theres less to scrub away.

Who lives longer and by how
much: right handed or lefthanded people?

On February 7, 1981 His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme

Singye Wangchuck visited Deothang to celebrate a function.

Name :

Mobile No :

What was the function?


LAST WEEKS Answer - 2nd May 2015

Sadhu Aur Saitan

Answer should reach

before the next issue. A
lucky dip will be drawn,
if there are more than
one correct answers. The
winner will be contacted.

Send your answer : To Editor (English), KUENSEL Corporation Ltd. , P.O. No. 204, Thimphu : Bhutan

Right handed people live, on average, nine

years longer than left-handed people.


PAGE 8 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

ENT camp in east treats

more than 1, 000 patients
Tshering Wangdi, Trashigang

More than 1,300 people from

across the eastern region of
the country were examined
and treated during the mobile
ENT (ear, nose, throat) camp
that ended in Trashigang on

Of the total, about 90 patients with cases related to ears
and nose underwent surgery
during the four-day camp. A
volunteer team of doctors from
Thailand, Canada and the USA
carried out the surgery.
Camp coordinator from
the Ministry of Health (MoH),
Rinchen Namgyel, said the
camp was organised to reach
special medical care to the rural
Since the district hospitals
can only provide basic services related to ENT, the mobile
camp is expected to further the
treatment of these patients, he
ENT specialist, Dr. Tika
Ram, said that people from the

eastern region couldnt travel

all the way to Thimphu for
treatments. Even if they did,
finding a place to live until the
follow up check-ups are over
becomes a problem for many.
Because of this, a large
number of people who need
treatments or surgery is being
left behind, he said.
Most of the surgery carried
out was related to ear problems.
Cases of inward growth of
skin inside the ear were common. If the growth spreads to
the brain, the patient could
die, said Dr. Tika Ram. We
carried out tympanoplasty and
mastoidectomy surgery for the
ears and nasal polyp for noses.
Hearing aids were also
given to about 37 patients.
While the volunteer team provided 30 hearing aids, seven
were from the MoH. Although
about 90 patients required
hearing aid, Audiologist Palden
Wangchuk said that the devices
were distributed on a priority
People who can afford
were advised to purchase the

Thai doctors examine patients at Trashigang general hospital

device, he said.
Camp coordinator from
Thailand, Wanwipa Rosjan,
said that this is their fifth camp
in Bhutan. Thai Friendship
Medical Mission to Bhutan
is made up of nine doctors, a
nurse and two camp coordinators.
We were first invited by

the former health minister in

2008. We found out that there
were only a handful of ENT surgeons in the country and that
our services could make some
difference to the lives so many,
said Wanwipa Rosjan.
Dr. Tika Ram said that MoH
is not yet in a position to carry
out such mobile campaigns

because it doesnt have portable equipment or resource

Even if we have the equipment, there are only three
ENT specialists in Bhutan. It
wont be possible for all of us
to dedicate our services to ENT
camps, he said.

Were not the happiest people on earth : PM

Dechen Tshomo

Bhutanese are not the happiest

people on earth, and this is a
truth that escapes many of us,
said Prime Minister Tshering

The prime minister said
that Bhutan being ranked at
79 among 158 countries in the
World Happiness Report 2015
should not really be a concern.
How we are ranked will ultimately be based on the measurement, what is measured and
how it is measured.
In some areas, we may be
the happiest people, but in some
areas we cant be, especially in
this Asia globalisation, international communications and
social media, the prime minister

The country has its own
challenges, like economy, unemployment, democracy and
high expectations that come
with democracy, and these are
the areas that will challenge happiness, said the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister said that
the Centre for Bhutan Studies
(CBS) is the focal point for Gross
National Happiness study in
Bhutan. CBS will consider the
report and how they measured
seriously, but most important is
CBSs own survey because this
could give baseline on earlier
surveys and see where we are
going. Then we can develop
insight into government policy,
whether it is working or not.
CBS would have no conclusion on Bhutan rank in the report. It will study the report and
the findings, and maybe then

CBS will be able to say why Bhutan is ranked 79th, two places
above Pakistan, said the Prime
The 158 countries were
ranked based on six variables, including GDP per capita, healthy
life expectancy, social support,
and freedom to make life choices, generosity and the absence of
The World Happiness Report 2015 was compiled by a
group of researchers drawing
on Gallup World Poll data from
the past five years.
The first World Happiness
Report was published in support of the April 2, 2012 United
Nations high level meeting on
happiness and wellbeing. That
meeting followed the July 2011
resolution of the UN General Assembly, inviting member countries to measure the happiness

of their people, and to use this to

help guide their public policies
The UN, in releasing the
study, urged heads of state to
find a way to put happiness on
the global agenda, an idea first

proposed in 1972 by the Fourth

Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions
Network sponsored the report.


Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL


Progress report on Drametse monastery

renovation project
Tashi Phuntsho, Mongar

Renovation works on the

Drametse monastery that began
last year are in full swing.

Coordinated and supervised
by Sungtrul rinpoche, the head
of Drametse Gomdey dratshang,
villagers from three gewogs are
contributing labour. The renovation team also includes local
carpenters and masons.
They are currently working
on the ground floor of the monastery, where windows, roofs,
and decayed wooden structures
are being replaced in keeping
with the original structure and
design of the monastery.
Sungtrul rinpoche said the
renovation work began after the
monastery was badly hit by the
2009 earthquake. The earthquake also damaged the guesthouse, monks quarters, dining
hall and office, besides the retention wall and courtyard that were
rebuilt in 2011 and 2012.
A budget of about Nu 300M
(million) has been approved for
the renovation as of now. Renovation work had to carried out
phase-wise owing to a lack of
budget in 2011.
The head carpenter at the
renovation project, Yeshi Namgay, said that more than 50
carpenters were utilised. Since
last year, carpenters from three
gewogs have been deployed at
the site, while about 20 masons
will join the team. The carpenters and masons work together
to dismantle the stone structures
that developed many cracks during the earthquake, which has to
be done carefully, he said.
The major renovation work,
according to Gomdey Dratshangs kudrung Lhuendrup
Dorji, was necessary to preserve
the sacred Peling monument to
strengthen the roots of Buddha
dharma in the country. Drametse monastery is the biggest spiritual centre of the Peling tradition
in eastern Bhutan, he said.
The great grand daughter
of Terton Pema Lingpa, Ani
Choeten Zangmo, founded the
Drametse monastery in 1511.

The carpenters
and masons
work together
to dismantle
the stone
structures that
many cracks
during the
which has to be
done carefully
Yeshi Namgay
Head carpenter
Renovation project
Drametse monastery

There are many ancient and rare

spiritual relics at the monastery,
besides Ani Choeten Zangmos
kudung (embalmed body) and
the statues of Guru tshokhorsum.
Legend has it that Ani
Choeten Zangpo fled from
Bumthang to escape the marriage proposal from a local
king. When she reached the
east, she sought solace in the
place and named it Drametse,
which literally means the peak
where there are no enemies.
Ani Choeten Zangmos kudung
(remains) is preserved to this
day in the monastery as the
most important relic. Further,
Drametse was blessed by the
birth of three successive incarnations of the Zhabdrung: Jigme
Drakpa (1791-1830), Jigme
Norbu (1831-1861), and Jigme
Chogyel (1862-1904).
Until the appointment of
Sungtrul rinpoche, the 11th
reincarnation of Terton Pema
Lingpa, by His Majesty the
Fourth King in 1992, the late
Royal Grand Mother Gyalyum
Phuntsho Choden Wangchuck
was the patron and owner
of Drametse monastery. For
nearly five centuries, Drametse
monastery has remained as the
secret repository of the innermost teachings and traditions of
Pema Lingpa and, even today,
its ancient spiritual rhythms
remain uninterrupted.
Meanwhile, construction

Nu 300 million will be spent on renovating the Drametse monastery

work to build a Nyingma Peling
college has begun in Thegchhog Namdrol Ugyen Choling
monastery in Drametse, Mongar, with HRH Gyaltshab Jigme

Dorji Wangchuck gracing the

salang tendrel (groundbreaking ceremony) on March 29.
With an approved budget of
Nu 107M from the govern-

ment, the construction includes a library, classrooms,

dormitory, conference hall,
administrative office, kitchen,
and dining hall.

Mobile apps development

contest underway
The contest is expected to enhance public services delivery
Gyalsten K Dorji

A mobile apps development

contest that will see three winners awarded Nu 200,000 each
has been launched by the G2C
(government to citizen) office.

Even the three runners
up will receive a significant
amount of Nu 50,000 each.
The contest is being held
to attract and motivate those
in the information technology
sector or enthusiasts to exploit
the popular mobile app platform to enhance public service
Entry is open to all Bhutanese citizens over age 18 and
there are no prerequisite requirements like qualifications,
experience or licenses.
There are three categories
in which contestants will be
able to submit their ideas and

eventually, mobile apps: public safety, health and education, and youth and women.
All the categories proposed in the contest are targeted for the general citizen
so that there is maximum benefit, G2C office head, Sonam
P Thaye, said.
She added that besides
enhancing public service
delivery, the competition is
being held to promote innovation and creativity for
domestic mobile apps development.
Although the mobile
platform has immense potential for use in public service
delivery especially to reach
far flung areas of the country
with over 628,300 mobile subscriptions, when it comes to
mobile apps the market is still
in its infant stage, she said.
While there are few popular mobiles apps being used
by Bhutanese like Druk Zakar,

Bhutan Notice, and Bhutan

News, among others, there
are not any that are specific to
service delivery, she pointed
out. As such we see a lot of
opportunity in this regard.
The submitted mobile
apps will be judged on the
following categories: user
friendliness, aesthetic value,
usefulness, functionality,
creativity, among others.
The contest runs from
May to the last week of July.
The last date for submission
is July 22.
The mobile apps development contest is being carried
out in collaboration with the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation under
the Democratic Governance
The G2C office is currently exploring and exploiting various platforms in a bid
to improving public service


KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

Being well-prepared is subjective and relative

oing through
Kuensels article Is Bhutan ready for
the big one?
and other opinions expressed,
I could not help, but note some
disturbing remarks made by the
article, Disaster Departments
Director and an official from Department of Engineering Services,
about being not prepared in case
of major earthquake in Bhutan.
Since, I was heading the
Department of Disaster Management (DDM) from 2009 to 2013,
my conscience will haunt me, if
I do not clarify the issue on being
prepared or not prepared
and inform the public, who are
feeling slightly jittery, at the moment, after reading the articles in
the media.
The question of whether or,
not, we are ready for the big one
is very subjective and relative and
we need to be careful in jumping
to conclusion. I say relative, because compared to six or, seven
years ago, Bhutan now, has adequate capacity, knowledge, skills,
experience, awareness, conviction and commitment to tackle
disasters, after establishment of
the DDM in 2005 to promote,
co-ordinate, support and facilitate disaster management in the
In 2009, I was transferred to
this new department and since
then, I along with my staff went
headlong with conviction in institutionalizing systems/protocols,
creating awareness on disaster
risks and their prevention/mitigation.
Much has been achieved in
preparing for any disaster and
the present DDM has adequate
capacity, as never before, under
the proper guidance of the government, the much needed
contributions (both finance &
expertise) development partners/
donors made and above all the
magnanimity and wise leadership
provided by His Majesty the King
of Bhutan.
To prove the point, here I
would like to highlight some of
the more important preparedness
works done by DDM up till 2013
end, as follows:
1. Enactment of Disaster Management Act of Bhutan -2013.
2. Finalization of Disaster Management Rules & Regulations
3. Formation of Dzongkhag










Disaster Management Committees in all Dzongkhags and

four main Thromdes.
Formation of 20- member National Search & Rescue Team
(NaSART) in February 2012,
who are fully trained (and
adequately equipped) at par
with international standards.
Formation of Dzongkhag
(and gewog) Search and Rescue Teams, including the four
main Thromdes.
Supported the preparation of
Dzongkhag Disaster Management and Contingency Plans
and implemented mitigation
and preparedness measures
through community- based
Mainstreaming of Disaster
Risk Reduction measures
into both Central Agencies
and Local Governments Five
Year Plans and Local Development Planning Manual.
Now Disaster Risk Management element is one of the
accepted National Key Result
Areas during preparation of
For enhancement of Disaster Management capacity
in Bhutan, a Project funded
by GFDRR- the World Bank,
through which, the Concept
of Multi-Hazard Assessment
was initiated and hazard
maps developed.
Conducted detailed human
resources assessment of
DDM and key disaster risk
management agencies to
identify and prioritize the
needs, to develop sustainable capacity building plans
and applicable system for
strengthening disaster management capacity.
Through School-Based
Disaster Preparedness in
Bhutan, a project with funds
from DIP-ECHO, Save the
Children, a number of core
group of trainers from various schools were trained on
disaster preparedness and
planning and intensive monitoring in all the schools were
carried out.
Dzong Fire Safety Sensitization and Awareness Training
(and formation of Dzong Fire
Committees) was conducted
in six Dzongkhags.
Liaised with other relevant
sectors and agencies (including vulnerable Communities)

to institute early warning systems for various natural hazards and disaster risks.
13. Maintained a Disaster Database and Information Management System to support
risk reduction initiatives and
effective response during disasters. Master plan for Emergency Tele-Communication
Network has been prepared
for Bhutan.
14. Fostered partnerships with
both national and inter-national agencies and organizations for knowledge sharing
and obtaining support and
resources for disaster risk
management activities and
initiatives in Bhutan.
15. Developed relevant standards
and guidelines for relief and
compensation for affected
victims. Formulated recovery
and rehabilitation plans post
2009 and 2011 earthquakes
in Bhutan.
16. DDM had also developed
Bhutan Disaster Assessment
Tool and Mechanism, tailor
made to our Bhutanese conditions.
17. DDM reviewed and upgraded
the then National Influenza
Pandemic Preparedness Plan
(NIPPP), to tackle pandemic
diseases in the country.
18. Initiated the preparation of
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management Plans
(CBDRM) and conducted
the training in sixteen Dzongkhags.
19. DDM conducted Community-Based Health and First
Aid Training to train Health
Workers working in the Communities to administer basic
first aid, during disasters.
20. Safe earthquake construction
trainings were conducted in
six eastern dzongkhags for all
local engineers, carpenters &
masons to build rural houses,
with locally available materials, incorporating earthquake
resilient design and construction techniques.
21. Vulnerability atlas for Bhutan was prepared by SAARC
in close collaboration with
The most important activity that needs to be carried out
by the department/ministry
is the immediate setting up of
National Emergency Operation Centre. This centre is vital

A GLOF early warning station in Lunana

during disasters and cannot be
undermined. The only way to
prevent deaths/causalities and
damages during major disasters,
is prompt response through effective multi-sectoral co-ordination,
deployment of search & rescue
teams, reaching relief materials
on time, reliable communication
network and centralized/unified
command & control system,
which will be provided only by
this centre.
The setting up of this facility
got delayed due to the failure on
the part of the concerned agency
to allot government land for its
Apart, from this, the overall
Disaster Management System in
Bhutan is reasonably commendable compared to some countries
in the region and that too, considering the efforts put in by DDM
within a short span of time.
However, we cannot afford to
be complacent, but be prepared
for any eventualities at all times.
Even though, earthquakes cannot be predicted as to their occurrence, timing and intensity, we in
Bhutan, are fortunate so far, not to
have experienced such devastating consequences like our neighbour Nepal recently experienced.
I guess being prepared for any
eventualities is the only safeguard
and protection against these destructive natural forces, in minimizing deaths and destructions.
But it all boils down to the magnitude (in this case earthquake),
depth/shallowness, location, timing and distance from the epicentre, the quality and strength of the
affected structures, earth-geology
etc., over most of which, we have
no control.
However, as highlighted
above; the required level of preparedness and the capacity to

deal with such disasters have

been adequately instituted in
Bhutan, even though, there are
still rooms for improvement.
One such notable and farsighted initiative is the establishment of De-Suung Institution,
emanated right from the Throne.
His Majesty, the King Commanded to start integrated De-Suung
Program from 2011 and till date
about 1,765 De-Suups have been
These De-Suups are primarily trained in Disaster related
activities like Search & Rescue,
Relief and Reconstruction operations. They are being deployed
during disasters in the country as
and when required.
His Majesty, the King had
also commanded the Royal Bhutan Army to get fully involved in
response operations during disasters. It is very heart warming
to note that during the past disasters in the country, the armed
forces have done a splendid job
by raising to the occasion and effectively responding to disasters
and saving lives and properties
and providing shelter to the affected people as per the Royal
Besides, the Gyalpoi Zimpoens office, with dedicated
team has been very prompt in
responding to disasters, anywhere in the country to provide
relief items and Soelra to the
affected victims.
However, let us all sincerely
pray together and wish that all
Bhutanese people continue to
be Safe and Happy in this GNH
Land of ours.
Contributed by
Namgay Wangchuk
Director General

Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

Earthquakes in Bhutan:
past, present, future
The intent of this article is to provide a brief introduction to the study of earthquakes, and then summarize our understanding
of earthquakes in Bhutan; past, present and future.
Part I
Studying a planet in
are part of
a natural
process, the
of enormous forces that are
generated and released as
a mosaic of distinct rock
masses or plates float on
our planets surface and
grind against one another.
Our understanding of these
phenomena, known as plate
tectonics, was born in the
early 20th century with the
work of Alfred Wegener and
other scientists. Looking at
maps of the continents, they
observed that these shapes
seemed to fit together like
pieces in a puzzle. There
were other clues such as
similarities in geology and
fossils, signs of a shared history in plant and animal life
among these now distant
Seismology, the study of
earthquakes, has become
a world-wide endeavour
because lessons learned in
one region can help us to
understand and prepare
for earthquakes everywhere. For example, we can
compare the behaviour of
earthquakes occurring in
several locations around the
Pacific Ocean (Japan, Alaska,
Oregon, Chile, and others)
and in Sumatra. This is possible because they all have a
similar fault structure, called
a subduction zone, wherein
the oceanic plate is colliding
with and dipping beneath
the continental plate. The
Himalayas and the Alps are
another example; both are
collisional mountain belts,
so here too seismologists are
studying behaviour common
to these areas.
Seismometers are precise instruments that were
developed to measure the

frequency, duration, and

orientation of earthquake
shaking. In recent decades,
arrays of seismometers have
been established in all corners of the globe to detect
seismic activity and provide
data valuable for a variety
of research interests. From
these measurements, we
know that earthquakes are
occurring all the time, with
typically hundreds of small
events recorded each day
Some of these smaller
events can be felt by people
and animals in local areas,
but they are modest in duration and cause minor to no
Moderate to large earthquakes can shake an entire
country and, while they are
not so frequent, most people living in the Himalayas
experience at least one such
event in their lifetime. These
events can impact communities through injuries
and loss of life, damage to
infrastructure, and impacts
to the environment, such as
Finally, catastrophic
earthquakes, such as the recent event in Nepal, are sadly
also part of this natural process in some areas. They have
the potential to take many
lives and cause widespread
destruction, but the time
between them is so long that
many communities cannot
remember such events even
from their ancestors stories.
Knowledge of past
earthquakes can help us
understand the type, size,
location, and frequency of
events that can be expected
in the future. But how much
information is available for
the study of tectonic history
that spans thousands or even
tens of thousands of years?
The source of data that

Crumbling facade of chorten, Punakha dzong,

September 18, 2011 Quake (file photo)
can reach furthest back in
time is the study of individual
faults by investigating geologic evidence. One approach is
to excavate a trench across a
known fault and try to identify the relative displacement of
geologic layers that occurred
during a past earthquake.
This can provide information on the approximate size
and duration of the event.
The study of terraced river
deposits can also provide
information about ancient
earthquakes. Such analyses
were performed in the region
of Gelephu and Sarpang by
a French-Bhutanese team.
They explored surface features of the fault along which
the Himalayas thrust over the
India plate, supposedly producing rare but catastrophic
events. The results show that

in the past millennium two

catastrophic events have
happened, with magnitudes
possibly exceeding M8.
A fascinating aspect of
seismology is the search for
historical documents that
can offer data about the
frequency and intensity of
past events. In the region of
Bhutan, historical records of
earthquakes include books
and written notes by officials,
monks and citizens. For
example, there is excellent
documentation for the great
Shillong Plateau earthquake
(Magnitude M8.1) in 1897,
which was felt across Bhutan.
However, older records of
earthquakes are rare, possibly due to fires that ravaged
monasteries and Dzongs.
One earthquake that is
believed to have occurred

in Spring of 1713, was

described by a 3 or 4 year
old child, Shakya Rinchen,
who later became the Ninth
Je Khenpo. The event was
large, if not catastrophic,
but neither the location nor
the magnitude can be reconstructed from this single
With the advent of seismometers the international
community has catalogued
about 10 to 15 medium to
large earthquakes (M6) in
or near Bhutan over the last
century. One could say there
is roughly one M6 event
every 10 years, but this is an
average: some decades had
several events, some had no
event at all. Most Readers
will remember the September 2011 earthquake in
Sikkim, and the September
2009 earthquake near Mongar. Seismologists evaluated
the relative size of these
events, and assigned the
Sikkim event a magnitude
M6.9, and a magnitude M6.1
for the Mongar event. While
the Sikkim event was larger,
the Mongar earthquake
caused more damage in
Bhutan because its source
was shallower and nearer
Bhutanese cities.
Although the available
information on past earthquakes is limited, it is clear
that earthquakes of all sizes
can happen in Bhutan. So
the question is not if, but
when will the next large
event occur? Currently, the
average time between large
events is not well known;
however, there are ways to
learn more about this.
To be continued
Contributed by Dr.
Gyrgy Hetnyi,
Geophysicist, ETH
Zrich, Switzerland Travis
Munson, Geotechnical Engineer, Portland, Oregon, USA

PAGE 12 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

Strong proclamations to root out

corruption, a mere lip service: ACC
Rinzin Wangchuk

Changing peoples perception

and tolerance for corruption
remains a great challenge the
anti-graft agency is facing
since its inception in 2006.

As an offshoot of such
a mindset, according to the
Anti Corruption Commission
(ACC) annual report 2014,
which will be discussed in
Parliament, misplaced compassion for corrupt people
deters authorities from taking
appropriate actions against
For instance, a civil servant or an employee has committed a wrong, but he or she
has a large family to support,
is the rationale for lenient or
non-action from authorities.
The ACC report highlighted
that the money embezzled
has been restituted and no
action is necessary is another rationale used quite often
for non-action.
With this attitude, a strong
message and action against
corruption is diluted, with
a lingering sense of, maybe
corruption is not so bad
after all. It encourages other
people to take the chance to
enrich themselves, and creates opportunity for corrupt
acts through inequity in action, vis--vis compassion for
their relatives and associates
and harsh penalties for others, the report stated.
The commission observed
that some public servants,
who have failed to perform

documents and
faking travel
claims is an
accepted norm
From the ACC report

professionally, allowed corruption to perpetrate in their

agencies, while others, who
are even involved in corruption, are promoted sometimes to greater and more
important positions, enjoy
plum postings and transfers.
While individual perpetrators of corruption are
punished, the report stated
that fixing organisational accountability is an exception,
and some agencies even defy
court orders. Some corrupt
acts legitimised by committees, knowingly or unknowingly, are considered legally
binding, and some public
servants, who are convicted
of corruption, lack integrity
and ethics, enjoy better perks
in the private sector or are
nominated as candidates in
politics local and national.
Business people, whose
licenses are cancelled for
corruption and fraud, readily obtain another license in
another entitys name and
run business as usual, sometimes even working in bigger
contracts; media houses are
averse to professionalism,
transparency and accountability, which they so aggressively demand from other
public entities.

It also stated that some

courts and agencies perceive audit recoveries from
employees as administrative
sanctions. For instance, a civil
servant embezzles over Nu 2
million, the amount is recovered and moved to another
unit in the same agency; some
accountants, who have a history of embezzling funds, are
transferred to another agency
still as accountants every time
he or she embezzles.
Non-performing public
servants are kept in office
to recover outstanding or
embezzled amount, while
whistleblowers face reprisals.
The report also stated that
some agencies spend much
time in writing to each other
regarding disciplinary action
to be taken against erring civil
servants, while others write to
ACC seeking directives when
rules are clear.

Forging documents and

faking travel claims is an accepted norm.
The commission recommends an appropriate or
similar action for similar offence. Swift and decisive action on corrupt people is the
only way forward to control
corruption with deterrence,
it states.
Bhutanese people generally take things for granted,
even when it concerns the
countrys independence,
security and sovereignty, the
commission pointed out as
another challenge. This callous attitude also manifests
in the management of common asset like the environment and the pressing concern, such as corruption, the
report stated.
Not many people are
ready to solve such matters.
Instead, they blame authori-

ties for not doing enough.

Proactive and collective
remedial measures arent
forthcoming to change the
ineffective system for common benefits.
The commission also
noted that huge public resources are being lost every
day. Yet, most will not report
because either they are party
to it, or are thinking of joining
the fray, since being caught
in the business is of very
low risk and pays high dividends, or they feel that there
is no point reporting because
nothing will happen or they
fear reprisals because the
nexus of actors is powerful,
the report said.
Strong proclamations
that corruption must be
rooted out lack strong actions, whether at the level of
self or entity are reduced to
mere lip service.




No. 702/15/GS(Trg)/IMA


Two (02) slots (only male candidates) are available for pre-commission
training at the Indian Military Academy Dehradun, India for one & half year
training commencing from June 29, 2015.
2. Eligibility for registration:a) Education qualification : BSc Physical Science (Physics, Chemistry, Math
and English).
b) Age limit
: Born not earlier than June 29, 1991 (24 years &
c) Height
: Minimum 56 (five feet six inches).
d) Cut-off-point
: 65% aggregate (Physics, Chemistry, Math and
English) with 60% cut off each in Physics,
Chemistry, Math and English in Bachelors Degree.
e) Medically fit with no physical deformities.
3. Mandatory documents in original:a) Class XII and Degree certificates with mark sheets in original
b) Citizenship identity card
c) Security clearance
d) Two passport size photographs
4. Registration/ verification will commence from 0900 hours to 1400 hours on
May 18, 2015 and May 19, 2015. Applicants will have to bring along two PP
size photo each for registration.
5. A small booklet containing detailed instructions on eligibility criteria and
selection process will be issued from the office of the under-signed on payment
of Nu.100/- (non-refundable) on the day of registration.
Personnel Officer

Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL







The Anti-Corruption Commission invites sealed bid

from interested travel/ticketing agents having valid
licence for the purchase and issue of air tickets for the
following routes. The tender forms can be collected
from the Administration & Finance Division or
downloaded from the website at www.acc.org.bt
free of cost.


RCO, DCSD, BPC, Thimphu invites sealed bids from the eligible Small Civil
Contractors having valid trade licence and registered with Construction Development
Board (CDB) for the following works at ESD, BPCL, Wangdue.

Bids for

The rates quoted should be submitted to this office by

May 13, 2015 before 12:00 noon. The tenders will
be opened on the same day at 12:15 pm in presence
of the interested bidders or their representatives.

1. Repair & Maintenance of office cum residential

building and staff quarters.
2. Repair & Maintenance of old office toilet and
septic tank of 25 users.
3. Repair & maintenance of class IV staff quarter
& old managers resident at old BPC colony


Bid security

Nu. 11,000.00


Cost of bid document

Nu. 500.00 (non-refundable)

Chief Administrative Officer


Date of sale

May 11, 2015 to June 9, 2015


Date of submission of bids June 10, 2015 (before 1530 hours) at ESD,
& venue


Date of opening of bids

June 11, 2015 (1530 hours)


Venue for opening of bids

In the office of Regional Manager, RCO, BPC,



BPCs Estimated amount


1. Paro-Bangkok- Manila- Bangkok-Paro 1 pax

2. Paro- Pemba, Mozambique - Paro
1 pax

UNICEF, Thimphu would like to invite applications
from Bhutanese individual consultants for assessment
of immunization to determine coverage and identify
obstacles in 6 districts with focus in gewogs and
villages for a period of 31 working days spread over
two months.
Candidates having advance university degree in
Social Sciences, Biostatistics or Public Health with 10
years of experience in health related assessments and
evaluations may apply for this consultancy latest by
May 22, 2015 along with the following:
a) Curriculum vitae
b) Expected fee per day or in lump sum in US
Terms of Reference and details of the consultancy
may be obtained from Human Resources, UNICEF,
UN Building, Peling Lam, Kawajangsa, Thimphu.


Interested bidders may purchase complete set of bidding documents on submission of

a written application along with copies of the valid trade licence and CDB registration
certificate to the Manager, ESD, BoC, Wangdue before June 9, 2015 during working
hours. For any queries, contact at telephone # 975-02-481282.
BPC reserves the right to accept or reject the bids without assigning any reason.
Regional Manager


Ministry of Labour & Human Resources and Bhutan Innovation & Technology
Centre, Thimphu TechPark, are conducting the 4th annual Business Idea Competition
to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
There will be attractive prizes for the selected entries including one for the best idea
from a youth below 25 years of age. All interested may submit their business ideas
to sonam.choden@thimphutechpark.com or eship@molhr.gov.bt latest by May
24, 2015. For details, visit: www.thimphutechpark.com or call 02-350052.




Traffic Division, Royal Bhutan Police, Thimphu would

like to convene a meeting with commercial drivers
(Taxi) of Thimphu and adjoining Districts on following
date, time & venue specified:
: RBP, HQs
: 1000 hrs.
: 09/05/2015
Hence, all drivers are requested to attend without fail.
Offtg. Superintendent of Police,
Traffic Division, Thimphu

Call 326191 or fax 326638; E-mail us at:


TO SUBSCRIBE: Call 327463;

FOR NEWS: Call 324684, 322483


The management of Dzong Construction Project, Pemagatshel invites sealed bids

from the eligible bidders having valid trade licence for the supply of following item for
the fiscal year 2014-2015:

Supplying & installation of GRC components

Interested bidders may collect the tender documents/forms from the office of the
Dzong Construction Project, Denchi, Pemagatshel from Accounts Section w.e.f
from 12/5/2015 to 9/06/2015 during office hours on payment of Nu. 500/- (nonrefundable).
The last date of submission of sealed tender is on June 9, 2015 at 1:30 pm and will
be opened on same day at 2:00 pm in presence of Project Committee members &
interested bidders in the PDCP conference hall.
Project Manager

PAGE 14 Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL






Bachelors in Computer Engineering/Information Technology 02

(IT)/Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE)


VTI certificates in Computer Hardware



May 22, 2015

Duly completed Job

application form and
academic transcripts


Interested applicants may download the Companys Job Application form from the link below: http://www.tashicell.com/files/forms/job/application.pdf
For more details on the job description and person specification, please refer the Companys website www.tashicell.com. You may also
contact the HRD Officer at telephone number 77889977-8803 during office hours for further information.



Bhutan Agro Industries Limited (BAIL) is pleased to invite applications from eligible Bhutanese Nationals for the position given below:



General Manager Administration 1

& Finance Department

Eligibility criteria
B.Com Honors with major in Finance or Accounts with minimum 10 years experience
working in sizeable/reputed manufacturing companies, institutions or corporations.

Interested candidates who meet the above criteria may apply to the CEO, BAIL, Thimphu on or before May 29, 2015 along with the following
1. Curriculum vitae
Copy of degree certificates/academic transcripts
3. Copy of citizenship ID card
Work experience certificate
5. Valid security clearance certificate (online screenshot)
Medical fitness certificate
7. No objection certificate (if presently employed)
References from at least 2 non-family related referees
For detailed Terms of Reference of the position above, please contact the Administration Division at 02-351078/351081. Only shortlisted candidates
will be notified for interview.

We join the nation to support the National Reading Year in
celebrating the 60th Birth Anniversary of the 4th Druk Gyalpo
Jigme Singye Wangchuck.
Our bookshop offers:
1. Buy one get one free on all novels
2. For children 4 to 18 buy four books and take the 5th one free
3. 20% off on other books.
Located at YDF Youth Development Center, Thimphu.
For more info call 17140701/17366947.

Tashi Children Book shop

Read to lead.....

Post Box No. - 215
Thimphu- 11001: Bhutan

Thimphu Thromde would like to notify the

general public that Thimphu Thromde has
impounded 10 nos. of horses at Motithang
cattle pound since of April 1, 2015. To this,
the concern owners are requested to report to
Thimphu Thromde office on or before April 11,
2015 to claim. Failure to comply would result in
auction of your horses.




Supreme Court of Bhutan
The Royal Court of Justice, Supreme Court of Bhutan is pleased to invite sealed bids
from the eligible firms with valid trade license to set up Wireless Network and supply of
wireless networking equipment for the Supreme Court. The tender document is available
for download from internet www.judiciary.gov.bt/publications/tender.php .
The rates should be submitted on or before May 22, 2015 to the ICT division of the
Supreme Court. The tender will be also opened on the same day.


In the NIT for the work Construction of temporary store & building for maintenance
staff in project colony at Bjimthangkha and rehabilitation of damaged portion of
catch water drain above PHPA-I colony at Bjimthangkha floated in Kuensel dated
25/04/2015 for tender no. PHPA-I/SE (C)/W-20/T-57/2015 & PHPA-I/SE (C)/W20/T-58/2015, clause 1(a) of terms and conditions may be read as The bidder should
possess valid license and registration with Construction Development Board, RGoB
as Class Small (S)/Medium (M) Contractor for Building works instead of The
bidder should possess valid license and registration with Construction Development
Board, RGoB as Class Small (S) Contractor for Building works. Further, the sale
of bidding documents for the above mentioned tenders have been extended upto
12.05.15 and the submission & opening of the same shall be on 15.05.15.
Other terms and conditions shall remain same.
Superintending Engineer (C)

Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL



The APIC Management is pleased to announce the following vacant post:





Basic pay scale

Employment type

Qualifying criteria

Store In-charge

Class XII pass

Nu. 8,060 + 30%

contract allowance

On contract for a
period of 3 years

Preference shall be given to candidates with

working experiences

Security guard

Class 8 pass

Nu. 6,805 +30%

contract allowance

On contract for a
period of 3 years

Preference shall be given to ex- army

candidates with working experiences

Interested candidates may submit the applications with the following documents addressing to Chief Executive Officer, Agency for Promotion of
Indigenous Crafts (APIC), Thimphu latest by May 18, 2015.

Detailed CV
2. Copy of citizenship ID Card
Valid Medical Certificate
5. Valid Security Clearance
Any other documents relevant to the advertised posts requirements

3. Copies of academic transcripts

6. NOC from current employer if already employed

Shortlisted candidates will be notified for written examinations and interview. Original documents should be produced at the time of interview
without which candidates will not be considered for the interview. Contact HRO at telephone no. 334157 for further information during office
hours or log on to www.apic.org.bt


The Tourism Council of Bhutan would like to invite sealed bids for small works as follows:
Name of Work
1. Construction of restroom at Ramthangkha, Paro


Submission date

Opening Date

Nu. 1.99 million 09/05/2015 26/05/2015 at 12:00 noon 26/05/2015 at 2:30 PM

2. Development of Khandupang in Ura-Kheng Shingkhar

Nu. 5.5 lakhs
Trek Route
3. Development of Rhododendron Trek Route

Sale of

09/05/2015 26/05/2015 at 12:00 noon

26/05/2015 at 2:30 PM

Nu. 3.46 Lakhs 09/05/2015 26/05/2015 at 12:00 noon 26/05/2015 at 2:30 PM

The detailed bidding documents and Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the TCB website www.tourism.gov.bt. The Bids should be
addressed to the Head, Services Division, Tourism Council of Bhutan. For further information, contact Mr. Narayan Dungana/ Ugyen Phuntsho at
323251 (Ext. 218) during office hours.
Marketing and Promotion Division


Department of Hydro-Met Services, Snow and Glacier Division, Thimphu

Sealed bids are invited from eligible Bhutanese suppliers/dealers having valid trade licence or registration in conformity with the provisions of the
laws of the country for the following work:
Name of work

Bid security

Supply, installation, testing and

commissioning of automatic
water level stations, and Nu. 120,000.00
supply & delivery of automatic
weather station equipment.


Availability of
tender document

Last date & time

of submission of

Date & time

of opening

r AWS: Latest by 60 days

from the date of work
On or after May 11, June
2015 June 11, 2015 at
rAWLSs: Latest by 90 days 2015
before 1100 hrs
1430 hrs.
from the date of work

The bidding documents can be downloaded for entire package from the website www.moea.gov.bt for free of cost. For any clarification, contact
325315 (O)/17865778 during office hours.
Offtg. Chief

PAGE 16 Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL



Sealed item rate bids are hereby invited by the undersigned for and on behalf of the Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA-I)
from experienced Bhutanese Contractors for the following work:
Tender No.

Name of work

Cost (Nu./Rs.)

Bid Security

Period of


Construction of Infrastructure Services (i.e. External Water

Supply, Sewerage, Horticulture & Drainage Works) for
40-Bedded Hospital Complex at Jatshokha, Wangdue.

38.70 Million




The Bidding Document shall be issued only to those bidders who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
a) The bidder should possess valid license and registration with Construction Development Board, RGoB as Class Large (L) Contractor for Building works.
b) The bidder should have substantial experience in works of similar nature and magnitude during the last 5 years.
c) The bidder should have a total turnover of Nu/Rs. 40 million during last 3 years.
d) The bidder should not have two or more than two works in hand with PHPA-I/II.
The bidders shall submit the above details with a documentary evidence giving details of works in hand, list of machinery/equipment available
with him for use in the work, technical & financial capabilities, related experience, latest tax clearance certificate from Revenue & Customs
Department and licence/CDB certificate at the time of purchase of bidding document.
Bidding documents will be issued to the prima facie qualified bidders. However, such issuance of bidding documents will not automatically
mean that such a bidder is considered qualified. The details furnished by the bidder along with the bid will be examined in detail as per the
requirements of the bidding documents and the bidders eligibility will be established accordingly.
The interested eligible bidders may purchase Bidding Documents from the office of the Sr. Project Manager, WAPCOS, PHEP-I, Lobesa,
Bhutan from 18/05/2015 to 26/05/2015 during the office hours on payment of non-refundable fee of Nu. 5,000/- (Five Thousand) only
through bank draft/cash warrant issued by Bank of Bhutan / Bhutan National Bank or any scheduled Bhutanese Bank drawn in favour of
Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority and payable at Wangduephodrang.
Bids shall be received on or before 03.06.2015 up to 1.00 PM in the office of the Superintending Engineer (C), PHPA-I, Bjimthangkha
and shall be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives.
The PHPA-I reserves the right to reject any or all the requests for the purchase of bidding document without assigning any reason thereof.
Superintending Engineer (C)



Sealed item rate bids are hereby invited by the undersigned for and on behalf of the Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA-I) from
experienced Bhutanese Contractors for the following work:
Tender No.

Name of work

Approx. Estimated
Cost (Nu./Rs.)

Bid Security

Period of


Digging of Planting Pits, Barbed Wire Fencing and

Irrigation of Water



2 months


1. The Bidding Document shall be issued only to those bidders who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
a) The bidder should possess valid license and registration with Construction Development Board, RGoB as Class Small (S) Contractor for building and road
2. The bidders shall submit the above details with a documentary evidence giving details of works in hand, technical & financial capabilities,
related experience, latest tax clearance certificate from Revenue & Customs Department and licence/CDB certificate at the time of purchase
of bidding document.
3. Bidding documents will be issued to the prima facie qualified bidders. However, such issuance of bidding documents will not automatically
mean that such a bidder is considered qualified. The details furnished by the bidder along with the bid will be examined in detail as per the
requirements of the bidding documents and the bidders eligibility will be established accordingly.
4. The interested eligible bidders may purchase Bidding Documents from the office of the Sr. Project Manager, WAPCOS, PHEP-I, Lobesa,
Bhutan from 18/05/2015 to 26/05/2015 during the office hours on payment of non-refundable fee of Nu. 1,000/- (One Thousand)
only through bank draft/cash warrant issued by Bank of Bhutan / Bhutan National Bank or any scheduled Bhutanese Bank drawn in favour of
Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority and payable at Wangduephodrang.
5. Bids shall be received on or before 29.05.2015 up to 1.00 PM in the office of the Superintending Engineer (C), PHPA-I, Bjimthangkha
and shall be opened on the same day at 3.00 PM in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives.
6. The PHPA-I reserves the right to reject any or all the requests for the purchase of bidding document without assigning any reason thereof.
Superintending Engineer (C)

Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL


Bhutan ranked 87th on T&T competitiveness index

Poor infrastructure and restrictive policies vitiated higher ranking
tural and entertainmentthe
number of online searches
related to a countrys cultural
resources are considered in
this pillar. The number of international association meetings taking place in a country
is included to capture, at least
partially, business travel.
As expected, health and

Bhutan also scored low in the cultural resources

Ugyen Penjore

Bhutan scored highest on the

safety and security indicator
to be ranked the 87th competitive country in the Travel
and Tourism Competitiveness
index 2015, released recently
by the World Economic forum.

The rankings measure the
competitiveness of 141 countries and economies, based on
14 pillars or criteria, like business environment, travel and
tourism policies, and readiness of communication networks, infrastructure quality,
and natural resources.
Scoring 6.02 on a 1-7 scale,
seven being safest, the country
is ranked the 26th safest out
of 141 countries assessed for
the competitiveness ranking.
Safety and security is a critical
factor determining the competitiveness of a countrys T&T
industry. Tourists are likely to
be deterred from traveling to
dangerous countries or regions, making it less attractive
to develop the T&T sector in
those places, according to the
Despite many feeling that
the tourism tariff of USD 200
and USD 250 a day as expensive, the other indicator that
the country fared better was
in the price competitiveness
indicator, where it was ranked

30th scoring 5.18.

However, Bhutan scored
the lowest in the tourism
service infrastructure criteria.
Bhutan was ranked 120. The
availability of sufficient quality
accommodation, resorts and
entertainment facilities are
considered to have significant
competitive advantage for a
country. The level of tourism
infrastructure service is measured through the number of
upper level hotel rooms
complemented by the extent
of access to services, such as
car rentals and ATMs.
Ranked 117th, Bhutan
score in the international
openness criteria dragged
down the ranking. Restrictive
policies, such as cumbersome
visa requirements, diminish
tourists willingness to visit a
country, and indirectly reduce
the availability of key services,
the report states. Regional
trade agreements, openness
to bilateral air services and
availability are other factors.
Another area that brought
down the ranking was the
ranking in the cultural resources and business travel
criteria. Bhutan was ranked
111th scoring only 1.29 points.
The number of UNESCO
cultural World Heritage sites,
large stadiums that can host
significant sport or entertainment events, and a new measure of digital demand for cul-

hygiene was one area Bhutan

scored poorly. Bhutan was
ranked 91. Access to improved
drinking water and sanitation
is important for the comfort
and health of travellers. In
the event that tourists do become ill, the countrys health
sector must be able to ensure
they are properly cared for, as

measured by the availability of

physicians and hospital beds.
Spain tops the table for the
first time, with an overall score
of 5.31. France and Germany
rank second and third, followed by the United States in
fourth. In the region, Sri Lanka
and India are ranked above

PAGE 18 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

Judiciary conducts essay competition

to promote national language
Tezin Namgyel

In an effort to promote Dzongkha, the judiciary organised

Dzongkha essay competition
among its employees.

Chief Justice Tshering Wangchuk on May 6 awarded cash
prices and certificates to the winners and participants.
Sonam Penjor, a clerk from
the Supreme Court took Nu
20,000 and certificate for winning
the competition. Yonten Thinley,
a clerk of Jomo Tsangkha Drungkhag Court in Samdrupjongkhar
took away the second prize of
Nu 10,000. Namgay Dorji, a clerk
from dzongkhag court of Samdrupjongkhar bagged the third
prize of Nu 5,000. They also got
the certificates.
A certificate and dzongkha
dictionary each was given to
seven participants as a consolation prize.
Chief Justice said that employees of judiciary should excel
in the use of Dzongkha to be able
to conduct accurate and precise
court proceedings.
He said that a slight spelling
mistake could give a different
meaning and emphasised everyone to upgrade their written and
spoken Dzongkha.
Judiciary plans to make
essay competition an annual

Efforts, such as
this, are more
effective than
enforcing rules
to promote
the national
Sherub Jamtsho
A Dzongkha teacher

programme as a way to promote

the national language.
If possible, such essay competition will be held twice a year
to develop a continuous spirit to
learn Dzongkha.
Sherub Jamtsho, a dzongkha
teacher, said the essay competition is a good approach to encourage learning of Dzongkha,
which is being overshadowed by
foreign language. Efforts such
as this are more effective than
enforcing rules to promote the
national language. Government
must take the lead role to promote Dzongkha, which is on the
verge of losing its significance.
The Bhutanese film industry
and local music firms are playing
a good role in promoting spoken
Dzongkha but there should be
also a good mechanism to promote written Dzongkha said one
Dzongkha expert. Government
should promote more Dzongkha

Department of Employment
This is to inform the general public that Depaul Man
Power Serviceslocated in the building next to City
Bus Station is not a registered Bhutanese Overseas
Employment Agent with the Ministry of Labour
and Human Resources (MoLHR). Anybody who is
registered with the Depaul Man Power Services are
asked to consult the MoLHR.
Further, anyone who wishes to go for employment
overseas may kindly contact MoLHR at 333867/
Extn:2304 /2083 or registered Bhutanese Overseas
Employment Agents with the Ministry at
Department of Employment

Chief Justice awards the prizes to the winners

Thimphu and Chhukha
dzongkhags have submitted
agenda to the on-going session
of the Parliament to promote
the national language through
making use of Dzongkha in official meetings and strengthening
Dzongkha teachers in schools.

Fuel Prices
(In Nu)





Thimphu (DPCL)





P/Ling (Damchen) 50.61




*Prices as of yesterday



Flight No.



May 10
May 10
May 10
May 10
May 10
May 10

Bangkok to Paro via Bagdogra

Paro to Bangkok via Guwahati
Paro to Delhi
Delhi to Paro
Paro to Mumbai
Singapore to Paro via Kolkatta

KB 131
KB 140
KB 204
KB 205
KB 206
KB 501

06:50 am
11:45 am
11:25 am
06:35 am
11:40 am
06:30 am

09:55 am
05:15 pm
01:15 pm
09:25 am
02:20 pm
10:45 am

May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11
May 11

Bangkok to Paro via Guwahati

Paro to Bangkok via Guwahati
Paro to Delhi
Delhi to Paro
Paro to Kathmandu
Kathmandu to Paro
Mumbai to Paro
Paro to Dhaka
Dhaka to Paro

KB 141
KB 156
KB 204
KB 205
KB 400
KB 401
KB 207
KB 300
KB 301

06:50 am
11:15 am
11:25 am
06:35 am
07:00 am
09:05 am
05:00 am
07:00 am
08:50 am

10:20 am
04:50 pm
01:15 pm
10:25 am
08:05 am
10:40 am
08:40 am
08:20 am
10:10 am

KB 1001
KB 1002

08:00 am
08:55 pm

08:35 am
09:30 am

May 10
May 10

Paro to Bumthang
Bumthang to Paro

Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Drukair toll free No. 1300 for latest flight information.

Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air)

May 10
May 10

Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata

Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata


06:30 am
10:15 am

10:05 am
03:55 pm

May 11
May 11

Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata

Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata


06:30 am
10:15 am

10:05 am
03:55 pm

Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Bhutan Airlines toll free No. 1234 for latest flight information.


Saturday, May 09, 2015 | KUENSEL

10 percent GDP growth

looks less likely
Projections from the World Bank reveal around 6% growth in 2013-17 period
Tshering Dorji

The government may not

achieve an economic growth
of 10 percent during its tenure
and, going by the World Banks
projections, the gross domestic product (GDP) may hover
around six percent on an average between 2013 and 2017.

The World Bank, in its
multi poverty outlook, published recently, projects a
growth of 5.7 percent in 2014,
after experiencing an all time
low growth of 2.05 percent in
2013. In the subsequent years
it is projected that the economy would grow by 6.9 percent,
6.8 percent and 7.6 percent.
Additional drivers of
growth in 2014, according to
the report, were the hydropower construction, which is
back on track after geological delays, the five-year plan
implementation in full swing,
a record level of tourists, promotions and public consumption boosted by an increase in
In 2015 economic activity is again expected to gain
momentum, driven by new
hydropower construction and
innovative tourism measures
like Visit Bhutan year.
If these projections turn
out as estimated, the government will not achieve its target,
despite all the hydropower activities on full swing and other
initiatives on the economic
However, during the meetthe-press session on May 7,
the economic affairs minister,
Norbu Wangchuk, said the
economy was already showing
signs of a robust economy. But
to achieve growth in double
digits, he said it was important
to understand the reality.
Weve inherited a seriously troubled economy when
we took over-growth of 2.05
percent, serious rupee crisis,

Weve inherited a
seriously troubled
economy when
we took overgrowth of 2.05
percent, serious
rupee crisis,
skewed trade
Norbu Wangchuk
Economic affairs minister

disproportionately skewed
trade balance.
As the country entered the
third phase of the Plan, he said
the government had met most
of the INR debt obligations and
that the restrictions had been
lifted which awakened some
sectors like construction.
The Economic Stimulus
Plan is beginning to take shape
and over a thousand small and
medium enterprises (SMEs)
might bear fruits, he said.
He said that all hydropower activities were now in
full swing.
But to boost growth,
local economists say that a
sizeable investment and energetic economic activities
must occur and that SMEs

like poultry and livestock are

peanuts to have any impact
on GDP.
In fact, in Bhutans context the only investment of
huge scale is in terms of hydropower. Data from past
reveals that, when Chukha
hydropowers main civil and
electro-mechanical works of
the project started in 1979,
Bhutan recorded a growth of
13.9 percent.
After the three turbine
units were commissioned
between 1986 and 1988, the
economic growth peaked at
28 percent in 1987. But the
growth had again stabilised
more or less after its operation.
Similarly when Tala was
fully commissioned in 2007,
GDP grew by 17.9 percent
from 6.8 percent in 2006.
While the government
seems hopeful that such
huge jump may happen again
when either one of the three
hydropower projects gets
operational, economists are
of the view that investment
in hydropower has already
peaked when two Punatshangchus were initiated in
This resulted in a growth
of 11.7 percent in 2010, an all
time high since 2008.


Good day



Bad day



Good day
Bad day


MAY 09, 2015



Source: Meteorology Division, DHMS, MOEA,

For any weather information : call hotline 339673



PAGE 20 KUENSEL | Saturday, May 09, 2015

Employment through sports

Younten Tshedup

Tshewang Norbu always wanted to become a basketball instructor. Today the 26-year-old
from Jamkhar, Trashiyangtse,
is living his dream of coaching
youth on the basic techniques
of the game.

We are ever
ready to teach
all those who
need our help.
Moreover, its


Rinzin Namgay
BYB coach

Tshewang Norbu is
a member of the Bhutan
Youth Basketball (BYB), a
programme initiated by the
Bhutan Basketball Federation
(BBF) in collaboration with the

labour ministry in 2012. BBF

media focal person, Jamyang
Zangpo, said the programme
was organised to provide job
opportunities to the youth.

A BYB coach (left) instructs a group of students at the BOC outdoor basketball court
He added that the main
reason for initiating the programme was to get youth
certified in refereeing and
coaching, and also to encourage other youth to be
engaged in such activities
during their holidays.
Another reason was to
conduct summer and winter
BYB camp when the School
Sports Instructors (SSI) were
on vacation, he said. BBF
organises monthly tournaments to sustain the BYB
coaches and to keep them

Tshewang Norbu said
that coaching the youth is a
rewarding experience. Most
of the time its us who learn
more than what we teach
them, he said. When we
hear our trainees doing well
in their school basketball
tournaments we feel very
satisfied. Tshewang Norbu
is also a Federation International Basketball Association
certified referee.
Like Tshewang Norbu,
others from Pemagatshel,

Gelephu, Mongar and

Trashiyangtse have come to
be a part of the programme.
Currently there are 11 BYB
coaches who train basketball
enthusiasts on a daily basis.
Most of the BYB coaches are
are class 10 and 12 dropouts.
Rinzin Namgay from Yurung, Pemagatshel is another
BYB coach with the BBF. The
27-year-old said that seeing
the individuals, whom they
have trained, improve on a
daily basis makes him perform his job better.
Rinzin Namgay said that
rather than wasting time on
unhealthy practices during vacations, youth should
come and get the training.
We are ever ready to teach
all those who need our help.
Moreover, its free, he said.
The BYB coaches are
trained daily by the national
basketball coach, Tenxin
Jamtsho. BBF pays a monthly
stipend of Nu 3,000. They are
also paid a daily allowance
of Nu 500 for tournaments
like the Coronation Cup and
the A League, and Nu 350 for
smaller tournaments like the
B League.
Jamyang Zangpo said
that apart from conducting
the regular summer and winter basketball camps for the
youth, the coaches also help
in refereeing and coaching
in other dzongkhags during
tournaments and camps.

May 9, 2015

K2 | PAGE 1

Road safety is a collective responsibility that comes from mutual respect of all road users

Jigme Wangchuk
More than a million people die
every year on the roads. This is a figure
of world roads put together. And no
less than 50 million sustain non-fatal
injuries as a result of road crashes.
Globally, about 186,300 children die
every year from road accidents.
According to World Health
Organisation (WHO), every four
minutes a child is prematurely lost
on the roads of this world. These
traumatic events cause immeasurable
suffering and grief and, at times,
economic hardship for families and
friends. In addition, they cost societies
precious resources, diverting these from
other pressing health and development
Studies have found that road traffic
death rates are twice as high in lowincome countries as in high-income
countries. Children in low- and
middle-income countries have a road
traffic death rate that is nearly three
times as high as those in high-income
The theme of this years road
safety week, from May 4 to 10, is
SaveKidsLives. According to records
with Road Safety and Transport

It is a collective responsibility
that will bring about a desired
change in the country. If you
have respect for other road
users, safety can be achieved
Karma Pemba
An RSTA official
Authority (RSTA), there were 791 road
mishap cases in 2014.
How safe are Bhutanese roads?
What system do we have in place to
reduce the number of death due to road
accidents? What plan do we have to
make roads safe, especially for children?
According to research, road traffic
injury is the leading killer among
children aged 15-17 years. Especially in
South and East Asia, road traffic death
rates are twice as high in low-income
countries as in high-income countries.
There is a need to identify gaps
in road safety at national level and to
set priority for future intervention.
On April 10, 2014, the UN General
Assembly adopted a resolution on
Improving global road safety to
encourage inclusion of road safety in
the post-2015 development agenda.
Pg. 4



| K2

May 9, 2015



e n g y u r
means the
of treatises.
It is the secondary Buddhist
canon in the Himalayas. It
is made up of many books
written by Indian masters as a
commentary on the Buddhas
Tengyur is composed
of some 225 volumes and
it includes subjects from
Buddhist psychology, art of
mind training, explanation
of Buddhahood, politics,
medicine, astrology, arts and
crafts, epistemology, logic and
so forth.
The Tengyur contains many
classics of the Indian tradition
especially the books written by
the great masters of Nalanda
University. These books are
all translated into Tibetan

since the eighth century or

seventh century even. Much of
it was translated into the eight
century, 11th, 12th and 13th
Pe o p l e l i ke P u t h o e
Rinchendrub put these books
together as a collection or canon.
There are some seven Tengyur
printing houses and many more
Tengyur manuscripts.
Tengyur is classified along
the same line as Kagyur because
Tengyur is seen as a commentary
on the content contained in the
Just like the Kagyur, Tengyur
is venerated and produced
through much care, details
using the best substances;
it is treasured in a hall, very
respectfully people go and bow
before it and receive blessings.
Tengyur is also chanted
like the Kagyur to help people
overcome illness, misfortunes,

it is paraded across the valley

to bless the valley, people
also make commission to buy
Tengyur and do many things
regard to Tengyur because
it represents the spiritual

teachings of great Buddhist

Therefore, it is very
meritorious to carry out the
veneration and worship of the

Dr Karma Phuntsho,
Director of Shejun,
Loden Foundation
and author of The History
of Bhutan


Supplements or no?
Dear Tshering,
I see many people at the gym consume supplements of various kinds. Is it an absolute necessary? Many of them claim to have built a good physique. However, is it safe?
21 years old.
Hi Jamyang,
There is everything we need
in the nature.
But, food should always be
the backbone of any nutrition
Supplement is not really
necessary unless you are
competing in some sport at an
elite level.
The real question is whether
we are able to consume all of
the food we need in the correct
quantity consistently to meet the
demands of your personal health
and fitness goals.
In my experience and
knowledge, there are only a very
few who can. The rest are unable
to do so because of profession,
health condition, lifestyle, time
constraint, taste and preferences.
That's where supplements
of various kinds come into play.
So, depending on your personal

is the best quality protein

in supplement form to be
comsumed right after an
intense physical exercise to
help resynthesise broken down
muscle tissue.
2. Casein protein:
A slow digesting protein,
excellent for individuals trying
to lose fat while on a calorie
restricted diet; and also a great
choice to replace meals with.
lifestyle and health goals, a
certain supplement may or may
not be of use.
are natural and safe for
Top three supplements that
I recommend:
1. Whey protein isolate:
This, in my opinion,

3. Glucosamine, chondroitin
and MSM:
This is the perfect
supplement to relieve joint pain
and inflammation. They also
help support and strengthen
connective tissue and joints.
I highly recommend this to
anyone experiencing joint pain.
It should also be a part of every
competitive athlete's nutrition.

Tshering Dorji
(Three times Mr Bhutan
and Health & Fitness

For queries email at




| K2

Younten Tshedup
It's 8am, Tuesday. Dawa Zam,
14, leaves her backpack in the class
room, puts on her orange waistcoat
and heads out for her regular routine
of controlling the traffic near the
school gate in Changzamtog.
Along with her are some 10 other
scout volunteers of Changzamtog
Lower Secondary School. They are
the student traffic controllers. Dawa
Zam, a class eight student has been
doing the traffic monitoring for two
years now.
I enjoy the responsibility. I like
helping the students cross the road
safely, said Dawa Zam.
Donning the orange coat and a
cap, Dawa Zam has a Stop sign in
her hand. Dawa and her friends have
to do traffic monitoring twice a day
once every morning and evening.
Dawa and her friends start at
8am. By 8:30am they are done. In the
evening they start at 3:50pm. They
are the first to report to the school and
the last to leave.
However, except for a few
individuals, most of the scout
members, including Dawa Zam,
did not get proper training on traffic

May 9, 2015

The whole community

should take the
initiative and be
mindful with the traffic
regulations. Only then
will the programme be
a success
Tshering Peldon

Every day is a challenge. But we
learn a lot from it, Dawa Zam said.
Tandin Tshewang, 15, is a student
volunteer who helps control the
traffic near the school. He said that he
enjoys the job. He said that except for
a few individuals, most of the drivers
cooperate with them.
Tandin Tshewang said that
new volunteers have difficult time
learning how to hold the signals to
stop a vehicle.
The scoutmaster, Tshering
Peldon, coordinates the daily traffic
controlling along with the volunteers.
She said that the programme has
been very effective in reducing the
risk of accidents.
Last year, we had an accident
where one of our student was injured.

A student traffic controller controlling traffic near Changzamtog Lower Secondary School
The programme has become more
effective after the incident, Tshering
Peldon said.
An official from the traffic
division accompanies the student
volunteers most of the time.
Tshering Peldon said that the
programme has not only benefited
the students but also helped the
participants learn important things

about traffic safety and monitoring.

Tshering Peldon said that
the programme could be an
extraordinary success if the
authorities concerned can give the
students and the teachers more
training on traffic controlling.
We usually get just one
training in a year, Tshering Peldon
said. New volunteers have trouble

stopping vehicles. They dont know

how to hold stop sign the right way.
But everyone will benefit if drivers
are supportive and stop when they
are asked to.
Said Tshering Peldon: The
whole community should take the
initiative and be mindful with the
traffic regulations. Only then will the
programme be a success.


From Pg. 1
All member states in the
South and East Asia region
have lead agencies to address
road traffic injuries. It has been
found that road traffic injury is
a major public health problem
in the South and East regions of
Asia. Countries in the regions
have speed limit regulation or
legislation. However, only three
countries (Indonesia, Maldives
and Sri Lanka) have speed limits
around schools to protect school
going children.
Bhutan has speed limit rules
too, but only on the highways.
At peak hours, especially in
the morning when thousands
of children go to school, traffic
police are assisted by student
volunteers to control the flow
of vehicles on the roads. But
Bhutan has implemented
measures to make road travel
safe. For example, the country
has a rule that requires riders

Drivers are quite

reckless. Im
always worried
Parent of a 6-year
old school-going
of two-wheeler motors to wear
But, with development come
challenges. Cities grow and road
networks expand. That requires
improvement of road safety for
all road users. Lead agencies with
authority must be strengthened
with status and guidance, so
that they are able to guide,
develop, coordinate, implement
and evaluate road safety issues,
policies and programmes.
An RSTA official said that
the office does not have adequate
trained professionals. So the
focus is on creating safer roads

Students crossing a busy road in Thimphu

for road users.
t h e re
misunderstanding. People
seem to think that making road
transport safe is our job. It is a
collective responsibility that will
bring about a desired change in
the country. If you have respect
for other road users, safety can
be achieved easily, said an RSTA
official, Karma Pemba.
But there are strategies
that can be adopted to keep
the vulnerable section of

society, especially children,

safe. Sensible speed control
can be implemented. Likewise,
stringent measures can be
developed to reduce drinking
and driving. But the condition
of the roads and their setting can
be improved to reduce accidents.
What is important above all is
for the lead agencies to have
adequate trained professional to
inspect road design and vehicle
So much can be improved.

Accidents can be lessened by

much if were a little more
concerned, said a Namgay
Dendup, a parent, who reaches
his 6-year old daughter to school
everyday and brings her home.
Drivers are quite reckless. Im
always worried.
Safety begins with vehicle
and road conditions, said Karma
Pemba. But were running short
of trained professionals. We
could certainly do more to make
our roads safe.

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