How Tivoli Decision Support For Z - OS Processes Dictionary Data

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How Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS processes dictionary data

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How Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS processes dictionary data

Any monitoring utility program that processes performance data, including Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS, needs the
dictionary record that relates to the data being processed before it can analyze the data. Normally, this is not a
problem, because Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS stores dictionary records in the database. Once Tivoli Decision
Support for z/OS has read a valid dictionary record for a CICS system, it does not need another one until the CMF field
mapping changes, which may be when you apply service to the CICS system.
If you have just applied service, however, Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS needs the new dictionary record before it
can analyze the records. It will normally appear before any CMF records in the log, but if you are not collecting the first
log for the changed CICS system, follow this procedure:
1. Make sure that there is a valid dictionary record somewhere in the log files, even if it is not at the beginning of
the first log. CMF writes one when it is turned on, so you can force CMF to write one by turning off CMF logging,
and then turning it on again. For CICS/ESA and CIC/TS only, you can run DFHMNDUP, as described in Using
the DFHMNDUP utility, to generate a dictionary record.
For CICS/MVS, you can run DRL1CIEX to extract the dictionary, as described in Using the DRL1CIEX utility.
2. Make sure that the collect JCL has a DRLNDICT DD statement. Allocate a file with LRECL=32754,
BLKSIZE=32760, and RECFM=VB. Concatenate your log files. Start with the output file from DFHMNDUP or
DRL1CIEX, if any, and then the other log files starting with the oldest.
3. Collect the data. If the DRL2CICS record procedure encounters a CMF record for which there is no dictionary, it
writes the record to the DRLNDICT data set. When it has read all the log records, it lists the CICS systems with
missing dictionary records, and marks those systems where the dictionary record was found later in the log and
4. Check the output messages (DRLOUT). The following messages are written to DRLOUT if Tivoli Decision
Support for z/OS finds monitoring records without a valid dictionary (in either the logs or in the
DRL2111W 25 CICS monitoring records written to dataset
DEGEER.CICSOUT because matching dictionaries
could not initially be found:
DRL2112I MVS system | CICS applid |
Number| Found
DRL2113I -----------|-------------|----------|-----DRL2114I ECHO
19| Yes
DRL2114I S38X
3| Yes
DRL2114I S38X
3| Yes
DRL2113I -----------|-------------|----------|-----DRL2115I Total
Found = Yes indicates that a matching dictionary record was found later in the log.
5. If you do not get these messages, Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS found the dictionaries that it needed. If you
get these messages, and Found=Yes for some of the systems, rerun collect with the DRLNDICT data set as the
new input log data set. This will collect the data for the systems that had Found=Yes. Provide a new output
DRLNDICT data set for this collect job.

Using the DFHMNDUP utility

CICS/ESA and CICS/TS provide a monitoring dictionary utility program (DFHMNDUP) that writes a dictionary record to
a sequential data set, which is specified on a DD statement with a ddname of SYSUT4. You can then concatenate this
data set ahead of your log data sets when you collect data with Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS. For the DFHMNDUP
program to generate the correct dictionary record for the performance data you will process, use the JCL shown in
Figure 34.
Figure 34. Sample JCL to run the monitoring dictionary utility (DFHMNDUP)

02/12/2015 15:18

How Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS processes dictionary data

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//SMFMNDUP JOB (accounting information),CLASS=A,

Create new dictionary record and output to SYSUT4
DD DSN=mct.table.loadlib,DISP=SHR
DD *
(the suffix of your monitoring control table)
(your MVS system ID)
For more detailed information on the DFHMNDUP program, refer to the CICS Operations Guide.

Using the DRL1CIEX utility

For CICS/MVS, you can run DRL1CIEX to extract the dictionary from the log to a separate data set. You can then
concatenate this data set ahead of your log data sets when you collect data with Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS.
Sample JCL for DRL1CIEX is in DRL170.SDRLCNTL (DRLJCIEX). The JCL comment statements contain more
information about the utility.
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02/12/2015 15:18

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