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Quality Center

Perform the following steps/activities to complete this case study:

Explore the portal
1. Identify and list minimum of 10 functional requirements
2. Add all those requirements into Requirements module of Quality
3. Create minimum of one test for each requirement in the TestPlan
4. Link all the tests with the requirement
5. Check whether the test is suitable for manual test or automated using
QTP (minimum 3 manual test and 3 automated test should be created)
6. Write the design steps for manual tests
7. Record and generate scripts for automated test
8. Get the test scripts reviewed by a peer.
9. Create test sets in the TestLab module based on related functionality

Change the settings in TestSet properties


Specify the Execution sequence


Run the tests according to the specified sequence


Log the defects if any


Link the defects with the respective tests and requirements


Accept a change request


Modify the test script accordingly


Repeat steps 11 to 13


Analyze the results using requirements coverage, etc.




Expected Result

User Registration:Enter all

the values and click
Register button
User Registration:Fields
are left blank and register
button is clicked

The registration must be


User Login: Enter valid

Email Id and Valid
Password and click on
Sign In button
User Login: Blank Email Id
and Password and click on
Sign In button
User Login: Enter only
valid Email Id and blank
Password and click on
Sign In button
User Login: Enter Valid
Email Id and Invalid
Password and click on
Sign In button
Forgot Password:Enter
blank Email Id and click on
Sign In button
Forgot Password:Enter
Invalid Email Id

It should Login

One Way: Enter all valid

values and click Find
Flights buttton
One Way: Enter all valid
values and give blank
value for Going to and
click on Find Flights

* The field is Required

Message should be

* The field is Required

Message should be
* The field is Required
Message should be
Entered password is
invalid Message should
be displayed
* The field is Required
Message should be
Please enter valid Email
Id Message should be
List of all available flights
must be displayed
*The field is required
Message should be
displayed by highlighting
on Going to text field

Steps to be performed on Quality Center

1. To open and Login to Quality Center, follow: Start->Programs->HP ALM
Platform->Site Administration, Site Administration is used to create
new domain and new Project under that domain based on the

2. Login Page: Provide Username and Password as given while Installation

3. On Successful Login site Administration home page is opened and new

domain and new projects are created
Creating new domain as ONLINEFLIGHT, Here no spaces are accepted and
accepts only capital letters

Creating new project by selecting Create an empty project option and click
Next button

Provide project name as Yatra, In domain as ONLINEFLIGHT and click


On clicking Next it shows the details of Database type as MS-SQL and

choose the Server Name as localhost, DB Admin user and password must
remain same as it is shown and click Next

On clicking Next select the Project Administrators as Datamatics from the

table shown in extreme right under User Name column and click on <=
button and click on Next

Check the checkbox Activate Project and click on create button, the
domain and project is created and Logoff from site administration

4. To open ALM Platform follow the path as Start->Programs->HP ALM

Platform->ALM Platform

5. Login to ALM Platform by providing the Login name and password as

given during installation, click on Authentication and Select the
respective domain and project and login

6. On Login Quality Center screen is opened with four components as

Dashboard, Requirements, Testing and Defects.
In Requirement create new folder as Yatra

7. Create new requirements for Yatra on clicking New Requirement

under Requirement tab, by providing details as below
Name: User Registration
Priority: low
Direct Cover: Not completed
Old Type: Software
Reviewed: Not reviewed
Click OK the requirements are created

8. Create two new folder as Automation and Manual in Test Plan

1. Create a new folder as Manual

2. Under the folder Manual create a new test as User Registration

and Type as Manual and Status as Design and click OK

3. Details on creating new tests are displayed as shown below

4. Click on Design Steps and click on New Step button, It shows

the test cases given in a table format

5. On clicking New Step button Design step details window is

displayed, provide the description and expected result and click

9. Create folder as Automation

1. Create new test on clicking New Test button, Provide Test Name,
Creation Date and status and click OK

2. Click on Test Script tab on Right hand side and Launch QTP window by
clicking on Launch button for particular tests created under automation

3. On launching QTP, perform Record and Run settings and provide the
website address on selecting web tab and choosing second radio
button, Record the actions and save the file

4. We can view the QTP window with record view and expert view after
launch in ALM window of Test plan

5. To run the test script we go to Test Lab create new folder as


6. Create new tests under the folder Automation

7. On creating test the details are shown as below

8. Click on Execution flow and click on Select Tests, select the tests to
be included and click on <= button as shown below

9. Click on Run Test Set

On clicking Run test set Automatic Runner window is displayed,
Check on Run all tests locally and uncheck Enable Log and click on
Run button

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