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Tense Revision


Present Simple used for habits, hobbies, facts and when talking about
ones self.

I study at Link School of English

Today, it is a sunny day and there is a gentle breeze
My name is Brian and I am 22 years old

Construction - For regular verbs Use the infinitive/infinitive + s

Present Continuous used to describe actions currently in progress, or
actions happening in a near future.

This week, we are studying the tenses in class.

John is having breakfast right now, please call him later.
I am going to Paceville later.

Construction The verb to be in the present tense + infinitive + ing

Choose the correct present tense for the sentences below

(Simple or Continuous)

I usually ______________ breakfast at 9am. (eat)

I ______________ out later, would you like to join? (go)
Whats your name? How old ______________ you? (be)
We usually ______________ takeaway during the weekend (get)

5. I ______________ some free time right now, Ill work later. (enjoy)
6. She ______________ playing the piano (love).
7. When it ______________ (rain) we usually ______________ (stay) inside.
8. Tom ______________ (have) a shower right now, can you ______________
(call) him later?
9. Excuse me, you ____________ (sit) in my seat. Yes, Im sorry about that!
10. Please be quiet. I ______________ (try) to ______________ (study) here!

Tense Revision
Past Simple used to describe finished actions in the past. The past can be
anything from a few seconds to several years ago.

I studied at Link School of English last year.

Yesterday, it was a sunny day and there was a gentle breeze
He cooked dinner for his family. They really enjoyed it.

Construction - For regular verbs Use the infinitive + ed.

Past Continuous used to describe actions in progress in the past tense.

Last week, we were studying the tenses in class.

John was having breakfast when his mother called him.
I was going out, but I didnt go because I was feeling sick.

Construction The verb to be in the past tense + infinitive + ing

Choose the correct past tense for the sentences below

(Simple or Continuous)
1. Last year I ______________________ on holiday to Paris. (go)
2. While Chantelle _____________ (work) in her room, her friends
_________________________ (swim) in the pool.
3. It (not / rain) _____________ a lot while we were on holiday.
4. I tried to warn them but they __________________________ to me. (not /
5. Where ______________ your last holiday? (spend / you)
6. The kids _____________________ in the garden when it suddenly began
to rain. (play)
7. Yesterday at six oclock, I ___________________ (prepare) dinner when
my mother ___________________ (come) back from work.
8. In the evenings we usually ____________ at a pub. (eat)

Tense Revision
Future Simple There are two forms of the future simple will and going
to. These forms are used to make decisions, predictions, offers and
promises or finished actions in the future.

I will study at Link School of English next year.

Next week it will rain all week.
I will help with your homework tomorrow.
John is going to cook dinner for his family today.
As soon as the new iPhone is out, I am going to buy it.


For will future: Will + Infinitive

For going to future: To be (present tense) + going to +

Future Continuous used to describe actions in progress in the future time.


Next week, we will be studying the tenses in class.

They will be coming over later today.
I will be meeting my friends later today, do you want to join?

Construction Will + be + infinitive + ing

Choose the correct present tense for the sentences below

(Simple or Continuous)
11. I ______________ out later, would you like to join? (go)
12. Next year, we ______________ to Brazil (travel)
13. I am enjoying some free time right now, I ______________ later. (work)
14. We ______________ (not/go) out tonight because it _________________
15. Im not sure what ______________ when Im older. (do)
16. He hopes he ______________ a great job. (have)

17. She hopes that she ______________ a family and lots money (have)
18. I cant concentrate. I ______________ for now (stop), and I
______________ (continue) later.

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