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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AOS. Convocatoria 2013

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Huge ancient city at Angkor Wat revealed by laser
Airborne laser technology has uncovered a network of roadways and canals, illustrating a bustling ancient city
linking Cambodia's famed Angkor Wat temple complex.
The discovery was announced late Monday by the National Academy of Sciences. The laser scanning revealed
a previously undocumented formally planned urban landscape integrating the temples. The Angkor temple complex,
Cambodia's top tourist destination and one of Asia's most famous landmarks, was constructed in the 12th century
during the mighty Khmer empire. Angkor Wat is a point of deep pride for Cambodians, appearing on the national flag,
and was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Archaeologists had long suspected that the city of Mahendraparvata lay hidden beneath a canopy of dense
vegetation atop Phnom Kulen mountain in Siem Reap province. But the airborne lasers produced the first detailed map
of a vast cityscape, including highways and previously undiscovered temples.
"No one had ever mapped the city in any kind of detail before, and so it was a real revelation to see the city revealed in
such clarity," University of Sydney archaeologist Damian Evans, the study's lead author, said "It's really remarkable to
see these traces of human activity still inscribed into the forest floor many, many centuries after the city ceased to
function and was overgrown."
The laser technology, known as lidar, works by firing laser pulses from an aircraft to the ground and
measuring the distance to create a detailed, three-dimensional map of the area. It's a useful tool for archaeologists
because the lasers can penetrate thick vegetation and cover swaths of ground far faster than they could be analyzed on
In April 2012, researchers loaded the equipment onto a helicopter, which spent days crisscrossing the dense
forests from 800 metres above the ground. A team of Australian and French archaeologists then confirmed the findings
with an on-foot expedition through the jungle.
Archaeologists had already spent years doing ground research to map a 9-square-kilometre section of the
city's downtown area. But the lidar revealed the downtown was much more expansive at least 35 square kilometres
and more heavily populated than once believed.
"The real revelation is to find that the downtown area is densely inhabited, formally-planned and bigger than previously
thought," Evans said. "To see the extent of things we missed before has completely changed our understanding of how
these cities were structured."
Researchers don't yet know why the civilization at Mahendraparvata collapsed. But Evans said one current
theory is that possible problems with the city's water management system may have driven people out. The next step
for researchers involves excavating the site, which Evans hopes will reveal clues about how many people once called
the city home.

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Segunda lengua extranjera II: Ingls 1 de 3

A. Comprensin lectora. (30 puntos)

1. Lee el texto y di si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas (V) o falsas (F) de acuerdo con la informacin dada
en el texto. Justifica tu respuesta de acuerdo al texto tanto si son verdaderas como falsas. (10 puntos, 5 cada
respuesta, 2 por verdadero/falso, 3 por justificacin)
[ V ] Before the laser scanning technique was applied, the real dimensions of the city of Angkor were unknown.
The laser scanning revealed a previously undocumented formally planned urban landscape integrating the
[ F ] According to this new finding the city center was barely populated.
But the lidar revealed the downtown was much more expansive at least 35 square kilometres and more
heavily populated than once believed.
2. Elige la respuesta correcta. (15 puntos, 3 por apartado)
A. The Angkor Wat temple complex
was linked to a small city.
was completely isolated.
was linked to a dense and lively city.
was linked to an ancient city with no activity at all.
B. The airborne lasers
produced a detailed mapping of the city
couldn't prove the real dimensions of the site.
couldn't be due to the difficult geographical position of the place.
had never been used before.
C. Lidar is useful
because it is faster than traditional researching.
to map archaeological sites with more detail than traditional researching.
because it can cover greater land extensions.
unless it is used with thick vegetation.
D. According to scholars
the finding doesn't add new information about the site.
the real finding is to discover that the city was bigger than it was thought previously.
the finding reveals an unknown set of temples more important than the Angkor site.
they couldn't have worked without lidar.
E. The civilization at Mahendraparvata
collapsed by internal wars.
disappeared by a terrible earthquake.
had problems with water.
is completely unkown to experts.
3. Contesta la siguiente pregunta con tus palabras usando la informacin del texto. (5 puntos)
What have experts discovered about the Angkor temple ancient site?
Experts discovered that the site was close to a city whose downtown was much more expansive at least 35 square
kilometres and more heavily populated than once believed.

Segunda lengua extranjera II: Ingls 2 de 3

B. Conocimiento de la lengua. (40 puntos)

4. Busca en el texto un sinnimo para la siguiente palabra. (5 puntos)
Lively, active, alive (adjective): bustling
5. Busca en el texto un antnimo para la siguiente palabra. (5 puntos)
Open, scattered, thin (adjective): dense
6. Rellena la tabla situando cada palabra junto a su definicin. (10 puntos, 2 por apartado)
remarkable/network / swath / landmark / clue / crisscross
something that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mystery


a long narrow strip or belt


to mark with or consist of a pattern of crossing lines


worthy of note or attention


an interconnected group or system


a prominent or well-known object in or feature of a particular landscape


7. Transforma la siguiente frase segn indicaciones dadas. (16 puntos,4 por apartado)
A. Researchers loaded the equipment onto a helicopter (Psala a la voz pasiva)
The equipment was loaded onto a helicopter by researchers.
B. The real revelation is to find that the downtown area is densely inhabited.(Escribe la pregunta que da
respuesta a la parte subrayada)
What is the real revelation?
C. The laser technology works by firing laser pulses from an aircraft to the ground. It creates a detailed, threedimensional map of the area. (Une estas dos oraciones con un pronombre relativo.)
The laser technology, which creates a detailed, three-dimensional map of the area, works by firing laser pulses
from an aircraft to the ground.
D. Damian Evans, the study's lead author, said "It's really remarkable to see these traces of human activity still
inscribed into the forest floor. (Reescribe la frase en estilo indirecto).
Damian Evans, the study's lead author, said that it was really remarkable to see those traces of human activity
still inscribed into the forest floor.
8. Completa la siguiente frase utilizando tus propias palabras.(4 puntos)
If lidar hadnt been used, the real city wouldnt have been revealed. (condicional del tipo III)

C. Composicin escrita. (30 puntos)

9. Escribe una composicin de una extensin aproximada de 70 a 80 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes
Recuerda incluir una introduccin, un cuerpo de la composicin y una conclusin. Revisa la concordancia de los
singulares-plurales y de los sujetos-verbos. Utiliza expresiones sencillas, frases cortas y los tiempos verbales
correspondientes a lo que ests contando. Utiliza conectories y sinnimos para enriquecer tu composicin. No te
desves del tema que se te propone.

Write about one of your country's landmarks.

Explain the impact and the relevance of technology in history and archaeology.

Segunda lengua extranjera II: Ingls 3 de 3

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