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What is induction

n(n + 1)
. The basic idea of induction
is to use P(n-1) to prove P(n). First you prove the base case which is P(0),
P(1), or P(kstart ). Then you prove the inductive step which means P(n-1)
P(n). Once both of these are accomplished, you have proven P(n) to be true
for all values of n kstart . Induction can also be applied in many other ways
such as having 2 base cases. In this situation you would prove P(kstart ) and
P(kstart +1) then your inductive step would be P(n-2) P(n). You can also use
strong induction in which you prove P(kstart ) as your base case, then for your
inductive step you use P(i) for kstart i n 1 to prove P(n). There is also
double induction in which your statement is dependent on two variables m and
n. In this case you would prove P(mstart1 , nstart2 ) as your base case and for your
inductive step you would prove P(mstart1 +1, nstart2 ) and P(mstart1 , nstart2 +1).
Induction is not limited to these examples, you need only to make sure to prove
the base case, the inductive step, and confirm that the inductive step covers all
Let P(n) be a statement such as,


2.1) Prove that




2.2) Prove that

n(n + 1)




2.3) Use 3 to develop a method to evaluate


ik .


2.4) Let m, n, and k be 3 nonnegative integers, prove that there are m+n+k
ways to start at the point (0, 0, 0) and travel to the point (m, n, k) moving
parallel to the x, y, and z axis in unit lengths.

A Harder Example

3.1) Picks theorem: Given a polygon in the Cartesian plane with all of its
vertices lattice points we have, A = I + B2 1 where A = area, I = the number

of lattice points inside the polygon, and B = the number of lattice points on
the perimeter of the polygon.
Hint) If we were to prove this with induction then clearly our base case is n
= 3 because there is no polygon with less than 3 sides. Now we can break the
base case into 3 subcases: triangles with 2 sides parallel to the x and y axis,
triangles with 1 side parallel to the x and y axis, and triangles with no sides
parallel to the x and y axis. You should also prove the inductive step before the
base case as it will help you prove the last 2 subcases.


4.1) Let n be a positive integer. Let S = {i| n i n}. Let T be a subset

of S such that the sum of any 3 elements in T (not necessarily distinct) is not
0. Maximize |T |.
4.2) Consider a sequence of positive integers ai such that gcd(ai+1 , ai ) >
ai1 i 1. Prove that an 2n n 0.
4.3) Consider a connected figure consisting of n unit squares that share edges
with each other. What is the maximal value of n such that the figure cant be
partitioned into 2 or more figures each of which contains at least 2007 connected
unit squares. Unit squares are connected if they share an edge, but they are not
connected if they only share a vertex.

4.4) Prove that for every nonnegative integer n, the number 77 +1 is divisible
by at least 2n+3 (not necessarily distinct) primes.
4.5) A merchant had a forty-pound measuring weight that broke into four
pieces as the result of a fall. When the pieces were subsequently weighed, it was
found that the weight of each piece was a whole number of pounds and that
the four pieces could be used to weigh every integral weight between 1 and 40
pounds. What were the weight of the pieces? What can you conclude about
values larger than 40?
4.6) Given that a and b are 2 relatively prime positive integers, prove that
the equation ax+by = 1 is always solvable in integers x and y.
4.7) For every positive integer n, prove that in the set of integers between 1
and 2n, inclusive, that if you pick n+1 distinct elements, then there exists two
of them such that one divides the other.
4.8) There is a real number r written on a blackboard. You can replace
any number written on the blackboard with two real numbers a and b such that
2r2 = ab. Prove that if you do this k 2 1 times then at least one of the numbers
does not exceed kr.

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