Evaluation Question Five

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5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

For any media product to be successful it needs to satisfy audiences individual and group needs. There are theorys on this such as
Blumler and Katzs Uses and gratifications theory, in which they believe that to keep audiences purchasing and using media products
they need to fulfil one or more of these areas:
Entertainment, giving a form of escapism.
Social Solidarity, giving people a basis for interaction (improving their social grade)
Identity, finding models for aspiration and giving understanding to themselves.
Surveillance, helping them understand the world.
I deliberately directed the model to look into the camera
to add a direct mode of address, helping to engage and
attract my target audience.
Along with eye contact with the readers, her smile
provokes happy emotions for the readers.
Adding popular pop artists names helps attract potential
buyers who may not be a big fan of cover artist Lucy
Dawn, but the large font catches fans eyes.
Lucy Dawn using the microphone add emphasis that the
magazine genre is music whilst adding narrative because
she is pointing it towards the audience. This then making
them question why.
The use of a different typefaces and Underlined text adds
emphasis on the key word making the audiences eye
gravitate towards the text more.
The cover mount (free gift) adds a free aspect to attract
Lucy Dawn fans to buy the magazine.
Juxtaposing the colour scheme helps Lucy to stand out
and easily be distinguished between the graphics and
Coverlines for fans to spot her on magazine shelves.

The editor section helps sound stream create a personal

relationship with the audience key for a new magazine.
Having the binary opposites with the messy graphics
and organised folios adds a relaxed inviting tone. The
graphics also signify stereotypical school doodles,
giving the page a relatable aspect.
The use of short sharp sentences is to attract the on the
go younger audience whos used to shorter reading
through social media.

Adding the editors signature solidifies the personal

hand written aspect often lost through editing on the

Lucy Dawns pose is inviting and relaxed with her smile

provoking good emotions to the reader.

Including links to social media addresses the readers use

of social media and attracts them to engage with other
people who enjoy the magazine.

The use of pull quotes helps attract the

reader and make them want to find out
more about the article.

Having the Standfirst is a good way to attract

the viewer to start reading the interview
because it makes their eyes gravitate towards
the beginning the the text.

Adding the emojis at the end of the

interview is a relatable note to end
the interview on and helps keep the
readers opinion on a positive note.

I choose to have
the model laying
on a sofa because
a sofa has
connotations with
influencing the

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