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Het antwoord ligt in de Saab technologie en de wijze waarop deze

zich orienteert. Het basisontwerp waarvan de voorwielaandrijving een
van de hoekstenen vormt - is erop
gericht de bestuurder de gelegenheid
te geven zich te ontspannen en toch
de auto geheel onder controle te
houden. Niet alleen wanneer de
omstandigheden ideaal zijn - maar ook als het weer en de wegen
op hun slechtst zijn.
Achter het stuur van een Saab 900 kunt u er altijd op vertrouwen dat de motor, de besturing en de snel en
betrouwbaar reageren. In een Saab 900 hebt u de onmiskenbare
indruk dat de wegligging en de stabiliteif van de auto ver boven het
gemiddelde liggen - of u nu met hoge snelheden op de snelweg
rijdt, of op kronkelige landwegen, op gladde oppervlakken, in diepe
sneeuw of met sterke zijwinden.
In elk.e moeilijke situatie hebt u de auto altijd op veilige maar
ontspannen wijze onder controle. Dus hebt u niet alleen de indruk
, dat u een betere bestuurder bent in een Saab 900 - u bent dat ook


Weggedrag en temperament
op traditie gebaseerd.
De principes van het basisontwerp
zijn precies dezelfde als die welke
wij altijd toegepast hebben. Die
zij n verantwoordelijk voor het buitengewoon goede weggedrag en
het speciale temperament van de
auto, dat op alle modellen duidelijk sportief is.
De sportiviteit is een waardevolle erfenis van de successen die
Saab tijdens rally's in alle hoeken
van de wereld geboekt heeft.
Een ~oed ~epland en logisch
ontwikkela basisontwerp.
Evenals bij al zijn voorgangers
liggen de motor en transmissie bij
de Saab 900 voorin. De voorwielen
dragen het meeste gewicht en
hebben derhalve de best denkbare
Dus op de Saab 900 zijn het
niet de achterwielen die de wagen
voortdrijven maar de voorwielen
die hem trekken. Zoals dit door
het gezond verstand en de wetten
der natuur wordt voorgeschreven.
En het logische r esultaat is dat de
auto een praktisch perfekte stabiliteit heeft en vast op de weg ligt.

Goede wegligging is het

resultaat van coordinatie.
De spoorbreedte, wielen en banden, ophanging, vering en besturing zijn duidelijk van invloed op
het weggedrag. Door de manier
waarop dit alles gecoordineerd is,
verkrijgt de auto zijn karakteristieke reactie waarbij de wegligging altijd uitstekend blijft.
Het chassisontwerp vertoont
duidelijke overeenkomsten met
dat van een racewagen. Dit is een
van de redenen waarom de Saab
900 zo sportief is. Door de manier
waarop de veren en schokdempers werken krijgt de auto een
buitengewoon goede wegligging.
De achteras is recht en bestaat uit een stuk. Doordat de as
ook licht is, volgen de wielen de
onregelmatigheden van de weg
nauwkeurig zonder de schokken
aan de carrosserie door te geven.
Dit komt de wegligging en het
comfort van de inzittenden ten
goede. En het is ook van gunstige
invloed op de koersvastheid.
In het chassis systeem is eveneens tandheugelbesturing opgenomen. Hierdoor wordt, te samen
met licht on derstuur, de besturing
in hoge mate accuraat.

Door de dubbele triangelvorrnige draagarmen

wordt d e stabllitelt groot. De au to li~ uiterst
vast op de weg, voon1amelilk dankzv de bewegend gemonteerde veren dfe dus altiJd recht zijn
en doelmatig blijven werken.

De Saab 900 is constant

in zijn gedrag.
Deze eigenschap is van vitaal belang voor de wegligging van de
auto. Het gedrag van de Saab 900
blijft praktisch onaangetast door
de omstandigheden: Of er nu snel
of langzaam met de auto wordt
gereden, of u gas geeft of in een
bocht remt, of u nu alleen in de
au to zit of met vier passagiers of
dat de kofferruiznte zwaar beladen is.
Het gedrag van vele auto's
verandert met de manier waarop
ze gebruikt worden. Dat is niet
het geval bij de Saab 900. Zijn
gedrag blijft altijd volkomen
constant en ,,gelijkmatig".

Rechte achteras ult een stuk waarop zich geen

zware transmlssieonderdelen b evinden . Al>sorberen op effektieve wij ze de onr egelmatigh eden
in het wegdek. Ook de constante spoorbreed te
draagt ertoe bij dat de auto vast op de weg ligt.

Motor voorin en voorwielaandrijving.

Ongeveer GOo/o van bet ge,vicht van ae
a uto lvordt door d e aangedreven
" tielen gedragen waardoor aan de
voorkant d e 6 est mogelijke wegligging wor dt verkregen. De rechte
achteras b estaat uft een stuk en is
licht. Uitstek ende coordinatie tussen
de carrosserie en de wielen dankzij
h et Iage onafgeveerde Sewicht. De
achtenvielen staan altiJd loodrecht op
de w eG zodat bet contact altijd uiter st
stevig is. De brandstoftank bevindt
zich op een goed b eschennde p laats
- tussen de a chtenvielen . Tweekrings-r em systee1n, diagonaalsge,vijs
g esclieiden , zorgt ervoor dat het
sturen en h et w eggedrag niet worden
b ei'.nvloed als een van d e circuits
mocht uitvallen.

Goed on twikkeld remsysteem met sch ijfremmen

rondom . Du bbel circuit voor optimale veiligh eid.
Asbest-vrlje voeringen met een Iange levensauur.

De rondsel- en tandheugelbesturing reageert onnliddellljk en duideliik op de geringste 6eweging

van het stuurwiel. Iaeaafin combinatie met



Door de uitgebreide reeks motoren

die Saab te bieden heeft kan elke
automobilist precies de motor met
de prestatie kiezen die hem het best
Als men naar de prestatie en
het brandstofVerbruik van de Saab
900 kijkt, zullen er weinig auto's zijn j
die hiermee kunnen concurreren.
Dit geldt ook voor de algehele betrouwbaarheid en acceleratie.
Uiteraard speciaal de Turbo versie die overal ter wereld legendarische bekendheid heeft gekregen.
. Saab lanceert thans de tweede generatie motoren met turbocharging - de Turbo APC - die wederom een voorbeeld vormt
van een revolutionaire ontwikkeling op motorisch gebied. Deze
innovatie bevestigt wederom de geavanceerde en toch realistische
benadering van Saab - en van zijn technisch leiderschap .



88ab was de eerste die een turbomotor voor de automobiUst

van alledag lntroduceerde.
Een turbomotor in een gewone
auto was een innovatie die zoveel
invloed had dat bet turbocharging
principe voor altijd met de naam
van Saab verbonden zal blijven.
Het succes van deze ontwikkeling
op autotecbniscb gebied is praktiscb onge!venaard.

Een motor met turbocharli(ing

voor de gewone automobRist.
Het turbocbarging principe als
zodanig wordt reeds sinds de
vijftiger jaren op vracbtwagens
toegepast om bun trekkracbt te
verhogen. Ook op racewagens
wordt bet gebruikt om buitengewoon boge snelbeden te bereiken.
Wij badden een enigszins
ander doel voor ogen. Onze voornaamste interesse ging uit naar
Wij zochten naar een systeem
bet ontwikkelen van een motor
zonder nadelen.
die aan de vraag naar minder
Wij zocbten naar een nieuwe
brandstofVerbruik en minder uitmanier om de prestatie van onze
laatgassen zou voldoen. Tegelijgewone brandstofinjectiemotor te
kertijd wilden wij de prestatie ververbeteren - met als resultaat
hogen om b.v. te zorgen voor een
de motor met turbocbarging.
goede acceleratie bij bet inhalen
Het alternatief om bet aantal
en om de bestuurder in staat te
cilinders te vergroten zou een
stellen het verlics aan snelheid op
zwaardere motor en een verminlange stijgende wcgcn te compenderde effici~ncy bij gedeeltelijke
belasting betekend hebben.
Dit werk hecft in een motor
Hoewel cen 6- of 8-cilinder motor
met een indrukwekkende trekkrachtiger zou zijn ge\veest, zou
kracht geresulteerd, die b ij slechts
het brandstofVerbruik onaanvaard- 3000 omw./min zijn maximum
baar hoog zijn geworden.
koppel levert. Het koppel wordt
dan met maar liefst 45 o/o vergroot, hetgeen het gevoel van een
enorme krachtcxplosie geeft. En

Een turbocharger bestaat uit een turbine en een compressor die

permanent op beide uiteinden van een as zijn gemonteerd. De
draai snelheid van de turbine word! bepaald door het volume van
de door de motor geproduceerde uitlaatgassen. Hoe grater het
volume v an de uitlaatgassen, des te sneller draait de turbine.
In precies dezelfde verhouding levert de compressor een vers
brandstof / luchtmengsel aan de cilinders. Hierdoor is het volume
van het brandstof / luchtmengsel groter dan bij een normale motor
welke de inlaatlucht aanzuigt. Bij elke zuigerslag komt meer energie vrij. Het vermogen van de motor wordt groter. Het koppel wordt
hoger en dus ook de trekkracht. Het .,brein" van de Turbomotor is
de laaddrukklep (ook wel ,.waste gate" genoemd) die niet alleen
de laaddruk regelt maar ook het teveel aan uitlaatgassen buiten de
turbine omleidt.

de acceleratie blijft tot en met

160 km/uur uitstekend.
Tijdens normaal rijden werkt
de turbolader niet. De motor loopt
dan als een conventionele brandstofinjectiemotor met de daarmee
gepaard gaande zuinigheid.
Thans is er de nieuwe
generatie Saab Turbo's
- de Turbo APC.
APC betekent Automatische Prestatie Controle. Dit is een systeem
waardoor de turbornotor automatisch aan de geb ruikte brandstofkwaJiteit wordt aangepast. Ongeacht of er nu 92 of 98 oktaan
wordt gebruikt, de motor loopt
altijd perfekt zonder te gaan
pingelen of zich anderszins te
misdragen. Maar de vrijheid van
keuze is van bet grootste bclang
voor de zuinigheid.
Met het Saab Turbo APC
systeem kan de turbomotor hct
energiegehalte van de brandstof
optimaal benutten. Sanien met
een verhoging in de compressieverhouding wordt hierdoor het
brandstofVerb ruik met 1naar liefst
8 o/o verminderd. De verhoogde
compressieverhouding heeft nog
een gevolg - de prestatie van de
auto is bij lage wegsnelheden nog
pittiger dan voorheen.

Werki ng en onderdelen van het APC systeem: Een detector (Al

in het motorblok .,luistert" naar de manier waarop de motor loopt.
Bij de geringste neiging om te gaan .,pingelen" wordt onmiddellijk
een signaal aan een elektronische eenheid (8) gegeven die de
soleno"ide klep !Cl opdracht geeft de laaddruk aan te passen aan
het oktaangetal van de brandstof. De elektronische eenheid verkrijgt eveneens informatie van een drukvoeler (0) die zich op het
inlaatspruitstuk van de motor bevindt en van de ontstekingsverdeler. Het gehele proces vindt plaats in een fraktie van een seconde.












(. Min

Voor alle Saab moto1en geldt dat het koppel h ool{ is over een bred e reeks
van motortocrentallen. Hierdoor is de prestatie titj lage toerentallen, in de
hoogste versnelling en bij het inhalen goed. De turbolader verhoogt het
koppel en de trek.Kracht van 17 kpm tot maar liefst 24 kpm.


De basismotor die voor de

Turbo wordt gebrnikt, drijft
ook alle andere modellen aan.
De motor en de versnellingsbak
zijn tot een compacte, lichte eenheid samengebouwd die weinig
ruimte in het motorcompartiment
in beslag neemt. De transmissie
neemt geen ruimte van het interieur in beslag daar de auto voorwielaandrijving heeft en dus geen
Het motorblok is onder een
hoek van 45 gemonteerd; de
motorkap is derhalve laag en
loopt schuin af. Dit draagt er op
zijn beurt weer toe bij dat het
zwaartepunt laag gchouden kan
vvorden met ecn verbcterd zich t
van dichtbU.
De kleppen in de Saab motor
vvorden direkt door de bovenliggende nok.kenas bcdiend die
eveneens de verdeler aandrijft. Het
gehele mechanisme heeft weinig
bewegende delen en hoeft derhalve
slechts met grote tussenpozen op
speling gecontroleerd te worden.
De koelingsventilator veroorzaakt geen ve.9.ies aan vermogen
Jiij niet door een riem wordt
~oreven en dus niet permanent loopt. Op Saab auto's wordt
de ventilator aangedreven door
een elektromotor die door een
thermostaat wordt
ioopt alleen a.JA

e ]f

Buitensewoon levendig,
Zuinig brandstofverbrnik op
zelfs blJ Iage toerentallen.
Saab motoren.
Deze eigenschap komt altijd goed
Het vermogen van de huidige
van pas daar een motor die bij
Saab niotoren - varierend van
lage snelheden een goede prestatie 100 PK van de motor met een carlevert, soepel zal doorrijden als
burateur tot 145 PK van de Turbobestuurders van andere auto's
motor - is ruim voldoende om
moeten terugschakelen. En terugaan de behoeften van de meeste
schakelen naar een Iagerc versnel- automobilisten tegemoet te kome~
ling betekent automatisch een
De motor zou nog krachtiger $~
hoger brandstofverbruik.
maakt kunnen worden maar wij
Ook de zuinigheidsmeter
zijn van mening dat dit geen enkel
draagt tot een verminderd brandnut zou hebben.
stofverbruik toe. Deze is als stanIn plaats daarvan hebben
daard op auto's met brandstofons werk t
injectiemotor aangebracht ~
a'ti: en 1g van
hi~~blf~ toerental
e randstofl op nog zuiniger
hel zuinigst wordt gereden.
motoren. On oel is een hoge
laag br
prestatie bij
Vier motoren met
bruik gew
verschillende prestades.
De basismotor

JjQl.'ling nodig h~~ ~

ieurt slechts zelden.

Bet GL moclel. Aangedreven door een

motor met Hn carl>urateur die 73 kW
(100 PK) ontwlkkelt, met handgeschakelde 4-vennelllngsbak.

Het GLs model. Aangedreven door

een motor met twee Carburateurs die
79 kW (108 PK) ontwlkkelt, met
handgeschakelde 5-versnelllngsbak
of automadsche transmissie.

Bet GL!im~ Brandstotln~~

motor e 87 ~W (118 PK) twlkkelt,
met handgeschakelde 5-versl'lelllngs-

bak of automadsche transmissie.



Ais uw antwoord ,,algeheel com-

fort" is, houdt u er dezelfde mening

op na als wij. Hoewel het natuurlijk
gemakkelijker is afzonderlijke kenmerken op hUI1 warude te schatten,
wordt de mate van comfort uiteinde- Lii!!iiEiii ___:~~___1~;;::1___::===::;::;i__
lijk bepaald door hun onderlinge
verhoudingen. Hoe beter deze op
elkaar zijn afgestemd, hoe groter de
kans is dat de auto een oprecht gevoel van algeheel comfort geeft.
Bij Saab be~t het comfort bij het basiso11twerp. En het ~in
digt met de ,,finishing touch" die aan vele ,,minder belangQ.jke''
onderdelen van het i11te1ieur worden gegeven. Alles daar tussenin van de ophanging, vering, schokdempers, motorophanging, isQlafie,
stoelen, tot en met de bekleding, enz. - is van invloed op 11et
al~elfele gevoel van comfort.
De Saab 900 on1hult de inzittenden onmiddelJlfl<: met zjjn kaf,~
terisjieke atgeliele comfort en gevoel van welbehage11. Wie1
gevolg van ee11 groat aantal afzo11der-lijke eigenschappen
door bet gQed gWJande en logisch ontwo~n geheel.

Ruimte te over.
Een royaal interieur is van onschatbare waarde indien men
uren achtereen comfortabel wenst
te reizen - en ontspannen op de
plaats van bestemming wenst aan
te komen. De Saab 900 is ruim en
aanzienlijk groter dan de buitenafinetingen doen vermoeden. De
totale lengte van het interieur
vormt welhaast een record in zijn
Ook gemakkelijk in- en uitstappen vormt deel van het algehele comfort. Door de brede voorportieren op de 3-deursmodellen
is het ook makkelijk voor de
achterpassagiers in- en uit te
stappen. De drempels zijn laag
en enigszins naar binnen teruggetrokken. Bovendien worden ze
door de portieren tegen vuil van
de weg beschermd. Dus bestaat er
geen gevaar dat uw broekspijpen
vuil worden. De hoofdruimte is
zowel v66r als achter meer dan
De voorstoel voor lange reizen.
De voorstoel van de Saab is een
van de geriefelijkste autostoelen
ter wereld, vooral op lange reizen.
De gekuipte zitting en rugleuning
en de elastische lendensteun geven op effektieve wijze steun aan
het gehele lichaam van de inzittende. Door het ontwerp wordt
vermoeidheid van de dijbenen, de
rug en de nek voorkomen.
De Saab stoel voldoet aan alle
algemene vereisten die ten aanzien van een hoge mate van zitcomfort gesteld worden. En tevens
kan hij aan zeer individuele eisen
tegemoet komen door het grote
aantal afstellingen dat mogelijk is.
Wij waren de eerste automobielfabrikant ter wereld die een
elektrisch verwarmde bestuurdersstoel als standaard introduceerde. Wij deden dit niet alleen
om medische redenen. Ook veiligheid was een overweging daar
een bestuurder die zich warm en
behaaglijk voelt een betere en
veiliger bestuurder is dan iemand
die koud en huiverig is.

Het interieur van

een 4-deurs Turbo.

O De hoofdsteun is trapsgewijs op
hoogte afstelbaar.
O Hoofdsteun van schuimrnbber die
om een stevige plaat is gevormd.
O Steunplaat voor de nekwervels.
0 Goed gevormde en gecapitonneerde rugleuning.
O Lendensteun die zich automatisch
aan de vorm van bet lichaam en
de zithouding aanpast.
0 Stevig stalen frame.
O Venvarmingskussentjes in de
zitting en leuning lvaarmee de stoel
automatisch elel<trisch verwarmd
0 Zachte bekleding om
de benen van de passagiers op de achterbank
fe beschermen.
0 Knop om de voorstoel
op helling afte stellen.
0 Hendel om de achterbank neer te klappen
0 Elastische steun van
polyamide ~n rubber.
Capitonnenng van
voorgevormd polyurethaan-polyester.
O Hendel om de stoel v66r- en
achterwaarts mee te verstellen.
O Knop om de hoogte en helling
van het zitkussen (bestuurdersstoel) af te stellen.
O Zitkussen met goede steun voor
de dijbenen.
O S~edale uitsparingen voor de

De elektrische verwarming wordt

automatisch ingeschakeld als de
contactsleutel in de ,,rijpositie"
wordt gezet. Een thermostaat
zorgt ervoor dat de verwarming
wordt aangezet - echter alleen
als de zitting koud is. Op bepaalde Saab 900 modellen is zelfs de
stoel van de passagier voorin
elektrisch verwarmd.
Probeer ook hoe comfortabel
de achterbank is.
De wielkasten nemen geen ruimte
van de achterbank in beslag. Er is
geen forse cardantunnel die de
voetruimte van de middelste passagier beperkt. De hoofdruimte is
overvloedig. En de dicht bij elkaar
gelegen veren in de achterbank
die de druk gelijkmatig verdelen

Het zitkussen van de bestuurdersstoel

kan door middel van een knop op hoogte
en helling lvorden afgesteld.

verschaffen dezelfde mate van

comfort - zelfs voor de passagier
in het midden - als een exclusieve fauteuil.
Een gevoel van welbehagen.
Het interieur is met polyester
pluche bekleed. Er zijn twee
kwaliteiten, afhankelijk van het
model. Ook het ontwerp van de
bekleding varieert met bet model.
Het materiaal is sterk maar toch
zacht en luchtig. Het is plezierig
om op te zitten, wat de temperatuur ook mag zijn. De kleuren van
het vaste tapijt, de afwerking van
de zijkanten en de bekleding van
de stoelen zijn zorgvuldig op
elkaar afgestemd.

Het dashboard van een Turbo. De radio b ehoort niet tot d e s tandaard uitrusting.

Logisch ingerichte
Wie het stuur van een auto in
handen neemt, neemt ook een
zware verantwoordelijkheid op
zich - niet alleen voor zichzelf
maar ook voor zijn passagiers en
andere weggebruikers.
Saab heeft ecn decl van deze
verantwoordelijkheid overgenomen door een ,,werkruimte" te
creeren die het werk van de bestuurder aanzienlijk eenvoudiger
en gemakkelijker maakt. En die
de bestuurder inspireert om beter
en veiliger te rijden.
Teneinde ons doel te bereiken, hebben wij samengewerkt
met fysiologen, psychologen,
specialisten op het gebied van de
ergonomie en met technici en
onderzoekers van de Saab-Scania
Aerospace Divisie.
Diepgaande studies van de
afinetingen en het bewegingspatroon van het menselijk lichaam
en het geestelijk en lichamelijk
vermogen van de mens om de
zware taak van het besturen van
een auto te verrichten, hebben ons
als richtsnoer gediend bij het ontwerpen van een van de meest
funktionele bestuurdersruimten in
de automobielwereld.

Het dashboard is licht gebogen.

De b estuurder kan gemakkelijk bij de
beclieni ngsorganen l<omen zon der
van houdl ng te veranderen . De
bedieningsorganen zijn in speciale
zones ge1)1aatst op onnerling zorgvuldig vastgestelde plaatsen. M1nder
k.c'u1s OJ? verkeerde bediening of andere
fou ten in hachelijke situaties.

Een uitnodigende,
behulpzame ,,cockpit".
De bestuurdersruimte van de Saab
is aangepast aan het vermogen
van de mens diverse situaties te
overzien en snel de nodige aktie te
nemen. Tegelijk zorgt hij ervoor
dat de bestuurder zich ontspannen en plezierig voelt, iets wat
uiterst belangrijk voor de veiligheid is. Een bestuurder die goed
zit en co1nfortabel kan ,,werken"
rijdt beter dan zijn tegenhanger in
meer Spartaanse omstandigheden.
Overzichtelijk geplaatste
instrumenten en verklikkerlichtjes.
Alie instrumenten en verklikkerlichtjes zijn h oog binnen het

Verlichtin1f{zone . Schakelaars en
keuzescha elaars voor de b uitcnverlichti ng.
Instrumenten en verklikkerli ch~es
zone. Snell1eidsmeter. Zuinigh e1dsm eter. Brandstof-, ten1pcratuur- en
druluneters. Aile " 'aarsdnn.vingsen verklikkerlamP,jes.

Verwarmings-, ventilatie- en z ich tbaarheidszone. Bedieni ngsorganen

voor temperatuur en luditveroeling.
Schakelaars voor de ven tilator , elel<trisch bediende ran1en en ach Bedieningsorgaan voo1
lvissers en sproeiers van voorruit en
koplampen .

centrale gezichtsveld van de bestuurder geplaatst. Deze kan ze

snel aflezen zonder dat zijn aandacht van de weg en bet hem omringende verkeer wordt afgeleid.

Veiliger en minder vermoeiend

rijden bij nacht.
Saab is ook enigszins een pionier
geweest op het gebied van verlichting. Wij waren de eerste autofa brikanten die koplampwissers
en -sproeiers als standaard introduceerden. Wij hebben ook het
soort dimlicht ontwerpen waarbij
het zicht op de kant van de weg
met 50 /o is toegenomen. Twee
vernieuwingen die het werk van
de bestuurder makkelijker maken.

De bedieningsorganen zljn in logisch gerangschikte

groepen geasseml>leerd. Op de 3Theeldlng is de middenconsole van een Turbo n1et alle bedieningsorganen
voor h et starten te zien: Contactslot en sChakelaar voor
binnenverlichting, contact/vergrendeling versnelllngspook, versnellingspook, handrem en gornelsluitingen.

De GLE- en Turbo-modellen uitgerust met een

extra console. Plaats voor een booster of ander
ex1ra-toebehoren. Bergruimte voor cassettes e.d.



et verwarn1ingssysteem, d at een
grote capaciteitneeft, is erop on tworp en om de strenl{e Skandinavische
winters h et hoofil te kunnen bieden.
\Varme of koude lucht \l\'Ordt via
13 luchtopeningen naar bet interieur
gevoerd, " 'aarvan er twee op de beenrnhnte achter ziJn gericht. De lucht
" 'ordt gelijkmati~ over het gehele
interieur verspre1d. Het systeem heeft
een grote capaciteit en werkt snel.

Warme luc h t of frisse lucht maar bovenal, schone lucht.

Het Saab verwarmings- en ventilatiesysteem beperkl zich niel alleen
tot het leveren van warme en frisse
lucht. Het zorgt er ook voor <lat de
lucht die aan bet interieur wordt
toegevoerd, schoon is. De gemakkelijk te vervangen filter van het
cartridge type voor de ventilatielucht bevindt zich aan de binnenkant van de luchtinlaat op de

motorkap. Dit filter houdt alle

deeltjes die groter dan 0,005 mm
zijn, tegen, inclusief stuifmeel en
stof die er vaak de oorzaak van
z~jn <lat mensen met cen allergie
of astma z\sh onplezierig voclen.
Het filter voorkom,~ ook <lat er
vocht in bet interi'etir 'komt waardoor de ramen bes1aan voorda t
het verwarmingssysteem is gaan

Het ventllatlelucbdllter voorkomt dat stof,

stulfineel en andere kleine deeltjes met de ventilatlelucbt bet interieur binnenkomen.

Nog een punt van comfort het geluidsniveau.

De vorm van de Saab carrosserie,
het motorontwerp en het ont\.verp
van het chassis spelen hierbij de
grootste rol, dankzij het werk dat
reeds in h e-fontwerpstadium werd
verrich t. Het geluidsniveau is nog
verder gereduceerd door isolerend
materiaal in de portieren, de zijkanten, het schot van het motorcompartiment, de vloer, het dak,
enz. aan te brengen.

De luchtverdellngsknop met geprogrammeerde

standen. Zeven logisch afgestelae standen. Kan
snel van te voren worden argesteld zonder de
noodzaak opnieuw te moeten instellen. Vacuumgestuurde kleppen zorgen ervoor dat bet systeem
moeiteloos werl<t.


In een traditionele bagageruimte,
hoe groot die ook mag zijn, zal geen
plaats zijn voor een paar fietsen, een
wasmachine, slalom ski's of andere
lange, zware voorwerpen.
Voor de Saab 900 vormt dit
geen probleem. Door eenvoudigweg
een paar vergrendelingen los te zeten, kan de bagageruimte in een
,,laadruimte".worden omgebouwd. En er kan dan bijna evenveel
de auto als in een conventionele stationcar. Het enige verschil is
~at de Saab 900 geen grote, permanent open ruimte achterin heeft,
die vaak een bron van lawaai vormt en moeilijk warm te houden is.
Het is een groot voordeel, en t~e~rti}t een vorm van
veiligheid, een auto t~bezitteH:
fu det.-}?a~a eruimte met de
lading meegroei .
# --.,._.


Saab 900 - met de ,,plooibare"

tweeledige persoonlijkheid.
Wat laadvermogen betreft is de
Saab 900 buitengewoon flexibel.
Het ene moment is hij een 5-persoons gezinswagen. Het andere
moment is hij een buitengewoon
praktische semistationcar met een
enorme laadcapaciteit.
Dit geldt zowel voor de Combi Coupe als de Sedan modellen.
In beide auto's kan de helft van
het interieur gemakkelijk tot een
laadruimte worden omgebouwd.
Het verschil ligt voornamelijk in
de afmetingen van de achterklep
en de tilhoogte vanaf de grond.
Om natuurlijke redenen is de
Combi Coupe iets gemakkelijker
in te laden. Er is achter geen
drempel en de tilhoogte is hooguit
50 cm.
Met de normale bagagernimte
komt u ver.
De Saab 900 heeft een van de
grootste bagageruimtes (afbeelding 1 links) die verkrijgbaar zijn.
De capaciteit is 602 dm3 op de
3-deurs en 5-deursmodellen en
617 dm 3 op de 4-deursmodellen.
In alle gevallen kan de bagage
gemakkelijk worden ingeladen
doordat de laadvloer vlak is en
zich geen uitsteeksels langs de
hoge zijkanten bevinden.
Extra capaciteit wanneer
die nodig is.
Op de Combi Coupe modellen
kan de hoedenplank worden verwijderd indien er meer hoogte
nodig is of wanneer u een oogje
op uw lading wilt houden. Zoals
b.v. op de hond die op afbeelding
2 links te zien is.
Het ombouwen van de bagageruimte tot een laadruimte is
eenvoudig. Iedereen kan het in
minder dan dertig sekonden doen.
De zitting van de achterbank en
de rugleuning kunnen beide naar
voren warden geklapt (afbeelding
3 links). De laadruimte is dan
1,84 m lang op de Combi Coupe
en 1,76 mop de Sedan. De lengte
overdwars is meer dan 2 meter.

De inhoud van de bagageruin1te kan meer dan verdu bbeld

n rorden door de zitting e n de leuni ng van de acb terbank n eer
te klappen. De Combi Coupe beeft aan een laadcapaciteit
van 1 ,G 013 en de Sedan van 1 ,5 m 3

Nog een paar praktische

Saab h eeft vaak bewezen de zaken praktisch aan te pakken. De
flexibele laadruimte is er een van.
De laadruimte onder het vloerluik
een tweede. Een volledige opsomming zou te ver voeren. We willen
echter wel een paar typische
voorbeelden noemen:
De bumpers.
De knop voor de koplampverstelling.
De koplampwissers.

De gereedschapskist onder de
vloer van de bagageruimte.
Het handschoenenvak- en bagageruim teverlichting.
De automatische (de koplampen warden via
het contact uitgeschakeld).
De buitenspiegels die van binnenuit verstelbaar zijn.
Het centrale vergrendelingssysteem.

Doordat bet mogelijk is de voorkant van de diepe

bagageruimte vfa bet achterportier te bereiken,
" 'ordi bet laden vergemakkelijkt.




De veiligheid van de Saab 900

wordt door het constante stabiele
weggedrag van de auto gedemonstreerd. Het wordt door de
gelijkmatige, ontspannen manier
waarop de Saab bestuurder rijdt,
geillustreerd. Dit is wegveiligheid
of ak.tieve veiligheid - gericht op
het tot een minimum terugbrengen
van bijna-ongelukken en ongelukken.
Algehele veiligheid betekent echter ook veiligheid voor
de inzittenden of passieve veiligheid die erop gericht is letsel
te voorkomen en te minimaliseren. Veiligheid voor de inzittenden
is gebaseerd op researchwerk dat door Saab technici samen met
experts op het gebied van verkeersveiligheid en dokters gespecialiseerd in door verkeersongelukken veroorzaak.t letsel is gedaan.
Dit werk heeft in een effektieve bescherming voor de bestuurder
en passagiers geresulteerd.
Dit is dus de wijze waarop de veiligheid van de Saab 900 is
rmt een integraal deel van het basisontwerp
onfworpen. H
van de carross ,, de passagiersruimte, chassis, de stuurinrichting,
remrnen, enz.
wel het meeste ervan onzichtbaar is, is het er wel.


0 Tijdens botsproeven geteste
aa nrijdingszone voor.
0 Sterke balken die d e bij
een botsing vrijkomend e
energie doorgeven aan de
sp at6orden en wielkasten .
Dit voorkomt dat de motor
te ver naar a chteren wordt
0 MotorkaP. scharniert aan
de voorz1jde. Dit voorkomt
dat de kap per ongeluk
opengaat tiJdens net rijden.
0 Door de vergrendeling van
de motorkap a an d e achterkant wordt voorkomen dat
de motorkap bij een bot
sing door d e voorruit gaa1.

D Voorruit van gelamineerd

glas. Voorkomt ernstig
fetsel als gevolg va n
glass plin ters.
D De plaatstalen profielen in
de voorruitstijlen kunnen
grote krachten bij een aanrijding van voren , opzij of
van a Chteren ab sor'6eren .
D Dashboard met effektieve,
energie-absorberend e ca pi
D Krachtabsorberend schild
onder dashboard ter bescherrning van d e b en en .

0 Stevig schot tussen de motorruimte en h et interieur.

0 Stevige dwarsbalken aan
d e voorkant van h et dash board. Ontworpen om de
bij een botsing vrijkomende
krachten te a6sorberen.
D Stuurkolom uit drie delen,
waarvan twee delen
vervormbaar zijn. Wordt
geJeideJijk afgebogen als er
z'vare kracht op wordt uitgeoefend.

D Veiligheidssloten die
ervoor zorgen dat de portieren bij een botsing geslo
ten blijven. Kindersloten
0 Stevige stalen profielen
rondom dakrand.
0 Stevige drempelbalken .

400 m

D De stuurinrichting bevindt
zich ver achterin ae m otorruimte, goed b eschermd in
geval van een frontale botsing. Weinig gevaar dat de
stuurkolom in de richting
van d e b estuurder wordt
verbogen .

D Sterke dw ars p rofielen in

de vloer .
0 Sterke balken in de portieren die op effektieve wijze
b esch erming bieden b~
een a anrijding van opztj.
0 Veerkrachtig veiligh eidss tuurwiel, m et enerW.eabsorber end matenaal in
d e ra nd en stuurwielnaaf.

D De schakelaar s en b edieningsorganen zijn zodanig

ontworpen en geplaatst dat
er ~een gevaarbestaat dat
de tnzittenden zich hieraan
verwonden als z ij er tegenaan geworpen l.vorden.
D Dakbekleding van geprofileerd l?lasvezel. Biedt
schoka6sorberende beschenning tangs de geh ele
lengte va n de cTakverster
kingsbalken .

D z ,vare capitonnering op de
hoofdsteunen en d e a cliterkant en frames van de
voorstoelen .
0 Veiligh eidsriemen m et
"insteek " vergrendelingen
voor d e vier tiuitenste
passagiers. Heupgordel
voor de passagier middena chter.

D De dikte van b et plaatstaal

is erop ontworpen om aan
de zw a re eisen die aan bet
energie-absorberend vermogen van d e diverse onderdelen van d e auto worden
gesteld, te voldoen .
D Alie drage nde delen van d e
carrosserie zijn extra beschermd tegen corrosie.
D Profielen in de bodempJaat.
0 Z~jpanelen m et een dragende
funl<tie. Dragen bij tot fiet
energieabsorber end ver mogen van de carrosserie .
0 Stevig fra m e rondom de
ramen in de v66r- en a chterportieren. Dragen tot de
sterkte van de auto bij.
0 Stevige energie-absorber ende dwarsbalk in geval
van botsing van achteren .

Kenmerken va n h et ontwerp die van sp eciaal b elang zijn voor d e " 'egveiligheid/ actieve veiligheid:
Motor voorin en voorwielaandrijving.
Rondsel- en tandheugelbesturing.
Bewegend bevestigde veren v66r.
Grote wielen.
Lichte, rechte achteras uit een stuk.

Bekrachtigde schijfremmen
rondom. Diagonaal gescheiden,
Extra lange dimlichtstraal.
Buitenspiegel met extra b reed

Effektief verwarmings- en ventilatiesysteem.

Verstelbare, elektrisch verwarmde
Ergonomisch geavanceerd dashboard .
Grote, hooggeplaatste instrumenten.




'aab 900 GL, 3-deurs .

Saab 900 GLi, 3-deurs .

Sa ab 900 Turbo, 5-de urs.

lo tor met enkele carburateur, 73 kW (100 PK) DIN,

andbediende versnellingsbak met 4 versnellingen.

Motor met brandstofinspuiting, 87 kW (118 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
of automatische transmissie.

Motor met turbocharging, 107 kW (145 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
of automatische transmissie.

Jaab 900 GL, 4-deurs.

Saab 900 GLi, 4-deurs .

Aotor met enkele carburateur, 73 kW (100 PK) DIN.

1andbediende versnellingsbak met 4 versnellingen.

Motor met brandstofinspuiting , 87 kW (118 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen.

Saab 900 Turbo met

"Spe ciaal Luxe Pakket'', 3-de urs .

aab 900 GLs, 4-de urs.

Saab 900 GLE, 4-de urs.


Motor met brandstofinspuiting, 87 kW (118 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
of automatische transmissie.

met dubbele carburateur, 79 kW (108 PK) DIN,

andbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
.f automatische transmissie.

Motor met turbocharging, 107 kW (145 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen.

Saab 900 Turbo met

"Speciaal Luxe Pakket", 4 -de urs .
Motor met turbocharging. 107 kW (145 PK) DIN,
handbediende versneltingsbak met 5 versnellingen.

;aab 900 GLs , 5.,1eurs .

Sa ab 900 Turbo, 3 -d e urs.

Saab 900 CD, 4-de urs .

Aotor met dubbele carburateur, 79 kW (108 PK) DIN,

1andbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
>f automatische transmissie.

Motor met turbocharging, 107 kW (145 PK) DIN,

handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen.

Motor met turbocharging. 107 kW (145 PK) DIN,

automatische transmissie.

Sa ab 900 Turbo, 4 -de urs.

Motor met turbocharging, 107 kW (145 PK) DIN.
handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
of automatische transmissie.

Het zou wel eens belangrijker kunnen zijn dan in eerste instantie wordt aangenomen om te weten wat wel en wat niet tot de standaarduitrusting behoort.
De Saab 900 is een van de meest volledig uitgeruste auto's die op de markt zijn.
Vele andere autofabrikanten produceren min of meer ,,kale" basismodellen die
dan met extra's naar keus moeten w orden aangevuld.
Bekijk de lijst met standaarduitrusting op de Saab eens goed. Het feit dat de
Saab 900 vanaf het begin zo goed is uitgerust vormt w ellicht een punt van overweging als u de prijzen vergelijkt.

Handbediende versneltingsbak met 4 versnellingen

Handbediende versnellingsbak met 5 versnellingen
Au tomatische transmissie
Asbest-vrije remvoeringen
Motor met APC systeem
Gasgevulde schokdempers
,,Zelfherstellende" bumpers
Spoiler v66r
Spoiler achier
Stalen wielen
Aluminium wielen
Aluminium wielen, speciaal ontwerp
Groot formaat wieldoppen
Laag-profiel banden

0 o



Halogeenlampen in de koplampen

Automatische koplampbediening (de koplampen worden via het contact uitgeschakeld)

Mistlampen achter

Koplampwissers en -sproeiers
Ruitewissers met intervalschakelaar
Buitenspiegels (met extra breed
gezichtsveld aan kant van bestuurder),
mechanisch verstelbaar van binnenuit
Buitenspiegels (met extra breed
gezichtsveld aan kant van bestuurder).
elektrisch le bedienen vanaf dashboard
Kindersloten op achterportieren
Centraal vergrendelingssysleem
Eleklrische anlenne, 3-d.mod.
V66r luidsprekers
Eleklrisch bediende ramen in voorportieren
Eleklrisch bediende ramen in achterportieren
Achterzijramen kunnen op 3-d.mod. open
Bronskleurige ramen
Eleklrisch verwarmde achterruit
Voorsloelen met traploos verstelbare
Zilkussen besluurder op hoogte en
helling afstelbaar

Vraag uw Saab-dealer welke modellen in uw land verkrijgbaa r zijn.


Hoofdsteunen op voorstoelen vertikaal

Hoofdsteunen voor de passagiers achterin
Voelsteunen achter
Neerktapbare armsteun op het midden
van de achterbank
Pluche bekleding
Pluche .. de luxe" bekleding
Pluche ,,de luxe" bekleding ,.Contour"
Speciaal leer bekleding ,,Contour"
Elektrisch verwarmde bestuurdersstoel
Elektrisch verwarmde stoel voor passagier
Vier driepuntsgordels,
heupgordel midden op de achterbank
Handgrepen boven de portieren van de
Extra middenconsole
Make-up spiegeltje aan achterkant
zonneklep aan kant passagier v66rin
Dag teller
Tachometer met zuinigheidsmarkeringen
Turbocharger meter
Leeslampje voor de passagiers achlerin
Verlicht handschoenenvak en bagageruimle




Dakbekleding van geprofileerd glazvezel

Ventilatieluchtfiller (niet als de

auto met airconditioning is uitgerust)

Bagageruimte die groter gemaakt kan worden
(neerklapbare achlerbank)
Voorgevormd gereedschapsvak

Vast tapijt in bagageruimte

Verwijderbare hoedenplank op 3- en 5-deursmodellen

Trekogen v66r en achter

0 Extra's naar keuze.

> 3-deursmodellen.
2> 4- en 5-deursmodellen.
3J Eleklrisch bediend.
> Modellen met lederen bekleding.




900 GLi

900 GLs

I 900GLE


met ,,Speciaal Luxe Pakket"

900 CD

4-cil. lijnmotor I 1,985

4-cil. lijnmotor I 1,985

4-cil. lijnmotor / 1,985

4-cil. lijnmotor /1,985





Kopkleppen, bovenliggende
nokkenas. Natriumgekoelde

Kopkleppen, bovenliggende nokkenas.

Natriumgekoelde uitlaatkleppen

Kopkleppen. bovenliggende nokkenas.

Natriumgekoelde uitlaatkleppen

Kopkleppen, bovenliggende nokkenas.

Natriumgekoelde uillaatkleppen

Soort motor I cilinderinhoud dm3

4-cil. lijnmotor / 1,985

4-cil. lijnmotor I 1,985

4-cil. lijnmotor I 1,985

Cilinderboring/zuigerslag, mm





Kopkleppen, bovenliggende

Kopkleppen, bovenliggende

Kopkleppen, bovenliggende
nokkenas. Natriumgekoelde









Vermogen, kW (PK) DIN bij omw/min

73 (100) bij 5200

79 (108) bij 5200

87 (118) bij 5500

87 (118) bij 5500

107 (145) bij 5000

107 ( 145) bij 5000

107 (145) bij 5000

Max. koppel. Nm (kpm) DIN bij omw/min

162 (16,5) bij 3500

164 (16,7) bij 3300

167 (17,0) bij 3700

167 (17 ,0) bij 3700

235 (24,0) bij 3000

235 (24,0) bij 3000

235 (24,0) bij 3000


Mechanische brandstofpomp.
Een 175 CDSEVX horizontale

Mechanische brandstofpomp.
Twee 150 CDSEVX horizontale

Elektrische brandstofpomp.
Mechanische brandstofinjectie

Elektrische brandstofpomp.
Mechanische brandstofinjectie

Elektrische brandstofpomp. Mechanische

brandstofinjectie. Turbocharged.
APC systeem

Elektrische brandstofpomp. Mechanische

brandstofinjectie. Turbocharged.

Elektrische brandstofpomp. Mechanische

brandstofinjectie. Turbocharged.

Aanbevolen oktaangetal, RON








lnhoud brandstoflank, liter













Onderbrekerloos, elektronisch

Onderbrekerloos, elektronisch

Onderbrekerloos, elektronisch


12V 60Ah

12V 60Ah

12V 60Ah

12 V 60 Ah

12 V 60 Ah, onderhoudsvrij

12 V 60 Ah, onderhoudsvrij

12 V 60 Ah. onderhoudsvrij

Max. uitgangsvermogen, wisselstroomdynamo

930W, 14V 70A

930W, 14V 70A

930W, 14V 70A

930 W, 14 V 70 A

930 W, 14 V 70 A

930W, 14V 70A

930W, 14V 70A

Startmotor, kW (PK) DIN

0,8 (1,1)

0,8 (1,1)

0,8 (1'1)

0,8 (1,1)

0,8 (1,1)

0,8 (1,1)



Waterkoeling. 10 liter koelvloeistof.

Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator

Waterkoeling. 10 liter koelvloeistof.

Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator

Waterkoeling, 1O liter koelvloeistof.

Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator

Waterkoeling, 10 liter koelvloeistof.

Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator

Waterkoeling, grote capaciteit. 10 liter

koelvloeistof. Elektrisch aangedreven
ventilator. Motoroliekoeler

Waterkoeling, grote capaciteit. 10 liter koel

vloeistof. Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator.

Waterkoeling, grote capaciteit, 1Oliter koel

vloeistof. Elektrisch aangedreven ventilator.

Aangedreven wielen








Handbediende versnellingsbak

4 versnellingen

5 versnellingen

5 versnellingen

5 versnellingen

5 versnellingen

5 versnellingen

Automatisch transmissie.

Borg-Warner met 3 versnellingen

Borg-Warner met 3 versnellingen

(3 -deursmodel)

Borg -Warner met 3 versnellingen

Borg -Warner met 3 versnellingen

(op 4- en 5-deursmodellen)

Borg-Warner met 3 versnellingen

Soort wiel

Stalen, 15-inch

Stalen, 15-inch

Stalen, 15-inch

Staten, 15-inch

Aluminium, 390 mm

Aluminium, special, 15-inch

Aluminium, 390 mm


SJ x 15 FHA

5Jx 15 FHA

5 1h Jx 15 FHA

5 V2 Jx15 FHA

135 TRx390 FH

51/2J x 15H2

135TR x 390FH

Band en

165 SR 15

165 SR 15

185/65 SR 15 (lage rolweerstand)

185/65 SR 15 (lage rolweerstand)

180/65 HR 390 (Michelin TRX)

195/ 60 HR 15

180/ 65 HR 390 (Michelin TRX)









Rijklaar gewicht. ca. kg

1151 - 1171

1175- 1225


1215-1 235

t225- 1275

1261- 1281


Max. totaalgewicht, ca. kg

1620 - 1640



1670- 1690

1670- 1720

1690- 1720




Wielen en banden.


1---1835 --

4-cilinder lijrunotor, in de lengte opgesteld. Het
motorblok staat onder een hoek van 45. De motor
is samengebouwd met de koppeling, de versnellingsbak en het differentieel. De koppeling ligt
aan de voorkant. Het motorblok is van speciaal
gietijzer gemaakt en de cilinderkop van een legering van lichtmetaal. en nokkenas zijn
beide in 5 lagers gemonteerd. Bovenliggende nokkenas met kettingaandrijving. In- en uitlaatpoorten werken volgens het cross-flow systeem. Het
vermogen word! via de koppeling of koppelomvormer door middel van kettingoverbrenging
(primaire aandrijving) naar de versnellingsbak
'lransmissie .
Hydraulisch bediende koppeling met een droge
koppelingsplaat. Een hydraulische koppelomvormer vervangt de koppeling in auto's met automatische transmissie. De overbrenging tussen de
motor en de aangedreven wielen gebeurt in drie

etappes : primaire reductie, versnellingsbak en

eindreductie. De hoogste versnelling in de 4- en
5-versnellingsbakken vindt plaats via directe aandrijving (1:1). Homokinetische kruiskoppelingen
die zelf-srnerend zij n.
Ophanging e n vering.
Dubbele triangelvormige draagarmen en op
draaipen gemonteerde, progressief werkende
schroefVercn v66r. Lichte rechte achteras uit een
stuk, geleid door twee verbindingen voor- en twee
verbindingen achterwaarts en een Panhardstang.
Ook schroefVeren achier. Auto's met carburateurmotoren (GL en GLs) hebben hydraulische schokdempers. De andere auto's hebbcn gasgevuldc
Rondsel- en tandheugelbesturing. Telescopisch
gelede stuurkolom met cilindrische plaatstalen
balg. Schokabsorberende kooi van geperforeerd
plaatstaal onder het stuu1wiel. Aantal stuur-

omwentelingen van aanslag tot aanslag 4,2 (3,7

met stuurbekrachtiging). Diameter draaicirkel
10,3 m.
Re mme n.
Diagonaal gescheiden tweekrings voetremsysteem met 9-inch vacuiimbekrachtiging. Rondom
schijfremmen. Remoppervlak 196 cm2 (U6 cm2
voor en 80 cm2 achier). Totale oppervlak. 2504
cmz. De handrem werkt mechanisch op de voorschijven. De remmen zijn zelf-nastellend en de
voeringen zijn asbest-vrij.
Capaciteit bagageruimte.
Gewone bagageruimte: 602 dm3 op 3- en 5-deursmodellen; 617 dm3 op 4-deursmodellen. 770 dm 3
op de 3- en 5-deursmodellen met de hoedenplank
ve1wijderd. Ongeveer 1,6 m3op de 3- en 5-deursmodellen met achterbank neergeklapt; ongevcer
1,5 m3 op de 4-deursmodellen.

In de meeste gevallen zijn op de kleurcnfoto's

in deze folder auto's te zien die voor de Zweedse
mark! zijn uitgerust. Sommige onderdelen, zoals
spatlappen, veiligheidsgordels, achterzijramen,
kleuren, enz. kunnen derhalve verschillend zijn.
Zelfs de modellenreeks kan varieren. Uw Saab
dealer zal u graag vertellen wat op uw mark! van
toepassing is.
Saab automobielen zijn belastingvrij verkrijg
baar voor diegenen die voor deze concessie in
aanmerking komen. Verden? inlichtingen kunt u
van uw plaatselijke Saab dealer verkrijgen.
De fab1ikant behoudt zich het recht voor de
specificaties en uib-usting zonder voorafgaande
kennisgeving te wijzigen.


1---1755- -...1

1- - - - - - - 4740m m- - - -



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e fields oftransport and. co1nm1JJ1iJn. The products are oriented onto
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) Car Division
oping, Sweden

FAST MOTORING can be a dangerous pastime,

whichever car you drive. Built-in safety

margins for all situations are therefore vital.
So that the car works with the driver rather
than against him.
Having the same common origin, the entire
Saab 900 range has the same basic design
of body, chassis and engine, to give you
superb road-holding bebaviour. Admittedly
the Turbo with its more highly developed
200 km/h engine is more luxurious and even
has standard features that are normally
expensive optional extras in other cars. But,
apart from the turbocharger itselfand
refinements to the chassis, there is no real
difference between it and any other
900 m odel.
All we've done is to match the basic Saab
design concept to the Turbo's sparkling performance, without compromising on safety.
We've also matched it to the demands of
motoring along difficult roads at high speeds,
without com promising on comfort.
And we haven't forgotten the "everyday"
demands of the motorist. Such as driving in
dense city traffic, without constant gear
changing and bumper to bumper dawdling.
Or carrying bulky goods down winding
rough country lanes.

Whatever the situation, the Saab 900

is tolerant to driver errors and leaves little
to chance.



The Saab 900 has high engine performance, superb road.holding and effective brakes.


The engine at thefr_ont and front-wheel drive. Ifthe engi,ne is rrwunted above the driven wheels, these wheels
will carry rrwst ofthe weignt and will thus have the best possible road adhesion. Th is is the simple but
inspired rule we have always followed in the basic design ofour cars- past and present.
By being at the front, the ariven wheels pull the car instead ofp_ushing it as they do in a car witl;i rear-wheel
drive. By simple logi,c, ifthe driven wheels are at the rear and push the car, they will actually constantly be
tryingto "overtake" the rest ofthe car. In everyday language, we usually call this phenomenon rear-wheel skid.

In unladen condition, the weight on the front

wheels of the Saab 900 is greater than that on
the rear wheels. This ensures good roadholding.


Even when the car is carrying maximum load, the

weight on the driven front wheels of the 900 is
still greater than that on the rear wheels. So the
car will always behave safely and consistently
in all situations.

The weight distribution is extremely important to the roadholding and

general road behaviour of the car in
various situations. On the Saab 900,
the distribution is about 60/o on the
front wheels and 400/o on the rear
wheels when the car is carrying a
normal load. At maximum load, the
distribution is about 51O/o at the front
and 490;0 at the rear. The greatest
w eight is still on the driven wheels
and is slightly lower at the back.
As a result, the behaviour of the
900 is always secure and consistent in
all situations. Regardless of whether
you are alone in the car or whether
you are carrying a full load. Even if
you should accelerate or brake in a
curve, the car will always be consistently sure-footed. In fact, it's because
ofthe well-balanced weight distribution that the road-holding ofthe Saab

900 is on par with thoroughbred

sports cars.
Powerful brakes with efficientcooling of the discs and pads are just
as important to a high-powered car
as good roadholding.
That's why you'll find the 900
has well ventilated disc brakes all
round and very effective asbestosfree brake linings giving the car remarkable braking power. Combine
this with its performance and roadholding and you have truly "safetyfast" motoring.

The design of the chassis is extremely important to the roadholding

and stability of a car. The chassis

must be designed to withstand high
stresses, but it must still be flexible. It
must not allow the track to change
while the car is travelling. It is such
changes in track that may often cause
sudden and unexpected break-away
ofthe rear wheels. This is the greatest
disadvantage of independent rear
The straight, unsplit and extremely lightwei~ht rear axle is held in
position in tne body of the Saab 900
by no less than five rubber-bushed
stays - two leading, two trailing and
a Panhard rod. As aresult, the rear
wheels are always perpendicular to
the road surface, which ensures the
best possible roadholding. The rear
suspension consists of two coil
conL on page 8

SAAB900/ 5


The design ofa car is reflected by

its aP,Pearance. The Saab 900 has
an eJJUient appearance, devoil
ofsuperfluous cosmetics. It is
aesthetically attractive and has
a distinctive personality, but it is
still thefanctional requirements
thatguUle the styling. This applies
to everything_from the lines oj
the body to the design ofthe most
humble switch.

6/ SAAB900


cont. from page 5


springs and two double-acting telescopic shock absorbers, which jointly enable the wheels to follow faithfully all ir regularities in the road
surface, but without transmitting
shocks to the body.

Braking while cornering subjects the tyre suifaces in contact with the
road to much higher stresses than on braking or cornering alone.
In the worst case, the car will lose its ''footin,g"'' in a combination ofthe
rear wheels being locked and skidding Consider a sharp bend, for

The front suspension of the 900

consists oftwo lightweight but strong
wishbones for each wheel. The
springing is provided by sturdy, pivot-mounted coil springs with a long
stroke. The spring is secured to the
upper wishbone. Due to the pivotmounting and the double wishbones,
the springs can deflect without bending and without giving rise to undesirable steering effect on the wheels.
This is the most effective and durable
suspension system, which also
avoids sudden, uncontrolled directional changes when the springs deflect substantially. The long travel of
the springs enables the dr iver to stay
in controf ofthe car at all times, even
when travelling at high speed over
the brow of a hill, wnen the front
springs extend to the limit. The shock
absorbers, which are of the gas type
on the more exclusive models, are secured to the lower wishbones. The
shock absorbers quickly damp out
any vertical movements of the body.

As the driver starts cornering, he may

suddenly realise that he is travelling
too fast and will apply the brakes. The
rear wheels will lock and the car will
skid-possibly off the road. This is
often due to the braking effort of the
rear brakes being too high. Winter
road conditions are particularly cr itical in this respect.
Always a higher braking effort at
the front is therefore a principle we
have followed when designing the
brake system of the 900. This avoids
locking of the rear wheels. And instead of using a reducing valve to ensure a lower hydraulic pressure at the
rear brakes, we have chosen a different approach.

'l'he 15-inch wheels assure the 900

of excellent mobility on snow, gravel
or other loose surfaces. The large
wheels are also better from the wear
aspect and therefore ensure better
economy. In addition, large wheels
allow ample space for powerful

The dual-circuit safety brake system ensures that

the brakes will always be operative - even if one of
the circuits should fail. The different sizes of the brake
cylinders at the front and rear automatically provide
a lower braking effort on the rear wheels.

The Saab900 has a well-desi!P1ed

and ve:ry sophisticate d chassis.

The front-suspension spring is pivot
mounted in the upper wishbone and remains
straight throughout its travel.

S/ SAAB900

The straight, lightweight and unsplit rear

axle always maintains the tyres at the
correct angle to the road surface, thus
ensuring optimum grip.

Disc brakes all round. Asbestos-free lining

with better braking properties and at
least twice the useful life of conventional

The front and rear brake cylinders ofthe Saab 900 ar e simply of
different sizes. This ensures that the
braking effort at the rear will always
be lower. And the system is improved further by our asbestos-free
brake linings which, apart from having a mucn longer useful life, also
exert different braking efforts at different temperatures. Due to different
inaterial compositions, the rear
brake linings intentionally exert a
lower braking effort when they ar e
thoroughly warm, such as on heavy
braking at high speeds. When the car
is braked more gently, and the linings
are not as warm, such as on braking
in a bend and under slippery roaa
conditions, when the braking effort
should be as even as possible on all
four wheels, our linings at the rear
exert a somewhat higher effort. But
the braking effort on the front wheels
is always constant.

The weight distribution onto the

front ana rear wheels is most important to the behaviour of the car
on cornering. Within certain limits,
the car designer can determine the
behaviour of a car on cornering, by
suitable adjustments to the steering
geometry and the suspension. The

behaviours of cars ar e generally

classified into three groups - cars
with oversteer, understeer and neutral steering.
Oversteer is generally a characteristic of cars which are heavy at the
rear and have rear-wheel drive. On
such cars, the centre of gravity is towards the rear, away from the midpoint of the wheelbase. On fast cornering, the centrifugal force will then
be higher at the rear ofthe car than at
the front. So the car will run along a
tighter curve than that corresponding
to the movement of the steering
wheel. The driver will then have to
correct by turning the steering wheel
"in the wrong direction".
Unders teer is usually a characteristic of cars in which the centre of
gravity is towards the front, away
from the midpoint of the wheelbase.
On fast cornering, the car will then
r un along a wider curve than that.
corresponding to the movement of
the steering wheel. The instinctive
reaction of the driver will be to correct in the direction of the curvealways in the same direction.
Neutral s teering is a characteristic
in which the car gives the driver no
information whatever through the
steering wheel on how it is behaving.
The driver must be alert at all times to
the risk of sudden and completely
unexpected skids on hard cornering.
The Saab 900 has a slight amount
ofundersteer. This is a natural con~equence ofthe weight distribution of
the car. You will receive clear information at all times on what is happening and, above all, what is about to
happen. When driving, you turn the
steering wheel in the same direction
at all times-clear and logical.
T h e ov erall r esult of this is tha t the
Saab 900 has b etter directional
s tability than most other cars even under difficult conditions,
s uch as braking on cornering.

The rackandpinion steering provides

extremely accurate steering.
SAAB900/ 9

Your performance as a driver will be best if
the carfeels as though ifs an ertension ofyourself.
When the car has given ;vou quick and correct
information and you have responded by_ giving it
your instructions, possibly in theform ofsplit-second
movement ofthe wheel, you must be certain that
the car will react as you had intended. Ifnot,
the car you are driving ma;v be a danger to you and
other road-users.
The overall environment ofthe driver must be
JJerfect- it must be integrated with you and
focused on you. In brief, the car must behave as an
ertension ofyour own personality.
A major research project has therefore been launched
at Saab to produce a driver's environment and an interior that are as close to perfection as possible. It's not
merely a matter ofseating, important though it may be.
An essential aspect is also the reach of the driver- so
that he will be able to reach all controls quickly and
easily, without changing his seating attitude. A correctly designed driver's environment will enable you to
drive longer- and better. In the 900, we have divided
the facia into three logical zones which you can reach
at any time, without having to change your seating attitude and without your attention being distracted from
the job of driving. These zones are : the lighting zone,
the instrument and supervisory zone and the heating,
ventilation and visibility zone.
The front seats of the Saab 900 offer a h.igher level of
comfort than almost any other car. They are of ergonomically correct design and provide ample support
wherever needed. The driver's seat is electrically heated
and the seat-heating system warms up quite fast. When
driving the 900, you will soon find out that you are firmly
seated when cornering fast and comfortably seated on a
longjourney. Much ofthis is due to the seats being correcfly designed and the driver's seat being adjustable to
suit your specific needs.
The rear view mirrors are one ofyour most important
aids in driving. Seeing what's happening behind the car
is almost as important as the vision ahead. So the Saab
900 is equipped with rear-view mirrors ofgenerous size,
and even the outer mirrors are multi-adjustable from the
driver's seat. In 1982, Saab was awarded .the German
wide-angle rear-view mirror on the 900. The large, flat
section ofthe mirror enables you to see the traffic behind
you in the same way as in a conventional rear-view mirror, whereas a smaller, convex section of the mirror
allows you to see far out to the side. This is how we
have eliminated the blind angle".
conL on page 12

10 / SAAB900


cont.fiom page 11


Logical thought ought to be the simplest form ofthinking. Yet logic seems to be a very difficult art. Particularly
in the woik. of designing an advanced, high-technology
product such as a car.
Logical thinking in design work has long been a fun damental principle at Saab. This has resulted in a long
succession of features that are unparallelled in the
automotive world. Just one typical example oflogicsa~}r lacking on cars of other makes- is the location
of starting controls on the centre console between the
front seats.
Our designers determined that the logical location of
the ignition key was on the floor between the front
seats-where your hand will automatically drop as
soon as you release the steering wheel. To pursue the
logical thinking further, it was decided to move all starting controls to the same place. So apart from the ignition key, the centre console between the front seats
includes the switch for the interior lighting and, in
carburetter-engined cars, also the choke control next
to the ignition K.ey, which is to one side of the handbrake which, in turn, is immediately behind the gear
lever ofthe Saab 900. The ignition switch also incorporates a cut-off control for the headlamps, which are
switched off automatically as soon as the ignition is
switched off
Other results of the logical thinking of our designers
include the heated seat, the "self-repairing"
bumpers, the headlamp wipers, the extended
dipped beam, the turbocharger with charging
pressure control valve (waste gate) and, most recently,
the APC system. All of these were "world's first"

features when they were introduced.

The facia is divided into three

logically arranged zones. These are
the light zone, the instrument and
supervisory zone and the heating,
ventilation and visibility zone.

Centre console, with all starting controls

logically arranged.
Front centre console with storage compart
ment and space for an amplifier for instance.
(The amplifier shown in the picture is not
included as standard.)

The wide-an.gte rear-view mirror is adjustable from the in.side. Electrically operated
on the more exclusive model.s.


The driver can reach all important

controls without having to change
his seating attitude.





always difficult. And

clifkrent people have
diJf~rent abilities to cope
with it. This also applies
to cars. Good headlamps
are obviously one ofthe
most im,:>ortant ingredients. The dippecfbeam
must also have maximum intensity, without
dazzling oncoming

Rear lights on the

Combi Coup!'.!.

Rear lights on the


The extended dipped beam is unique to the Saab

900. This extends the visibility along the near-side
edge of the road by 50/o as compared to a conventional dipped beam.
Effective headlamp wipers that ensure good lighting by keeping the lenses clean was another "Saab
first" that we introduced as standard.
Clear direction indicators are also important aids
when motoring at night. On the 900, they are extremely clear and are also visible from elevated positions. So bus and truck drivers will also be able to see
your d irection indicator lights.
The rear fog lights are another important feature
when travelling m fog or driving snow. On the Saab
900, two large rear fog lights are integrated into the
rear light clusters.

Front direction

The instruments must be well illuminated, without

dazzling or d isturbing the driver. The location ofthe
instruments are particularly important at night. The
facia of the Saab 900 has well-balanced lighting and
carefully arranged instruments.
Good visibility all round the car is very important,
particularly under poor li.Edlting conditions. The
large, curved windscreen ofthe 900 and the dipping
inner rear-view mirror offer the best possible vision
forward and excellent visibility towards the rear.

Headlamps with
washers and wipers.

The front and rear indicator lights are visible within a very large
horizontal and vertical angle range making them easily seen by all
road-users, especially those high seated truck and bus drivers.

The driver can raise or lower the entire seat

to find the position that suits him best.
This provides an excellent field of vision around
the car and ataglance vision of the whole facia.

14/ SAA8900

SAA8900/ 15

::I ,--,,........,-,---,...-..,..-,--.~ ~:

This engine powers the 900GL It is the basic en
gine, from which all other Saab engines have been
developed. The single-carburetter engine devel
ops 73 kW (100 hp) andthepeak torque isl62 Nm
(16.5 kpm).



Acceleration from rest to 100 km/h in
14.5 seconds (16.5 seconds with automatic
transmission). Top speed of 165 km/h
(160 km/h with fourspeed and automatic

The Saab 900GL is the carfor those

to who111JUel economy is very important and who seldom venture
out 011 lon.g, high-speedjourneys,
on which extra power may be useful
for heaV}' loads andfast overtaking.
Available withfour-speedgearbox
(on some rnarkets withfive-speed
3t1arbox or automatic transmission).
Runs on 97 octane.fuel.


Acceleration from rest to 100 km/h GLi/GLE in
12.5 seconds (15.5 seconds with automatic
transmission); EMS 12.0 seconds. Top speed of
175 km/h (165 km/h with automatic trans

Saab900GLi, Elv1S and GLE cars

have a111ple reserves ofpower and are
lively in all situations- without
beingthirsty onfi.wl. A11ailable with
five-speedgearbo.r or auto111atic
trans1nission. dependant 011 1nodel.
Runs on 97 octanefi1el.


This engine powers all Saab Turbo models and the
Saab CD. This is the fuel injection engine equipped
with a turbocharger. The engine is fitted with our
advanced APC system which automatically ad
justs the charging air pressure delivered by the
turbocharger, to suit the grade of petrol used. De
velops 107 kW (145 hp) and an impressive torque
of 235 Nm (24 kpm).

The engine in the 900Gls is a further develop
ment of the basic engine. The rating of the Gls
engine is 79 kW (108 hp) and the peak torque is
164 Nm (16.7 kpm).

'-l~--J.-l--l--l--.1: iro
1-1--t--t-H.-+- ltl':': l.



Acceleration from rest to 100 km/h in
14.0 seconds (16.0 seconds with automatic
transmission). Top speed of 170 km/h
(160 km/h with automatic transmission).

The Saab 900 GLs is the carfor those

who simply need a more powerful
en.gine than in the GL 1noclel. It is
available withfive-speedgearbox or
automatic transmission. Runs on
97 octanefuel.


This engine powers the 900 GLi, EMS and GLE mo
dels. The engine has mechanically controlled fuel
injection. It develops 87 kW(118 hp) and the peak
torque of this engine is 167 Nin (17 kpm).

16/ SM8900


Acceleration from rest to 100 km/h in
9.0 seconds (11.5 seconds with automatic
transmission). Top speed of 195 km/h
(190 km/h with automatic transmission).

The Saab Turbo i.s intendedfor those

to whom nothingshort ofextremely
fast overtaking is good enou.'!h. and
who wish. to trave1far; at exhilarating cruising speeds. Due to its low
mass, the turbocharger starts charging at very low engine speeds. At low
cruising speeds a1ul 1noderate travel
ofthe accelerator pedal, the Turbo
engi.n.e runs as our nonnaljUel injection.
engine, with its acknowledged low
ju.el consumption. The twoochaiged
engine is available with.five-speed
geaibox or auton1atic transrnission.
It can run onfitels ofai1y octane rating between about 92 and about 98.
For the best between
econo1ny and peifonnance, we
reco1nmend 98 octai1e.


Your car must obviously be powered by an engine that suits your particular requirements. You may not use your car in such a way that
a particularly powerful engine is advan~eous. On the other hand,
you rnay do. You may often use your car or longjoumeys, in which
a P<?~erful en.._<;{ine is essentialforfast a safe overtakin,g andfor high
crwsmg speeds.
Saab has one ofthe b roadest range ofengines for a standard, family-type ofcar.
The 900 range includes everything from the reliable single-carburetter engine
right up to the breathtaking Turbo engine. And other versions in between.
All engines are based on a liquid-cooled, four-cylinder, inline engine. Since the
engine is designed to power a front-wheel drive car, the gearbox is located b elow the engine in order to achieve an extrem ely compact and lightweight
power unit. The engine is mounted with the clutch facing forward. This offers
excellent cooling and consequently lower wear and a longer useful life of
the clutch.
Regardless ofthe version, the engine can stand up to long periods ofvery hard
driving, since it has a short stroJ<.e. The piston speed and the forces on the pistons are thus low, even at high engine speeds.
In aJl models, the engine powering the 900 has an overhead ca1nshaft. So we
have eliminated the push-rods an cf rocker arms for the vaJves. The net result is
that the engine runs silently, has high reliability and low service requirements.
The engine intake air is always preheated under thermostatic control, which
prevents icing in the carburetter engines and ensures reliable starting from
cold and lively performance, even immediately after a cold start. All engines
are equipped with an electric d riven, thermostatically controlled fan wnich
runs onfy when extra cooling is necessary. This saves fuel and reduces the
sound level. The engine ofthe 900 warms up very quickly, and this reduces the
wear and ensures smooth running very soon after starting.
A new feature for this year is the breakerless ignition system, fitted in the past
only to the Turbo engine. This system gives the engine even better cold-starting
characteristics and results in cleaner exhaust gases. It needs less service and
can be adjusted more quickly.
On this year's engine, the aJternator is driven by two V-belts instead ofone. So
the reliability is improved further and the risk ofthe drive slipping is reduced.
The fuel injection and turbocharged engines are fitted with sodium-cooled exhaust vaJves, in order to improve the reliability, even at persistently high

The choice is available b etween a total offour engine versions, all of
which use fuel veiy efficiently. The torque is high and the torque curv
. e
is fla t. In practical terms, this means that the engine has hi~h pulling
power over a wide range of speeds. So gear-changing is rmnimised.

The engine range may vary between different markets. Your Saab-dealer will be pleased to advise you of what
is available on your market.

SM8900! 17

18/ SAAB900

SAAB900/ 19


High-powered engine but with a low fuel consumption. When it was Taunched, our Turbo engine demonstrated for the first time that this combination was possible- and an entirely new concept was created in the
automotive world. The second generation of Turbothe high-technology APC engine -is now a reality that
has raised many an eyebrow.

use the peak performance of the engine, you run the car
on high-octane petrol. On the other hand, iffuel economy
is your aim, you can use petrol with a low octane rating,
without the risk that "knocking" may damage the engine,
as it vvould do to a conventional engine.

Six-cylinder or eight-cylinder engines were previously

considered to be essential to high performance, if compromises on reliability were to be avoided. But large
engines are "thirsty" and heavy.
In the past, our alternative - the turbocharged petrol engine-powered only expensive sports cars, but only for
the sake ofhi$ p9wer and high top speeds. We used the
expertise we nave accumulated from the turbocharged
diesels powering our trucks and have applied it to the petrol engine. But not content with this, we developed the
turbocnarging principle further. When other car manufacturers were feverishly engaged on producing their
own turbocharged engines, we were already launching
the second generation ofTurbo engine with APC.
APC stands for Automatic Performance Control.
Owing to the advanced electronic control system, the
driver of a car with APC can use petrol ofany rating between about 92 octane and 98 octane. The engine adj usts
itself automatically to the fuel in the tank. If you wish to

The APC-system.

The electronics adjust the engine to suit the grade of

fuel. Using a sensor in the engine block, the APC system
will immediately sense the least tendency towards

The microco1nputer
in the APC system
ensures optimum
utilisation ofthe fuel.
This decreases tfie
feel consumption and
increases the ef18ine

cont. 011 pagrJ 22

20/ SAAB900

SAAB900/ 21

cont. from page 20

knocking in the engine, which is the first indication given

by the engine that the ~ade of petrol is too low. A microcomputer will then adjust, by means ofa solenoid valve,
the pressure of the air charged into the cylinders, to suit
the grade offuel. All ofthis takes place in a fraction ofa seconcf (In the past, the only known way to avoid "knocking" was to reset the ignition timing, which increased the
fuel consumption, reduced the engine output, raised the
exhaust gas temperature and increased the wear on the

The APC system reduces the fuel consumption and

raises the performance. Since an engine with the APC
system always uses the energy content of the fuel to the
maximum extent possible, we have been able to raise the
compression ratio of the engine. This has increased the
engine output further, particularly in the low-speed
range, such as in city tr affic, when turbocharging is not
nor mally operative. In addition, the fuel consumption has
been reduced further as compared to the first generation
of Turbo, without the APC system.
In simple terms, the turbocharger consists of a tur-

bine wneel and a compressor mounted on the same

shaft. The turbine is induced to rotate by the flow ofexhaust gases from the engine. When the driver has depressea the accelerator pedal, the flow ofexhaust gas and
its speed will increase. When the shaft carrying the turbine wheel and compressor rotates at a sufficiently high
speed, the compr essor will start boosting the pressure in
the engine cylinders by delivering more air than the engine would be capable of drawing in naturally. If the
charging pressure should increase beyond the permissible value, the charging pressure valve (also known as
waste gate) will by-pass some ofthe exhaust gas past the
turbine. It is this Saab design that enabled a turbocharger
to be fitted to cars for the everyday motorist.

The Turbo principle.

Since the rotating assembly ofthe Saab turbocharger is so

small and lightweight, it will perform efficiently even at
very low engine speeds. When the turbocharger is inoperative, the fuel consumption of the engine will be no
higher than that ofour economical fuel injection engine.


SAAB900/ 23


Many factors affect the outcome ofa and several ofthem are uncertain.
Nobody can offer 100 per cent safety today. Anyform oftrave[ involves ri.sks. But
our aim i.s to reduce these<s to the minimum possible.
The internal protection in the form of
soft, impact-absorbing surfaces and the absence ofsharp or hard objects is ofdecisive
importance. The body ofthe 900 is built up
around a protective cage ofsteel members,
designed to absorb forces in the event of a
collision and to protect the occupants ofthe
Legal safety requirements must be followed by all car manufacturers. This involves items such as collision testing, some
form of protective equipment ana, in a
growing number of countries, mandatory
wearing of the seat belts. The mounting of
the seafbelt is also very important- and so
is having the seat belt fastened.
But we have taken safety much more
seriously. In collaboration with road safety experts, researchers and a team of doctors, we have developed cars that "forgive"
minor misjudgements by the driver and
that prevent injuries. We have studied the
results of accidents for many years. All of
the results have been collected and carefully
evaluated to enable the safety ofthe car to be
improved further.

The head restraint 8 ofthe 900 is ofa different design to that normally employed in
present-aay cars. Our head restraint is built
up around an extra frame which p rotects
the occupant's neck vertebrae in the event
of a collision from the rear.
The windscreen pillars 8 must be able to
support the entire weight if the car should
turn over, and they are therefore made of
very sturdy sheet steel and are padded on
the inside, of course.
The entire facia is backed by a very substantial cross-member 0 capable of absorbing
high lateral forces. This also applies to a corresponding cross-member at the top of the
baCk seat. In exactly the same vvay as the
steering wheel rim, these cross-members
are embedded in soft material.
The entire steering column 0 is designed to
"collapse" when subjected to a hign load.
A carefully tested system ensures that the
steering column will fold and collapse telescopically, section by section, ifa high force
is applied from the front.

So a very sturdy bulkhead is fitted between

the engine compartment and the interior,
to absorb the energy in the event of a collision -from the -front as well as from
the side. At knee height, we have fitted an
energy-absorbing shield 0 and haveJ.?added it with soft p1astic. This prevents submarining" in the event of a collision, if the
occupant's seat belt is fastened.
The sides of the doors arc reinforced by
sturdy protective members f). And the
occupants are well protected from them
by padding.

l4/ SAAB900

SAA8 900/25

The Saab 900 is not

merely a superb car for
longjoumeys. It is dlso
an excellent carfor the
"man-about-town". It is
handy and offers better
close-up_ visibility than
most other cars, mainly
due to the sloping bonnet
and the curved windscreen. In the 900, the.allround visibility and
visibility towards the rear
are ertrernely good, due
to the large gliized surf aces and tlie wide-angi,e
rear-view mirror.

26/ SMB 900

SAAB900/ 27


fort starts long before the seats

themselves are produced. The
foundations for whether or not a
car will be comfortable are laid at
the design stqge. And the work
then proceeds as the car develops,
right up to the.finishingtouches
applied to the various components. During the course ofthe
work, we design and select the
appropriate tyres, springs, shock
absorbers, engine suspension,
insulation, seats,fabric trim and
numerous other ingredients of
the car, to ensre the best possible
overall comfort.


The Saab 900 has a large and comfortable interior.
It is appreciably larger than its exterior would suggestwhich is one ofthe secrets ofthe car. Being roomy inside
without the outside being clumsy. A test cfrive will clearly demonstrate what we mean.
It must be easy to g et into and out ofthe car, since it
will otherwise be irritating to use the car. So the 900 can
boast wide doors, particularly on the three-door models.
The door sills are often problematic on other cars. Our
door sills are retracted towards the centre of the body
and are thus protected against dirt and corrosion. As
you leave your 900, you will also notice how low the sill
is along the edge ofthe floor, against the door. You don't
have to raise your legs high to get into or out of the car.
Neither will your trouser-legs get soiled.
In the back seat, the wheel housings do not encroach
on the seating space. No bulky propeller shaft tunnel
clutters up the floor at the backseat-which is one ofthe
many benefits offront-wheel drive. The overall result is
that the back seat of the 900 is exceptionally roomy.
Ample headroom is important, particularly to tall
drivers. In the Saab 900, the headroom has been improved further by the front seats on all models being
lowered by 20 mm. In the back seat, the headroom
enables even tall persons to travel in comfort.

Th e Saab 900 is roomy on the inside - without

boasting about it on the outside.

The sound level in a car has a considerable effect

on the comfort. This applies to nomial, audible
sound as well as in.frasound. The latter is not
actually audible, although this is theform of
sound that is most~
By suitable choice ojsound insulation, good
desi,gn ofthe engine suspension and chassis
mountings, we have reduced the sound in the
Saab 900 to a comfortable level. This appl.ies
throu.efiout the speed range-including at hi,gh

' SMB900

SMB900/ 29


Sitti.ngis actually what travelling by car is all about. Particularlyfor the
passengers, who do nothing but sit. Especially on a longjourney, all
occupants must be seated as comfortably as possible.
But the driver's seating is decisive to safety too. Merely being
seated so comfortably that he will not tire orget backache is not sufficient. He must also be "fUnctionally" seated: So he must have the vest
conceivable visibility ana must be able to reach all controls without
having to change his seating_ attitude. Last but not least, the driver as
well as his passengers must be seated safely.
The driver's seat in a Saab 900 is
one of the world's most comfortable
car seats. It will support you faithfully
on long journeys, without fatiguing
your th.ighs, back or neck. To make it
even more comfortable for tall drivers, we have lowered the front seats
by a further 20 mm.
The head restraint is made of soft
foam material, moulded around a resilient frame. Our head restraints incorporate an extra protective plateto protect the neck vertebrae in the
event of a collision. This extra safety feature is typical of our safety
The dishing of the front seats and
their backrests give effective support
in all types of motoring. The springing ofthe front seats is sufficien fly soft
to feel comfortable - but sufficiently
firm to avoid that "spongy" feeling.

The design ofthe interior trim can

stand up to close scrutiny. Not only is
it attractive, but it is also strong and
durable-which is probably more
important in a car than in any other

We were the world's first among car

manufacturers to introduce electric
heating ofthe driver's seat as standard. We did this for medical reasons
and also for pure safety reasons. A
cold driver is a poorer driver and has
longer reaction times. A thermostat
controls the time during which heating power is supplied to the seat. In
many 900 models, the co-driver's

seat is also electrically heated.




l Dished backrest and seat. Reinforced at

the small of the back and with special
"recesses" for the shoulderblades.
2 Luxurious and durable plush velour.
3 Builtin automatic electric heating.
4 The depth of the seat is designed to pro
vide good support for the thighs.
5 The seat cushion can be adjusted in
height and slope (driver's seat).
6 Fore-and-aft adjustment
7 Adjustment of the backrest rake.
8 Easily accessible lever for folding down
the front -seat backrest (three-door
9 The soft back prevents injuries to the
legs of the backseat passengers.
l 0 Sturdy steel frame.
11 Vertically adjustable head restraint. Soft
material endoses a frame that protects
the neck vertebrae.

We have devoted particularly serious

work to the back-seat springing.
The closely-spaced pressure-equalising springs ensure that you will be
equally comfortable wherever you
are seated along the back seat- even
in the centre.
The quality and composition of the
fabrics are ofdecisive importance to
your sense of comfort in the car. For
the 900, we stitch them in different
patterns, depending on the model
and the level ofluxury. The plush velour upholstery is substantial in
thickness. Two different grades are
available, depending on the model on
which they are usea. All upholstery
materials are tough, soft and airy,
providing comfort in all climates.
The leather for the upholstery is
purchased directly from a Scottish
tannery, with a long tradition in fine


All models in the 900 range have very ex

elusive upholstery. Even the 900GL basic
model has plush velour-a feature regarded
as the height of luxury on many other cars.
The interior trim and materials are available
in a wide variety of versions, including leather,
depending on the model.


An engine that needs little service, such as due

to the new breakerless i~ition system and the

overhead camshaft that makes valve adjustments
easy and rare, will soon be reflected in your service bills.
Apart from ensuring a better environment and a
high braking effort, the asbestos-free brakes
have at least twice the useful life of conventional
The exhaust system ofaluminised steel sheet
is highly resistant to corrosion. All Turbo models
are also equipped with an entirely new exhaust
system which reduces the sound level inside as
well as outside the car.
The Saab 900 is w ell protected against corrosion. No unnecessary edges and moisture-trapping cavities that may initiate corrosion. As backup to the "corrosion-proof" basic design, the body
is subjected to treatment in a number of stages.
The entire body is immersed in a bath ofanticorrosion primer, in which a strong electric current
causes the particles ofpaint to adhere effectively to
all sheet steel surfaces. Alljoints in the body are
sealed with PVC compound. Polyester compound
is sprayed at hi$ pressure onto the whole of the
underbody and into the wheel housings. Moreover, an extra coat of polyester paint is sprayed
along the entire bottom section ofthe body, to provide additional protection against flying stone
chips . .Anti-corrosion oil is sprayed into all cavities
and joints. The whole ofthe underbody is sprayed
with a special oil as final protection. In the engine
compartment, all components are protected
against moisture and corrosion by a thin layer of
special clear varnish. This is one ofthe reasons for
the Saab 900 not being sensitive to damp weather

Your rrwtoring economics are not merely
dependent on the price ofpetrol. Many other
factors have an equally high influence on the
overall economy. One oftliese is the basic
quality ofthe car. A car with low service
requirements, ofdurable design and with a
high second-hand value will be inexpensive in
tlie long run.
The Saab 900 uses its fuel exceptionally well. In
other words, regardless ofthe engine, the car uses
very little petrof.
The introduction of the turbocharger demonstrated that the fuel consumption of a car with
very high performance could be almost as low as
that of a similar car with a conventional engine
and modest performance.
The APC sy stem has enabled us to reduce the already low consumption ofthe Turbo by ensuring
that the fuel is always used in an optimum way. At
the same time, this system has also increased the
output of the engine.
The low-resistance tyres have reduced the rolling resistance of the 900 by no less than 20 per
cent. This has been achieved by lower resistance
inside the rubber itself The tyres reduce the fuel
consumption, without impairing our pioneering
attainments in roadholding.
The five-speed gearbox contributes significantly to the low fuel consumption.
The spoilers on our high-speed cars assist in reducing the fuel consumption at high speeds.
The Saab 900 has a long succession ofdesign
features that contribute to its good economy.
As an example, front-wheel drive, with the engine
and gearbox forming an integral unit, is appreciably 1ighter in weight than tll.e engine and transmission of a car in which a propeller shaft and
other heavy components drive the rear wheels.
The same also applies to the light alloy cylinder
head and valve cover.


The body is dipped in anti-corrosion

primer. A high electric current causes
the particles of paint to adhere securely
to all sheet metal surfaces.

Polyester paint, undercoat and under

body compound are sprayed onto the
body before curing in an oven.

The "self-repairing" bumpers

incorporate cellular plalitic blocks.

Five-speed gearbox contributes to low

fuel consumption.

Asbestos-free brake linings last at least

twice as long as conventional linings.

Spoilers save fuel at high speeds.

Tyres with low rolling resistance save


Every Saab900 is subjected to

rigorous quality inspection before
leaving the factory.

Due to all of these measures and the sound

basic design of the car, the Saab 900 offers
excellent motoring economy, with ample
safeguards against expensiv e surprises.

SAAB900/ 33



Preheated and clean air

is distributed uniformly
throughout the interior
through 13 outlets.


-~-----~ ------~------- -----~-------


Programmed and vacuum-controlled heating and ventilation system,

eliminates time-consuming fine adjustment - air is always delivered in
the correct mixture and at the places you have preset.

Wann, fresh and clean air is distributed through all 13

outlets ofthe ventilation system in the Saab 900. The defroster outlets will keep the windows clear of mist even
in the coldest weather. The air flows through a filter on
its way either directly into the interior or through the
fast heater unit.
The ventilation air filter is mounted in a cartridge on
the inside of the air intake on the bonnet. The filter arrests all particles larger than five thousandths ofa millimetre. T}).e most important in this respect are dust and
pollen which can easily cause discomfort to people suffering from allergies and asthma. But clean air is beneficial to everyone. The filter also reduces the humidity
of the air drawn in, thus counteracting misting of the
windows. The air filter cartridge is easily replaceable
whenever necessary.
Pre-programmed and vacuum-controlled heating
and ventilation system. This system is based on the
most effective ventilation combinations. By simply turning a knob, you can determine exactly where and how
much fresh air or warm air will be supplied into the interior. Seven preset and logically arranged positions
ensure that you can devote yourself to driving the car
instead of wasting your time and distracting your concentration on irritating fine adjustments. The system
runs automatically at the lowest fan speed- so you
are always assured of the interior being pressurised,
to prevent foul air from seeping into the car. The air
flowing _through the ventilation system is cleaned by
the highly efficient air filter.
Air conditioning is also available for most ofthe 900's.
The efficient air conditioner will keep the interior cool
even on the hottest day. When fitted with an air conditioner, the 900 has no ventilation air filter.
The heating at the rear ofthe Saab 900 flows through
outlets located under the front seats. The air flowing
through the 900 is always discharged through air outlets
at the rear of the car. And since the interior is pressurised, this air flow is constant, supplying heat and changing the air uniformly throughout the interior.

The heating and ventilation system ofthe Saab 900

is simple, practical and efficient. In addition, we
are alone in supplying clean, filtered air into the

The ventilation air

filter effectively
prevents dust and dirt
particles from being
admitted into the
interior. The used filter
alongside its clean,
unused counterpart
provides telling proof.
The filter is easily

34/ SAAB900

SAAB900/ 35


Most peo[Jle need a car that will transport them comfortablyfrom one place to another. But they
often need to transportgoods too. A car that performs only as a "passenger carrier" will then
A traditional estate car solves some ofthese problems, since it can be convertedfor different
duties. But it is generall)! an unwiel,dy car that's thirsty on petrol and is noisier than the correspondin,g saloon. Moreover, the luggvge compartment is plainly visible to people outside the car.


So the most sensible solution to your transport needs

is a car that>s comfortable to havel in and, after a few
simple adjustments, can carry as much as the traditional estate car, or even more.
The Saab 900 combines all of these properties.
Regardless ofthe model, it is practical. The comfort is
superb. And you can use the car as a conventional
five-seater, with ample space for lug_e;age, or you can
fold down the back seat to expand llie fuggage space
to one of the largest in its class.
The most practical model is undoubtedly the 900
Combi Coupe. By removing the parcel shelf, the concealed lug_e;age compartment can be converted
quickly aiid simp~ to provide much more space,
articularly in hei t- without impairing the comtort. By removing t e parcel shelf, you open up a large
space that you can keep your eye on-possibly to
serve as a separate compartment for the family dog.
But you can also fold down the entire back seat to create a cavernous load-carrying area. With the parcel
shelffitted, the ordinary luggage compartment ofthe
Combi Coupe can accommodate 602 dm 3, whereas
with the back seat folded down, it expands to no less
than 1.6 m 3 . And regardless of whjch luggage compartment alternative you choose, there is no sill at the
back to make loading difficult. When the tailgate is
open, you can start lifting your luggage straight onto
the flat floor, 50 cm above the grouna.
You can do the same "conversion trick" on the 900
Sedan as on the Combi Coupe. The backseat ofthe Sedan can also be folded down, and the luggage compartment will then accommodate 1.5 m 3 . The difference between the Combi Coupe and the Sedan is the
height at the rear of the luggage compartment. The

volume of the ordinary luggage compartment ofthe

Sedan model is 617 dm:1 ana, needless to say, is also
completely concealed. Tills will take your mind off
anything valuable you may have left in the car whilst
it is unattended.
The Saab 900 abounds in practical features.
This is illustrated by the central locking system and
the electrically operated sunroofon some luxury models, or by the electrically operated windows whlch,
fiom this year, are fitted at the back too to those models having this feature as standard. Both ofthe outer
rear-view mirrors are adjustable from the inside electrically as standard on the Turbo models. The
practical en~e compartment gives you ample
opporturuties for getting at the power unit of the
Saab 900. It has one of the world's largest bonnets,
which extends over the edges ofthe wings. So apart
from providing ample space, the arrangement also
avoids damage to the wings. An easily accessible
electrical distribution box, fitted with fuses of a
new, improved type, is fitted on the left-hand wheel
housing, immediately under the bonnet. The sill
members are retracted towards the centre of the
body, to facilitate climbing into and out of the 900.
The sills are also well protected against moisture and
corrosion, and they will not soil your trouser-legs.
Front-wheel drive eliminates the need for a propeller shaft tunnel along the entire length ofthe car. The
Saab 900 seats you equally comfortably-wherever
you may be sitting.

A 900 Combi Coupe has at least three load

carrying alternat!ves: 1) Conventional luggage
compartment, with the parcel shelf concealing the
contents. 2) Parcel shelf removed to accom
mo~ate higher ~r provide perfect travelling for the
family dog, for instance. Can be loaded higher up.
3) Back seat folded down and parcel shelf
removed. The cargo space is extremely large.
(Alternatives 1and 3 illustrated.)
The luggage compartment of the 900Sedan is
also very large, since the back seat can be folded

The Saab 900 satisfies more practical requirem ents than most other cars. So the 900 is practical in practice too.

The practical fusebox is mounted on the wing and is well pro

tected by the bonnet. The fusebox also contains spare fuses.

You can get a lot ofoptions for your Saab900.

The wideangle rear-view

mirror on the dnver's side
eliminates the blind
angle. On the more exclu
sive models, the outer
rearview mirrors can be
adjusted electrically.

Extremely low floor with level rear sill on the Combi Coupe.

SAAB900/ 37

The manyfeatures ofthe Saab

900 are in yourfavour. These are
the best basic conditions any car
can1!ier. Whether you need afast,
com ortable car with sports car
pe ormance or a practical, econoniical car with above-average
load-carrying capacity-the Saab
900 has mucn to commend it.
We have outlined the meticulous
but enjoyable work ofdesigning
the 900. We have presentea most
ofits characteristics in various
situations-why and how. You
will now appreciate that the 900
is a fast, comfortable, economical,
pr~al, and durable car that will
handle most ofwhatyou may
demand ofit. You will also have
gathered that the 900 has
abundant standard equi_ementoft':e type that others offer as
optional extras.
The purpose ofwhat we have
written is to arouse your interest
in takin,c;r a closer look at the car
you're driving-re$ardless of
whether you are thinking of
trading it in or whether you are
perfedly sati.sfed with your
present car aiid are merely reading
this to find out a little more
about automotive engineer!!'!& .
But we don't believe you
a car that's designed to such
uncompromising standards and
is as.fkxible as our 900.


ON THE RO AD Model range Saab900, 1984.

The 900GL is powered by a single-carburetter engine driving through a four-speed gearbox (on some markets available with five-speed gearbox or automatic transmission).
This is the basic model in the 900 range, and the engine is that from which all ofour other
engines have been developed. The single-carburetter engine develops 73 kW (100 hp) DIN.
The 900GLs is powered by a twin-carburetter engine driving through a five-speed
gea rbox with economy ratio or through an automatic transmission. This car is a further
aevelopment of the GL, but has a more powerful engine and more abundant equipment.
The twin-carburetter engine develops 79 kW (108 hp) DIN. The car is fitted with lowresistance tyres.

GL-3 doors

GL/GLs - 5 doors


The 900 GLi and GLE feature a five-speed gearbox with economy ratio or automatic transmission. The GLi is the basic car in the range equipped with fuel injection engines and
the GLE is the luxury version with very abundant equipment. The 900 EMS is a sportier
rnodel with five-speed gearbox, black decorative strips and handles. The fuel injection
engine d evelops 87 kW (118 hp) DIN, and all models are fitted with low-resistance tyres.

GLl - 3 doors

Gli - 4doors

EMS- 3 doors

GLE-4 doors

Gli-5 doors


The Saab 'J\1rbo and the Saab CD are available with five-speed gearbox or automatic
transmission, however the Turbo with Special Equipment Package is available with fivespeed only. These are our fastest cars, with exceptionally lavish standard equipment, and
a wide variety of optional extras is also available. The CD is our extended wheelbase,
h igh-con1fbrt C<lr. The Turbo engine develops 107 kW (145 hp) DIN. The high-speed tyres
are mounted on aluminium wheels.


3 doors

Turbo with Special [qu1pment

Package - 3 doors

Turbo - 4 doors

Turbo with Special Equipment

Package -4 doors

Turbo-5 doors

Turbo with Special Equipment

Package - 5 doors

CD - 4 doors
In most cases, the colour photographs in this brochure show cars fitted out for the Swedish market. Some items, such as mud
flaps, seat belts, rear side windows, colours, etc., may therefore differ. Even the model range may vary. Your Saab dealer will be
pleased to advise you of what Is applicable on your market. The cars are available with right hand drive. Saab cars are
available taxfree to those who qualify for this concession. Further information is available from the local Saab importer and
dealers. The manufacturer reserves the right to alter the specifications, colours and equipment without notice.

SAAB900/ 39
38/ SAAB900

Saab 900

Saab 9 0

Three product lines ofSaab cars

a re n1anufaclured- the Saab
9000, Saab 900 and Saab 90. The
ratings oft he engines powering
the different models vary fron1
the 175 hp DIN developed by the
turbocharged 16-valve engine to
the 100 hp DIN of the carburetter

Saab-Scania AB
Saab Car Division
Nykoping, Sweden

T his broehun d l':<rrilx:< the

tn tire Saab ~lOO 'll1rl x1-pro~am.
The model rnnge a nd (q ui pment
may vary IX'IWl't'll d ifli.rcnt ma rkels. 1~1l k to .v our S;1ah-dealer.

All Saab Turbos have a distinctive

p ersonality and an impressive tempera ment. The effortless p ower of
the engine is m ore than ample for
fast, safe overtaking and the
impeccable handling prop erties encourage spirited, active driving.
Before starting car production
Saab had already accumulated
many years of aircraft manufacturing experience. The cars naturally
inherited streamlined and aerodJmamically efficient lines and the
design of today's Saab cars is still
based on the laws ofaerodJmam ics. The styling is also adapted to
suit the function of every component, to mak e the car as versatile
and easy to drive as possible.
All of the expertise and the technical innovations we have introduced over the years have gone
into producing a car- wl1ich is as
versatile as possible. The Saab
Turbo offers its driver the superb
handling and sparkling pow er ofa
thoroughbred sports car. But unlike a sports car, it provides you
with abundant space.
The cornerstone of our philosophy is that machines m ust be
designed to serve Man. So in addition to pleasing the m ost fastidious
driver, the Saab carries its passengers with comfort and refinement.
Two tur bocharged engines, a
fuel injection engine and a carburetter engine are a vailable in the
900 range. This brochure describes
the Turbo models. The other
models are described in a separate
Out of the wide variety availa ble
in the 900 range, you can choose
the body type that suits you best-


The two-door Saab 900 Turbo Sedan with the 8-valve turbocharged engine developing 114 kW (155 hp) DIN.

either a Combi Coupe with a roofto-bumper tailgate or a Sedan with

a conventional boot lid.
Few cars have a standard range
of equipment that can measure up
to the Saab Turbo. Convince yourself by tal<ing a close look at the list
of standard equipment and then
co1npare it with that ofany com petitor.
The Saab 900 Turbo 16 S is a special equipment model, produced
in limited numbers for the most
de1nanding motorists. Its aerodynamic skirts and three-spoke
aluminium wheels contribute to its
distinctive appearance.

Threedoor Combi Coupe (16S)

Three-door Combi Coupe

Fivedoor Combi Coupe

Twodoor Sedan

Fourdoor Sedan

The driver's cock.pit is the command post

for all communication between you and
the car. Good communication puts fun
into driving, in addition to making it safer.
When designing the driver's environment,

we drew on our many years ofaircraft

building experience. In an aircraft travelling at twice the speed of sound, a similar
type of communication must be fully
achieved at all times.

The interior of a three-door Saab 900 Turbol6. Radio shown is not standard equipment.


The interior certainly looks comfortable

and inviting and the looks are backed by
sound engineering to mak.e certain that the
comfort will be much more than skindeep. The back seat cushion for instance,

consists of more than 400 springs and

several layers of padding with different
degrees of firmness so that the occupant
will be firmly but comfortably supported.

Interior of a threedoor Saab 900Turbo16. The leather upholstery is optional on certain models.


The interior is meticulously insulated, to

cut out the engine and road noise. Headrests and the folding centre armrest are
typical comfort features in the back seats.
Automatic electric heating is provided for

both front seats (on most markets). The

elegant colour scheme of the interior
creates a restful environment.

Interior of a four-door Saab 900 Turbo.



With the Saab 16-valve

engine under the bonnet,
the 900 Turbo sweeps
smoothly up to more than
200 km/ h and surges to
100 km/ h in a thrilling
8.7 seconds. But most
impressive of all is the
sensational overtaking
acceleration-even in
top gear. The engine
develops its peak torque
of 273 Nm (27.8 kpm) at
a modest 3000 rpm. Few
cars in this class, even
with much larger engines,
can boast such good
torque at such low engine
The APC system allows
the engine to use the fuel
efficiently and enables it
to run on fuel of any
grade from the optimum
of 98 octane right down
to 91 octane RON, without
risk of dangerous knocking. You can also run it on
lead-free fuel if you wish.

Third-generation t urbo engine

Double overhead camshafts, four valves per cylinder and domeshaped combustion
chamber with the spark plug in the centre are the features that contribute to the fuel
efficiency of the engine.

LH Jetronic fuel injection

The fuel in1ection system measures the mass of the air
drawn into the engine instead of the volume. An electronic
control unit then determines accurately the fuel needed to
produce the correct fuel/air mixture.

High torque
The engine develops its peak
torque at a mere 3000 rpm. So
swift overtaking acceleration 1s
at the dnver's instant com
mand, even when the car 1s
lravelhng leisurely in top gear.

Self-adjusting cam followers

The hydraulic cam followers adjust them
selves automatically to take up the variation
in the length of the valve stems at different
temperatures. They also contribute to silent
running, high reliability and low service




The legendary Saab

8-valve turbo engine
became the trend-setter
for the world's car manufacturers. It is now fitted
with the same type of
intercooler as our
16-valve turbo.
The intercooler is a
radiator fitted between
the turbocharger and the
intake manifold. When
the intake air is compressed by the turbocharger, its temperature
rises. The intercooler
cools it again, so that
more air-and thus
more oxygen-will be
supplied to the engine. As
a result, the peak rating
of the engine has been
increased to 114 kW
(155 hp) DIN.
The engine is equipped
with the Saab APC system
that allows it to run on
any grade of fuel between
91 and 98 octane RON.
The APC system also prevents dangerous knocking
and enables the fuel to be
used more efficiently.

Turbo with intercooler

The turbine and compressor of the Saab turbocharger are compact and have small rota!
ing masses. As a result the turbocharger starts boosting the intake air pressure at very low
engine speeds. After being compressed in the turbocharger, the intake air is cooled in the
intercooler, this reduces the thermal stresses on the engine.

Turbocharger pressure
Owing to the good low-speed
performance and the turbo
charger boost, the engine can
be run at low, economical
speeds and yet offer dazzling
overtaking performance when
ever needed.


The APC system
The electronic unit (1) of the APC system receives signals from
the knocking sensor (2), the distributor (3) and a pressure
transmitter (4) in the intake manifold. As soon as the sensor
detects knocking in the engine, the electronic unit actuates the
turbocharger waste gate (6) by means of a solenoid valve (5),
to reduce the boost pressure. All of this happens in a fraction of
a second.




In addition to providing
the best possible roadholding, the Saab chassis
must also "collect" information on the road and
road conditions and convey it instantly to the
driver through the car
body and steering
system. This information
must be unambiguous, so
that the driver will
understand it instantly
and take the appropriate
action. The various
chassis components of
the Saab are carefully
matched to one another,
to eliminate any inconsistencies in the behaviour of
the car.
The front wheels are
located by double wishbones. The springs are
pivot-mounted, so that
they will never "buckle"
when compressed and
will be as effective as
possible at all times. Gas
shock absorbers are
fitted as standard front
and rear. The Turbo 16
and Turbo 16 S are also
equipped with anti-roll
bars for additional highspeed stability and
virtually neutral steering
The rack-and-pinion
steering is power assisted
and provides good feel
of the road and excellent
directional stabilitywithout kick back or

Weight distribution
With a full tank and the driver behind the wheel, 60% of the weight of the car is supported by the
front wheels. Even when the car is fully loaded, most of the weight is still carried by the front wheels.
This is one of the reasons for the consistent road behaviour of the Saab.

Brake system and rear axl e

Dual-circuit, diagonally split brake system with disc brakes all round. The unsplit, straight rear axle
with two leading and two trailing arms and a Panhard rod is accurately located and contribute to the
good directional stability of the car and its consistent behaviour. The fuel tank is safely locatedbetween the rear wheels.

Disc brakes
The 15-inch wheels provide ample
space for large diameter brake
discs-ventilated at the front on
the Turbo 16 and Turbo 16 S.
The friction material on the brake
pads 1s asbestos-free and has
both better braking properties and
a longer useful life than conven
tional materials.

The rack-and-pinion steering gear is located
to the rear of the engine compartment. The
steering column is of safety design-both
jointed and telescopic, with an impact
absorbing perforated sheet steel cage below
the steering wheel.




Since the facia is curved,

you can see and reach
the furthermost controls
as easily as those in front
of you.
The instruments and
warning lights are located
at a high level-within
your field of vision when
your eyes are on the
road. So you can read
them quickly, without
being distracted from the
surrounding traffic and
even your peripheral
vision will detect changes
in the instrument readings.
Steering column stalks
are provided for functions
which need to be within
the driver's immediate
reach-direction indicators, dip switch, windscreen wipers and
washers. The stalks are
designed and positioned
so that you can operate
them quickly and easily,
with your hands still firmly on the steering wheel.
The instruments are
indirectly illuminated
with a green light. Green
has proved to be the best
colour for driving at night
in the light of headlamps.
The colour also contrasts
with the external lights of
other cars, with the warning lights on the facia and
in the surrounding traffic.

Logical zoning of the

fa cia
The primary zone immedi
ately in front of the driver
contains instruments,
warning lamps and the
stalks for the headlamps,
direction indicators, wipers
and washers. The second
ary zones on the sides
contain switches for the
lighting and the controls
for the heating and ventila
tion system.

Round instruments
Large, round instruments with white markings and orange-coloured
needles against a matt black background. Easy to read-any move
ment of the needles will be detected by the driver's peripheral vision.

Comfortable and
fun ctional driver's seat
The driver's seat is of a good
anatomic design and is electri
cally heated (on most markets).
The heating is thermostatically
controlled to maintain a com
fortable temperature. The
seat cushion is adjustable
for height and slope.
Individual adjustments
The backrest rake is
steplessly adjustable. The
vertical adjustment range
of the head restraints is

Centre console
Space is provided in the centre
console for fitting a mobile tele
phone or extra instruments. The
rear section of the centre console
indudes all starting controls, as well
as the switches for the electrically
operated windows.




The tougher the weather

and road conditions, the
tougher the demands
made on the heating and
ventilation system. It
must have a high capacity,
so that the windows will
be demisted quickly and
it must be easy to adjust
so that a comfortable and
constant temperature
can be maintained. Any
of the seven ventilation
air distribution options
can be preset by means
of a single snap-action
Breathing clean air is
everybody's right. So we
have equipped the ventilation system in the 900models with a replaceable
filter which cleans the
ventilation air before it is
admitted into the interior.
Dust particles, pollen,
soot, oil and even certain
bacteria are effectively
The high capacity of
the ventilation system is
obviously equally valuable for cooling the interior during the summer.
With the fan running at
high speed, clean fresh
air will be supplied to the
passenger compartment
at a rate of almost
100 litres per second.
Efficient air conditioning
is available to certain
models. (No air filter is
fitted if the car is equipped
with air conditioning.)

Effective throughfl ow ventilation

Even when the fan is run
ning at the lowest speed,
the air in the interior will
be replaced once every

~.. 1

~ ~








. <):C> 0


Heating and ventilation controls

The controls for the fan, heating and air distribution are
illuminated. The seven programmed snap settings enable you
to preset the air distribution simply and quickly-even at night.

Ventilation air filter

The ventilation air is cleaned
very thoroughly to remove dust,
soot, oil and pollen. Particles
down to about 0.005 mm will
be filtered out-this is particu
larly important for people
suffering from allergies.

Headlamp wipers
The headlamp wipers and washers-one of
Saab's innovations for improved road safety-will
start as soon as the windscreen washers are
switched on.

Rear-view mirrors
The outer rearviev mirrors are adjustable from
the inside. The mirror on the driver's side is of
wideangle type which eliminates the "blind spor.
This makes it easier to see overtaking vehicles.




The Saab has justifiably

become known as a highly versatile car. If you
require practicality and
flexibility, the Combi
Coupe provides you with
a luggage compartment
that can be adjusted to
provide three different
capacities. The ordinary
_ ____._ _ _l=ugg_!ge com artment is


The foundations for quality are laid at the project

design stage, when the
car is little more than a
sketchy outline. Potential
defects, corrosion
pockets and unnecessary
wear are eliminated by
systematically employing
design features and production methods that
safeguard efficiency and
Heavy investments in
advanced production
equipment employing
computers and robots
allow us to minimise the
margins of error.
We are continually
pursuing research and
development work and
we are refining and inspecting all components,
to make an already fine
range of cars even better.

The level of equipment in

the Saab Turbo will appeal
to the discerning motorist.
Most of the equipment
which is optional on many
other cars is standard on
the Saab. Power-assisted
steering, central locking,
electrically heated seats,
headlamp wipers, front air
dam and rear spoiler are
standard items on the
Saab Turbo. The Turbo 16 S
is also equipped with
Cruise Control and electri
cally operated windows
and rearview mirrors.
Study the list of standard
equipment for the Saab,
and then check how much
it would cost to equip one
of its competitors to a
similar standard.
In addition a wide range
of optional equipment is
available to enable you to
personalise your Saab.



Saab-Scania today holds a

leading position within
the area oftransport and
communication. The
Group's te chnical kno-whow has b een developed
since the ttun of the centtu:y
and the cotnpany's products
can be found on tl1e road,
in the air and in space.
AS FJ\R BACK AS 1897, Vabis

\.Vas supplying factory-made

vehicles and in 1901 Scmlia
introduced its first passenger
nu~,,vith the ?,1'iffin on the

bonnet. The first truck fc>llO\ved

in 1902 and the first bus in 1911.
Production ofaircrafl started
in the e<uIy 1930s.
Within the auto1notivc and
aerospace sector:-;, SaabScania's product proi-,tram
currently corn prises passenger
cars, trucks and buses, dvil
and rnilitary airtn1fl, satellites
and 1nissilcs. This product
prog)an1 is unique. No other
cmnpany c:an oHi.:r such

Outside the transport technology and c01nmunication

sectors, Saab-Scania also
supplies advanced products
and systems in electronics,
optics and p recision mechanics.
as well as systems for energy
recovery and heating.
Sauh-Scania, \.vith sales of
SEK 26 billion and 1nore than
40,000 e1nployees, invests
n1ore than SEK 1 billion annually in research and
dcvelopn1ent. A silniJar
mnount is invested in production and the international
rnarketing orgm1iz<1tion,

Saab-Scarua's products are

concentrated in well-defined
business areas: high-performance passenger cars, trucks for
heavy transport and aircraft
for regional traffic.

This concentration in
e xpansive 1narket segments,
along wiili substantial investments in new products,
h as borne fruit. Saab-Scania
today holds a leading position in the field ofspecialized
transport technology.

Saab-Scania's new company

symbol represents sound
technical know-how, long
tradition and broad-based




Four-cylinder inline engine, longitudinally mounted and inclined at

an angle of 45. Cast iron engine
block and light-alloy cylinder head.
Displacement 1.985 dml . Bore
90 mm. Stroke 78 mm. Five-bearing camshaft and crankshaft.
Cross-flow combustion chambers.
Electric motor driven, thermostati
cally controlled radiator fan. Can
be run on fuel of any octane rating
between 91 and 98 RON. Fuel tank
capacity 63 litres.
Saab 900 Turbo
Mechanical fuel injection. Turbo
charger. lntercooler. APC system.
Single overhead camshaft.
Sodium-cooled exhaust valves.
Compression ratio 8.5:l. Rated at
114 kW (155 hp) DIN at 5000 rpm.
Peak torque of 240 Nm
(24.5 kpm) DIN at 3000 rpm.
Saab 900 Turbo 16/
Electronic fuel injection. Turbocharger. lntercooler. APC system.
Dome-shaped combustion cham
ber with centrally located spark
plug. Double overhead camshafts.
Four valves per cylinder. Hydraulic
cam followers. Compression ratio
9.0:1. Rated at 129 kW {175 hp)
DINat 5300 rpm. Peak torque of
273 Nm (27.8 kpm) DIN at

Hydraulically actuated, single dry

plate clutch. Ahydraulic torque
converter replaces the clutch in
cars with automatic transmission.
The reduction between the engine
and driven wheels takes place in
three stages: primary drive, gear
box and final drive. The homokinetic universal joints in the
drive shafts are permanently


Saab 900Turbo16/
Five-speed manual gearbox.


12 V 60 Ah maintenance-free
battery. Alternator 930 Wmax.
output at 14 V 70A. Starter 1.4 kW.
Breakerless electronic ignition

Saab 900 Turbo

Kerb weight 1210-1335 kg.
Max. total weightl690-1760 kg.

Saab 900 Turbo

Fivespeed manual gearbox or
automatic transmission on certain


Power-assisted. Rack-andpinion
steering gear. Jointed and telescopic steering column, with
cylindrical sheet-metal bellows.
Impact-absorbing, perforated
sheetsteel cage below the steering wheel. 3.65 turns lock-to-lock.
Turning circle diameter 10.3 m.

Dual circuit, diagonally split brake

Saab 900 Turbo
system with vacuum servo. SelfTop speed of 200km/h;195 km/h adjusting disc brakes all round,
with automatic transmission.
ventilated on the front of the
Acceleration from rest to 100 km/h Turbol6 and Turbol6S. The
in 9.0seconds;10.5 seconds
handbrake acts mechanically on
with automatic transmission.
the front discs. Asbestos-free
pads-semimetallic at the front
Saab 900 Turbo 16
and organic at the rear.
Top speed of 205 km/h. Acceler
ation from rest to 100 km/h in 8.7
Double wishbones and pivot
Saab 900 Turbo 16 S
mounted, progressive action coil
Top speed of 210 km/h. Accelersprings at the front. Lightweight,
ation from rest to 100 km/h in 8.7
straight and unsplit rear axle,
located by two trailing, two lead
ing arms and a Panhard rod. Coil
springs at the rear. Gas shock
absorbers. Antiroll bars front and
Frontwheel drive. The engine,
clutch, gearbox and differential
rear on the Turbo 16 and
are integrated into a compact unit. Turbol6S.


51hJ x 15"aluminium wheels.

195/60 R15 H low-profile tyres;
195/60VR15 on the Turbo 16 and
Turbo 16 S. Compact spare wheel.

Speedometer with odometer and

trip meter. Tachometer with built
in quartz clock. Turbocharger
pressure gauge. Fuel gauge. Cool
ant temperature gauge. Warning
lamps for the seat belts, handbrake, low brake fluid level,
battery charge, oil pressure, low
fuel level, rear-window heater, rear
fog lights, high headlamp beam
and direction indicators.




Power-assisted steering. Self

repairing bumpers. Front air dam
and rear spoiler. Aluminium
wheels. Halogen headlamps. The
headlamps are switched off auto
matically with the ignition. Revers
ing lights. Rear fog lights. Head
lamp wipers. Windscreen wipers
with intermittent action setting.
Driver and passenger door
mirrors, mechanically adjustable
from the inside. Wideangle mirror
on the driver's side. Dipping
rear-view mirror. Central locking.
Childproof rear door locks. Tinted
windows all round. Heated rear
window. Electrically heated front
seats with steplessly adjustable
backrest rake. Frontseat head
restraints adjustable for height.

Driver's seat cushion adjustable

for height and slope. Headrests
and folding centre armrest in the
back seat. Storage pockets in the
rear of the front-seat backrests.
Luxury velour upholstery of "Con
tour" design. Four inertia reel seat
belts and lap strap for the central
backseat passenger. Grab
handles above all passenger
doors. Access grab handles for
the backseat passengers on the
twodoor and threedoor models.
Padded sun visors (with vanity
mirror on the passenger side).
Front centre console. Front loud
speakers. Delayed action interior
lighting. Ignition switch illumina
tion. Map-reading lamp. Cigarette
lighter. Illuminated and lockable
glove compartment. Luggage
compartment lighting. Moulded,

insulating roof lining. Ventilation

air filter (not on cars fitted with air
conditioning). Lined luggage com
partment. Removable parcel shelf
in the Cambi Coupe models. Tow
hooks front and rear.
The Saab 900Turbo16 and
Turbol6S are equipped with:
Electrically operated aerial (three
and four-door models).
The Saab 900 Turbol6S is
also equipped with : Electrically
operated door mirrors. Electrically
operated windows. Cruise Control.

Electrically operated windows.

Cruise Control. Electrically aper
ated sunroof. Leather upholstery.
Air conditioning.
Saab 900 Turbol6S
Electrically operated sunroof.
Leather upholstery. Air conditioning.

Your Saab dealer also stocks

a wide range of accessories and
optional equipment.

Saab 900Turbo/ Turbo16
Electrically operated door mirrors.


- -- -175 5 - --.t

Saab 900 Turbo 16

Kerb weight 12 50-1340 kg.
Max total weight 1720-1760 kg.
Saab 900Turbo16 S
Kerb weight 1295- 1315 kg.
Max total weight 1720-1740 kg.
') The weights vary with the type of
body and the equipment included in
the car.


i;:::===-2517- ===:!

-t-------- 4740mm --------i


2517 - --


- - - - - 4740mm - -- - - - - + - l

Combi Coupe
Standard luggage compartment
602 dm3 ; with the parcel shelf
removed 770 dm3 ; with the back
seat folded down about 1.6 ml .
Standard luggage compartment
617 dm3 ; with the back seat
folded down about 1.5 ml .

All particulars and illustrations in this brochure are based on the specifications of the cars valid at the date of the final editing of the publication. The model range,
technical specifications and equipment vary from one market to the next and may be altered without prior notice. For further information, please consult your Saab
dealer. Note that some of the pictures in the brochure may show cars fitted with optional extra equipment.


Saab 900 Turbo 16 four-door Sedan

Saab 900 Turbo two-door Sedan


Saab 900 Turbo five-door Combi Coupe

The Saab 900 Turbo is powered by a turbocharged engine developing 155 hp DIN and the car is available with two, three,

four or five doors.

Saab 900 Turbol6S

The Saab 900 Turbol6 is equipped with a 175 hp DIN turbocharged engine and the car is available with three, four or five
doors. The Saab 900 Turbo16S is only available with a three-door Combi Coupe body.

Model range and equipment may vary between different markets.



Two Saab car series are

manufactured-the Saab 9000
and the Saab 900. The ratings
of the engines powering the
different models vary from the
175 hp DIN developed by the
16 valve turbocharged engine
to the 118 hp DIN of the inj ection engine .

Saab-Scania AB
Saab Car Division
Nykoping, Sweden

The unique Saab feeling.

The Saab 900 stands head and shoulders above the
multitude of anonymous cars on the roads today. The
characteristic lines reflect our fundamental philosophy-styling must be subordinate to functional demands. In addition to producing a distinctive personality, the dynamic design approach behind t he Saab 900
is demonstrated by the impressive inner qualities of the
car. The Saab 900 Convertible, the Saab 900 Turbo16 S
and the Saab 900 Turbo16 are all powered by the
breathtaking 175 hp, 16 valve turbocharged engine. In
October 1986, this same Saab engine set 21 international
records, including two world records, at the Alabama
International Motor Speedway in Talladega, USA.
After sprinting at full throttle for 20 days around the
clock, the fastest car covered a d istance of100,000 km
at an average speed of 213.299 km/h. Although beyond
the legal reach of the ordinary motorist, this incredible
performance nevertheless proves the inherent stamina
of a Saab car.

Saab philosophy - steeped in

aeronautical engineering .
Before embarking on car production, Saab had already
accumulated many years of aeronautical engineering
experience. So it's not surprising that we also think
along different lines from earth-bound car 1nanufacturers. This may explain why we consistently develop
pioneering technical features, such as the turbocharged
car for everyday motoring or the state-of-the-art 16 valve
turbo engine.
Sportiest motoring in a Saab 900.
The Saab 900 Convertible has dazzled true motoring
enthusiasts around the world. The almost legendary
Saab feeling, the surging power of the 16 valve turbo
engine and the sky-high headroom embodied into the
Saab 900 Convertible attracted a growing waiting list
of clamouring buyers long before any of our dealers
had seen anything other than a picture of the car. So if
your heart is set on a Convertible, see your Saab dealer
today, before the waiting list has grown even longer.
If you can do without an open top, the Saab 900 range
has several other sporty alternatives-the Saab 900
Turbo 16S and the Saab 900Turbo16, both powered by
the Saab world-record engine and both with refined
chassis features to match the impressive power
resources. The special feeling of driving a Saab is
difficult to describe. To find out for yourself, see your
Saab dealer and give a Saab car its test on the road .
This brochure describes the entire Saab 900 Turbo 16 programme. The model range
and equipment may vary between different markets. Please consult your Saab dealer for
further information.

Saab manufactures two series of cars-the Saab 9000

and the Saab 900. The ratings of the engines powering
the different models vary from the 175 hp developed by
the turbocharged 16 valve engine to the 118 hp of the
injection engine.


Sixteen valves and double

overhead camshafts.
Four valves per cylinder

The Saab 16 valve turbo

engine owes its impressive
175 hp to the very latest
in engine technologywith ingredients such as
the turbocharger, intercooler and electronic fuel
injection. The double
overhead camshafts actuate four valves per cylinder, with the spark plug
located centrally between
the valves. This arrangement enabled us to design
the engine for a high compression ratio, but without
the risk of pre-ignition. A
high compression ratio
improves the engine efficiency, enabling the engine to utilise the fuel effectively, for high power
output but at low fuel consumption. The turbo engine is also equipped with
the Saab APC system that
contributes further to efficient utilisation of the fuel.
The APC system includes
a knock sensor and an
electronic control unit that
continuously monitor the
engine load. Another benefit offered by the system,
is that the engine can be
run on fuel of any octane
rating between 91 and 98,
including unleaded petrol.
The long succession of
high-tech features incorporated into our cars all
actively contribute to the
technological eminence of
Saab cars.

The four valves enable the engine to

breathe more efficiently. The central
location of the spark plug has enabled us to design the engine for a
high compression ratio, which results
in high power but at low fuel consumption.

Turbo for extra power

The thrilling surge of power you feel when the turbo cuts
in is a much more telling signal than the smooth sweep
of the needle into the yellow field of the boost pressure


Turbocharger with intercooler

The engine exhaust gases drive the turbocharger which supplies extra air to the engine. More
fuel can therefore be injected and burned, which increases the peak torque by more than 40%.
When the air is compressed in the turbocharger, its temperature will rise, but it will be cooled
again as it flows through the intercooler, which reduces the thermal stresses on the engine.


technology under
the sleek shell.
Take a Saab 900 out on
the road and you'll be im
pressed by its consistent
road behaviour. With its
slight understeer, even at
full load or when acceler
ating fast, the car re
sponds predictably at all
times. By providing the
driver with true, distinct
response to every ma
noeuvre, the Saab 900
also actively increases the
safety margins.
The car owes it reliable
road behaviour to Saab's
time-proven chassis phil
osophy. The Saab 900 has
front wheel drive, with
most of the weight sup
ported by the driven front
wheels, which contributes
to good directional sta
bility and excellent mobi
lity on snow and on slip
pery surfaces. Each front
wheel is mounted in
double wishbones-an
extremely reliable design
used in many competition
Front wheel drive made
it possible to equip the
Saab 900 with a light
weight, rigid rear axle. So
the rear wheels can easily
follow the irregularities of
the road surface, the track
always remains constant
and the wheels are always
parallel. Rack and pinion
steering contributes fur
ther to good directional

Engine mounting
The engine is longitudinally mounted
and sloped at 45, to lower the centre
of gravity and allow for a low, sloping,
aerodynamically efficient bonnet line.

Engine suspension
The hydraulic mountings supporting the engine effectively
attenuate the shocks and vibra
tions that hard acceleration or
overrun braking could otherwise


Brake system
The powerful, dual-circuit brake system
comprises disc brakes all round, with
ventilated discs at the front. The hand
brake acts mechanically on the rear
discs, and the asbestos-free friction material used for the brake pads has better
properties and a longer useful life than
conventional materials.
Rear axle
The movements of the rear axle are
firmly but compliantly guided, which
results in consistent road behaviour,
good directional and lateral stability
and high comfort.

Front wheel drive

With the fuel tank full and the driver
behind the wheel, 61% of the car weight
is supported by the front wheels. But
even when fully loaded, most of the
weight is still carried by the front wheels,
which is one of the reasons for the consistent road behaviour.

Front wheel suspension

The rugged double wishbones supporting
each front wheel provide excellent
stability of the front suspension, however
hard you drive. Anti-roll bars contribute
to the excellent high-speed behaviour.
The gas shock absorbers can withstand
long stretches of hard motoring with unimpaired performance.


Performance when y ou
need it most

The Saab 16 valve turbo engine gives

sparkling performance, although with the
accent on excellent low-speed performance,

smoothness and overtaking resources at

low speed, rather than raw top speed and
acceleration from a standing start.

Saab 900 Turbo 16S.


The leather upholstery of

the Saab becomes more
distinguished with age.
If you specify leather
upholstery, the interior of
your Saab Turbo will ex
ude a special atmosphere
and fragrance. Leather
matures with age-provided that only the best
materials are used and
the workmanship is im
The hides specified for
the Saab Turbo are Scandinavian, simply because
cattle in this part of the
world have fewer blemish
es through insect bites
and barbed wire. We send
the hides to Scotland for
tanning, to take advantage of the deep-rooted
expertise of the Scots in
producing leather for car
upholstery. The hides undergo very extensive processing, which includes
trimming, chrome tanning, impregnating, dyeing and varnishing, to give
them the best possible re
sistance to wear, dirt and
moisture. The hides un
dergo special mechanical
processing that makes
them as soft and supple
as glove leather.
Since every hide is
unique, each one is carefully examined before
cutting and only the best
parts are used-about
9 square metres of leather
go into producing the interior of a Saab. After cutting, the various pieces
are sewn together with
great care, to enhance the
attractive styling and ensure a perfect fit on the
spring interior base and
its moulded padding.

Carefully selected

The cutter examines the

hide and arranges the
patterns so that only the
best parts of the hide
will be used. Two to
three hides are needed
for creating the leather
interior of a 900 Turbo.
The interior includes
more than 50 leather

Sewn with precision

The upholstery must be sewn

with great accuracy, to ensure
that it will be attractive and

The upholstery is fitted

The sewn leather upholstery is fitted onto the base and

is secured along the edges and at other points of the
frame to produce the attractive styling.




Inspecting the seams and fit of the finished seat.


A classical four-seater
The Saab 900 Convertible
is an open car in the classical sense-with ample
space for four adults. The
multi-layer top provides
excellent insulation and
folds down into its own
storage compartment between the luggage compartment lid and the back
seat. When the top has
been folded down, it is
securely protected by a
three-section cover. The
side windows are electri
cally operated and can be
opened fully, for a com
plete sense of being at
one with the world around
If the weather should
suddenly change, you can
raise the top electrically at
the touch of a button and
lock it in position with two
latches at the front. The
top provides the same
protection against the
elements as the roof of
an ordinary saloon. The
openable rear window is
made of glass and is electrically heated.

Electrically operated roof

The roof is electrically operated by means of a

switch on the centre console. It takes no more
than a few seconds to raise or lower the roof.

Unparalleled driving comfort

The driver's seat is of superb anatomic design and has a wide range
of adjustment facilities. The facia is
curved, so that all controls are easy
to see and reach. The door mirrors
are electrically operated. The lavish
standard equipment includes Cruise
Control for even more relaxed motoring.

Electrically operated windows

Back seat

The switches for the electrically operated front

and rear side windows are conveniently located
on the centre console.

The back seat is comfortably dished and fitted with headrests

for two passengers. Leather upholstery is standard equip
ment, which gives the interior a luxurious feel and fragrance.





Saab 900Turbo16 S

Saab 900 Convertible

The Saab 900 Convertible is the flagship of the 900
line and is produced in a limited edition. Its exceptional range of equipment includes an electrically
operated roof- a feature few European convertibles
can boast. With 175 turbocharged hp under the
bonnet and a finely tuned chassis, driving the Saab
900 Convertible is a inemorable e,'<perience.


Power-assisted steering.
Cruise Control.
Self-repairing bumpers.
Front and rear spoilers.
Light alloy wheels.
Halogen headlamps.
Headlamps (full beam}
that are switched off
automatically with the
Reversing lights.
Rear fog lights.
Headlamp wipers.
Windscreen wipers with
intermittent action
Electrically adjustable
door mirrors.
Wide angle mirror on the
driver's side.
Dipping rear view mirror.
Electrically operated
nnted windows all round.
Electrically heated glass
rear window.
Central locking.
Electrically heated front
seats (adjustable heating
for the driver's seat).
Steplessly adjustable

backrest rake.
Driver's seat cushion
adjustable for height and
Front seat head
restraints, adjustable for
Headrests in the back
Storage pockets in the
rear of the front seat
Leather faced upholstery.
Four inertia reel belts.
Front centre console.
Front and rear speakers.
Electrically operated
Quartz clock.
Electrically operated top.
Ventilation air filter (not
on cars with air condi
Delayed action interior
Illuminated, lockable
glove compartment.
Luggage compartment

The Saab 900 Turbo16S is equipped 'vi th the Saab

175 hp 16 valve turbocharged engine vvhich gives
the car an impressive cruising speed and breathtakingly fast acceleration, but at attractively lo\v
fuel consumption. The distinctive sporty lines are
highlighted by special light alloy wheels with highspeed tyres. Take a glance at the list of standard
equipm ent.


Leather upholstery is a standard.feature on the Saab 900 Convertible.


Catalytic converter.
Air conditioning.

Metallic paintwork.

i May vary from market to market, talk to your Saab dealer.

Power-assisted steering.
Cruise Control.
Self-repairing bumpers.
Front and rear spoilers.
Light alloy wheels.
Halogen headlamps.
Headlamps (full beam)
that are switched off
automatically with the
Reversing lights.
Rear fog lights.
Headlamp wipers.
Windscreen wipers with
intermittent action
Electrically adjustable
door mirrors.
Wide angle mirror on the
driver's side.
Dipping rear view mirror.
Electrically operated
nnted windows all round.
Electrically heated rear
Central locking.
Electrically heated front
seats (adjustable heating
for the driver's seat).
Steplessly adjustable
backrest rake.
Driver's seat cushion

adjustable for height and

Front seat head restraints,
adjustable for height.
Headrests and folding
centre armrest in the
back seat.
Storage pockets in the
rear of the front seat
Luxury velour upholstery.
Four inertia reel belts and
lap strap for the centre
back seat passenger.
Front centre console.
Front speakers.
Electrically operated
Quartz clock.
Moulded, insulating roof
Electrically operated sun
Ventilation air filter (not
on cars with air condi
Delayed action interior
Illuminated, lockable
glove compartment.
Luggage compartment



Catalytic converter.
Air conditioning.


Leather upholstery.
Metallic paintwork.

Interior of the Saab 900 Turbol6S.

*) May vary from market to market, talk to your Saab dealer.




Personalise your car.

Saab 900Turbo16
The Saab 900 Turbo16 is powered by the same engine as the 900Turbo16S. The lines of the car, however, are somewhat less eye-catching. This car, will
pamper you on a long journey with standard features such as electric aer ial, central locking, headrests in the back seat and tinted windows all round.
You can personalise the Saab 900 Turbo16 to suit
your specific n eeds-leather upholstery, electrically
operated su nroof, air conditioning and many other


Power-assisted steering.
Self-repairing bumpers.
Front and rear spoilers.
Light alloy wheels.
Halogen headlamps.
Headlamps (full beam)
that are switched off
automatically with the
Reversing lights.
Rear fog lights.
Headlamp wipers.
Windscreen wipers with
intermittent action
Door mirrors on both
sides, mechanically
adjustable from the
Wide angle mirror on the
driver's side.
Dipping rear view mirror.
nnted windows all round.
Electrically heated rear
Central locking.
Electrically heated front
seats (adjustable heating
for the driver's seat).
Steplessly adjustable
backrest rake.

Driver's seat cushion

adjustable for height and
Front seat head
restraints, adjustable for
Headrests and folding
centre armrest in the
back seat.
Storage pockets in the
rear of the front seat
Luxury velour upholstery.
Four inertia reel belts and
lap strap for the centre
back seat passenger.
Front centre console.
Front speakers.
Quartz clock.
Moulded, insulating roof
Ventilation air filter (not
on cars with air conditioning).
Delayed action interior
Illuminated, lockable
glove compartment.
Luggage compartment


Catalytic converter.
Electrically adjustable
door mirrors.
Electrically operated
Interior of the four door Saab 900Turbo16.

Electrically operated
Air conditioning.
Leather upholstery.
Metallic paintwork.

In addition to the factoryfitted optional equipment,

a wide range of acces
sories is available from
your Saab dealer to meet
any special requirements
you may have for person
alising your Saab. The
accessories have been
specially designed and
developed for Saab. Only
a few examples are shown
on this page, but the complete range is described
comprehensively in a
separate accessories

Rear spoiler
An extra large, wind tunnel tested rear spoiler, which effectively forces the air flow backwards at the same time as the
car is pressed down. The spoiler contributes to a low air
resistance and a good road hoalding.

Gear lever knob

The polished hardwood
gear lever knob gives a
personalised, sporty

*) May vary from market to market, talk to your Saab dealer.

Alloy wheels
The Saab accessories range includes a number of types of
alloy wheels -all of them carefully tested and approved for
the tough duties of a car wheel.

The four door Saab 900 Turbol6.

Extra instruments
The outside temperature
gauge forewarns you of
the risk of "black ice"
and is a typical example
of the extra instruments
available for your Saab.

Leather steering wheels

You can choose from a number of sporty leather steering
wheels available in different colours. Specially designed,
collision tested and approved for Saab cars.




- ----------------


Solid colours




Four cylinder, two litre, in-line engine, longitudinally mounted and

inclined at an angle of 45. Cast
iron cylinder block. Light-alloy cylinder head of cross-flow design.
The engine can be run on unleaded fuel. Five bearing crankshaft. Dome-shaped combustion
chambers with centrally located
spark plugs. Double chain-driven
overhead camshafts. Hydraulic,
self-adjusting and service-free
cam followers. Four valves per
cylinder. Bosch LH Jetronic electronic fuel injection. Garrett T3
turbocharger with water-cooled
bearing housings and integrated
waste gate (boost pressure control
valve). lntercooler. Saab APC system for continuous boost pressure
control. Breakerless electronic
ignition system. Cooling system
with electrically driven, thermostatically controlled radiator fan. Engine
oil cooler. Three-way catalytic
converter and Lambda sensor on
cars with exhaust emission control.
Displacement 1.985 dm3.
Bore/stroke 90/78 mm.
DIN rating 175 hp (129 kW) at
5300 rpm [160 hp (118 kW) at
5500 rpm with catalytic converter].
DIN peak torque 27.8 kgm
(273 Nm) at 3000 rpm [26.0
kgm (255 Nm) at 3000 rpm with
catalytic converter].
Max. boost pressure 0.85 bar
[0.75 bar with catalytic converter].
Compression ratio 9.0:1.
Recommended octane rating
Any fuel between 91 and 98
octane RON, including unleaded
petrol [only unleaded petrol for
cars with catalytic converter].
Fuel tank capacity 63 litres.

Power-assisted rack and pinion

steering gear. Jointed and telescopic steering column with cylindrical sheet metal bellows. Impact-absorbing, perforated sheet
steel cage below the steering
Turning circle diameter Kerb
to kerb 10.3 m.
Number of steering wheel
turns Lock to lock 3.7.

Weight distribution About 61%

front, 39% rear.
Max. trailer weight 1500 kg.
Max. roof load 100 kg (not the
900 Convertible).

Saab 900 Convertible/

Top speed 205 km/h (200
km/h with catalytic converter].
Acceleration to 100 km/h 8.7 s
[9.6 s with catalytic converter].

Cirrus white (153)

Saab 900 Turbol6S

Top speed 210 km/h [205 km/h
with catalytic converter].
Acceleration to 100 km/h 8.7 s
[9.6 s with catalytic converter].

Cherry red (214)

Alternator 930W. 14 V 70A
(1070W. 14V 80A on cars with
factory-fitted air conditioning).
Battery 12V 60Ah.
Starter motor 1.4 kW.
Front wheel drive with fully synchromesh five speed manual
gearbox. Hydraulically actuated,
single dry-plate clutch. The
engine, clutch, gearbox and
differential are integrated into
a compact unit.

Self-adjusting disc brakes all
round, with ventilated discs at the
front. Asbestos-free pads- semi
metallic at the front and organic
at the rear. Dual circuit, diagonally
split brake system with vacuum
servo. The handbrake acts
mechanically on the rear discs.

Saab 900 Convertible

Kerb weight About 13101335 kg.
Max. total weight 1720 kg.
Saab 900 Turbol6S
Kerb weight About 12651310 kg.
Max. total weight 17401760 kg.

Black (170)

Saab 900Turbo16
Kerb weight About 12501325 kg.
Max. total weight 17201760 kg.

Front: Double wishbones, with

pivot mounted, progressive action
coil springs, gas shock absorbers
and anti-roll bars.
Rear: Straight, rigid rear axle with
coil springs, gas shock absorbers,
anti-roll bars, two leading and two
trailing arms and a Panhard rod.


Silver metallic (200)

K. Buffalo

G. Beige mohair

L. Sierra

H. Bokhara

M. Colorado

I. Cashmere

N. Nevada

Malachite green metallic (205)

Bronze metallic (201)

Rodonite red (213)

Magenta brown metallic (212)

Embassy blue (198)

Odoardo grey metallic (204)

Zircon blue (15 7)


1755 -

is standard on the Saab

900 Convertible and optional on the Turbo 16S
and Turbo 16.

Rose quartz metallic (202)

J. Marine


Platinum blue metallic (203)

------ 4680mm -----~

~- 1835 --




Capacity 364 dm3.
Combi Coupe
Ordinary luge:age comf)artment 602 drl?'or 770 dm3 with
the parcel shelf removed. 1210
mm long.
With the back seat folded
down About 1600 dm3. 1835
mm long.

F. Labrador

*) Leather faced upholstery

Light alloy wheels. High speed,

low-profile tyres. Compact spare
Wheel size 512 J x 15".
Tyre size 195/60 R15 V.


*) The weights vary with the equip

ment induded in the car.

- -

.,:"5==--~1r=====::r- '----11
4687mm -



- - - - -4680mm -


Ordinary lu~age compartment 617 dm . 1135 mm long.
With the back seat folded
down About 1500 dm3. 1755
mm long.


1) Saab 900 Turbo 16, 3 door, 1420 mm
2) Saab 900 Turbo 16S 1695 mm

Luxury velour

Metallic colours

Solid colours
Cirrus white
Cherry red
Rodonite red
Embassy blue
Zircon blue
Metallic colours
Silver metallic
Malachite green metallic
Bronze metallic
Magenta brown metallic
Odoardo grev metallic
Rose auartz metallic
Platinum blue metallic

, 900Turbo 16
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
G. Beige mohair I L. Sierra
G. Beige mohair I L. Sierra
J . Marine I L. Sierra
J . Marine I K. Buffalo
900 Turbo 16
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
I. Cashmere I N. Nevada
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
H. Bokhara I M. Colorado
J . Marine I K. Buffalo

900Turbo 16S
- F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo
G. Beige mohair I L. Sierra

900 Convertible
K. Buffalo I M. Colorado
K. Buffalo I L. Sierra
K. Buffalo I L. Sierra I M. Colorado


900Turbo 16S
F. Labrador I K. Buffalo

900 Convertible
K. Buffalo I M. Colorado

F. Labrador I K. Buffalo

K. Buffalo I L. Sierra I M. Colorado



Shown here is the colour combinations available in Great Britain. However, the colour programme may vary from one market to another. Please consult your Saab
dealer for further information.
For printing reasons, the colours in this brochure may differ slighUy from the actual colours.
All particulars and illustrations in this brochureare based on the specificationsof the cars valid at the date of the final editing of the publication. The model range, techni
cal specifications and equipment vary fromonemarket to the next and may be altered without prior notice. For further information, please consult your Saab dealer. Note
that some of the pictures in the brochure may show cars fitted with optional extra equipment.

S&ab TUrbo in The Loni Run

Sl:lab bfOke 21 intemational records, including two

world records, at the Alabama lntemational MotOr
Sf)eedWay, Talladega/USA, in October 1986 Three .,,...,n
Saab 9000 Turbo 16 cars picked at random from
the production line ran at full throttle around the
track for 20 days-the fastest at an average speed
of 213.299 km/h-each travelling a total d1Stance of
100,000 km. The cars were standard production
models, and the record speed included time for re
fuelling, service and tyre changes at the pits-proving
conclusively the true meaning of Saab quality in the
long run.



Saab-Scania holds a lead

Ing position in the transport and communication
fields. The Group' s technical know-ho" has been
developed since the turn of
the century. Its products
can be found on the road,
in the air and in space.
Vabis was supplying factoryn1ade vehicles as far back as
1897. Scania introduced its
first passenger car-with the
griffin on the bonnet-in 1901.
The first truck follo\ved in

1902 and the first bus in 1911.

Production of aircraft started
in the early 1930s.
In the auto1n otive and aerospace sectors, Saab-Scania 's
product progn:nn currently
con1priscs p<isscngcrs cars,
trucks and buses, conuncrcial and military aircraft,
satellites and 111issiles.
Outside th~ transport technology and con1111unication
sectors, Saab-Scania also
supplies advanced products

and systems in electronics,

optics and precision n1cchanics, as \\'ell as systems tor
energy recO\'ery and heating.
Saab-Scania, w ith sales of
SEK 35 billion and almost
50,000 employees, inves ts
more than SEK 2 billion annually in research and devclopn1ent. A similar an1ount is
invested in production and
the international marketing

San b-Scan ia's products are

conc<.'ntrated in \Veil-defined
business areas: high-perform~1ncc passenger cars, trucks
fo r heavy transport and aircraft for regional traffic.

T his concentration in exp ansive market segments,

co1nbined with substantial
investments in new products, has borne fruit. SaabScania today holds a leading position in the field of
specialised transport technology.

Saab-Scania's company
symbol represents
sound technical knOl\'
holv, long tradition and
broad-based experience.

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