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Trade Union model motions:


This union branch notes:

We are witnessing the biggest movement of people since the Second World War.
During 2015 nearly 3000 people were drowned in the Mediterranean Sea trying to reach Europe while
thousands more languish in camps in the most appalling conditions.
The governments response has been completely inadequate and has sought to demonise refugees who
are fleeing war, poverty, and persecution.
Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) is a broad based campaign that seeks to challenge racism, Islamophobia and
the scapegoating of migrants and refugees.
Stand Up to Racism has organised several major national protests (including an annual event on UN
anti-racism day), rallies, a Winter appeal for refugees and is involved in developing a series of anti-racist
workshops in schools, colleges and workplaces.

This union branch believes:

Around 100,000 joined the SUTR (jointly) organised Refugees Welcome march in London in September
2015. The event was addressed by Jeremy Corbyn just moments after he was confirmed as Labour leader.
The scale of the march reflects the widespread opposition that exists to the scapegoating of refugees by the
Tories, press and right wing media.
The governments austerity measures are to blame for the fall in working class living standards and the
attacks on our public services that weve experienced since 2008, not migrants and refugees.
Our trade unions must campaign to make refugees welcome here a reality.

This union branch resolves to:

Go all out to mobilise the biggest possible delegation for the Stand up to racism protest in London (and
any in other regions) on Saturday 19 March 2016.
To support activities organised by and affiliate to Stand Up To Racism: (

This union branch notes:

The 2 December 2015 vote in the UK Parliament for military action against Isis in Syria.

This union branch believes:

The US and its allies, including Britain, were already bombing Isis in Syria and Iraq without signicant
effect. Isis is a violent and reactionary organisation but more bombing will only increase bitterness against
the West.
The War on Terror has brought nothing but blood and destruction to Afghanistan and Iraq and has
destabilised the Middle East and large parts of Africa. The 2011 intervention in Libya dramatically increased
the rate of killing and led to Islamist radicalisation. There is no reason to think the outcome will be any
different in Syria.
The Wests main allies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are among the most authoritarian regimes in the region
and have no interest in democracy in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia beheads more people than Isis and the
two countries support Jihadi groups in Syria. If the West were really concerned about tackling terrorism, they
would not be supplying weapons to these tyrannies.
Cameron shouldnt be committing billions of pounds to a new war at a time when savage cuts in public
services are being implemented. The extra billions would be better spent on schools, housing, the NHS and
In Syria the American, Russian, French and British warplanes arent helping the millions of ordinary people
that are suffering. Neither is it helping those fleeing as refugees.
Further military escalation will only lead to greater collateral damage. More deaths of innocent Syrian
civilians will create more resentment potentially leading to more terrorism. The results too can be
catastrophic for the whole region. As former UN secretary general Ko Annan put it, Syria is not Libya, it will
not implode, it will explode beyond its borders.

This union branch resolves to:

Support all future mobilisations against the bombing of Syria, and against military escalation.
To affiliate/ re-affiliate to Stop the War Coalition (

Trade Union Bill

This union branch notes that:

The Tories continue with austerity. If the government is not resisted and beaten we face years more of pay
cuts and closures and a continued assault on our public services.
At the forefront of the Tory agenda austerity agenda is the Trade Union Bill, an attempt to further weaken
trade unions ability to organise and to strike. The bill represents the most determined attack on the unions
for a generation, and the movement must be prepared to take on and defy these new laws.
The TUC already has policy to consider generalised strikes against the bill and to defend unions that find
themselves outside the law.

This union branch beleves that:

Jeremy Corbyn has argued that a Labour government will repeal the bill and bring in new legislation to
defend workers rights. Thats enormously positive but we cant wait until 2020 to take on the anti-union
We need to work with the TUC to oppose the Trade Union Bill. We want to push for TUC policy to be turned
into action. We should organise to maximise support for the TUC heartunions week of action from 8-14
February (22 February in Scotland)
We should respond to the TUCs call for the big workplace meeting on 9 February. We should use this
meeting to organise activity for the day of action on 11 February where the TUC is calling for workplaces to
go for a rally or lunchtime walkout among other activities.
But we cant simply wait for the TUC.

This union branch resolves that:

We call on councils, the Scottish government, the Welsh Assembly and others to ensure they implement
none of the provisions of the Trade Union Bill, guarantee all existing facility time and affirm that they will
never use any of the Bills measures against strikers or use agency workers during strikes.
We must encourage our union to work with all those unions, reps and activists willing to build a movement
capable of taking on and defying any new anti-union legislation.
We resolve to affiliate to Unite the Resistance ( and the Peoples Assembly (www. and to order....copies of the Unite the Resistance Fight the anti-union laws
pamphlet, with a foreword by shadow chancellor John McDonnell MP.
*Unite the Resistance affiliation costs 25 per union branch or 100 per national union. Cheques made
payable to Unite the Resistance should be sent to Unite the Resistance, c/o Bookmarks, 1 Bloomsbury
Street, London, WC1B 3QE

This union branch notes that:

While the government pushes through austerity with year after year of cuts to public spending they are set
to spend billions on Trident renewal.

This union branch believes that:

These weapons of mass destruction could cause the end of life on Earth if used and come at a vast
costan initial 20 billion but at least 100 billion over its planned 30 year lifespan. Recently the Commons
Foreign Affairs Committee said it could be 167 billon! This is money that should be spent on health,
education or other vital public services.
We support Labour leader Jeremy Corbyns stand against the use of nuclear weapons and the renewal of

This union branch resolves that:

We pledge to support and mobilise for the CND Scap Trident demo on 27 February in London, to send
our union banner and to take part in the build up activities (lobby of local MPs 22 -23 January and day of
action 6 February).
We also agree to affiliate to CND (

European Union
This union branch notes that:

That the government is committed to holding an in/out referendum on Britains membership of the
European Union by the end of 2017.

This union branch believes:

That the European Union has nothing to do with internationalism, justice or democracy.
That the European Union was from its foundation an organisation pushing the agenda of big business
across Europe.
That with successive treaties and unaccountable new institutions from the Single European Act to the
European Central Bank- the EU has hard wired into its nature the enforcement of neo-liberal policies of
privatisation, marketisation and austerity. The EUs active promotion of TTIP is one indication of this.
That vicious racism is built into the foundations of the European Union with free movement within the
EU for those with the right passports being built on murderous racism towards our brothers and sisters from
the rest of the world.
That any changes Camerons government negotiates with the EU will bring more privatisation,
marketisation and racism.
That Cameron and his government will be campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU on these new terms,
and a vote to stay in will strengthen Cameron, Osborne and their racist and austerity agenda.
That if progressive forces line up behind Cameron and help him win the referendum they will do a great
disservice to working people.
That we should recognise the danger of leaving opposition to the European Union, and Camerons
referendum package, to those motivated only by reactionary Little England chauvinism or downright
racism including sections of the Tory right and UKIP.
That we should therefore actively seek to work with the widest possible progressive forces to build a
different, progressive, anti-racist, internationalist campaign against the EU, for a vote against Britains
membership of the EU neo-liberal big business club.
That such a campaign should have as its key themes: No to racism inside and outside the European
Union; Yes to internationalism-solidarity across all borders; Defend public services- no to privatisation; No to
the European Union.
That under no circumstance should such a campaign have any truck with, joint work with or share any
platforms with forces which espouse any form of racism including Ukip. That we should oppose all forms
of racism and attacks on migrants - that our stance should be refugees and migrants are welcome here.
That we should stand for internationalism and solidarity with struggles by workers and against all forms
injustice across all borders whether inside and outside the EU.
That if a progressive campaign against the EU is built, and Cameron is defeated in his referendum it would
be a near fatal blow to his government and bring nearer the day when its swept from office.

This union branch resolves to call on the executive:

To have a wide campaign of discussion inside the union, and to actively seek out potential allies in the
trade union and progressive movements urgently to try to build a progressive anti-EU movement.

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