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Spring Edition

April 6, 2010

How Attractive Are

Height and Erect
You? Posture An article
By J. Harris suggesting that women
are most attracted to
men who are 1.1 times
Most of us like to think we are their own height.
attractive, but science has Am I attractive?
Hairiness Women rate
compiled a list of what is men with no body hair
considered most attractive to both as most attractive, and
males and female. See how you that attractiveness ratings younger than
decline as hirsutism themselves for a wife.
measure up. increases.
Breast Size Full breasts may be
The following information was take Variability in Preference It has attractive to men in Western
been shown that women prefer societies because women with
from more masculine men during the higher breast to under-breast
Physical_attractiveness fertile period of the menstrual ratios typically have higher levels
cycle and more feminine men of the sex hormone.
Determinants of male physical during other parts of the cycle.
attractiveness Long Legs Women find longer Proportion of Body Mass to
legs to be more attractive. Body Structure American women
Facial Features Studies have were asked to choose what their
shown that ovulating heterosexual Determinants of females ideal build was and what they
women and gay men prefer faces physical attractiveness ( notice thought the build most attractive to
with masculine traits associated the women's list is longer than the men was. Women chose slimmer
with increased testosterone, such mens) than average figures for both
as heavy brows, wide jaws, and choices, though when American
broad cheekbones. Facial alignment The ideal men were independently asked to
attractive female face featured choose the female build most
"eye width that is three-tenths the attractive to them, they (the men)
Symmetry Studies suggest chose figures of average build.
width of the face at the eyes' level;
women are more attracted to men chin length, one-fifth the height of
with symmetrical features, and
noticed correlations between the face; distance from the center Waist-Hip Ratio Women with a
of the eye to the bottom of the 0.7 WHR (waist circumference
symmetry and other variables that is 70% of the hip
typically associated with eyebrow, one-tenth the height of
the face; the height of the visible circumference) are usually rated
masculinity, such as greater eyeball, one-fourteenth the height as more attractive by men from
height, broader shoulders, and
smaller hip-to-waist ratios of the face; the width of the pupil, European cultures. Other cultures
one-fourteenth the distance have a more varies preference.
between the cheekbones; and the
V-shaped Torso and Muscularity total area for the nose, less than 5 BWH ( bust, waist, and hip) It is
A near-universal sexually attractive percent of the area of the face referred to in popular culture as an
feature of a man is a v-shaped indicator of (female)
torso: a relatively narrow waist Signals of Youth Men desire, on attractiveness. A commonly
offset with broad shoulders average, a woman 2.5 years referred-to "ideal" set of BWH
measurements is 36-24-36 (i.e.
an hourglass shape.) One issue
with the BWH measurement as
an absolute indicator is that
breast cup size significantly
impacts the perceived
appearance of woman with
similar measurements.
Height Most men exhibit a
preference for females of
shorter physical stature than
Prototypicality as beauty The
more common features a face
bears, the more highly it is
usually judged to be attractive.
Skin Tone "Although virtually all
cultures express a marked
preference for fair female skin,
even those with little or no
exposure to European
imperialism, and even those
whose members are heavily
pigmented, many are indifferent
to male pigmentation or even
prefer men to be darker. A
consequence of this is that,
since higher-ranking men get to
marry the more attractive
women, the upper classes of a
society generally tend to
develop a lighter complexion
than the lower classes by sexual
In general, the vast majority of
us may posses some of these
characteristics, but fall short on
the majority, but there is no need
to fret because hey, Such Is Life.

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