POM 02.0 Product Design, Analysis - Development

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Product Design, Analysis, &



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Concepts in Product Design


Reverse Engineering
Research &

Product Life



Robust Design

Modular Design

Computer Aided
Design (CAD)

Concepts in Product Design

1. Research & Development
fundamental research
Advancement of state of knowledge
e.g. Law of Gravity
Applied research
for developing commercial applications
e.g. space rocket propulsion, high speed elevators etc on law
of gravity
2. Reverse Engineering
carefully dismantling competitors existing product
in steps to understand unique underlying concept
Competitors of Sony Corp handycam, digicam
3. Manufacturability
Designing in such a way that manufacturing can be done easily
considering existing capabilities low investments

Concepts in Product Design

4. Standardization
less variety new products with no major variation from
existing products e.g. Keyboards
low design cost & easy availability of components
lack of standardization e.g. OS Windows, Linux, etc.
5. Modular Design
type of standardization designing in parts & modules
modules are subassemblies of components
reduces efforts & time in designing & inventory management
entire module can be replaced in case of defect
6. Robust Design
Designing a product that can be operational in varying
easier than changing environment to suit product - Jeep vs.

Concepts in Product Design

7. Concurrent Engineering design team includes marketing, finance,
engineering, production, materials to advise on respective
opposite to classical sequential approach saves time & efforts .
8. Computer Aided Design (CAD)
a software to help making 3D design
can be seen at different places through intranet-internet
Earlier (without CAD) front, top & side views to be drawn
tedious & time consuming
9. Product Life Cycle 5 stages
low as


over time


Rise in


Product Design & Analysis

o In any business venture, product design is the 1st step immediately
after accepting the concept of the product.
Product design has direct bearing on plant layout & in-process
material flow.
In the process of product design, on has to critically analyse
different design features with relevance to places of use, substitute
materials, & carefully plan equipment alternatives for
manufacturing the product.
Therefore, purpose of product design & analysis is to determine &
specify products that will be profitable to manufacturers &
distributors & will give maximum human satisfaction.
o Various aspects in product design are:
Design for function
A product must perform the function expected by its customer.
If designed with functional features into account, the product will
create satisfied & repeat customers
Strengths & wearability of the product & its components are the
factors to be considered for functional design.


Product Design & Analysis

o Various aspects in product design are:
Design for making
A product, designed for function, but impossible to manufacture is
of no use.
So, attention to be given to material, fastening, etc.
Material properties must be within processing range
Making use of standard parts is an important aspects
Also, operation convenience of equipment must be considered
Design for selling
Designed for function & making but without any buyer is of no use
A product has to sell itself to the customers
The features like appearance & convenience, depends on the
customer needs
Product convenience can be improved by predetermined motion
time systems
So, designing, engineering, & psychology is used together

Product Design & Analysis

o Modules of product design & analysis
Product design may be classified into design for new products &
design for modification of existing products
Product design is a repetitive task
A careful analysis of the product attributes would reduce
obsolescence & extend products life.
The following are the various aspects of product design & analysis
Process planning & design
Value analysis / engineering
Standardization & simplification
Make or buy decision
Ergonomic consideration in product design
Concurrent engineering
** **

New Product Development: Concepts

o The rate at which a product reaches maturity stage depends on
technology, level of competition, rate of obsolescence, culture, taste
of customers, etc.
So, the organization must continuously monitor the market & its
environment for possible up-gradation of its product, to retain /
increase market share.
Up-gradation may be by changing some parts to improve
operational performance or by changing technology in producing.
Sometimes such a change for reducing price to be competitive
Flexibility is required to introduce products & change product mix
o Design of products offered by a company is strategic in nature
It affects companys success in market place & many interrelated
Consideration of type of product & its quality level addresses
objectives & policies guiding the design
Product design & reputation affect stakeholders perception

New Product Development: Concepts

o Some factors to be considered in designing the product
External appearance of a product influencing buying decision
Internal components affecting product performance, reliability,
durability, & hence, long term satisfaction of customers
Number, type, & complexity of the components affecting type of
suppliers to be dealt, extent of work & skills, production process,
capital investment, & operating costs.
o So, the design affects pricing, sales, revenues, & costs.
o As per estimates, 70% or more of manufactured product cost is
determined by its design.
A general guideline for designing is to reduce the number of parts a
company to make i.e. standardization & simplification
Standardization aims to have fewer choices of the components &
Simplification aims to have no more parts than necessary to
perform the product's intended function & tries to reduce
complexity of those parts.
** **

Steps in Product Design

a) Problem Assessment:
After having identified the problem in terms of a new
product/enhanced product, it is better to write down the problem
in clear terms.
Such exercise will narrow down the thinking process & come out
with precise problem statement which in turn narrate the function
of the problem.
b) Design Specification:
In this step, the requirements of the product are to be listed out.
Such requirements will fix the boundaries to design the product.
c) Idea Generation:
Doing a brainstorming session to propose suitable design to meet
the purpose of the product.
At this stage, a group of experts will generate ideas about the
design of the product.
Some of the ideas may be funny.
But, team leader should not curb the ideas.

Steps in Product Design

d) Screening & evaluation of ideas:
Rank the ideas in the descending order of their importance & utility
Select 1 or more ideas from the sorted list from top for design
Selecting more than one idea may be for bringing out more than
one model in the market.
e) Business Analysis:
In-depth study of the estimated economic feasibility of the product
Expected cost & revenues may be estimated in macro terms
Economic feasibility is done to check viability of the product
f) Concept design
rough design of the product is to be worked out in terms of the
components of the product, shape, & size of each of those
Then, 3 dimensional view of the product may be constructed on
the screen of a computer to have comparison of the product with
that of the idea of the product what is wanted.
Till the comparison is not through, the steps from idea generation
to the current step are repeated.

Steps in Product Design

g) Detailed design
The full details, like measurements for each part of the product, are
to be determined by taking the functional requirements of that
product in conjunction with the function/s of the product as a
Then create part drawings & assembly drawings of the product.
Also, develop the design of a 3-dimensional proto-type of the
g) Production of prototype & testing
Manufacture few units of the product & get feedback from
potential users for its designed features.
Sometimes, the prototype is to be sent to laboratory to test the
performance of the product.
g) Manufacturing
The design engineer in consultation with the process planning
engineer will design the manufacturing system with machineries &
equipment required if it is made in house.
Otherwise identify supplier who can produce to specification &
deliver units as per production plan

Steps in Product Design

h) Commercialization / Product Launch
Launching the product into the market may be at least a city in
select countries or in the most promising city in a country
Identify a good team leader to head the product development team
Allow more time for the early stages of the product design cycle
The specifications must be in clear terms
A compressed development schedule can be beneficial by spurring,
quicker, & more accurate thinking
The building & testing of the models should be relentless
Incremental innovation may be advocated for a greater success of
the company
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