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It was alarming to see the Tories

attack BMA activists in the press
and threaten to challenge the
strike on the ridiculous basis that
a call for solidarity to other trade
unionists is a legal breach.
We stand with the BMA
junior doctors in their strike to
defend our health service from a
dangerous new contract.
The backdrop to attempts to
smear the doctors is the Tory
Trade Union Bill, the biggest
attack on our right to strike and
organise for generations.
We have to go all out to
mobilise opposition, and our
unions must up the ante and have
a strategy to defeat the bill.
We need to mobilise across
the unions for the TUC week
of action 8-14 February, with
lunchtime rallies and walkouts.

Everyone must get behind

those fighting back against
austerity, and bring solidarity to
BMA junior doctors strikes to
defend our NHS and the RMT &
ASLEF London tube strikes set
for January and February.
Flashpoints will come
when an employer attempts to
implement the bill.
We must be prepared to stand
together and defend any union
or group of workers who find
themselves outside the law.
Our union movement has
defeated anti-union laws before,
through utilising the power of
mass strikes.
We call on TUC and
union leaders to build towards
coordinated strikes to defend
our unions.


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