FCC Bulletin 3.21.10

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Prayer Concerns

March 21, 2010 Elders Meeting Evening Prayer

Prayers for Transition Tea+ at ,irst C.ristian/ If you have a prayer re-uest or would like to
0o.n and 2.3liss Ta5e5a6a/ t.e 7a+il3 o7 Bill 5oin our online prayer team, please contact ei- The Elders of First Christian Church will Feel free to come on Wednesday
Bliss/ Cl3de and 0enni7er Bo9ler grieving the ther Pastor Bob Brite at pas- meet today, March 21 after worship in evenings at IPM for Evening Prayer.
death of Clyde’s grandmother, for :te;e and tor>fccminneapolis.org or Associate Pastor the Hearthstone Room. During Lent we will use the medita-
<e=e>>a ?ane3 as they begin the task of starting Dennis Sanders at associatepas- tions and images from Deb Murphy’s
a new church in Rochester, MNP for the congre- tor>fccminneapolis.org. You can also leave a Transition Team Meeting eXhibit as our guide for prayer.
gation of Tie+po N9e;o as they move loca- message by phone by calling the church office The Transition Team meets this Tues-
tions, that they may continue to growP Mar5 at E12-HI0-1HEH. day, March 2Z at IPM in the Lounge. Feed My Starving Chil-
Carlson and others dealing with unemployment. dren

The Bulletin
Our neXt trip to Feed My Starving
We remember the people of :o9t. A7ri>a. You
“The Sacred on the Children will be on Saturday, March

can find out about the many ministries and mis- Street:” A Visual Medita- 2I from 11:Z0am-1:Z0pm at the
Coon Rapids facility. We will be
sionaries to lift up in prayer by going to tion for Lent sharing this mission event with our
www.globalministries.org. We pray for the fol- Throughout Lent, First Christian will be sisters and brothers at Gethsemane
lowing churches in our Region: Indianola showcasing the photography of our own Episcopal in downtown Minneapolis.
?eig.ts C.ristian C.9r>., Ges Moines, Io6a/ Deb Murphy. Her works, “The Sacred A signup sheet is available in the
,irst C.ristian C.9r>., M9s>atine, Io6a/ on the Street” were part of an installa- lounge.
Have an announcement to share? Please tion at United Seminary last fall. Stop by
,irst C.ristian C.9r>., 2anora, Io6aH
We also pray for C.ristian C.9r>. in t.e :o9t.I
drop it off in the church office or email it after worship in the West Hall _across Follow Bob Online!
6estH to office@fccminneapolis.org by Wednes- from the Hearthstone Room` to look and
day. stay tuned to how it will become a part Did you know that Pastor Bob Brite
of First’s Lenten Prayer Practice. You is blogging as his Lenten practicef
can also follow along on the church You can follow along by going to the
website _fccminneapolis.org` or pick up First Christian website,
a weekly devotion in the Lounge. www.fccminneapolis.org and click
The Bulletin on “blog.”
Minnesota Foodshare
Ministry Team www.fccminneapolis.org
Prayer Vigil Signup
In 200a, almost 1b percent of Minne-
All Me+=ers o7 t.e Congregation Twitter: www.twitter.comVfccminneapolis Those interested in participating in
sota households did not have enough
<o=ert Brite, Interim Minister Facebook: www.facebook.comVfccminneapolis this year’s Prayer Vigil _described
money to buy food, and those numbers
Gennis :anders, Minister of Diversity and Mission E-mail: office>fccminneapolis.org above` can sign up on sheets in the
will increase in 2010.
C.ris Joga+an, Office Manager FaX: E12.HI0.1HE0 Fireplace Lounge, call the church
Bill :t9+p, Director of Music Our goal at FCC this year is to raise office, or call Shirley Draine at 1-
<i>5 Bo6+an, Building Manager cd00 and d00 pounds for Groveland HII-2bZ-2H2Z _dial Ed1-bda-aE02
0a+es Barnett, Pianist Foodshelf during March. when prompted`.
:erena Carlson, Nursery Attendant ! Thoughtfu* +hurch in the 1eart of the
Mart.a ?arris, Courier Editor You can drop off your non-perishable A special small section will be set
+ities4 food item in the Big Barrel in the nar- up in the church sanctuary as the
Telephone: E12.HI0.1HEH
theX, or put contributions in the offering prayer space. There will be prayer
Jors.ipK :9nda3s at LMK3Ma+ plates _mark “foodshelf” on check study helps there to help focus your
memo line`. prayer time if you need them.
This Week’s News “Brotherhood”
Register for JRLC’s Day-on-the- Communities of Faith Working D(rin< =en)3 9e 8-7e .e r(nnin< - series of me> JaBes 9:P;Q RThe Message Bib*eS
di-)ions .-sed on De. ?(r48y’s eB8i.i)3 C!8e
Hill together to End Homelessness D-;red on )8e D)ree):E Fo( ;-n re-d -nd 7ie9 )8e
It is easy to let our first impressions categoriie
T.9rsda3, Mar>. OP, OMLM, QK3Ma+ to Rp+ people and deal with them as a stereotype, al-
Think about all those losing their housing during im-<es -) )8e Girs) 08ris)i-n 9e.si)eH
though we are familiar with the old jlooks can be
Morning session at t.e <i;erCentre, 7ollo6ed this eco- 999:f;;minne-4olis:or<: 2ere is )8is 9eek’s
deceiving’ adage.
=3 rall3 and +eetings 6it. legislators at t.e nomic re- ins)-llmen):
cession, And I’m sure by now, you know I’ve set you up.
MN :tate Capitol, MN :tate Capitol “Thin places” are those places and spaces where
think about The young man hanging out on
Be part of a uni-ue interfaith lobby day focusing we encounter God, the the park bench is really one of
a young Divine, the Holy. I chose
on poverty, healthcare, 5udicial fairness, housing person unable to go home due to abuse from her the nicest young actors I’ve
and taXation. Register now for the Joint Reli- the title “Brother- ever worked with _although he
parents, think about the single parent family who hood” _in spite of a lack
gious Legislative Coalition’s Annual Day on the cannot make enough money to support three chil- did provide the wardrobe for
Hill. To register visit www.5rlc.orgVday-on-the- of inclusivity` because of the shoot from his own closet`.
dren, think about the veteran who eXperienced war the photographic opportu-
hill. and returns to the United States with Post Trau- Some -uestions to ponder:
nity that arose to look at
matic Stress Disorder and doesn’t get the help the hood in church and The obvious -uestion: Have I
needed, think about the person with disabilities on the street. This monk ever treated people in the way
living in shelters. _and often other clerics`
Project Homeless Connect pointed out in the book of
wears a hooded robe. The James - either in church or else-
Mon6ay8 March 9:; Minneapo*is +on=ention Currently, our shelters are overflowing with people kid on the park bench is wheref
+enter with stories similar to these listed. As people of wearing today’s manifes- The neXt -uestions: Did I real-
faith, we have the opportunity, the call, the vision tation of the hood, usually
Are you a people personf Have some time on iie at some point that I had done thatf How did I
to strive for a healthier, better vision of our com- referred to as a “hoodie.”
your handsf Pro5ect Homeless Connect is a mas- feel about what I had donef How difficult was it
munity. The vulnerable in our society need us to
sive, semi-annual effort by Hennepin County 4446on>t *et pub*ic opinion inf*uence ho@ to admit to myselff
raise our voices to make it known that our commu-
that puts hundreds of service providers in direct you *i=e out our g*orious8 +hrist;
nity can be better. Lastly: What did I do about it - right then with that
contact with homeless persons and others in originate6 faith4 Af a Ban enters your
need. First Christian is looking for volunteers personf Later, in my dealing with others in other
church @earing an situationsf
who must receive training. There are five up- As the Downtown Congregations to End Homeless-
coming training sessions: March 1d _Brooklyn ness _DCEH`, First Christian works with other faith expensi=e suit8 an6 a street person @ear; T Di=ine Tne8Ve coBe together to encounter8
Center`, March 1E _Minneapolis`, March 1I communities to transition from to ending home- ing rags coBes in right after hiB8 an6 @orship8 praise an6 thanI you for a** your *o=e
_Minneapolis`, March 22 _Minneapolis` and lessness and poverty through advocacy, education, you say to the Ban in the suit8 DSit here8 an6 care of us4 1e*p us to reBeBber that e=ery
March 2Z _Minnetonka`. For times and locations support of Heading Home Hennepin _HHH` and sirF this is the best seat in the house!D stranger cou*6 be you8 that by taIing care of the
visit www.homelessconnect.orgVvolunteer. an6 either ignore the street person or 6o@n an6 out an6 the Bargina*iMe68 @e sho@
building relationships with the homeless, near
say8 DBetter sit here in the bacI ro@8D our *o=e of you4 May @e constant*y an6 consis;
homeless, congregations, volunteers and commu-
ha=en>t you segregate6 Go6>s chi*; tent*y sho@ your *o=e to a @or*6 that so 6esper;
Easter Flowers nity organiiations. The collaboration of our faith 6ren444K 444Go6 operates Luite 6iffer;
communities works to raise our voices together to ate*y nee6s it4 !Ben4
Orders will be taken in the lounge Sunday, ent*y4441e chose the @or*6>s 6o@n;an6;
shift the paradigm from giving handouts to helping out as the Iing6oB>s first citiMens8 @ith De. ?(r48y )e-;8es o(r Jr) of )8e 0o7en-n)
March 1b and March 21 for Easter flowers. The
people achieve self-sufficiency. fu** rights an6 pri=i*eges4 This Iing6oB ;8ildren’s ;l-ss -nd is - s)(den) -) Kni)ed Demi>
last day to order is Mar>. O3. You may leave
is proBise6 to anyone @ho *o=es Go64 n-ry in Le9 Mri<8)on3 ?L:
orders in the church office or e-mail them to fcc- !o find o() more -.o() D0123 4le-se 7isi) )8eir
mpls>-west.net 9e.si)e -) 999:d;e8:or<:

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