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Name: Period:

Global II Date:

After How did WWI turn out for Europe overall?

AIM: Why did the British and French policy of appeasement fail to prevent World
War II?

OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:

 Define appeasement
 Examine Hitler’s violation of the Treaty of Versailles
 Explain why Czechoslovakia was key to Hitler’s goals
 Assess why the British and French abandoned appeasement after the Munich
 Discuss which nation(s) Czechoslovakia should hold most responsible for their
nation’s fate


Violating the Treaty (Naughty, naughty!)


Munich Conference

Close: Who’s fault is it?

Write a letter pretending that you are a Czechoslovakian ambassador. Address the letter to the
countrie(s) that you believe are responsible for the takeover of Czechoslovakia. Explain why
they are at fault, and what the consequences are for Czechoslovakia and possibly even Europe!

Your pride is hurt from the Treaty of Versailles. You want revenge from having to take all the
blame and having to pay so much money in reparations. You want to make Germany strong
once again.

In order to do this, you need to do the following:

1. Make your army stronger.

2. Spread your troops throughout Germany
3. Start creating an empire, so take some more land.
4. Let’s start with Austria.
5. Request that you be allowed to take some land from Czechoslovakia (since most of the
people in the Sudeten land are German anyways.)
6. Take the rest of Czechoslovakia.
7. Make a deal for peace with Russia so you don’t have to fight them.
8. Ask to take western Poland since it separates Germany from East Prussia.

Your country used so many resources in WWI and lost so many men, that you do NOT want to
go to war again anytime soon. You also realize that the Treaty of Versailles was pretty harsh on
Germany, so you can understand why they are mad. Do what you have to keep the peace, but
you might have to stand up to them eventually.

You no longer have an empire after WWI, and you are weakened, so you can’t really put up
much of a fight. So if you have any problems, TOO BAD!

Your country used so many resources in WWI, lost so many men and saw so much destruction
on farms and factories, that you do NOT want to go to war again anytime soon. You also
realize that the Treaty of Versailles was pretty harsh on Germany, so you can understand why
they are mad. Do what you have to keep the peace, but you might have to stand up to them

If you have any problems, all you can do is ask other nations for help, and hope they do!

You military is not very modern - (some of your soldier in your army still ride horses). So
prepare to be bullied, and not be able to put up much of a fight!

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