MES Apocalypse Lore Guide July 2015

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Table of Contents
LORES................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
GAROU LORE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
TRIBE LORE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
SPIRIT LORE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
UMBRA LORE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
FERA LORE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
WEAVER LORE ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
WYLD LORE........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
WYRM LORE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
BLACK SPIRAL DANCER LORE.............................................................................................................................................. 7
FAE LORE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
VAMPIRE LORE .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
WIZARD LORE .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
WRAITH LORE .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
BASTET LORE ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CORAX LORE .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
GURAHL LORE .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
NUWISHA LORE ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
RATKIN LORE ................................................................................................................................................................... 13



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Characters receive the first level of Garou Lore, the first level of their Tribe Lore (if any) for free upon character creation. Characters also
receive a number of free traits in Lores equal to the max Rank allowed by their Member Class. These free Lores cannot be spent for Lores
specific to a non-Garou genre or for Lores above 3. (So even if you play a cub but are allowed to be adren you get 3 freebies).
Lores that are High Approval for PCs are Low Approval for NPCs. Lores that are Top Approval for PCs are High Approval for NPCs.
With a teacher, once per month Galliards can learn a level of Garou Lore or a level of Tribal Lore no higher than level 4 at no cost.
Galliards can learn Garou Lore and Tribal Lore 4 at Low Approval, and 5 at High Approval. Tribal Lore must come from a Low Approval PC
character-type Tribe. This is not retroactive.
A Galliard is treated as having Tribal Lore for their own Tribe and Garou Lore at one higher level.
Unique Lore (Anything not covered below): 1-5 Top
Weaver/Wyld/Wyrm: 1-3 Low, 4-5 Top
BSD: 1-2 Low, 3-5 High
Fera/Garou/Spirit/Tribal/Umbra: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High
White Howler/Croatan/Bunyip: 1-5 Top
Bastet: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High for Bastet PCs; 1-5 High for all other PCs
Corax: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High for Corax PCs; 1-5 High for all other PCs
Gurahl: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High for Gurahl PCs; 1-5 High for all other PCs
Nuwisha: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High for Nuwisha PCs; 1-5 High for all other PCs
Ratkin: 1-3 Low, 4-5 High for Ratkin PCs; 1-5 High for all other PCs
Fae: 1-5 High (1-3 Low for Fianna)
Vampire: 1-5 High (1-3 Low for Silent Striders)
Wizard: 1-5 High
Wraith: 1-5 High (1-3 Low for Silent Striders)
What are Lores?
Lores contain a variety of different kinds of information. Partly they are history but they also include elements of biology, mythology, rumor,
and practical experience.
Lores are Additive. If you have Uktena lore then you know something about the spirits that serve Uktenas brood. But without spirit lore your
knowledge of that that means is limited. If you have BSD lore then you might know a good deal about the workings of that tribe, but without
wyrm lore your knowledge of the wyrm princes they serve and their ultimate goals may not make sense.
If you really wanted to know the details of a political alliance between the Silver Fangs and the Get in England to fight against the Bastet
you would have a much clearer picture if you had levels in All three lores than the single sided story you would get with only Get lore.
Some Lores, specifically Weaver, Wyld, Wyrm, and Black Spiral Dancer Lore can be very dangerous to learn at moderate to higher levels,
and simply knowing them can result in negative effects.

This lore covers not only the history of the breed but also the physical mechanics of shape shifting, the strengths of the various forms, the
garous mission, the auspice roles, Rites, ceremony, and the common breed and auspice gift mechanics.
Garou Lore 1
Basic knowledge of Garou forms, tempers, and that their powers increase for each rank
Can Recite the Litany by heart, and knows the basics of Garou customs.
Able to recognize Elders by name alone, including Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Sept, and most famous deeds
May spend 1 level of Garou Lore to identify an Elder as above, but without knowing their name
Is familiar with the events in the settings document
Can give short descriptions for each of the tribes and knows (and possibly believes) the stereotypes for each.
Garou Lore 2
Able to recognize Athro by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify an Athro as above, but without knowing their name
May know a few of the more famous stories of the Silver Record by heart
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify the sept alpha at any Sept.
Has a basic understanding of the War of Rage, but not why it occurred.
Aware of the existence of the Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin, but no major details.
Has knowledge of tribal weaknesses except for Uktena.
Knows all Basic Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Garou Lore 3
Able to recognize Adren by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify an Adren as above, but without knowing their name
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to know everything listed on the Wiki for a given sept, and other details at VST discretion
Has most of the Silver Record memorized to heart.
Knows all Intermediate Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld, and any Basic Gift from a source other than a Tribe book.
Able to recognize by name alone long-dead heroes of the nation, whose names may not be inscribed in the silver record.
Knows some details of the common fera (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin). Must make a Mental Challenge (retest Garou Lore) for
any details.
May challenge to recall Garou Lore at VST discretion.
Garou Lore 4
Able to recognize Fostern by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify a Fostern as above, but without knowing their name
Has a basic non-mechanics understanding of all Elder Gifts listed in Laws of the Wyld (i.e. you know that Silver Fang elders can learn to
transform themselves into pure silver, but not what effects that has), and any intermediate gift from a source other than a Tribebook.
May identify the names of any long-dead Athro of the nation or above with a successful mental challenge (retest garou lore)
May challenge to identify that a site was once a caern, and on a success may spend a Garou lore to identify which spirit guided it and
what type of caern it was.
Has insight into why the War of Rage occurred, as well as other fine-point details of Garou history.
Knows the names of the three fallen tribes and a vague idea of why they fell.
Aware of the existence of the Ananasi, Gurahl, Mokole, and Rokea, but no major details. (ex. You are certain that were-sharks exist, but
dont know them as Rokea or what theyre capable of).
Garou Lore 5
Able to recognize Cliath and even Cubs by name alone, including tribe, breed, auspice, sept, and most famous deeds
May spend 1 level of Garou lore to identify a Cliath (but not a Cub) as above, but without knowing their name
Knows details of the three fallen tribes and why they fell.
Knows some details of the less common fera (Ananasi, Gurahl, Mokole, and Rokea). Must make a Mental Challenge (retest Garou Lore)
for any details.
May make a Mental Challenge (retest Garou Lore) to recall particularly rare or esoteric facts about ancient Garou history.

All tribal lores follow this general format of knowledge. For example, Fianna Lore x3 would give you a passing familiarity with the entire
contents of the Fianna Tribebook.
Tribe Lore 1
You are familiar with all tribal descriptions in Laws of the Wyld: Revised and the W20 Core Rulebook.
You are familiar with all low approval/non secret camps in your tribe.
You are familiar with universal tribal customs, holidays, naming conventions, and legends (from the tribebooks)
You know the names, advantages, and bans of the spirits within the tribes brood.
You know of all sanctioned basic tribal gifts and rites from all sources.
You can spend a level of lore to find any local meeting areas or territories for the tribe which are open to all members of that tribe.
Tribe Lore 2
You are familiar with the major history, myths, and legends of the tribe as described in the tribebook
You are familiar with all high approval/non secret camps in your tribe.
You know of all sanctioned intermediate tribal gifts and rites from all sources.
Tribe Lore 3
You are familiar with the contents of your tribes tribebook, except for clearly defined tribal secrets
You are familiar with all camps and societies, even those which are secret.
You know of all sanctioned advanced tribal gifts and rites from all sources
You know all of the tribe who are even remotely active within your local VSS, as well as the names and ranks of all national and global
tribal leaders.
You can spend a level of your tribe lore to make contact with a member of any Gaian camp within the tribe (i.e. not Man-Eaters, Eaters of
the Dead, etc),, or a teacher for any tribe-specific fighting style (such as Iskakku).
Tribe Lore 4
You have an expansive knowledge of the tribal history, and know many of the little-known details that either dont make it into the normal
stories are often inflated/embellished. Assume to know all of the details and questions mentioned in the tribebook, unless it is specifically
stated that it is only known by a select number of individuals (such as the secret of the Betrayed Moon for the Silver Fangs). These
deepest-of-secrets are outside the purview of the Lore System.
You know how to get to your Tribal Homeland in the Umbra (if not lost).
You know the tales of artifacts great and small of the Tribe, and even rumors of their whereabouts.
Tribe Lore 5



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Tribe Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor spirits would know.
You know details on any tribal offshoots (such as the Kucha Ekundu for the Red Talons, or the Hakken for the Shadowlords)
You can recognize any nuance in spirits of your tribes brood (i.e. recognizing if a rat spirit is aligned with Mama Rat or the Rat God with
Bone Gnawer Lore).

Spirit Lore 1
You know the difference between spirits and ghosts.
You can generally divide spirits into tangible representations (Naturae & Inanimae) and intangible abstractions (Enigmatics).
You can name most common spirits of all classifications.
You know that spirits are made of essence.
You know the ranking of spirits by power: Epiphlings, Gafflings, Jagglings, Greater Jagglings, Incarna, Celestines, the Triat.
Essence also serves as currency in the Umbra.
Spirit Lore 2
Expend a level of Spirit Lore to identify one possible appropriate chiminage for a common spirit
You know that spirits can be physically harmed, banished or even destroyed if they are fought in the Umbra.
You know that spirits have some sort of complex ranking or hierarchy among themselves, although you're at a loss as to how to
understand it.
You know that spirits universally must follow their taboos, lest they fall into involuntary slumber.
You know that the mightiest of spirits normally seen in the Penumbra are referred to as the Incarna, and that these roughly equate to
Gods or Goddesses and tend to represent far reaching universal concepts such as the Sun, the Sky, Love, War etc...
Spirit Lore 3
You know that the more abstract spirits tend to remain in the plane of "thought", the Astral Plane, whereas representations of living things
remain in The Middle Umbra and that they differ much in behavior.
You can name most uncommon spirits of all classifications.
You know that new spirits come into existence each time a new thought, idea, or thing is birthed, shaped from the endless substance of
the umbra. You know that there are an infinite number of spirits.
You have a decent understanding of possession and how it can affect the host.
You know most of the common charms that spirits possess.
Spirit Lore 4
You know of the powerful allies and creations that the Wyrm possesses. You know of Psychomachinae, Nexus Crawlers and other
powerful minions and banes of the Wyrm.
You know all of the common charms and uncommon charms that spirits possess.
You can recognize and name rare brood spirits and uncommon universal spirits.
You know how to properly craft a contract with a spirit without screwing yourself or getting others screwed.
You know the chain of command for the spirits around you. Gafflings serve Jagglings, Jagglings serve greater Jagglings, greater
Jagglings vary in shapes and power who work for Incarna spirits.
Spirit Lore 5
You can name some unique or very rare spirits.
You know that the Universal (meaning Helios, Luna, Jupiter, etc.) Celestines have existed before all other spirits, and that they have
never been usurped in their station. You get the impression that they existed before all things.
You know all of the addendum-listed charms that spirits can possess.
You know many secret legends surrounding bound banes and bound spirits in the real world and the umbra.
You think you know the secret of Anthelios, the Red Star and how close the world came to Apocalypse.
You know the bans of just about every Totem Spirit out there. .
There are secrets in your possession that the Wyrm and Weaver desire. You know that when you enter the Umbra, more than Wyld
spirits are alerted to your presence.

Umbra Lore 1
You are familiar with the concepts of Moon Paths, Moon Bridges, Spirit Tracks, and Spirit Gates.
You can identify the thickness of the Gauntlet
You know that Shape Changers do not need to eat or drink within the Umbra as long as they have sufficient Gnosis.
You are aware of spirits and where to start looking for them in the Umbra.
You can travel in the penumbra without getting too lost.
Umbra Lore 2
You are aware of the concept of realms and that the umbra is much deeper than it appears
You are able to glean simple truths from others by looking at their Umbral appearance.
You can navigate the pattern web around a city without difficulty and can travel long distances in the penumbra in safety



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

You can find territory marks for local spirits

You understand the base cosmology: The Gauntlet, the Penumbra, the Near Umbra, and the Deep Umbra. You know just enough to
know that the Deep Umbra is dangerous for even the most seasoned of Umbral travelers.
Umbra Lore 3
You can make a mental challenge (RT Umbra Lore) to recognize how a change in the Umbra might affect Physical World.
You can name all of the canon Near Umbral realms and know that they operate on different rules
You know of the Tribal Homelands
You are familiar of the safest times to travel Moon Paths, and what dangers might be found during other times.
You know of the Rite of Becoming, and you have heard tales of the Rite of Silver Cleansing
You can navigate the near umbra safely or quickly
You know how caerns and shallowings impact the landscape
You know the differences between Domains, Mini-Realms, Zones and Sub-Realms.
Umbra Lore 4
You can spend a level of Umbra Lore to know one Law to the Umbral Realm you are in
You know how to enter the Periphery, and why a Garou might desire to do so.
You know that realms can be lost and found according to the beliefs held by humanity and Garou.
You can recognize a gauntlet or barrier
You can navigate within the penumbra or Near Umbra without getting lost under normal circumstances
You know most of the anchorheads within a weeks travel of your area
You know the difference between the Deep Umbra and the Dark Umbra, and what might be within each.
Umbra Lore 5
You know the Laws to each of the 13 Near Realms.
You know what it takes to enter Summer Country; while the specific requirements change depending on the need, you can generally
tease out the steps you will need to take.
You can navigate the Web without the use of Gifts, with difficulty.
You know what a Vista is, and might recognize it should you find one.
You know what the Membrane is, specifically.
You can recognize other umbral travelers (astral, spectral etc.)
You know about any large umbral features within your home region that are not actively hidden
You can spend a level of Umbra Lore to navigate (at ST discretion) a very small part of the Deep Umbra

Fera Lore 1
Know of the existence and some details of Bastet (Pumonca and Qualmi), Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin.
If Fera, can recognize a Rank 5 of your own Changing Breed by name alone, including Tribe, Breed, Auspice, Sept, and most famous
May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 5 as above, but without knowing their name.
You know some of the old stories and treat them with suspicion or wonder as your nature dictates.
Know and can recognize the Basic Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breed.
You know that countless breeds were killed off during the War of Rage.
Fera Lore 2
Know of the existence of the Gurahl and some details.
Know and can recognize the Intermediate Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breed.
If Fera, can recognize a Rank 4 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.
May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 4 as above, but without knowing their name.
Can recognize a Rank 5 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.
You can form opinions about which of the Shifter types is to blame for the War of Rage.
You know which shifters are Of the Wyrm and not to be trusted.
You know the common Breeds (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin) purpose under Gaia.
Fera Lore 3
You can recognize and understand some of the breed languages (Bastet, Corax, Nuwisha, and Ratkin) but not speak them.
Know the Gurahls purpose under Gaia.
You know of the Ananasi, Kitsune, Mokole and Rokea, and some general details.
You know the old stories of the breeds from before the war and where they are now.
You have heard of the Ahadi and the Emerald Court.
Know of the remaining Bastet Tribes (except the Ceilican) and the different cat breeds they come from.
If Fera, can recognize a Rank 3 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.
May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 3 as above, but without knowing their name.
Know and can recognize the Basic Gifts and Rites of your own Changing Breeds.
Can recognize a Rank 4 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Fera Lore 4
If Fera, can recognize a Rank 2 of your own Changing Breed by name alone.
May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify a Rank 2 as above, but without knowing their name.
Can recognize a Rank 3 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.
You know the Ananasi, Kitsune, Mokole, and Rokeas purpose under Gaia.
You can recognize the more Basic effects of other Fera Changing Breeds Gifts and magics.
You understand some of the limitations of the various other shifters (lack of spirits, inability to step sideways) but not their cause.
Fera Lore 5
You could spot a Rokea betweener in a crowded fish market.
You can speak to other Changing Breeds in their native tongue.
If Fera, can recognize any Kinfolk or member of your own Changing Breed by name alone.
May spend 1 level of Fera Lore to identify any member of your breed without knowing their name.
Can recognize a Rank 2 of other Changing Breeds by name alone.
You know what happened to the Ajaba, the Okuma and the lost breeds.
Know of the existence of the Ceilican, and the Nagah, but couldnt tell a lot about them.
You could recognize some of the lost breed gifts if anyone still knew them.
You have a working cultural understanding of the breed differences.
The Ahadi and Emerald court are known you to directly even if their inner workings and politics are still a bit fuzzy.

Weaver Lore 1
The Weaver is a spirit of names and order, it operates to make reality make sense.
Can generally work with Weaver spirits when given a clue about chiminage.
Can recognize Weaver technology and cyber-fetishes.
Can recognize a Weaver spirit as Not Gaian or Wyrm.
Weaver Lore 2
Can tell the difference between a Weaver heavy gauntlet and a naturally thick one.
Know that some Weaver spirits are a blend of Weaver and Wyrm or Wyld and Weaver.
Has heard about Weaver specific umbral realms but not their details.
Can work with Weaver spirits without misunderstanding.
Weaver Lore 3
Can start to hear the strains of the Onesong
Familiar with technofetishes.
You know the various geomids and some of the rules of places like the Cyber-realm or the Scar.
Weaver Lore 4
You can hear the One Song and always carry Weaver Taint.
You can identify most Weaver spirits by sight, or sound if you can hear them talking.
You have designed multitudes of new Cyber Fetishes or new kinds of Weavertech.
You can sense Weaver-taint if given a good way to detect it.
Weaver Lore 5
You know the Weavers ultimate plans and why it is or isnt insane.
You can speak with Weaver spirits as easily as breathing.
You can spot a drone, know what they are, and some of the types.
You can identify even some of the rarer Weaver charms.
You know how to avoid security and get in and out of even the most secure Weaver realms.
The character gains the Flaw: Dark Fate without any points, as their understanding of the weaver very nearly guarantees their eventual
succumbing to the One Song, and they will either die or become an NPC.

Wyld Lore 1
You can identify some of the tamer more common Wyld Spirits.
You know how to bargain with some avatars of the Wyld.
You understand the ideals of some of the more Wyld aligned Shifters and Tribes
Can recognize a Wyld spirit as Not Gaian or Wyrm.
Wyld Lore 2
You begin to understand the futility of trying to organize chaos.
Names and general locations of Wyld Realms



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Generally bargain with and identify Wyld spirits

Wyld Lore 3
You can name most of the types of Wyld spirit.
You have heard rumors of gorgons.
You know the names and general locations of some Wyld aligned realms.
You can generally bargain with and identify Wyld spirits.
You understand some of the Wyld/Wyrm and Wyld/Weaver hybrids.
Wyld Lore 4
You start to see the glimmer that at the center of chaos is .... more chaos.
You have heard of an abscess and might know how to deal with one.
You know about and can diagnose Wyld taint.
You can describe the different kinds of gorgons and their powers.
Wyld Lore 5
You can pass in an out of most Wyld realms without harm.
You know details of many Wyld spirits and their charms.
You can identify Wyld taint on sight and know of several gorgons around the world.
The character gains the Flaw: Dark Fate without any points, as their understanding of the wyld very nearly guarantees their eventual fall
to madness, and they will either die or become an NPC.

Wyrm Lore 1
You know that before the Weaver tried to bind the Wyrm, the Wyrm was a natural, necessary force to maintain balance.
You know that there are three heads to the hydra that is the Wyrm the Eater of Souls, the Beast of War, and the Defiler Wyrm.
You understand the difference between being tainted and of the Wyrm, though not necessarily how to tell the two apart.
You have heard of the realm of Malfeas though not how to get there, and not the full intricacies.
Wyrm Lore 2
Can identify many of the powers of Fomori and the different types of Fomori
You have a greater grasp of the types of creatures to be considered of the Wyrm.
You know how to spot a blight when you see one, and are able to pick out other areas that have high probability of corruption.
Wyrm Lore 3
At this point you have delved deeper into the study of the Wyrm than most others would be comfortable with, and your comrades may not
be the only ones who notice.
You know that Nexus Crawlers were once of the Wyld, but were corrupted.
You are well aware of most any Wyrm creature and know general locations within your local area where they congregate.
You know a handful of Wyrm spirits that serve as totems for Black Spiral Dancers and can rattle off a dozen flavors of fomori.
You know about the Wyrm realms, Wyrm anchorheads, and what a Wyrm pit is capable of.
Minions of the Wyrm hunt you down constantly because you know too much.
Wyrm Lore 4
The minions of the Wyrm know who you are.
Banes will more readily talk to you, though this does not mean that what they say is necessarily true.
You are familiar with some general locations of powerful places of the Wyrm.
Your knowledge of the Wyrm may cause some suspicion amongst the Gaian populous, and minions of the Wyrm actively seek you out
because of your knowledge.
You are aware of the Wyrm's strength, and know that it can never be destroyed - only healed.
Wyrm Lore 5
You know the secrets of the black labyrinth.
The Heresy of the Wyrms escape.
The purpose of the Spiral - to be revealed to a player who actually gains this level of lore.
At this level of Lore the character gains Flaw: Taint of Corruption and Flaw: Dark Fate without any points, as they are drawn to the Wyrm
and they will either die or fall to the Wyrm.


Black Spiral Dancer Lore 1
You are aware of common Basic Black Spiral Dancer Gifts, Charms used by Jaggling and Gaffling Banes,
You are aware of what Black Spiral Dancers look like in crinos form and are aware of some of the telltale signs many display such as
hints of balefire within their eyes and darkened black fur.
You know the Black Spiral Dancers were once a Tribe of Garou, and are comprised of all Tribes of fallen Garou.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Black Spiral Dancer Lore 2

You are aware of a variety of Black Spiral Dancer Gifts and Totems.
You are aware of the Black Spiral Rite of Transmogrification.
You know that the Black Spiral Dancers tribal totem is Whippoorwill.
The Black Spiral Dancers were a European Tribe called the White Howlers
You know that the Black Spiral Dancers are far less restrictive when it comes to gifts and can venture a ways outside their auspicial or
breed restrictions without issue.
You are aware of a few stories of some Black Spiral Dancers accomplishments.
Black Spiral Dancer Lore 3
You know the story of the White Howlers fall.
You know that the Black Spiral dancers follow a dark litany.
You know the mechanics of most of the tribal gifts and rites.
You are aware of the most prominent tribal totems.
You can name or identify Elder living spirals.
Black Spiral Dancer Lore 4
You know all of the totems the spirals serve.
You know the veiled history of the white howlers and how the tribe fell
You can identify members of Whippoorwills brood and know their common chiminage
You know the BSDs role in the creation of the skin dancers
You can name most of the Athros of the tribe.
Black Spiral Dancer Lore 5
You know any Spiral worthy of note from pack alphas to pit leaders.
You can find pits and hellholes anywhere you go.
You know how to navigate the Wyrmholes between locations and how to use corrupted moon bridges.
You know prominent members of the nations who are considered targets for conversion.

Fae Lore 1
Stories of faeries and faerie magic are based on something real and mysterious in the world that might not exist today.
Dreams really do have magical qualities and power.
Faeries of some kind really do exist, but theyre invisible!
Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, especially including major Norse and Celtic
mythological references.
Knowledge of a few traditional remedies for or wards against faeries and their magic from superstitious folklore.
Fae Lore 2
Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, including major Native American and Slavic
mythological references.
Faeries are especially fond of children and untamed wilderness settings.
There are fewer faeries around today because most people no longer believe in them, and that weakens their power.
Faeries and human dreams go hand-in hand they affect one another. Faeries know our dreams, and often try to make them come true,
though sometimes they choose our nightmares as well.
Faeries tend to gather at magical faerie places, and they really do have kings and queens.
Faeries can be warded against with holy symbols.
May have knowledge of one or two fae (i.e., kithain, nunnehi, inanimate, etc.) Arts, Bunks, or Birthrights, or any obvious effects of some
Treasures. This information will not be detailed. He called the ball silly names to make it mad, and it jumped down out of the tree without
him even moving to get it.
Faeries claim to be directly connected to the Tuatha de Danaan, elves, dwarves, giants, goblins, Fomorians, etc. of ancient faerie myths.
Fae Lore 3
Faeries hide themselves from mortal ken, and their dream-magic helps them make mortals forget.
Information from alternative culture texts and folklore about accounts with Faerie, including many obscure aboriginal Asian, African, or
South American mythological references.
Like some faerie folklore says, one actually can resist faerie magic by convincing themselves that it has no real power against them. Its
not as simple as not clapping your hands, but it does seem to drive off faerie creatures. Cold Iron, but not wrought or cast iron, seems to be
the most effective ward there is against the fae.
Can make a Mental Challenge to discern how folklore may intersect with a particular scenario involving the Fae.
May have knowledge of one or two faerie-specific terms, but does not understand what they mean aside from their literal meanings or
Faerie magics can be horribly wrathful, and are very unpredictable to mortals, being so alien to human thought that they might even
seem whimsical. Faeries are definitely very passionate creatures, for good or for ill.
Can attempt to locate local gathering places for Fae or attempt to make contact with one.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Faeries can sap a mortals will and enchant them into doing their bidding, and most mortals are helpless against it.
Fae Lore 4
The majority of those who believe themselves to be faeries of some kind refer to themselves as kithain. There are other terms that
apply to certain groups, but its unlikely a character knows those terms at this level.
Faeries come in many kinds, each known as a kith. (Knows the names of the common major kiths, and that different kiths have different
weaknesses and powers, but with a lot of inaccurate details).
Faeries like fun places, artistic and natural settings, creative people, and places where there are usually children, such as playgrounds.
Some faeries like modern free-thinking better and rebel against their nobles.
Has an understanding of the standard Arts (those featured in The Shining Host plus Metamorphosis) and what they can do think
general overview with very little actual detail. Also knows that certain objects can hold magic.
Knows that there is much more faerie magic going on all the time than is known, but that it is almost all invisible to mortals.
Fae Lore 5
Can name the kiths and give detailed descriptions (Equal to the descriptions in the Shining Host or The Shining Host: Players Guide).
May know some kithain-specific terms (as words with very rough understanding of their true definitions and significance).
Understands the basics of the Changeling Way reincarnation cycle without knowing what it's called.
Knows about kithain culture (i.e., ideas behind the power of Oaths, justice by Fior, etc.).
May have heard rumors of the kith-specific or rarer Arts (Skycraft, Aphrodesia, Infusion, Kryos, Spirit Link, Inanimae Slivers, Shadow
Court - highly unlikely! - etc.).
Knows that many faeries fear the end of humanitys hopes and dreams is coming in some kind of cosmic change, and that nobody will
believe in them at all anymore.

Vampire Lore 1
Knows without a doubt that vampires are real, and are minions of the Wyrm.
Knows that the historical weakness to fire and sunlight works well, and other famous weaknesses may or may not.
Knows that vampires must drink the blood of the living to stay active.
Knows that not all vampires are allies, and some may work against one another.
Can make a Static Mental challenge (difficulty 10 Traits, retest Vampire lore) to identify a vampire with particularly obvious features (not
casting a reflection in a nearby mirror, has the unearthly aura of a vampire of a path of enlightenment, unmasked Nosferatu). This
identifies that this is clearly a vampire and not some other supernatural entity.
Vampire Lore 2
Familiar with the basic physical disciplines (Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude) and generally how they work (up to Advanced).
Aware that what a vampire can do often depends on its type (clan), though you couldnt characterize these types beyond the most
general (Physical leeches vs Social leeches.)
Aware that even though minions of the Wyrm, not all vampires bear the taint, and some may smell clean. You are not sure why this is.
Knows that some vampires are capable of turning into wolves and other animals and sometimes live in the wilderness.
With Bone Gnawer/Shadowlord/Silent Strider Lore 2, has some vague familiarity with the clan that tribe has the most dealings with
(Nosferatu for Bone Gnawers, Tzimice for Shadowlords, Followers of Set for Silent Striders) including their 3 in-clan disciplines and
generally how they work (up to Advanced)
Vampire Lore 3
Familiar with the other common disciplines and generally how they work.
Aware that some ancient vampires have more terrifyingly advanced powers than those most vampires possess, though you are not sure
of specifics (Elder powers)
Aware of the existence of two sects, one that hides in the shadows and corrupts slowly and often through manipulation of humans, and
another which corrupts rapidly, often through massive creation rituals and wanton destruction. These sects appear to be at war with one
Knows that vampires have their own form of the Veil which they take as seriously as Garou do.
May make a mental challenge (retest vampire lore) after a round of combat with a common clan vampire to identify, vaguely what
disciplines it should have and what its weakness is. If testing against an uncommon clan, you only learn that you havent seen this type
May know a couple of common clan names.
Knows that a vampire without Wyrm taint is trying to live a more humane life than its peers. This seems to only happen with younger
vampires, and vampires who survive usually end up corrupted and degenerate.
Vampire Lore 4
Can name the warring sects (The Camarilla and the Sabbat) and has a novice understanding of their goals and intentions
Can identify the major clans of both sects, and vaguely what theyre capable of (though not specifics).
Aware of independent vampires, which often have other peculiar powers, though may not know the names of these clans.
Can make a mental challenge (retest vampire lore) to identify prime locations where vampires would be likely to hunt or gather. This
doesnt mean vampires will gather or hunt here, only that you can better predict common patterns of behavior.
Knows that some vampires have various forms of blood magic (including necromancy) and may know a few basic tricks they can do with



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

You are aware that vampires can teach their powers to other vampires, so some vampires may have different powers than what their
clan may suggest.
Vampire Lore 5
Can identify all of the clans listed in Laws of the Night: Revised and knows generally what they can do.
As a seasoned hunter, small tell-tale signs give away the vampiric nature of most. You may make a contested mental challenge (retest
Vampire Lore vs Subterfuge) to identify that an individual is a vampire. This is passive; you should let the presiding ST know you have this
level of lore and that this challenge should be made if in the room with a vampire.
Familiar with uncommon disciplines up to advanced, including Independent-clan powers.
May know some common discipline elder powers
Has a vague understanding of the nature of generation, and may have heard of vampires worshipping the First Vampire, which they call
May have heard that some vampires seek to redeem themselves from their curse, and that these vampires are shunned or outright killed
by other vampires.

Wizard Lore 1
Knows of the existence of Namebreakers, Wizards, Mages, or other terms for the humans who have the ability to change the world
around them in unpredictable ways.
Is aware of the dangers of allowing a wizard too close to a Caern.
Knows that while some wizards may bear allegiance to the Wyrm, there is no natural predisposition of Wizards towards the Wyrm.
Knows that fighting a mage inside their territory is much more difficult than fighting them outside of it, but not why.
Wizard Lore 2
Has recognized that mages tend to prefer coincidental magic outside of their territory, but arent sure why.
Understand why Wizards are called Namebreakers..
Know that different mages have very different rituals to work their magic, but the result is often the same.
Can make a mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore) to identify an obvious supernatural effect as wizardly in origin.
Knows that many wizards have no love for Wyrm-tainted wizards, and may be more likely to help in deposing of one.
Wizard Lore 3
Knows that most wizards organize themselves into traditions much like Garou tribes, which heavily flavors the kind of magic they do.
Can name a few of the traditions and vaguely the kind of magic they frequently do.
Has a vague concept of what can cause magic to backfire and why mages prefer to work away from human witnesses.
Can make a mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore) to attempt to get in contact with a wizard.
May have vaguely heard of Weaver-tainted wizards that are opposed to other wizards.
Wizard Lore 4
Has a passing familiarity with the spheres of magic.
Can name most of the traditions and what sphere they prefer.
Aware of the idea of sanctums and how they prevent paradox.
Wizard Lore 5
If a Wizard has active magical effects on them, may make a contested mental challenge (retest Wizard Lore vs Subterfuge) to identify
them as a willworker.
Is aware of the Technocracy and their conventions, and the threat they represent to other mages.

Wraith Lore 1
You know of the existence of a World beyond this one, inhabited by Ghosts.
You know that they are insubstantial in this World, and can never affect it.
You know they have a society, much like our own, and long to return to this world.
You know something of their lifecycle (pathos, angst).
Wraith Lore 2
You have learned a little more of the dead. You know that not all Souls return to the afterlife. Only those with great issues to deal with
return, and then not always. You know that Ancestor Spirits are NOT Wraiths.
You know now that their Society had a strict order, called the Hierarchy, who governed all of their number with an iron grip.
You know that they live an alternative version of the real world, The Dark Umbra
You know that there are two main factions in the Dark Umbra are the Renegades, who seek local control, and the Unity Army, who seek
to unite all the Dark Umbra under one government.
You now know that Wraiths are bound to items or people within this World, that they call Fetters.
You have heard that the Dark Umbra was nearly destroyed in some great calamity shortly before the Millennium.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Wraith Lore 3
You know that All that has decayed and been destroyed here, that had great meaning in this world, reappears in the Dark Umbra; or the
Shadowlands as Wraiths call it.
You have a working knowledge of wraith physiology (Corpus, Pathos,, Harrowings), and that almost all Wraiths carry some amount of
Wyrm taint due to their connections to death.
Except in rare cases, Garou do not become Wraiths when they die.
You also know of corrupted Wraiths called Spectres who attack and destroy other Wraiths.
You know that the Dark Umbra was an inhospitable wasteland until the early part of the current decade. Most of what was, is no more.
You know Wraiths refer to this as The 6th Great Maelstrom.
Wraith Lore 4
You know religious belief is a strong power within the lands of the Dead, and those of the same beliefs often flock together. They are
referred to by other Wraiths as Heretics.
You know Wraiths use powers similar to Charms, and you understand most of them. .
You know that there are many different types of Spectre and where they come from. You know that their relationship to Wraiths is more
complicated than simple antagonism.
You have a good working knowledge of the Shadowlands geography and natural hazards.
Wraith Lore 5
You have heard of the Malfeans or Neverborn who seek the destruction of all existence. It is said that they control the Spectres.
You have heard Charon may have returned to the Dark Umbra..
You know what Stygia, the Guilds, and the Deathlords were, and that they were all destroyed in the 6th Great Maelstrom.

Bastet Lore 1
Familiar with the Bastet Lexicon in W20: Changing Breeds p. 71, as well as Renown, Breeds, Priyo, and Forms
If Bastet, aware of your own Tribal Java (but no others)
Familiar with the basic description of the Bastet Tribes (not Distribution, Organization, or Yava) found in W20: Changing Breeds, except
for the Ceilican
Familiar with Basic Gifts of the Pumonca and Qualmi (as playable tribes)
Bastet Lore 2
Has a basic knowledge of major events in Bastet history (see history in W20:CB)
Learns of the basic Rites of the Bastet: Kuasha, Moon, Need and Taghairm
Familiar with Pumonca and Qualmi Intermediate Gifts, and at ST discretion may recognize other Bastet Tribe gifts in use.
Bastet Lore 3
Full familiarity with the non-tribe specific, non-optional details of Bastet in W20:CB and Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds.
Aware of the Ceilican, though this is not sufficient lore to know if they are still alive
Knows the Organization section for all tribes except Ceilican
May spend a level of Bastet Lore to get in contact with a Bastet in the area.
Bastet Lore 4
Knowledge of all the tribes except for the tribal Java, and access to specific secrets within your own tribe (ST discretion)
You know the tales of artifacts great and small of the Bastet, and even rumors of their whereabouts (ST discretion whether those rumors
are true).
Bastet Lore 5
Privy to Major Secrets of your Tribe (ST discretion)
Knows of the Hengeyokai and Ahadi, and may spend a point of Lore to attempt to contact a feline member via spirit messengers

Corax Lore 1
Understand the basic duties, traditions, and naming conventions of the Corax.
You can spend a level of Corax lore to locate the nearest active Corax.
You know Raven's Laws
You know all sanctioned basic Corax gifts and rites from all sources
Corax Lore 2
Has a basic understanding of the major events in Corax history
Knows of Rara Avis form, and general Corax form strengths and weaknesses..
You know . all sanctioned intermediate Corax gifts and rites from all sources
You can recognize the various umbral markings that the Corax use to warn other Corax.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

Knows the basic camps of the Corax and rumors of other camps
Corax Lore 3
Has basic knowledge of the most notable Corax (Volucris and Corvis) in history
Understands the History of the War of Rage and how the Corax assisted the Garou in order to survive
Knows how the Rite of the Fetish Egg works and the role of a Guardian
Corax Lore 4
You have an expansive knowledge of Corax history, and know many of the little-known details that either dont make it into the normal
stories are often inflated/embellished. Assume to know all of the details and questions mentioned in the Corax section of Laws of the Wild:
Changing Breeds
Corax Lore 5
You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Corax Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor spirits would know.

Gurahl Lore 1
You are familiar with the terms in the Gurahl Lexicon in W20: Changing Breeds p.105, as well as the basics of Gurahl culture, renown,
and rank advancement (What a Kovi would reasonably know)
You know the Code of Ursa
You are familiar with Gurahl Tribes and their purposes, as well as Breeds and Forms
You are familiar with basic Gurahl gifts and rites
Gurahl Lore 2
You understand the simplified history of the Gurahl as per the Changing Breeds book
You are familiar with intermediate Gurahl gifts and rites
You are familiar with all three aspects of the Great Bear.
Gurahl Lore 3
You are familiar with the full standard history of the tribe (see W20 and LotW Changing breeds books)
You are familiar with notable Gurahl (Rank 4 and 5), living and dead
You are familiar with Advanced Gurahl gifts and rites - except for the details on Gaias Breath and the Rite of Fighting the Death Bear
Gurahl Lore 4
You have an expansive knowledge of Gurahl history, and know many of the little-known details that either dont make it into the normal
stories are often inflated/embellished. Assume to know all of the details and questions mentioned in the Gurahl section of Laws of the Wild:
Changing Breeds
You are intimately familiar with how Gaias Breath and the Rite of Fighting the Death Bear work, and know the dangers and sacrifices
each require.
Gurahl Lore 5
You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Gurahl Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor spirits would know.

Nuwisha Lore 1
You are familiar with the basics of Nuwisha culture, renown, and rank advancement (What a youngin would reasonably know) everything in W20: Changing breeds p. 166-168 except the section on history and the section on the Umbral Dansers
Knows the Trickster's Laws.
Knows the Enemies of the Nuwisha - The Children of Worm and Spider, who still have not forgiven Coyote nor his Children for the Tricks
they played on them.
You are familiar with the Nuwisha totems and their bans
You are familiar with basic Nuwisha gifts and rites
Nuwisha Lore 2
Has a basic knowledge of major events in Nuwisha History, such as the War of the Pure Lands and the arrival of the Wyrmcomers.
You are familiar with the Umbral Dansers as described in W20: Changing Breeds
You are familiar with Nuwisha only toys (Fetishes)
You may spend a level of Nuwisha lore to find the nearest Nuwisha who is willing to be found.
You are familiar with Intermediate gifts and rites
Nuwisha Lore 3
Knows of the Gifts and Rituals available to the Nuwisha with few exceptions.
You have heard of those Nuwisha who have fallen to the Wyrm: the Bitter Grins.



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

You have basic knowledge of the most notable Nuwisha in history and around the World, and understand the Role of the Elder in
Nuwisha Society.
Has a basic understanding of the Legends of the War of Rage and the atrocities committed by the Garou against the Nuwisha.
Nuwisha Lore 4
Deeper understanding of both Wars of Rage and the Storm Eater (ST discretion - assume to know all details in the Nuwisha sections of
sanctioned books)
May spend a level of Nuwisha Lore to get in contact with nearby Umbral Dansers
Nuwisha Lore 5
You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Nuwisha Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor spirits would know.

Ratkin Lore 1
You are familiar with the basics of Ratkin culture, renown, auspices, breeds (W20:Changing Breeds 178-181: Note, this does NOT
include the section on history or of the Nezumi) and the lexicon on W20: Changing Breeds p.181
Basic knowledge of the Litany of Survival.
May spend a level of Ratkin Lore during downtime to recognize if there is a colony in your domains city, though not where.
You are familiar with basic non-Freak Aspect gifts and rites
Ratkin Lore 2
You are familiar with the basics of Ratkin history as described in W20 and Laws of the Wyld: Changing Breeds.
You are familiar with intermediate non-Freak Aspect gifts and Rites
You are aware of the Freak Aspects, and that Freak Factor was mostly lost to the Wyrm during the Ratkin War
You are familiar with intermediate non-Freak Aspect gifts and rites
You know of the Nine Plagues, and basically what their creed is
You are familiar with the divide between the Rat God and Mama Rat
Ratkin Lore 3
You have a reasonably full understanding of Ratkin history (see LotW:CB3 and W20: CB); except for any information about the Nezumi
and mechanics on gifts/rites, assume to know the major Ratkin sections of both books
You are familiar with basic Freak Aspect gifts and rites, and Advanced non-Freak Aspect gifts and rites
You recognize major players on both sides of the conflict during the Ratkin Wars.
Ratkin Lore 4
You know about the umbral realms described in LotW:CB3 and with at least a dot of Umbra Lore have a general idea how to get there.
You are familiar with the Nezumi (see W20: CBs sidebar description), though may not be able to reach out to them.
You are familiar with intermediate Freak Aspect gifts and rites
Ratkin Lore 5
You may make a Mental Challenge (retest Ratkin Lore) to identify little-known facts that only ancestor spirits would know.
You are familiar with Advanced Freak Aspect gifts and rites



MES Apocalypse Lore Guide (July 2015)

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