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Clumsy, clever, or

Freak in the show:

creative character
Fish lady/man hybrid.
Paints/draws onto
Freak show, Eighth
either canvas, walls,
Wonder of the Natural
paper, water, or in
the air (if flying
Shown to audiences as
a freak and creates
Paints/draws fantasy
art as either the act
imagery, colours,
or off stage.
scenery, or other

Travelling Circus
Train to travel around Animals and typical

with several
acts for a circus
carriages, artist is
Freak show, featuring
held in one.
acts like bearded
Carts and
trucks/vans/cars carry lady, lion tamers etc.
cast and props around. Artist could be
involved in freak show
Flying circus, much
or paints them.
more fantasy feel to
it such as hot air
balloons, planes etc.

Goldfish Bowl
Pet goldfish:
Home to artist, if
Helps with art
Lazes around,
Fish is artist
Fish is secretly a
Empty bowl:
human artist
Inspiration/fish lens to
paint scenery.
Prop for artist, if
Use for means of creating
art, colour spirals
If put on show as a
against bland scenery.
freak, goldfish bowl
Holds art materials such
may be held by artist
as paints, glitter,
colour, brushes, pens
as a prop.

Idea 1 Creative Inspiration

Human artist is on train/cart pondering on what to

draw/paint. Looks around carriage/cabin and looks at

all the scenery from the windows, fish bowl (whether
with or without fish) provides inspiration for creativity
(either colourful water patterns, fish lens etc.) or
means of creating art
Key aspects:
Human artist
Fishbowl (with either pet fish or inspiration or holding

art materials)

Idea 2 Unlikely Artist

Fish artist is in bowl on train/cart looking around (at either

supporting characters failed art or at a blank canvas.)

When coast is clear fish leaps out of bowl and gains human
form, and begins to paint from tools out of bowl.
Alternatively Fish creates art by leaping in and out of cups
while painting as it passes the canvas each time.
Key Aspects
Fish artist (human form in secret or only fish)

Helping others art/Painting as a hobby
Fishbowl holds art materials. Is colourful

Idea 3 Freak Show

Fish-like human hybrid artist is put on a pedestal in a

freak show, jeered at by audience, holds a goldfish

bowl with the tagline The fish that turned human!
From this very bowl!, and either paints in secret or its
act on stage is to paint.
Key aspects:
Fish-like Human hybrid artist
Freak show
Fishbowl is prop, holds art materials.

Idea 4 Flying Circus

A more fantasy theme. The artist is aboard a flying

circus. Similar to Idea 1, but instead of painting on

canvas the artist begins to paint in the air.
Alternatively if more similar to Idea 2, the fish could
be a flying fish and paints with fins either in the air or
on canvas.
Key aspects:
Human artist OR Fish artist
Flying Circus
Fishbowl used for inspiration or as use of creating art, or

holding art materials.

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