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27 Alwasat Issue 5 - April 2010 Australian

A Legal Point of View can contact a business directly at if they knock on a door to which the
any time to advise that you do not sticker is affixed.
The Do Not Call/Knock Registers wish to receive telemarketing calls
from them in the future.
You can download a copy of the sticker
at the Consumer Affairs website (http://
There are a reduce the number of unwanted tele- The Do Not Call Register Act or contact
number of marketing calls you receive. Once you 2006, makes it illegal, in the absence me and I will send you a ‘Do not knock’
opportunities register your home phone or mobile of your consent, for any non-exempt PDF door sticker (PDF, 19.7KB).
that the Mus- numbers, telemarketers are required, by telemarketer in Australia or overseas to
lim commu- law, to stop calling you. Telephone num- contact a number listed on the register.
nity should bers can be registered only if they are If you want to register or want any more
be aware of used primarily for private and domestic information about the Do Not Call Reg- By Hyder Gulam. Hyder is a registered
Hyder Gulam regarding the purposes, and you cannot register a busi- ister, visit the following website at www. nurse, qualified lawyer, an accredited
Federal and ness number or fax., or call 1300 792 958. mediator, and a Fellow of the Royal
State Govern- Some public interest organisations, such 2. Do Not Knock College of Nursing Australia. Hyder
ment’s ‘Do Not...’ initiatives. This short as charities, political parties and edu- Do Not Knock is a Victorian Consumer works at Logie-Smith Lanyon Lawyers in
article will discuss these, and how these cational institutions, are exempt from Affairs initiative for people who are sick the area of Commercial and Corporate
Do Not Call/Knock registers can help these laws and are allowed to make calls of sales people door knocking at their practice.You can contact Hyder at hyder-
the Muslim community to reduce un- to numbers listed on the register. These home. It is a way to say no to door to
wanted sales solicitation at the privacy of exemptions are in place to ensure these door sales. This article is for educational and general
their home, or on their private/domestic organisations can continue to provide The Consumer Action Law Centre information only and should not be re-
telephone numbers. services to the community. Businesses (CALC) has released a “Do not knock” lied on as (or in substitution for) legal or
1. Do Not Call with which you have an existing rela- sticker, which warns sales representa- other professional advice.
The Do Not Call Register allows you to tionship may also call you, although you tives that they are in breach of the law
Religious intolerance has become too bi) the title “Hahambasha”, or Chief Wise
much a part of modern life. It is a fact of Man. Both actions show the respect for
life, though, that good people, of what- other faiths which was to symbolize the
ever faith, do not poke fun or try to insult Ottoman rule.
one another’s religion.
On the contrary, we find that real peo- The Example of Palestine
ple of faith are keen to get to know each We have only to look at Palestine under
other better and to learn from each oth- the Ottoman Empire, to see that this was
er. Goodness, wherever it is to be found, the greatest period when the region knew
comes from God. Where else would it peace. Christians, Muslims and Jews lived
come from? together happily in the holy city of Jeru-
We should never feel threatened by salem.
goodness. It is only a threat to us when Finally, a word of hope in our own day
our own faith is weak or lukewarm and it from the city of Edinburgh in Scotland.
shows up our own shortcomings. Idris Tawfiq Some weeks after the Israeli attack on
Since the very beginning, Islam has taught Gaza in January 2009, there was a rise

Religious Tolerance in
respect for the beliefs of others. We see it in anti-Semitic attacks and hate crimes in
in the teaching and the practice of Islam many countries.
right through history. Indeed, it is the sign In Edinburgh, the synagogue of the Unit-

Muslim History
of a Muslim that he or she respects the ed Hebrew Congregation was attacked
religion of others, and their Books and by vandals, allegedly protesting against
their Prophets. Those who teach other- the war on Gaza. The response from the
wise, Muslim or not, are distorting the theists that made the Muslims eventually lem from the Crusaders in 1187. Scottish-Islamic Foundation, Scotland’s
message of Islam. fight them, but because they broke the Those who wished to leave were guar- largest umbrella organization for Mus-
Muslims are no more or less perfect than terms of the treaty and sided with the en- anteed their safety. Those who wished to lims, was swift: “We will guard the syna-
anyone else. They believe, though, that emy which was attacking the city. remain were allowed to do so. gogue for you”, they said, if it proved too
the message they follow is a perfect mes- It is, in fact, one of the hallmarks of the In fact, allowing religious minorities to difficult for the Jewish community to do
sage and is meant for the whole of man- way Prophet Muhammad dealt with oth- live within the Muslim state would be so.
kind. Islam is perfect and it has existed ers, believers and non-believers, that he a test of how faithful the Muslims were What better example can we give of Mus-
since the beginning of time. would listen very carefully to what they to their high calling as a “mercy to man- lim attitudes to other faiths than that? The
Whilst some Muslims, throughout histo- had to say, and he would ask, “Have you kind”. Muslims of Scotland were prepared to
ry, have not always lived up to the beauty finished?” before giving an answer. Prophet Muhammad said, guard the synagogue of the Jewish com-
of its message, Islam itself has nothing He set the bench mark very high by He who unfairly treats a non-Muslim munity.
whatever to be ashamed of. showing Muslims that if they engage in who keeps a peace treaty with Muslims, Muslims believe that God (Allah) is the
It is an absolute basic belief of Islam, dialogue, they must listen with great re- or undermines his rights or burdens him Lord of all people on earth. He is not just
though, that people of other religions spect. beyond his capacity, or takes something the God of the Muslims. Because of this,
should be free to believe whatever they from him without his consent; then I am Muslims have a very great responsibil-
wish. In the Quran, which Muslims be- The Example of Jerusalem his opponent on the Day of Judgment. ity to act with justice and kindness to all
lieve to be the word of God, you can read When the second of the four rightly guid- (Abu Dawud) those who have not yet come to the full-
what means, ed Caliphs, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, entered ness of truth, which Muslims believe was
Jerusalem in 638 AD, he entered the city The Example of Spain revealed in the message of Islam.
[Let there be no compulsion in religion: on foot, out of respect for the holiness of There is a period in the history of Islam Muslims have a responsibility to teach
Truth stands out clear from error: Who- the place. which is lovingly known to Muslims as the the world about Islam. In the Quran we
ever rejects Satan and believes in Allah His first action was to clear the rubble Golden Age of Islam. This was the period read.
hath grasped the most trustworthy han- and the debris from the area of Al-Aqsa of the Muslims in southern Spain, which [Thus We have made of you a nation justly
dle, that never breaks, and Allah heareth Mosque and to cleanse the whole sight lasted for centuries. balanced, that ye might be witnesses over
and knoweth all things.] (Al-Baqarah with rose water. During this time, Christians and Jews the nations, and the Messenger a witness
2:256) There was no bloodshed. There was no held high office in the royal court. It was over yourselves.] (Al-Baqarah 2:143)
slaughter. Unlike the slaughter of 70,000 only when the Catholic monarchs, Fer- Religious intolerance has no place in our
In another place, God says what means, men, women and children which ac- dinand and Isabella, retook the Muslim world. Muslims and others should know
[Wilt thou (Muhammad) then compel companied the arrival of the Crusaders cities in the south that mosques and syna- that it has no place in Islam, either.
mankind, against their will, to believe?] in 1099, the Muslims entered the city gogues were burned down and Muslims
(Yunus 10:99) peacefully, signing a treaty with the Patri- and Jews were either expelled or forced Idris Tawfiq is a British writer who be-
The Example of Madinah arch Sophronius, which guaranteed their to convert. came Muslim a few years ago. Previously,
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) rights to worship, their lives and their Sultan Mehmet II officially recognized Pa- he was head of religious education in dif-
lived side by side with Jews and polythe- property. triarch Gennadius II as leader of the Or- ferent schools in the United Kingdom.
ists. In Madinah, he made treaties with The Patriarch, no doubt acting upon his thodox peoples throughout the Ottoman Before embracing Islam, he was a Roman
both, guaranteeing their freedom of re- lived experience in the city, asked that no Empire following the capture of Constan- Catholic priest. He now lives in Egypt.
ligion and joining with them in a pact to Jews be allowed to live in Jerusalem. Salah tinople in 1453. For more information about him, visit
defend the city. Al-Din, known as Saladin in the West, lift- In the same year, he granted to the leader
It was not that they were Jews or poly- ed this injunction when he retook Jerusa- of the Jewish community (the Chief Rab-

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