Prayer Diary 2016 Week 3 011716

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Chronological Bible Reading: Genesis 46-48; Matthew 12:26-50
Tuesday, January 19

Chronological Bible Reading: Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:1-25
Monday, January 18
Lev. 13:13 Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, if the leprosy have
covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: it is all
turned white: he is clean.

Jesus, My Helper, My Healer:

I am the leper! I can read Moses law to see how these strange regulations
apply to my spiritual condition. This is what led me to Christ.
Help __________ and __________ see themselves as entirely lost,
altogether ruined, completely covered with the defilement of sin. Until they get
saved no part of them is free from bondagenot their mind, nor their heart, nor
intentions. Make them disclaim all righteousness of their own so they can plead
guilty before the cross and get cleansing through the blood of Jesus!
The true leprosy is hidden, unfelt (and therefore unconfessed) iniquity. It
eats away at all of us. But once it is seen and felt its cure is already ready because
you, Lord, look with eyes of mercy on each such soul so afflicted.
Nothing is more deadly than prideful self-righteousness. Nothing is more
healthy than humble contrition. Help them confess they are nothing else but
sin, because any confession short of that is not the whole truth.
Holy Spirit, do your work (John 16:8-11), convicting of sin. Grant them an
acknowledgement of their true, lost condition. Sin mourned and confessed will
never keep a soul out of heaven. Whoever comes to you will never be cast out
(John 6:37). Though dishonest, unclean, cruel or rebellious, your great heart will
be able to look on them with pity, as long as they look on themselves as someone
with no soundness inside. Grant them grace to repent and confess Christ, for
then (and only then) you will pronounce them clean. Bring them to trust in the
crucified One. Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 1-3; Matthew 13:30-58
Thursday, January 21
Gen. 39:20 And Josephs master took him, and put him into the prison, a

place where the kings prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison.

LIFT every voice and sing, till earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.
God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,
Thou Who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou Who hast by Thy might, led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee.
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee.
Shadowed beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand,
True to our God, true to our native land.

James Weldon Johnson, 1899


Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they

Your seven sayings from the cross. Here I see you as my Mediator, interceding.
Thank you for standing before the Father to plead for the guilty.
Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou
be with me in paradise.
Here you are in regal power, opening a door no man can shut, letting through
gates of glory a soul who confessed you as he died. Hail eternal King!
John 19:26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by,
whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!
Now I see the gentleness of a son caring for a bereaved mother. Your last
thoughts were not for yourself.
Matt. 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, My
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
What a soul in anguish! Your inmost heart overwhelmed, not by my sin, but by
the withdrawal of your Fathers face at the appearance of my sin.
John 19:28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that
the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
I watch as the humanity responds in your body. Even your mortal flesh
trembled as it shared in the anguish of spirit.
John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished:
The Captain of my salvation completes his mission and made an end of sin.
Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into
thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
In your death you bring all believers near to God. If my spirit is in your hand,
no one can pluck me out of it. I love you, Lord! Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 4-6; Matthew 14
Friday, January 22
2 Tim. 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am
not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able
to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Able Lord and Redeemer:

In times of holy boldness and sacred access we have asked great things
from you, our God. Yet we have never reached the limit of your ability! Even at
its best and boldest, our prayers have many boundaries your heart does not
acknowledge. We learned that this last year as you did above and beyond.
We are limited by our sense of need. We barely know what we want. Oh,
teach us how to pray, or else we never ask correctly!
We mistake our spiritual condition. Our souls hunger is not deep
enough, our thirst not keen enough. Sin takes the edge off our spiritual appetite.
So we crimp and cramp our prayers.
Thank you Father, that the Holy Spirit prays for us (Rom. 8:26-27) and our
magnificent Jesus prays with us (Rom. 8:34). That way we are not limited by our
limited sense of need, and make no mistakes because of our mistaken condition.
We only ask for bread and waterwhile you prepare a table in the wilderness in
the midst of our enemies.
Is there a single promise of yours we perfectly understand? There is a
breadth, length, height and depth we do not yet comprehend. You still
condescend to use our language. To us the words mean silver, but you use them
in the sense of gold.
Thank you Lord, that you never mean less than you say, and always far
more than we think! For this we magnify your namethat your power to bless
is not bounded by our ability to understand the blessing. Amen.

Chronological Bible Reading: Genesis 49-50; Matthew 13:1-9
Wednesday, January 20
Nahum 1:12 Thus saith the LORD; Though they be quiet, and likewise
many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I
have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more.

O Heavenly Father:
Thank you for placing a limit on my pain. George Mueller said while you
smite with one hand you support with the other. Sometimes I ask through my
sigh, When will it end? Help me remember you are
Acts 14:22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to
continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the
kingdom of God.
Help me to quietly wait and patiently endure. If I wait but murmur, I have
failed you. I lose the reward for enduring. Likewise if I endure but show
impatience, I have failed. I want your will instead!
Prov. 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of
correction shall drive it far from him.
I thank you for removing the rod as soon as it serves its purpose. Maybe
once you drive away my foolishness these strokes will stop. Otherwise, the
affliction is sent for my testing so my responses might glorify God. In that
case, dont end the trial until my witness bears you praise! I want you to get out of
me all the honor my life can possibly yield. Today there may be great calm. After
winnowing, the wheat rests in the barn and the whip is hung up. In a few hours I
may be as happy as I now am sorrowful, because it is not hard for you to turn
night into day. You control the clouds and can easily clear my skies. Make me a
blessing till then. The way ahead is clearer still. Help me sing Hallelujah in
anticipation. I ask it all for Jesus sake, Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Exodus 7-9; Matthew 15:1-20
Saturday, January 23


Psa. 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against

Holy Lord:
I am full of passion, weak in wisdom, and wounded by experience. How
can I get right and keep right, so I will be right and stay right? There is no more
important question I can ask. It is a noble ambition. It is your high but certain
calling. Yet nothing is harder than for me to stay straight. I cannot shirk from the
responsibility or shrink in the face of difficulty. The way of wisdom is to live a
pure life by grace.
Make the Bible my chart, and help me watch unto prayer (1 Pet. 4:7).
Nothing prohibits that, and nothing eliminates the need for that. I have to be like
you, Lordand this is exactly what you did (Luke 21:36), even though you were
all the fullness of the godhead bodily.
Make my daily life match my study of the Bible. Make my study of your
word mold and shape my daily activity. Let me take heed to the Holy Spirit,
because no one is holy without him! I have such an accurate roadmap to your
will, I need never go astray. Help me follow the hard but right way.
I want to be holy, for you are holy (1 Pet. 1:15-16). So let me set a holy
watch in my heart. Let me keep a holy Bible before my eye. Meditating on your
word is the best preventive medicine, and I need it so! It tells me your mind,
empowers my spirit by the Holy Spirit, and brings my character into conformity
to Christ.
No gimmick against sinning is equal to simply storing your word in my
heart. There is no hiding from temptation unless scripture is hidden in my soul.
Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil in Jesus name, Amen.

Focus Verse (for memorization & meditation)Prayer Diary link available online at


JANUARY 17, 2016




Welcome to our visitors! Please take connection cards from the back of the
pew in front of you, fill out the visitor portion, and put it in the offering plate.
You are our guest and wed like to know you are here!
Ministerio Hispao La Cosecha 10:45A.M. en el saln 6. Servicio en Ingls
traducido en Espaol 9:00A.M.
Young Adults Class (YAC) Couples & singles meet 11:00A.M. in room 4
Support our YAC Sacrifice for the Children. HBC Young Adults Class is taking
donations of formula, diapers, clothes, baby wipes, and anything up to 5T.
This will go to Impact Ministry Family Resource Center in Blue Springs. To
donate just drop in the bin any Sunday in January!
Sunday Night Service 5:30P.M. Romans 2: Dont Be Religulous
D2 (Discipleship II) just started, during evening services. It covers Character
Qualities, Biblical Discipleship, Family Life , How to Study the Bible, and Key
Doctrinal Studies. Notebooks are $25.00 for this 8 month course.
Proverbs & Prayer Lunch meeting in the Gym
WEDNESDAYS 7:00-8:15P.M.
AdultsMidweek Bible Study & Prayer Service
AWANAOur Bible Club for children 2 yrs-Grade 6
MOMs Group Day of Blessings Clean out your closet, basement, garage and
storage. Donations of furniture, clothing, toys and books are accepted this Wed
6:00-8:00P.M. and Thurs, 10:00A-4:00P All items are then given away free this
Friday 10:00A-2:00P Contact the church about the single parent preview!
Living Faith Bible Institute Three classes begin: Church History taught by
Greg Axe Homiletics taught by Mark Trotter Missions taught by Jeff Bartell
Each new student receives a leather wide-margin Bible. Miss this semester and
you will kick yourself for the next four years! Register online at
JANUARY 30, 5:00P.M.
HBC Snowflake Ball father-daughter dinner and dance at Adams Pointe Conf
Center. Cost is only $40 per couple (father & first daughter), and just $10 for
each additional date. Registration is available online now and a table will be in
the lobby starting next Sunday to purchase tickets.
Sign up in the lobby to be baptized in our Super Service on Super Sunday at
9:00 or 11:00a.m. Evening service will be moved up to 4:00p.m. that day!
Sign up online at in Jan or Feb for the early-bird
rate (same price as last year)!




Baptists tend to ridicule liturgical churches that use "prepared prayers" because
they lack spontaneity. But for many Baptists, their prayers are so predictable they are
no more spontaneous than written-out prayers. The result is we end up praying the
same things over and over.
This daily Prayer Diary will prompt you on a wide range of prayer requests you
might not normally think of, while forcing you to articulate a deeper devotion to
God. We have included a daily Bible reading schedule. This plan will take you
through the Bible chronologically in a year.
Do not read ahead and do not try to catch up. Use each day as it comes. Then
you can know that on any given day, dozens of other people are lifting their hearts in
the same mind to God. Pray what is written, but use what is prayed as a springboard
for your own relationship with God. You learn to pray by praying.


Secret prayer is the secret of prayer, the soul of prayer, the seal of prayer, the
strength of prayer. If you do not pray alone you do not pray at all. Our Lord Jesus
Christ would go nowhere till He had prayed. He would attempt nothing till He had
Oh, says one, I live in the spirit of prayer, and therefore I do not need times
and seasons for prayer. And do you think that Christ did not live in the spirit of
prayer? Yet He had to have his special time and place to pray. Do not fall under the
injurious notion that because your spirit cries to God in prayer all day long, therefore
there must not be some season for more immediately coming into Gods presence. If
you imagine this, I am afraid that it will prove a snare to your feet. The Lord Jesus
Christ, who knew better than you do that the main thing is the spirit of prayer rather
than the act of prayer, yet Himself retired into desert places to maintain the act and
exercise of prayer. Be spiritual. Be baptized into the spirit of prayer. But do not be
deceived by the enemy, who can steal a spirit away while we dream that we only
spiritualize it. We had better preserve the very bones of prayerthe posture, the
time, placerather than let it all ooze away into an impalpable mental condition.
God keep us prayerful. He will do so if He makes us like His dear Son.

Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92

Dont miss out -- Make it a Missions New Year!

Prayer Diary link available online at

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