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October 2013 - February 2014

Global Wires
India celebrates
Aspire Nite

GWI wins the Tata Inter-Company T20 tournament

This issue covers

3....................... Global Wires, India inaugurates its new bead wire line
4....................... Changes at Tata Steel
5....................... Hamara Manch
6-7.................... Quality Month celebrated at Wire Division
8....................... Quality Circles, Global Wires India, wins National Safety Award
9....................... Republic Day celebrations at Global Wires
10-11................ Su Samwad held at Tarapur, Borivli and Out-locations
12-13................ Global Wires India celebrates its Aspire Nite
14..................... Strategy Workshop at Wire Division, Ethics Round Table

16-17................ Team Antardrishti

18-19................ Grand Opening ceremony for TSN Wires, Thailand
20..................... Happenings at SIW
21..................... Happenings at Lanka SSL
22..................... Fun & Sports
23..................... Birthday celebrations, CSR
24..................... Health - Five Healthy Foods to Eat at your Workstation
25..................... Dhanvantari Vatika starts blooming
26..................... Promotions and Appointments, Transfers in Global Wires India

Conference at Wire Division, Tripti Roy Ethics Counsellor

Tata Steel Ltd visits Global Wires
15..................... Visitors to GWB, Shabash, Finance and Accounts Strategy Meet
Happenings at EPA Group

Transfers out of Global Wires India

27..................... Long Service Awards

Message of

Chairman GWB Council

As the financial year draws to a close, we need to grit ourselves to ensure that we deliver a strong finish in March'14
to ensure that we exceed our last year's sales volumes. While we will be significantly exceeding our ABP globally,
thanks to the stellar performance of SIW Thailand. We will be just short against our ABP for FY14 in India, but the
performance is worthy when seen against the bleak economic situation and the difficult markets. Congratulations
therefore are due to you for the manner in which all of you have got together to face the challenges that havebeen
thrown at us. It is said that "Adversity is the best test of the strongest" and you have proved that you are the strongest.
I am also happy at the progress made from Project Antardrishti. The project has built new capabilities within Global
Wires, in addition to the many insights it has thrown up into customer segments. These capabilities will definitely help
in strengthening our retail initiative for the long run. The onus is now on us to ensure that we sustain all the learnings'
that we have had, across the Organization and including our Channel partners.
Congratulations are also due to the winners of the various "Aspire Projects" and the winners of the "Quality
Circle" competitions. The sustained projects in improvement activities have become a hallmark of Tata
Steel. Let us now take a challenge to go to the next higher levels by having more "Black Belt" projects.
Unlike these, I am concerned about our "Safety" initiative. We individually and collectively need to be
more proactive and vigilant in ensuring that our work place becomes safe and we have zero tolerance to
unsafe practices and situations.
The last few months have seen significant changes in the organization at Tata Steel ( pls see page 3 ).
Congratulations are due to Mr Rajiv Kumar Soni on his elevation as Executive-In-Charge Global Wires
India and Mr Rajiv Mangal(our ex Wires colleague) as President & CEO of Tata Steel Thailand both of
whom are members of the GWB Council.
Sunil Bhaskaran

Message from

EIC Global Wires, India

Its been some time since I communicated with you through this ( Taarsansar ) platform. Many good
activities have happened at Global Wires India in the interim period. The foremost being the successful
commissioning of our thick tyre bead wire facility at TWP- I and the spring wire facility at SSP plant. With
these projects we have upgraded our facilities to be amongst the best in class. We are very fortunate to
have a senior and respected gentleman like Mr AK Bajoria President & Director at JK Tyre and Industries
Ltd to come and inaugurate our new facility. I will like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr Bajoria for his
graciousness to spare time to visit us and address our officers and employees at Tarapur. On another
front, our alliance with Sumiden Thailand for tyre cord, TSN Wires Thailand for high end galvanized wires
is going from strength to strength. We have lined up new alliances for more exciting products for the
Indian markets. The Project Antardrishti team too has provided us many insights into consumer behaviour
and the onus is now on us to rigorously implement their recommendations for success.
Our actual performance of sales volumes and top line revenues has been close to our ABP FY14 targets.
The matter of concern has been the rising inflationary cost. We had to take tough decisions to close our
DWP facility and fine wire facility at Indore. The increased cost has been aggravated due to the increased
competitive pressures emerging out of globalization of India through the various FTA that India has signed.
This is putting pressure on our margins. While I am proud of our performance in FY14 in the face of this
adversity, we need to grid ourselves to face this challenge in the new financial year FY15. We will have to
work hard by identifying more improvement projects to ensure that we can sweat our assets with limited
resources and reduce our cost. We will also need to work on ensuring that we consistently deliver the
product and service quality that exceeds our customer requirements.
Come May'14 and we will bid adieu to our iconic Borivli office. The new challenge facing us is the
relocation to the new office at R Tech Park, Goregaon. While we have taken care to ensure that the
relocation will be smooth with minimum pain. Everyone involved will also have to make the personal and
professional adjustments. As we leave behind our history and fond memories of Borivli, I appeal to all of
you to give your best and ensure that its business as usual from our new office at the earliest
Warm regards
RK Soni

October 2013 - February 2014

Global Wires, India inaugurates

its new bead wire line
Global Wires, India inaugurated its new Bead Wire finishing line at its
Tarapur Wire Plant-1 at Maharashtra. The new facility has been put up to to
serve the growing needs of the Indian Tyre manufacturers for manufacture of
Truck and bus radial tyres. Bead wire is a copper- bronze high tensile steel
wire used in the reinforcement of all types ( bias and radial) pneumatic tyres
for the automobile industry.
The new plant was inaugurated by Mr. A K Bajoria, President and Director,
JK Tyre and Industries Ltd in the presence of Mr. Rajiv Kumar Soni,
Executive-In-charge, Global Wires India and the India Management Team.
Mr. Bajoria also met the employees, the SGA teams and appreciated their
efforts on seeing the trophies their teams had won during state level,
national level QC competitions. Mr. Bajoria while addressing the Tarapur
employees laid emphasis on the need to stay focused on quality and cost
competiveness to sustain business in these difficult times.
Tata Steel Global Wires has been a leading producer of bead wire for tyre
reinforcement in India since last three decades and market leader in India. In
2013, expansion investments were made to make this plant a fully dedicated
bead wire manufacturing unit equipped with the latest technology. The plant
employs more than 120 people and supplies bead wire to all major
domestic & international tyre manufacturers. Earlier last year, Global Wires
India also entered into a strategic alliance with Sumitomo Electric Industries,
Japan for sourcing steel tyre cord from their Thailand facility to add to its
product offering to the Indian Tyre Industry.

Mr AK Bajoria President & Director JK Tyres lighting the inaugural lamp

Mr AK Bajoria inaugurated the new TB line, addressed the

employees, interacted with employees on the shop floor and
appreciated the SGA projects.

Mr AK Bajoria with Mr RK Soni and senior leadership team of GWI

Changes at Tata Steel

A few key changes in the Senior Leadership team at Tata Steel India & South East Asia are as follows

Mr Anand Sen is appointed as President TQM & Steel Business.

He will report to MD India & SE Asia

Mr Peeyush Gupta is appointed as

Deputy Vice President - Steel
Marketing & Sales.

Mr Sandip Biswas is appointed as Group Vice President Finance and will be

responsible for Financial Performance & Reporting, Mergers & Acquisition, Risk
Management and Investors Relations.

Mr Sudhansu Pathak is appointed as Deputy

Vice President - Steel Manufacturing.

Mr B K Das is appointed as Deputy

Vice President - Coke, Sinter & Iron.

Mr Suresh Kumar is appointed as

Deputy Vice President - Shared Services

Mr R Ranganath is redesignated as Deputy

Mr Rajeev Singhal is appointed as
Deputy Vice President - Raw Materials Vice President Finance, India & SE Asia

Mr Rajiv Mangal is appointed as

President & CEO Tata Steel
(Thailand) Public Company Limited

Mr Dibyendu Bose is appointed

as Group Director Investments &
New Ventures.

Mr. N. Rajesh is appointed as Chief (Manufacturing), Flat Product

Mr. Debashis Das is appointed as Chief (Manufacturing), Long Product.
Mr Kulvin Suri is appointed Chief Corporate Communication India & SE Asia
Mr Shyam Sunder is appointed as Chief Corporate Safety
Mr. Suman Biswas is Chief (Planning), planning of Long Product

Mr Chanakya Chaudhary is appointed as

Group Director Corporate
Communication & Regulatory Affairs

Mr. Gurmit Singh is appointed as Chief LD#1

Mr Imdad Ali is appointed as Chief HRM Profit Center
Mr Manish Sharma is appointed as Principal Executive Officer (Corporate)
and will report to Group ED Finance & Corporate

The Marketing & Sales organization is redesigned as follows, on three core verticals, to bring in,
increased focus on user segments and to further drive customer centricity in the company

Mr Prabhat Kumar is appointed as

Chief of Marketing & Sales (Automotive
& Special Products)

Ms Atrayee Sarkar is appointed as Chief

of Marketing & Sales (Branded
Products, Retail & Solutions) and will be
responsible for marketing and sales of
steel brands comprising of TISCON,
ASTRUM, Steelium, GC, Galvano,
Durashine, Nest and roofing solutions.

Mr Subodh Pandey is appointed as

Chief of Marketing & Sales (Industrial
Products, Projects & Exports) and will
be responsible for marketing and sales
of Industrial products to large
commercial accounts, to projects in
construction space and sales of
Readybuild and other such products
to the construction segment.

October 2013 - February 2014

Mr Debashish Chowdhury is appointed

as Chief (Business Excellence & New
Projects) in M&S and will be
responsible for implementing TQM
and KVHS in M&S, along with MPPI
initiatives such as ABP formulation,
tracking of Industry and Govt. Liaison.
Additionally, this position will be the
Marketing interface with all new
projects including KPO.

RK Soni appointed as Executive-in-Charge Global Wires India

RK Soni is re-elected as Chairman of Steel Wires
Manufacturers Association of India

Productivity Week celebrations

at Global Wires India
Productivity Improvement is a key differentiator for any organization
(be it manufacturing or a service) to stay competitive and profitable.
The National Productivity Council (NPC) of India celebrates 12th
February every year as Productivity Day and the following week as
Productivity Week to spread awareness on importance of productivity amongst Indian industries. In line with these ideas, Global Wires
India too celebrated the week from 12th to 18th February14 as
Productivity Week. The Productivity Flag hoisting was done by Mr.
Satish Kumar Chief Operations to kick start the celebrations. T
Sathianathan Head WRM West, DH Patil Head TWP II and Union
Committee Secretaries were present on this occasion and spoke on
productivity Improvements. Other activities that were done as part of
these celebrations were - A presentation on "Lean Management for
Productivity Enhancement was done by Prof KVSS Narayana Rao of
NITIE Mumbai. In addition slogan contests, productvity suggestion
mela and presentations on a few shining cases in the area of productivity Improvement were done under the coordination of Rajesh
Santlani CQH and his TQM team.

Prof KVSS Narayana Rao presenting on Lean Management

Global Wires India participates

in the fib congress
"fib" or the "International Federation of Structural Concrete" was
created in 1998 by the merger of "Euro-International Committee for
Concrete" and the "International Federation for Prestressing". The
objectives of the fib is to develop at the International level the study of
scientific and practical matters to advance the technical, economic,
aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction by
- (1) simulation of design and synthesis of findings, (2) transfer into
design and construction practices, (3) dissemination by publication and
congresses, (4) production of recommendations, guidance documents
and (5) informing of members through relevant documents. The fourth
fib Congress 2014, Mumbai was held under the aegis of Institution of
Engineers (India) in association with Indian Road Congress, American
Concrete Institute (India Chapter) and the Indian Concrete Institute
and the theme was "Improving performance of concrete structures"
Expectedly the who's who in the Indian Construction Industry from
construction companies, engineering designers and consultants,
prestressing companies both from India and abroad and Institutes and
students engaged in research such at the "Japanese Prestressed
Concrete Institute" were present in large numbers at the 4 day
congress from 10th to 14th February'14. There were also a large
number of practicing construction engineers and many prestress
cables, fixtures, equipment manufacturing companies displaying their
wares. Global Wires, India being one of the largest manufacturer of
prestressed concrete strands for construction had put up their stall at
the exhibition grounds. Mr Krishnendu Sanyal Chief M&S, Sachin
Warang Head Marketing, SP Prasad Industry Manager Construction
were at hand to answer any question that the delegates visiting the stall
may have. They also used the opportunity to network with some of
the best engineers in the construction Industry. At the congress, Dr
Amar Nath Bhagat from Tata Steel - R&D and SS presented his paper
on "Development of low relaxation prestressed concrete strands with
improved properties". Another area of relevance to us was the paper
by Dr Andrzej Lapko Usage of Fibers in improving the strength of
RCC Structure

Satish Kumar and Union Committee Members unfurling the Productivity flag

The Quality month

celebrations at Global
Prashant Ursekar speaking on the relevance of Quality
Wires India was kicked off
with a flag hoisting
ceremony and the Quality
oath at Tarapur. Prashant
Ursekar Chief Business
Development, Pramod
Raste Chief HRM,
Krishnendu Sanyal Chief
M&S, Satish Kumar Chief
Operations and Union
Committee Members
spoke on the relevance of
Quality on this occasion.
Suresh Mahajan then
announced the various
activities such as skits,
slogans, and essay
competitions which were
the part of these
4 skits on the theme of
Unfurling the Quality flag
Employees taking the Quality Oath
Quality were presented
by employees of TWP1,
TWP II, WRM West and
Perfect Wires (EPA). The skit presented by Prakash More and team from TWP II won the heart of the audience and expectedly won the 1st prize.
Prakash More and team used the Vikram and Betal storyline to weave a very entertaining skit on how there can be no alternative to Quality. The
Quality Month celebrations ended with a prize distribution ceremony at the hands of the Chief Guest Shri Maheshwari, Deputy Director from
Bureau of Indian Standards organization.

Quality Month celebrated at Wire Division

The EPA cell led by Dinkar Chavan was not to be left behind and Quality Month was also celebrated at various EPAs such as Vora Wires Indore,
Perfect Wires Tarapur and at Mars Mercantile Dhandad. Likewise Pithampur Wire Plant (PWP) organized the Quality Month which included Quality
Slogan Competition, Quality Quiz & Poster competition. PWP had invited Mr. Prashant Jagetiya General Manager Production, Bridgestone as the
Chief Guest for Quality Month valedictory ceremony. Mr.Krishnendu Sanyal, CoMS TSWD, Mr. Sanjeet Acharya and Mr. Utpal Mhatre were also
present at the ceremony. Later Mr. Jagetiya visited the factory and appreciated the practices at PWP. He particularly appreciated the Tata Steel Quality
Pledge which emphasizes the saying Quality begins with Me. At the valedictory ceremony Voice of Customers were shared with the employees to
improve customer connect. Next GK Keshwani and Sahil Chandratre addressed the employees which was followed by a skit by the PWP
employees. The winners were recognized at the hands of Mr. Prashant Jagetiya, Krishnendu Sanyal and Satish Walekar.

Glimpses of Quality Month celebrations across wire plants and EPAs

Mr Prashant Jagetiya General Manager Bridgestone inaugurating the Quality Month celebrations at Pithampur plant

October 2013 - February 2014

Abhinav Quality Circle recognized with the highest award at ICQCC 2013 in Taiwan
Global Wires Indias Quality Circle movement
continues to be recognized at multiple forums; this year
ABHINAV Quality Circle of TWP-II received the highest
Excellence award, at the International Convention on
Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) 2013 competition
held at Taipei, Taiwan. This is the 2nd time in succession
after the receipt of the "3 Star" the highest award by
KOUSHALYA Quality Circle team in ICQCC 2012 at
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that the Global Wires India
teams have been recognized for their efforts.
The ICQCC competition was set-up in 1975 in Seoul,
Korea to create an opportunity for exchanging ideas and
experiences on the Quality Circle activities periodically amongst the member countries, so as to result in the
development of these activities. Over the years as the International Convention progressed, the number of
participating countries has increased. In ICQCC 2013, a total of 281 teams from 12 countries namely India,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and Philippines participated
against a total of 241 QC teams in 2012 in this competition. The achievement of ABHINAV team is thus a
proud moment for us at Global Wires and it will inspire more Quality Circle teams from Global Wires to
participate actively in the Quality Circle movement and win bigger laurels for the Group.
ABHINAV QC receiving the award


The ABHINAV QC team of Rajesh Desai, Dinesh Shirgaonkar, Kiran Raut, Thomson Rodrigues, Prathamesh
Gawas with Hanumant Gorade as the Facilitator has in the past received the highest award of GOLD and PAR
EXCELLENCE at the local CCQC and National NCQC competitions respectively.

Laurels at the NCQC

Global Wires India Quality Circle
teams won Par Excellence and
Excellence award at the National
Convention NCQC2013 held from
20th to 23rd December13 at
Kolkata. A total of 1,200 teams
participated from all over India.

Quality Circle team

TPM Shears

WRM West

Par Excellence Award
Par Excellence Award
Excellence Award
Excellence Award
Excellence Award
Distinguish Award
All Teams

Quality Circle at Indore

Satish Walekar Head Indore Wire plants is maha excited
that Quality Circle teams Prayas (PWP) and Utsah (IWP)
have bagged Gold awards in QC convention organised
by Gwalior chapter at Gwalior on 5th Oct 13 in their
very first participation. He explains that it was on Sunil
Bhaskarans insistence in Feb that Quality Circle training
was given to 30 employees from both plants at Indore.
2 teams were then formed and under guidance of Sahil
Chandratre and Rakesh Prajapati, both teams
completed their projects in 3 months. To give a bigger
exposure, Rajiv Soni EIC Global Wires India then asked
that the teams participate in an external event.
Accordingly in the Gwalior QC convention, where 28
teams from various companies participated; both the
teams from Indore Wire Plants won Gold Awards and
the right to participate in the National convention to be
held at Durgapur.




TPM Shears QC



Global Wires India, wins National Safety Award

The National Safety Council India - Safety Awards 2012 distribution

function was held on 4th Oct13 at the SCOPE Convention Hall in New
Delhi. Global Wires Indias -Tarapur Wire Plants were awarded a "
SURAKSHA PURASKAR a Certificate and a Bronze trophy in the
manufacturing sector in recognition for developing and implementing
effective management systems and procedures and achieving a very good
performance in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for the assessment
period of three years from 2009 to 2011. The award function was presided
over by Shri Arun Kumar Sinha Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Labour
and Employment, Government of India. Pramod Tamondkar Senior Manager
Safety and Union Committee members - M.G.Thakur (TWP I) and Kiran
Sawant (TWP II) received the award on behalf of Global Wires India

October 2013 - February 2014

Republic Day
celebrations at
Global Wires
The Indian Republic Day celebrations started with
Guard of Honour followed by National Flag
hoisting by Rajiv Kumar Soni EIC Global Wires
India with Satish Kumar Chief Operations, Plant
heads Sathianathan WRM (W), DH Patil (TWP II)
and Union Committee Secretaries MT Pimple,
Makarand Patil and Prakash More.
The festivities then began with desh-bhakti geet by
the security personnel, followed by an invocation
and prayer sung by Master Neeraj and his brother
Dheeraj Lanjewar with the security team. A quiz
was organised for the employees and family
members. After which a self defence karate
demonstration was done by Ms Tejaswini and Ms
Shravani. Awards were also distributed to
employees for their exemplary work, contributions to the suggestion box scheme and towards
Long Service Awards. Ms Apeksha Runwal (QA)
anchored the function.
Rajiv Kumar Soni EIC Global Wires addressed the
audience and shared the progress made by the
BU and the current scenario faced by the
company. Satish Kumar Chief Operations and
Union Committee member secretaries of each of
the plants also expressed their views and their
commitment towards working as a team and
achieving the targets. BD Patil Senior Manager
HRM Wire Plants gave the vote of thanks. The
employees and family members then exchanged
good wishes on the happy occasion and shared
the tasty snacks.

RK Soni, Satish Kumar and Union Committee members unfurling the National flag.

Marathon race, singing desh-bhakti songs and rewarding employees for their exemplary work in presence of family members.

Su Samwad held at Tarapur, Borivli and Out-locations

The two-way communication forum Su Samwad

between the senior leadership team of Global Wires

India and the Officers and Associates was held both, at
Kurgaon, Tarapur and at Borivli (where officers from
out-locations also participated via teleconference. Rajiv
Soni EIC Global Wires India set the ball rolling by
explaining the volume and financial performance of the
BU in the 3 Quarters gone by and the projections for the
last Quarter. An update on the various initiatives that
have been taken up in all the Global Wires units were
also presented by Prashant Ursekar, Krishnendu Sanyal,
Satish Kumar, Palash Chatterjee, Sunil Nadkarni and
Shsihir Desai and discussed in the forum. Various ideas
and suggestions to improve the BU performance and
speed up these initiatives were also given by the
participating officers. Ms Mridula Shekhar [Global Wires
Ethics Counsellor] presented an update on the Ethics
program at Global Wires and gave an update on the
various ethical concerns that were received and the
actions taken on them.

Senior leadership team addressing the Officers and Associates


Concerns to address the Officers personal and collective

work issues were also discussed. An update on the action
points identified from the last Su Samwad was presented.

Q&A session and discussions between leadership team and officers.

October 2013 - February 2014

Q&A Session with RK Soni and progress of various initiatives being presented by Sunil Nadkarni,
Shashank Tatlkare, Suman Chandrawat, Palash Chatterjee & Prashant Ursekar


Lighting the Lamp

Global Wires India celebrates its Aspire Nite

After a year of hard work in making improvements at work and of the various processes and
Rajiv Soni EI
C Global Wire
systems, Tata Steel employees look forward to "ASPIRE NITE" the day when the results of their
s India
hard work is appreciated by the senior leadership amongst their peers and in front of their family
members. Global Wires, India celebrated its "ASPIRE Nite 2013" on 7th Feb'14 at the Kurgaon Club House, Tarapur. The glittering
Aspire program of song, dance, film and awards was compered by Vishal Gagrai and Ms Suman Chandrawat. The function began with the
traditional lighting of the lamp by Mr Rajiv Soni EIC Global Wires India and a welcome prayer song by the students of the Tarapur Vidya Mandir
School. Later the students also performed a musical play on child labour and female infanticide sending a strong message about their adverse
impact on the society at large. Both these presentations by the students were received with a huge applause from the audience. Rajesh Santlani
Head Improvement & CQH of Global Wires then briefed the audience on the TQM journey at Global Wires,India. Ms. Mridula Shekhar next
gave a presentation on Project Antardrishti, an initiative for driving customer centricity within the organisation. and an update of the Kar Vijay
Har Shikhar initiative in Marketing & Sales. This was followed by a short film made by our young Graduate Engineer Trainees on Customer
Centricity. The subject is of utmost relevance in todays time and was lucidly conceived and beautifully presented by the young engineers
Mr. Rajiv K Soni, EIC Global Wires, India gave away the Sponsor Level project awards while Mr. Prashant Ursekar, Chief Business Development,
Mr. Krishnendu Sanyal, Chief Marketing & Sales, Mr. Pramod Raste, Chief HRM and Mr Satish Kumar Chief Operations gave away the
Champion Level project awards to the various team members; in recognition of the projects which were
completed in the FY13. A total of 96 projects from Global Wires, India were recognised during the
function. All the team members were invited with their spouses for the celebration function. Total 243
employees were
recognized and the details of the involvement of these
employees in FY13 improvement projects are as follows Category of Improvement Projects
Sponsor level projects
Champion level projects
Total employees recognised
Rajesh Santlan

i explaining the




Master of cere


ing Antardrishti and

Ms Mridula explain


Number in FY13

Mr Rajiv Soni then spoke about the transformation

within the Wire units through the implementation of the
various improvement initiatives and stressed the need for
raising the bar higher with more black belt level
projects in the coming
year. The function
ended with a
sumptuous dinner on
the lawns of the
Kurgaon Club House
and merry dancing to
the background of
popular hindi and
marathi songs.

TVM Children with Rajiv Soni

October 2013 - February 2014

RK Soni EIC GWI felicitating the award winning teams

g a musical skit

Students of TVM School presentin

Employees and their families enjoying the Aspire Nite function

Strategy Workshop
at Wire Division
The India Management team led by Rajiv Soni EIC
Global Wires India got together for a Strategy
Workshop at Global Wires Tarapur. The idea was to
take a step back and review the progress against
various strategic initiatives, revisit the various
assumptions, projects, revisit the changed environment and understand the changes in the customer
expectations and market trends. The discussions
were led by Prashant Ursekar, Sachin Warang and
the marketing team. Various options were identified
and teams were formed who were then asked to
further develop these ideas.

Ethics Round Table

Conference at
Wire Division

Morality, Ethical behaviour, Governance - The world and the country today is passing through a period of soul
searching; it is no different at Global Wires. To face this grave issue head-on, Ms Mridula Shekhar Ethics
Counsellor Global Wires Business organized an Ethics Round Table conference at Tarapur and at Borivli.
Senior Leaders at Global Wires such as Rajiv Soni, Prashant Ursekar, Krishnendu Sanyal, Satish Kumar, Shishir
Desai were asked to share some of the real life situations and challenges they faced in their careers in walking
the ethical path with the employees at Global Wires. Examples where actions were taken against errant
employees and other stakeholders were also discussed freely. Relating these experiences many participants in
the Conference also shared their experiences and on-going concerns. In the end, all agreed that the Tata
Code of Conduct and the strong adherence to ethical conduct within the Group allowed them to become
stronger in following the difficult path in face of adversity in the environment.

Tripti Roy Ethics Counsellor

Tata Steel Ltd visits
Global Wires


Ms Tripti Roy Ethics Counsellor Tata Steel Ltd, had a

2 day visit to Borivli and Tarapur to meet Tata Steel
employees at Global Wires and CRC West. Ms
Tripti Roy participated in the "Hamara Manch"
program and interacted with workers at Global
Wires India, She took the opportunity to once again
create an awareness on ethical behaviour, Tata
values, the Tata Code of Conduct and the ASHI
policy amongst the workers. Next she had an
awareness and interactive session with all officers at
Borivli and Tarapur to focus on how to create a
positive work atmosphere and on the need for
having pro-active discussion on "Ethics" by the
senior leadership team in all forums to create an
environment where employees are not afraid to
speak on ethical concerns.

October 2013 - February 2014

Visitors to GWB

Mr Suresh Dutt Tripathi VP HRM with RK Soni, S Gupte and HRM Team at Tarapur

Mr Sunil Bhaskaran, Mr Peeyush Gupta with

Pithampur Wire plant team
Mr. Sunil Bhaskaran, Deputy Vice President Corporate
Services and Mr. Peeyush Gupta Deputy Vice
President - Steel Marketing & Sales, (both members of
the Global Wires Business Council) visited Pithampur
Wire Plant (PWP) on 6th Jan14. Satish Walekar, Head
Indore Operations explained the workings of PWP,
including wire rod supplies to Indore plants and the
sales planning process in MP. This was followed with a
plant visit and a tree plantation ceremony. Mr. Peeyush
Gupta appreciated the various working procedures
adopted at PWP. Employees of PWP explained various
Kaizens and SGAs to visitors while they were on their
plant visit. Earlier the KVHS & Star Improvement
projects of PWP were presented to Mr. Peeyush
Gupta. Both the Dy. VPs also visited the ongoing
PCW1 installation site. Mr. Sachin Warang Head
Marketing was also present at PWP during this visit.

Ramchandra Jadhav

Global Wires has always been proud of the

efforts of its employees in exceeding customer
requirements. Taarsansar recounts one such
effort by Ramchandra Jadhav an Associate Officer
in the Despatch section of TWP I and SSP Plant.
On learning of the crisis looming at one of our
key customers from Mr KT Prabhu from Sales
Planning; Ramchandra Jadhav took it upon
himself to go out of his way by coordinating with
all the various departments and working beyond
working hours to ensure that the consignment
was inspected, packed, loaded, invoiced and
despatched in a short period of time. The
customer too subsequently lauded the efforts of
Global Wires which helped it save an
embarrassing situation. Ramchandra Jadhav, hats
off to you and your efforts. They will, we are
sure, inspire many more amongst us.

Costing team

Congratulations are due to the team of Mahesh

Rawal, Arvind Pimple, Patric Rozario, Kunal Patil,
Ms.Neeru Bhasin, Manoj Bahdgar, Ms.KalaDevi
and Gopeshkumar Paul, Ms.Gillian Murzello, PB
Sonawane, Sandeep Bhosale, Damodar Pohuja,
Kunal Khirade, Ramachandra Todkar for having
successfully completed the revision and testing of
the SAP based standard costing of WRM(W) in
the stipulated time under the leadership of T
Sathianadhan Head WRM West

Bipin Patil

Bipin Patil Senior Manager HRM Wire Plants also

a keen cricket enthusiast has been appointed to
the prestigious Sepecial Committee for
Suburban Cricket of the Mumbai Cricket
Association. As per Bipin, the Committee is
responsible for monitoring the cricket in the
Mumbai suburbs beyond Bandra and Chembur.
The assignment involves giving feedback on the
cricket activities in various schools, colleges,
offices, clubs and also monitoring the playing
conditions and facilities at the various cricket

Rajiv Ranjan

Iran Delegation

Toshihiro Kido

Toshihiko Niki MD SHST

Finance and Accounts Strategy Meet

A 2-day Strategy Meet
of Finance and Accounts
- Global Wires, India
was organized on the
21st and 22nd of
February, 2014 at
Kurgaon Learning
Centre, Tarapur. Mr
Jayanta Chakraborty,
CFC (FR&CT) graced
the meet with his
presence. Guided by
the opening note from
FC(GW) and the Voice
of the Internal
Customers, the theme
for FY15 was
formulated as Be a
Value Focused Business
Partner. The teams
deliberated on the
strategic objectives to
be undertaken by F&A for FY15 within themselves in the breakout sessions. Each of the 5 teams
then presented and discussed their view points on the role of F&A in the challenging times of FY
15 and the contribution that it can make to the business. CFC shared the expectations of the
Senior Leadership Team from F&A and provided valuable guidance and direction to the team to
fulfill the same. Knowledge Management sessions were conducted by External Speakers from
Tata Steel-Head Office and also by the internal speakers, contributing to the Learning and
Development requirement of the group. The second day of the meet involved an active
participation of all the members in the Debate, followed by a Panel Discussion and a very
engaging Quiz on general awareness. The session concluded with an Open Dialogue with

Happenings at
EPA Group
The EPA Group has welcomed
a new member to their team;
SASCO Steel at Jamshedpur will
join the EPA Group with its
barbed wire and binding wire
capacities. Mr Dinkar Chavan
Head EPA Group welcomed
them in his team.


Project Antardrishti has been a path breaking initiative for Global Wires India
(GWI). In the short 8 months of its existence the initiative has brought many
insights into the customer mindset, made changes in our customer facing
processes and in particular has brought focus to the customer centricity within the
organization. The high powered Antardrishti team led by Indervir Singh from Bain
& Co and Ms Mridula Shekhar from GWI under the overall responsibility of
Murad Nathani has been working tirelessly on this project.
got talking to the team so as to introduce its members to
our readers.
Murad is the team leader for Project Antardrishti. Murad describes himself as the Air Traffic
Controller for the team; responsible for ensuring that Antardrishti has a safe and smooth flight.
Antardrishti, he says, was an opportunity to drive high impact solution across the entire
organization. Partnering with a dedicated and highly committed team with high aspirations was
extremely fulfilling on a personal level. There have been many wonderful experiences from
Antardrishti, from visiting homes of rural farmers, to watching the first Farming Gold truck
leave the factory its hard to pick just one

ir Singh
Indervat Bain & Co

Inder modestly describes himself as facilitator motivator of the

team. Antardrishti he says has given him an opportunity to drive
real change within the organization. The shared feeling of
oneness and of working towards a common goal with the GWI
team has translated the initiative into one with a tremendous
momentum. Further he says Antardrishti has given him many
unique, diverse and memorable experiences. The standout
experience was in Rajasthan where they were persuaded by
the family to travel as Baratees (part of the grooms
entourage to his wedding) when their interviews held up the
wedding party.
Mridula is the driving force of Project Antardrishti; so much so that
she has become the face of Project Antardrishti. Its no wonder
when she says that the project has been the best learning and
enriching experience that I have had, a platform to test my
leadership skills. Working with a diverse team of professionals and
consultants has also taught me new skills. An experience she will
remember was the shocked look the security officer at Jaipur
airport gave her and enquired if cucumbers are not available in
Mumbai. The cucumbers were a gift that a farmer gave her while
she was interviewing him on way to the airport.

Arjun Upat Bain & Co


Prin Murad
cipa Nat
l at B han
ain & i

Senioula Shekha
Globa r Manag r,
l Wire er
s India

Arjun describes his role in Antardrishti as helping in

building capabilities through learning, doing and learning.
Antardrishti says Arjun was his first experience in the
Retail space. He says the project highlighted the
importance of learning and co-creating together. Of the
project team, he says he will fondly remember the fun
of working and celebrating successes together. Arjun
will definitely remember the project, for the congratulatory pats and smiles he got from his team as shyly
broke the news of his engagement while working on
the project. The most cherished experience for
Arjun, was like a proud father, witnessing the
manufacture of the first bundle of Farming Gold
galvanized wire based on Antardrishti teams
conception, at the Tarapur Wire Plant-II.

The Wire Gyani in the Antardrishti team. Shashank was the

one who brought the wealth of his earlier knowledge and
experiences of retailing galvanized wires and RVM to the
project. Shashank says he had heard about Customer
Centricity but Project Antardrishti laid the process for
creating this focus within the Organization. He further adds
Ma ank Tat
that, we could feel the power of this (NPS) tool as it aligned
Globanager Retkare,
l Wir
people across different functions by engaging directly with the customers and
es Indil
understanding their pain points to create solutions. Sustained efforts emerging
out of Project Antardrishti will create a major differentiator for Global Wires India. A
standout experience was meeting farmers in their homes and understanding their lifestyles. He
said many of these farmers were simple, humble and willing to share ideas with us.

October 2013 - February 2014

Shalabh says the team will remember him for his near constant talking
about SFE targets, PJPs and compensations. He says he cherished the
rich experience that Project Antardrishti gave him and the spirited
manner in which the team daily tackled the new challenges, in face of
the tough environment. Shalabh has been the Foodie in the team and
he remembers with relish the dinner and ice-cream parties and misses
the namkeen evening snacks as the team worked on meeting project
targets. The other feature, he will dearly miss are the visits into Indias
hinterland and meeting people from varied backgrounds.
SenioShalabh S
r Ass
at Baciate Conse,
in & C
o ltant

Dhruva Sh ,
Associate Consah
at Bain & Co t

Vanashree became the NPS Analyst of Project

Antardrishti. The team called her, the Cookie monster of
the team for the variety of cookies that she always had and
was finishing off daily. Project Antardrishti has been
Vanashrees first experience of retailing. She says the
structured approach helped her understand the nuances of
channel management and functioning. Working with Bain &
Co taught her the power of using analysis of presently
available information to gain more insights into the market and
improve understanding of consumer behaviour. She says she
will forever remember the warmth she felt every time while
speaking directly to customers and hearing first hand their
experiences of being a happy Tata Wiron customer for more
than two decades.
Dhruva is the IT wizkid, the marathoner team member monitoring
NPS and Call Centre. He says the friendliness and the willingness of
Global Wires customers to take time out for prolonged discussions
with the team members, was an eye opener. For Dhruva who kept
the team surprised with his steady stream of new electronic gadgets;
an experience that will remain etched in his memory is that of the son
of a poor (not so well off) farmer in rural India pulling out a smart
phone to explain the app that he diligently uses to monitor the
weather. Dhruv says the penetration of technology and the
empowerment it has given to rural India is quite amazing.
Vishal was the teams points man for dealing with
the ad agency. Vishal says that Project Antardrishti
has been a great exposure for him into our retail
business and of understanding the nuances of the
distribution network. He says, Bain taught me to
interpret numbers using analytics. He remembers his
first experience of directly engaging with retailers
during the various NPS training programs that he
conducted. He said it was always an eye opener when
the retailers raised points that the team had not heard
before or had not thought through them.

Associate CS Telra,
at Bain & nCsultant

ree SheA,
Manageires India

agrai, g,
Vishal G
Mana al Wires India

Maruti is the team analyst. Market, competition, financials, and resources he had all the analysis
at hand for the team to work on. From Project Antardrishti, Maruti says, he saw firsthand how
large organizations drove success along with their legacy of embedded values and principles. This
he saw in the strong relationship and mutual trust that exists between Tata Steel, its Channel and
its Customers. He says along with the project he has developed new friends in rural India with
whom he now regularly chats on all topics including Jalebi making.


Grand Opening ceremony for TSN Wires, Thailand

arm rays of
sunshine graced the sky
ushering a new era for
Siam Industrial Wire,
Thailand (a Tata Steel
Global Wires Business)
and Nichia Steel
Works, Japan (an affiliate
of Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal
Corporation) with the grand opening of the TSN Wires factory
on the 18th of October 2013 in Rayong Province, Thailand. TSN
Wires Co., Ltd. is a 60:40 joint venture between The Siam
Industrial Wire Co., Ltd, (the leading PC wire and strand
manufacturer in ASEAN) and Nichia Steel Works Co., Ltd, (the
market and technology leader in galvanized wire in Japan).
Mr. Urit Srinongkote (Secretary-General of Thai Industrial Standards
Institute, Ministry of Industry), Mr. Tiwa Prom-In (Head of Bankhai
District, Rayong Province), Mr. Sunil Bhaskaran (Chairman, Tata
Steel Global Wires Business), Mr. Ichiro Kawamura (President,
Nichia Steel Works), Mr. Tomoaki Nakagawa (Head of Bar & Wire

Rod Unit, Nippon

Steel &
Mr Vivek

Kamra (President and CEO, NatSteel), Mr Peeyush Gupta

(President and CEO, Tata Steel Thailand) and Mr Yeoh Choon
Kwee (Senior Vice President, NatSteel and Founding Managing
Director, TSN Wires) graced the TSN Wires grand opening
Along with the VIPs, senior officials from TISI and local government
officials, community leaders from Bankhai and Nikkom Pattana
Districts, partners and friends of TSN Wires from Thailand and
overseas were received and welcomed by Mr. Chong Pek Hoong
(Managing Director, TSN Wires), Mr Naoki Terakawa
(VP-Commercial, TSN Wires), Mr Jumpon Kawewong
(VP-Operations, TSN Wires) along with the staff of both TSN
Wires and SIW.
The program began with the MD thanking the guests for gracing
the opening of the TSN Wires factory with their presence. He
stressed about how TSN Wires is truly a Thai-Japanese
partnership and expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped
and supported the company since its incorporation. Following the
MD, the Chairman of Tata Steel Global Wires Business, Mr. Sunil
Bhaskaran congratulated the TSN Wires team on the momentous
occasion. He reminisced about how TSN Wires was born on 5th
April 2012 when Mr Yeoh Choon Kwee (Former Managing
Director of SIW) and Mr Ichiro Kawamura signed the joint venture
agreement to set up TSN Wires and said that TSN Wires was
formed with the best of the combination of Japanese, Thai and
Indian cultures. The President of Nichia Steel Works, Mr Ichiro
Kawamura also spoke about how he was believed in the success of
TSN Wires fuelled by the hard work and unity of all colleagues in
Thailand, Japan and India.
Showcasing this union of cultures, the guests were presented with
a dance which highlighted the cultures and traditions of Japan, India
and Thailand put up by the TSN colleagues. This was followed by
the mix performance of drum rituals of Thailand and Japan
depicting the team work and camaraderie of the Thai and Japanese
people in TSN Wires. After the performances, the VIPs along with
the MD cut the ribbon and open a big sake container to signal the
inauguration of the TSN Wires factory. The guests were then
invited to a factory tour where the wire making process was
showcased to them. Following the factory visit, a delicious lunch
served to the guests.

Mr Yeoh ex-MD SIW and Mr Chong MD SIW & TSN Wires

At the end of the ceremony, the guests were presented with a

memorabilia of the occasion as a token of appreciation from TSN

October 2013 - February 2014

Glimpses of TSN Wires grand opening ceremony function

Happenings at SIW

Green Market for employees held at SIW factory

SIW bags a place in the
Asia Pacific Regional
Round of Tata Innovista
2 projects from SIW Thailand have
qualified under the Promising Innovations category of the regional rounds of
TATA Innovista 2014. The first project was
based on an innovation to increase the
productivity of the Chevron Wire line and
the second project was on the use of rope
sling to reduce the setup time in PC
Strand line operations.
The two projects were among the top 12
innovation initiatives competing with
entries across the group companies in the
Asia Pacific region. Both teams will be
proceeding to Singapore next on the 28th
of February to fight it out and book places
in the grand finale of Innovista 2014 in
Adding to the selection results, Miss
Jiratiwan (daughter of K Sompong from
the Finance and Credit Section) has been
also awarded this years Tata Young
Expressions award.

Keeping up with the tradition of hosting a green market with the objective of encouraging the
concept of recycling, organic farming and engagement with the community in Rayong, the SIW
factory hosted the 5th Green Market.
Employees, contractors and the Rayongcommunity came together to sell and buy a variety of items
as such organic vegetables and fruits, second-hand clothes, handicrafts, etc. turning the factory into a
busy and vibrant market.
Given the success and the participation of both employees and community, SIW now plans to make
the Green Market a regular event and will be holding it once a month.

SIW & TSN Wires volunteers have fun with school children

Mr Nipon handing over sports kits to the school representatives


The students at the WatNong-kra-Bok School

were in for a treat on National Childrens Day
(celebrated on every second Saturday of
January in Thailand) as the team from SIW and
TSN organized a fun-filled outing for the
children as part of the CSR program involving
the community around our Rayong factory.
A massive group involving 650 children,
teachers, parents and volunteers took part in
the various games and picnic that was
organized by the teams. Deserving students
were also provided scholarships to encourage
and motivate the students in the school.
In addition a health camp and hair cutting
camp were also organized to ensure that the
children were fit, healthy and smart for the
school year ahead.

October 2013 - February 2014

Happenings at Lanka SSL

Ape Vedikava

Ape- Vedikava session start with safety pledge and 5S pledge.

Mr Madhusanka (AM-QA) explaining the trend of plant yield for the month in
comparison to previous year , while Mr. Jayakantha ( Technical Supervisor )
explaining on SGA activities .

Ape Vedikava (Hamara-Manch) is conducted every month in

LSSL and all associates actively participate and share their
experience and knowledge on Safety, SGA and other activities of
plant operation . In this one hour sessionof every month,
various positive things get discussed including 100% attendance,
appreciation on good work, SGA awards and celebration of
Group Birth days for the month. Quarterly participation of CEO
/ CWB encourages and motivate the employees for keep
moving with Good work/ Practices.

Quarterly participation of CEO / CWB encourages and motivate

the employees for keep moving with Good work/ Practices.

New Year Function

New Year2014 is celebrated at
LSSL plant with Machines pooja,
Blessings from Buddhist Monk for all
round growth and safety of
organization followed by distribution
of New Yearcalendar and diaries to
all employees.

Machine Pooja by Mr Srivatsan (CEO) , Mr Bharat ( CWB), Mr Anton( H-PO)

Print On wire

Blessings from Buddhist Monk

Distribution of New Year calendar and diaries to all employees by CEO and CWB.
Two printing units with four heads have
been installed for Printing on wire.

Redrawing Machine Relocation

Shifted one of the redrawing machineto a new
location due to safety reasons as earlier location
was cramped and we were not using the machine.
We have now two machines to take sizes 1.60 /
1.80 mm and can achieve volume up to 125 to
150 MT per month.
Relocated Redraw machine inaugurated on 1st
Jan,2014 and started operation.

Shifted one of the redrawing machine to a new location

due to safety reasons as earlier location was cramped and
we were not using the machine.

Two printing units with four

heads have been installed for
Printing on wire. The plan is to
supply printed wires to Indian
market. So far 4 containers of
Printed barbed Wireshave been
supplied to Indian Market.

New Initiatives at LSSL : Operation

Young Achievers

GI Line Take up drive from single speed has been modified to twin
speed resulting in different speed for size 2 mm & above. Due to this
pattern lying has improved & thus the coil shape.

As per Rewards scheme for Employees children Two best performance in Grade 5 Scholarship exam (Primary), has been awarded.

EXISTING One speed set up at take UP

Additional Set up for Double

speed from other end.

Baby NethmiAmasha , D/O Mr. M. N.

Gamini , Sr Supervisor LSSL. Passed
the Grade 5 scholarship Examination
2013 with flying colors.

Master UdithPerera S/O Mr. AD

GihanPerera, Fork Lift Operator
LSSL , Passed the Grade 5 Scholarship
Examination 2013 with flying colors.


India National Under19 Womens Cricket

tournament held at Kurgaon Cricket grounds
The lush green cricket ground at Kurgaon, Tarapur of the Global Wires India has
always been its pride possession. Professional cricketers have loved playing on
this ground. Global Wires on its part has always lent it to Board of Cricket
Control in India (BCCI), Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA), Tata Sports Club
and other premier cricket bodies to use the facilities for their tournaments and
to allow national teams to practice there unhindered before departing on their
overseas tours. Recently BCCI - Under-19 Womens One Day Super League
Cum Knock-Out Cricket tournament was held on these Kurgaon grounds from
7th Nov to 15th Nov13. State teams from Himachal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh
and Maharashtra participated in the tournament. The BCCIs National Selection
Committee was also present and watched the budding women cricketers.

Global Wires India wins the TATA Inter

Company T-20 Cricket Tournament 2014

Tata Steels Global Wires India, Cricket team has done it proud by winning the
Tata Inter Company T-20 Cricket tournament 2014. This is the 13th occasion
that the Global Wires India cricket team has reached to the finals and the 11th time that it
has won the title. This year the Tata Inter Company T-20 tournament was held at the
Kurgaon Cricket Club grounds in Tarapur. A total of five teams from Tata Capital, Tata
Services, Tata Consultancy, Tata Power and Tata Steel Global Wires participated in T-20
Cricket tournament. The tournament was inaugurated by BP Satishkumar Chief
Operations Global Wires and SP Gupte Chief CRC (West). The final match was played
between Global Wires India and Tata Power, where Global Wires beat Tata Power by 23
runs. Tushar Gharat from Global Wires was adjudged as Man of the Match and the Best
Bowler of the tournament. Kaustub Pawar from Tata Capital was the Best Batsman,
while Ketan Meher from Global Wires was the Man of the Tournament Series. Dilip
Vengsarkar, former India Cricket Captain was the Chief Guest while Rajiv Soni EIC Global
Wires India and Milind Gunjal Head HR & Administration Tata Motors and former
cricketer were the Guests of Honour at the prize distribution ceremony.

A carom, badminton and chess tournament was organized during Dec13 where the employees of F&A participated in the enthralling matches.

Global Wires are

Runners-up at the
Carrom tournament
The Global Wires India team of
Sanjay Bandiwadekar, Sandeep Ghadi,
Parag Tambe and Rakesh Kathade
were the Runners-up at the Inter
TATA Carrom Tournament 2014,
held at Tata Steel Ltd, Jamshedpur.


Sanjay Bandiwadekar from TWP2 won Gold medal in
400 meters hurdles race and Bronze medal in high
jump at the Maharashtra State Masters Athletic meet
2013-2014 held at the DadojiKonddev stadium, Thane in
Tejaswini & Shravani More have won Gold and Silver
medals respectively at the 1st Indo-UK Konjaku Shin Cup
2013 organized under the auspices of Indian Karate
Academy Shotokan in Mumbai.

Sonal Nagotanekar, daughter of Sanjay Nagotanekar in F&A department has been selected for the J N Tata Loan
Scholarship for higher studies abroad for the year 2013-2014. Sonal has been pursuing her Master Course in
Accessories Design (MAD) from the Domus Academy, Milan, Italy, which is a world renowned fashion academy.
Sonal earlier completed her Bachelor of Design (Leather Design) from the prestigious National Institute of
Fashion Technology (NIFT), Kolkata.
During pre-admission process, the Domus Academy, Milan conducted a ARS SUTORIA competition; wherein
from the dozens of participations received from across the world, the Jury appreciated the high quality of Sonals
project and awarded a Special Mention which included a scholarship of 25% on the total tuition fee of the
Master Course in MAD.
Additionally the Jamsetji Tata Trust further awarded Sonal a cash reward of Rs 3.20 lakhs based on her
performance at the Domus Academy, Italy, to facilitate her studies.
Heres wishing Sonal All the Very Best in her studies and for the bright future ahead.

October 2013 - February 2014


Birth day

Birth day Vishal Patil

Birth day Mr.Deepak


an, Sandhya and Ne

Francis, Geetika, Sum

Birth day Hem

Satish Kumar COO

ant Vaidya

Mahesh Patil with his sales team

with Plant team

Enosh birt


Rakesh Malhot


Yogesh Chavan Sanjay Bandivade

kar DH Patil

Mundavali village has been adopted by Global Wires

India as part of its CSR initiative. Some of the activities
that were conducted by the CSR volunteers are:

TIS WISH is a social service organization run by spouses of

Tata Steel officers. In 25 years since its inception, TIS WISH has
become a platform for the ladies to carry out programs to
spread joy to the underprivileged in the villages in and around
Tarapur. The following activities provide a glimpse of its activities Medical aid: These include costs towards surgery,
treatment and hospitalization extended to few underprivileged
persons for severe ailments such as congenital heart,
neurological and gastrointestinal ailments.
Education: Distribution of notebooks to students in zilla
parishad schools and providing amenities such as solar lamps at
girls hostel and carpets to the boys hostel in shigaon.
Creating awareness on issues such as environment
through tree plantation, arranging lecture of Dr Shweta
Sonawane to spread awareness on breast cancer and by Dr
Sheetal Mhamunkar on Preventive Nutritional Health
Fund raising through exhibition cum sale at PDSS Hall, TAPS
Colony. Sale of old news paper & waste material. Sale of
Eco-friendly diyas made by underprivileged women under the
aegis of Project Ujjwal and the sale of SWAAD a recipe book
created by TIS WISH members.

Medical health check-up camp: Global Wires and TMRCT Hospital (managed
by Thunga Hospital) organized a free health check-up camp for Mundavali
villagers. A total of 130 villagers took benefit of the camp which was conducted
under the guidance of Dr. Rajesh Pakhare (Orthopaedic), Dr Ashwin Kumar
(Physician), Dr. Heena (Paediatrician) & their team. Free Medicines were also
distributed to the patients. Ms. Kanchan Thakur (CSR co-ordinator) and CSR
Volunteers from Global Wires Ms. Apeksha Runwal, Mr.Rajesh Shetty, Mr. A S
Patel and Mr. Nilesh Bachhe coordinated in making the arrangements.
Sports kits distributed to ZP School : Sports kits for cricket, footballs, carrom
board and badminton were given to the Mundavali Zilla Parishad school to
promote sports amongst the children by the Global Wires CSR team of
Sathianthan (Plant Head WRM [W]), Rupesh Kismatarao, Kunal Khirade,
Apeksha Runwal, Kanchan Kashikar, Rajesh Shetty, A.S Patel and Nilesh Bachhe
Eye check-up camp with Bhakti Vedanta hospital : The Global Wires CSR
team of Ms. Trupti Sarode, Ms. Kanchan Kashikar, Rajesh Shetty, Santosh Tare
and Rajesh Vartak and the Bhakti Vedanta hospital team organized a cataract eye
check-up camp in Mundavali village. 65 persons attended the camp in which 8
were detected with cataract. 2 of these patients availed the free surgery
sponsored jointly by Global Wires with Bhakti Vedanta hospital and successfully
underwent the cataract operations at the Bhakti Vedanta hospital subsequently.


Five Healthy Foods to

Eat at workplace
Modern day working style puts a lot of stress on all of us. Also
sadly, most of it is done sitting at one place in front of a
computer with a cell phone and other gadgets, without much
physical activity. While we cannot avoid this routine, we can at
least look at eating food which can help us to counter the
sedentary life style. Here are some food items when taken in
moderation that will help you to fight blood pressure,
improve memory and concentration


While all kind of nuts reduce the risk of heart decease, walnuts are
supposed to contain higher amounts of good quality antioxidants than
peanuts, almonds pistachios etc. Experts recommend at least seven
walnuts a day. They have been found helpful in controlling Alzheimers
decease in animals.

Dark Chocolates

Usually chocolates are considered to be enemy of good health.

However, dark chocolates are an exception. They contain powerful
antioxidants called polyphenols which help reduce risk of heart decease
and inhibit clotting of arteries. People with mild hypertension are
recommended to consume one small bar of dark chocolate every day.
Dark chocolate also contains caffeine which provides the much needed
energy boost for concentration.

Green Tea

Green tea contains elements that help fight cancer of skin and prostrate.
Polyphenols are the main ingredient of green tea, which repairs damage
DNA to stimulate immune system.



Surprise, surprise!! Popcorns are made of 100% whole grain and

are a good source of fibers and antioxidants. A pack of popcorns is
a healthy snack to be kept handy at office. However, you need to
ensure it contains minimum of salt. Low sodium variety of
popcorns is the answer.

Apples, bananas, papaya, oranges or mangoes each of these fruit

have abundant nutrients and they will help you to fight hunger pangs
and keep going. Replace your oily, greasy evening snacks of potato
wada, samosa & fries with these fresh fruits and feel the difference.

October 2013 - February 2014

Dhanvantari Vatika
starts blooming
The nursery at the Kurgaon Housing complex to develop medicinal plants has
started blooming under the tender care of Sanjiv Pradhan and his team of
gardeners. Sanjiv is expectedly excited as he shows the various plants and
explains the various medicinal properties of each of them to the many visitors
who come to the nursery.
The nursery was started to create awareness of the many plants recommended for their healing powers under vedic medicine. To the uninitiated visitor,
Sanjiv has erected a board at the gate which identifies the Latin name and their
corresponding colloquial names in local languages for each of the plant and
their expected benefits. Seeing the positive awareness that has been generated
from this one acre nursery, Rajiv Soni EIC Global Wires India has asked Sanjiv
Pradhan to extend the nursery to cover other fruits and vegetables using the
wire cages and wire systems developed by the Wire Technology teams.

Sanjiv Pradhan showcasing with pride the Vatika and its various herbs to RK Soni EIC GWI and other officers

Promotions and Appointments at Global Wires are as follows:

Pradeep Sonawane is promoted as Head Operations

WRM. He will report to Head WRM and operate
from Tarapur.

Damodar S Pohuja is promoted as Head

Maintenance WRM. He will report to Head WRM
and operate from Tarapur.

Mr Devendra H Patil is promoted as Head

Manufacturing (LRPC, GI and Allied Products)

Mr Sanjay Sarda is promoted as Senior Manager

Accounts in Tarapur Common Services

Mr Deepak Jain is appointed as Manager Accounts in

Tarapur Common Services. He will operate from Tarapur

Mr Prashant Kuwar is appointed as

Manager Operations at TWP 1

Mr Rakesh Kumar Rana is appointed as Manager EEI (Electrical

Maintenance) Wire Plants in Tarapur Common Services

Mr Vivek Mundhra is appointed as Manager

F&A in the Wires Division at Borivali.

Transfers in Global Wires India

Mr SB Bidikar is transferred as Head EPA from Head

Manufacturing (Auto & Allied Products) TWP-I

Mr Dinkar Chavan is transferred as Head Special

Projects in EIC GWI Office from Head EPA

Mr Enosh Nikhil C is transferred to Manager Marketing in

M&S at Borivli from Manager EPA Hyderabad

Mr SP Prasad is transferred as Senior Manager

Marketing-Institutional Business in M&S Department
from Senior Manager Sales Retail at Kolkatta

Mr Anand Biyani is transferred as Management Trainee Systems (IT) in

Tarapur Common Services from MT Systems (IT) Jamshedpur

Transfers out of Global Wires India


Mr. Anurag Aggarwal, Senior Manager

Sales North, M&S is transferred to
Tata Communications Ltd.

M. K. Desai Senior Manager Physical,

QA is seconded to Natsteel Holdings
Singapore as Head MCQ

Mr. Pradeep Poojari Manager (Financial Accounting) at

Global Wires India is transferred to Corporate Finance &
Banking as Manager Corporate Finance Tata Steel Ltd

October 2013 - February 2014

Long Service Awards

VK Mhatre 35 years

AA Patil 30 years

Robby DSilva 30 Years

GS Keshwani 30 years

Kanchan K Choudhury 30 years

Nand Kishore Modi 30 years

NN Angre 30 years

SN Joshi 30 years

Bipin D Radhod 25 years

Ramesh N Shastri 25 years

Patrick Rozario 20 years

Ashok Kalothia 20 years

Shrirang Datar 20 years

Pradeep Sonawane 20 years

Satish Kumar 20 years

Published by - Tata Steel Global Wires, India, Borivali (E), Mumbai 66, India
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