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A NEW UNION FOR A NEW WORLD means that we must engage in a

national strategy under which all Locals,

right because
our members
employment patterns and potential areas
of union growth. Together, we should work
An Open Letter to AFTRA Members Branches, Chapters, Divisions and cannot afford for to anticipate how our industries will evolve
members function in concert to maintain us to fail. The (or, in some cases, stay the same). If we
jurisdiction over our work no matter third time must do all this, when the time is right to sit
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the we work, as well as the nature of the work 2003. Ours is a how it moves or grows, no matter what be the charm. down to form our new union, we will be
possibility of a “merger” between AFTRA we do. This means research, preparation world of ringtones form it takes. It also means building prepared and aligned in our priorities.
and SAG. We take this as an encouraging and, most important, organizing. and iPads. It’s a a structure where no single city or no Workers’ power,
sign: a reflection of the improving relations world in which single category of member—actor, Matt Kimbrough, not politics, must WE WILL SUCCEED
between our unions. AFTRA leadership Ultimately, we want to build an alternative news recording artist or broadcaster—is National Treasurer drive our work. Everything we do as union members
and members have always been, and encompassing union that keeps us all and lifestyle able to unilaterally impose its will on should be about building power to improve
continue to be, committed to creating working under strong contracts, and also programming is everyone else. Any new union must THE WORK BEFORE US wages and working conditions. That is why
one media and entertainment union for empowers its entire membership. cropping up on incorporate the best of each contributing We all have much to learn about and AFTRA members are already engaged in
all actors, performers and broadcast D2 subsignals organization and avoid adopting our contribute to the new landscape. We have an historic program of internal change; we
Bob Edwards, National
journalists. We stand ready to work hard to A MATTER OF POWER First Vice President and the Internet, respective dysfunctions. a series of major contract negotiations will not stop our forward evolution while
make that happen in the near future. But Some see “merger” mainly as a way while traditional coming up this year and next. In 2010, the world changes around us. AFTRA
make no mistake, we will not repeat the to solve the very real problems posed networks shutter their news bureaus WHAT WE MUST DO FIRST we will be negotiating new agreements members will continue to move forward
past. We believe that any effort to create a by paying dues to multiple unions, across the country. It’s a world in which, For nearly two decades now, many of for Network Staff Newspersons, Sound with our internal
new and stronger national union must not contributing to multiple health and come September, there will only be one us have worked hard to see our unions Recordings, Network Code and Exhibit organizing
only be successful, but also lead to a more retirement plans and wasting resources soap opera left in New York City that combine to create a new national union; A. In 2011, we have Non-Broadcast/ program
powerful, better functioning union than any on redundant administrative processes. provides sustained acting work. It’s a world it’s why many of us became union Industrials and the Interactive Media through which
existing models today. As longtime working members of multiple in which “onscreen” no longer means just activists in the first place. But one thing Agreement. These are important contract we are working
unions, we also yearn for the streamlined television or movie theaters but virtually we’ve learned over the years is that this negotiations likely to have a major to transform
It’s important to remember that creating efficiencies that would make each of our anything, anywhere with a flat surface. We effort requires careful thought. Why did long-term impact on our professional our old 20th-
any kind of “merged” union is not a goal, it individual professional lives easier to live in a world where the old approaches our efforts to “merge” fail in the past? lives. The wages and working conditions century service
is a means to a goal. manage and less costly. But as welcome to “merger” no longer make sense, and it’s It wasn’t because AFTRA leadership meetings that precede these talks will model into a
as these benefits may be, they are not time to speak of building a new union for and rank-and- provide members with a real opportunity Lainie Cooke, National 21st-century
OUR PRIORITIES the reason to create a new organization. the future. file members to educate each other and help shape Recording Secretary organizing
Like members of any union in any industry, We should do it for one reason and one didn’t support the world we will all be working in. This model and will
AFTRA members want more jobs and reason only: to build power. We assure you, what’s happening the concept— is a tremendous opportunity, and we expand members’ collective power as
better jobs. This means the union’s core today at ABC News isn’t going to stop in fact, we encourage everyone to participate in it. the employers for whom we all work
missions must be organizing more union While we should always be sensitive to there. The significant challenges facing overwhelmingly consolidate, shift and evolve.
Spring 2010

Spring 2010
work and raising the wages and working the realities of production budgets and our broadcast journalist members voted for it It’s now a little more than a year since
conditions in the economics of the various intertwined are going to march right down the twice. “Merger” AFTRA and SAG jointly bargained our Union power starts with organizing,
our contracts. sectors of the media industry, we must corporate hallway to confront actors failed because Commercials contracts together under the continues with strong bargaining and, when
No union can be also ensure we are in a position to prevent working in entertainment. Whether it both unions Ron Morgan, National AFL-CIO-facilitated “no raiding” protocol. In the timing is right, it includes exploring
successful at one employers from degrading our hard-won be salary reductions and added work put it to a Second Vice President the last three months, we have taken steps the creation of a new national union that
22 without being wages and working conditions by shifting responsibilities facing broadcasters, vote without to jointly bargain the Exhibit A (Primetime serves those missions. It culminates in a 23
successful at the production away from organized markets declining quotes and reduced work first addressing a number of critical Television) contract together with SAG, working world that is all union, all the time,
AFTRA Magazine

AFTRA Magazine
other. or shifting modes of production away from opportunities for actors or record labels’ questions about our mission and also under the protocol. This is all good for all media professionals all around the
Consider the union workers. imposition of “360 deals” on recording strategy and because we allowed news, for it reflects a new spirit of respect country—in large and small markets alike.
reality in which artists, anyone who thinks that we don’t secondary micro-issues to distract us and cooperation between our two unions. This is our vision and this is our goal.
we work: few Roberta Reardon, If a union only represents one small piece all share the same basic core concerns from the primary macro-goal of We shouldn’t minimize its importance, nor
of our major National President of a large conglomerate’s operations and interests doesn’t understand what building union members’ long-term should we exaggerate it. Like “merger,” joint In solidarity,
employers are and revenue centers—be it only scripted 21st century media is all about. AFTRA collective power. bargaining is not an end in itself; rather,
Roberta Reardon
in only one business or produce only programming or only recorded music or members learned this lesson more than it is a means to an end. This is a time for
National President
one form of content; few of our members only local broadcasting—workers will have 10 years ago when our recording artist We will not let history repeat itself. We hope that our unions will continue to work
forge an entire career doing only one much less leverage at the negotiating members faced the “new” model of digital cannot commit hundreds of thousands together respectfully and productively, as Bob Edwards
kind of work in only one medium; and our table. Unless we cover as wide a swath of distribution of music: the Napster and of your dues dollars along with the we figure out the “nuts and bolts” of sitting National First Vice President
work increasingly takes us beyond the the media landscape as our employers do, iTunes phenomena. In short order, the limited time and resources of the together at the bargaining table, as well Ron Morgan
geographic boundaries of Hollywood and they will always have the upper hand. issues we began confronting in sound AFTRA staff—to say nothing of the as the principles of partnership that must National Second Vice President
New York City. recordings in the late 1990s migrated to countless hours contributed by your underlie our joint efforts.
all-volunteer leadership team—unless Matthew Kimbrough
A NEW VISION FOR A NEW UNION scripted entertainment programming in
National Treasurer
Our union’s first priority is to negotiate Above all, the new union must reflect film and television. This is the way our the unions’ leaders share a clear mutual Our unions should continue to work
strong contracts for all its members the nature of our world today. It is time world works, and a union that ignores understanding of precisely what we together in the joint negotiations, Lainie Cooke
throughout the nation. Second, in order to stop using the catchphrase “merger,” these realities is in peril. are trying to achieve. Do we share a committee work, legislative public policy National Recording Secretary
to effectively enhance its power at the which carries baggage and assumptions view of the core mission and goals of a initiatives and other activities. Through
bargaining table, our union must reflect the from past efforts and failures that are no What does this mean for us as union new union? How must it be structured shared research, we should study our
current realities of the industries in which longer relevant. This isn’t 1960, 1998 or members? Among other things, it in order to succeed? We must get it industries together to identify trends,

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