The 4 Planes of Development - Markus Stauf

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Markus Stauf

The 4 planes of development

Maria Montessori divided the time of development of the human being in

four planes:

the time from 0 -6 yrs

the time from 6-12 yrs

the time from 12-18 yrs

the time from 18-24 yrs.

The first (0-6 yrs) and the third (12-18 yrs) are subdivided in two 3 yr
parts and are the two phases with the most changes. The four planes are
universal and the individual goes through a series of transformations in
these four cycles. The first half of each cycle is one of acquisition. The
second half consolidates, completes and expands what was acquired in
the first. Each plane must be successfully completed in order to allow the
child maximum development in the next.
In the first part of the first plane from 0-3 yrs there is a phase with
tremendous changes. With the help of sensitive periods, active mind, his
tendencies he creates his movement, his language, his beliefs, his social
life. The child explores the world in a sensorial way and absorbs the
environment. He makes initial adaptation to a group and lays the
foundations of his personality. Physical changes in this early phase are
that after 6 months the first tooth appears. Then the next physical period
appears. At about one year the child begins to walk. He has now gained a
step in direction of independence, because he can now hide and escape.
He can now go where his steps take him. This seek of independence of the
child in a physical way through walking and in a communicative way
through speaking must be enabled through the right environment: at
home and in the children-house it should be possible for the child to
move freely and that everything is in his reach. One can look in this early
stage at the age of 1 for toys that are movable but don't roll away to
encourage his movement. His whole environment should be interesting, so
that there is a force that moves him forward. The development of the
language can be supported through the speaking with the child; you can
explain what you are making in this moment, what you plan next to finish
the work,... . The words should be well pronounced and slowly spoken
when you are speaking with him. If you have the child (always) around
you and he hears your communication, supports this his learning of a
language. At home and in the children-house it is good if you read stories
and poems with the child, sing songs with him and involve him in
communications. Very important is that eyes see only 2-dimensional
pictures till the 4th year, than they can add the third dimension. The child

Markus Stauf

The 4 planes of development

must therefore given space to experience the world around him:


should be in child's reach and up to 2 feet it should be all

child-safe. Because the child can climb with 3 important things should be
locked. It is good if the child has clothes that enable him to feel with his
hands and feel the environment.
Things should be in child-size: small garden-chairs, small plates &
cooking stuff and
a step-chair for the bath-room for tooth-brushing enable a free movement
of the child at home.

Also in the children-house should be all in child-size and in easy reach for
the child. What is important for children below 3 is that the things are in
order, that they are always at the same place. At the children-house one
has therefore in the morning and in the evening to put the things at their
places. In this age from 0-3 the child learns the relationship of the family:
how we belong together. The daddy should boost this relationship with
putting baby to bed, singing lullaby's, talking, going for a walk and
mummy with nursery activities.
The second part of the first phase of development from 3-6 yrs is a phase
of consolidation. This phase is for the surrounding area of the child the
What is this? Area. We have therefore in the children-house many sensory
materials in the following categories:


sensory life


culture: botany, zoology

geography: physical world

In the second plane of development there are many physical changes:

- the hair thickens from about 6 years
- the child gets his second teeth
- the child is now physically stronger
There are many physical activities that the child should learn between 6 to
- to take care of ones own clothes:
The older children will not only learn to do all these things but they will
also get the idea that before going out they ought to see that all their attire
1 Cheryl Ferreira, lecture
Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence, page 14, ABC Clio

Markus Stauf

The 4 planes of development

is in perfect order.
- sport activities in a group: cycling, swimming, hiking:
But if we walk in a group, happy at the thought of the marvelous view
we will surely discover up there, we will reach the summit without fatigue
and will benefit in both joy and health.
From 6 yrs then begins the Why?-phase. The child wants now to
understand the world around him, compare

We might say that the younger children take in things sensorially. The
child of seven enters the abstract field, he wishes to know reasons. It is
curious to notice that one of the things which preoccupies these children
is what is ethical in life: what is good, what is bad. If you tell the little
child that he is bad or good, he just accepts it. Whereas the seven-yearold wants to know why he is bad, and what it is to be bad etc.
This has also to be ensured with the right environment:

of the experiments which seem to be a social response to the needs

of the child during this phase is seen in the Boy Scouts. What are Boy
Scouts if not persons seeking for themselves a more exacting
environment, wider social contacts, wider experiences and independence
from their families? At this stage the child no longer requires an
environment on the same model as in the previous, only more perfect. He
requires to go out in the world to make wider contacts with both nature
and human society.

I think this instinctive form of exploration has to be used by the school

for furthering the cultural development of the child. It is not enough to
provide material for the child to work in school. He demands to go out in
the world. Besides material, the school should provide also guides so that
the child can go and find the material for himself. We have provided
schools and material; they are not enough, he requires to explore the
physical world and society. He no longer wants to be petted, he wants a
simple life, independence away from the family circle and physical
Possible materials for the school that are interesting for the child are

story of creation
Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence, page 14, ABC Clio
4 Maria Montessori, The Four Planes of Education, page 8, AMI
5 Maria Montessori, The Four Planes of Education, page 9, AMI

Markus Stauf

The 4 planes of development

story of numbers
history of man

The main characteristics of this second plane of development are:

It is a period of stability and uniform growth. The child has now a clear
intellect to reason and explore the world. He has now a creative
imagination and has attained a moral sense. He explores the society
through the peer group. He learns how the society functions in a peer
group: it is a co-operative effort, team. The peer group has to find a leader
and this may change. Closely connected is the Herding behavior:
- the herd follows the leader, therefore a leader is needed and the herd
agrees to his decisions.
The third plane of development from 12 18 yrs is in speed and
development comparable to the first plane is also subdivided in two parts:

12 15 yrs: from the physical side is now that the humans get
curves. There is the question, how fit I in society, which is more

pronounced in the second part.

15 18 yrs: the adolescent plans his own future. He wants to be part

of a group and change the world.
The adolescent is often tired in the first part, because the body needs much
energy to grown-up. There can be (instantaneously) up and downs in the
psychic life of the adolescent: Nobody understands me.
At this age he wants to be treated as an adult. Our role as an adult is to be
an adviser, mentor: be patient, be listening, making suggestions.
Maria Montessori had here vision for these third plane of development:

should live in farm schools with no pollution. Everybody has his

own job and learns the important things in life:

financially: how to run a farm?(maths)

look for the garden

look for the chickens

prepare the food(biology, chemistry)

cleaning, cooking

socially(sharing a room)
The day would be divided in doing practical work and in doing

6 Cheryl Ferreira, lecture

Markus Stauf

The 4 planes of development

What belongs to this proposal from Maria Montessori is the general

characteristic of this plane of development: The adolescent creates a value
system for an independent lifestyle. In these age group the adolescent
seeks to be less dependent from the parents: they try to earn there own
The fourth plane from 18 to 24 is the plane of Maturity: it's a period of
stability and uniform growth. In it the human being attains adulthood and
maturity. In these plane the person now chooses his further career path:

university, or


At this age everybody, also the parents, should speak with him like they
speak with every other person.
Very impressive for education, especially after the first plane is the
Cosmic Education:
Cosmic Education seeks to offer the young, at the appropriate sensitive
period, the stimulation and help they need to develop their minds, their
vision, and their creative power, whatever the level or range of their
personal contributions may be. A difficult task, that requires not only a
development of the human being from birth to adulthood, but also
consciousness of its importance and hence the moral courage to
undertake it with conviction and devotion.
One important aim of the Cosmic Education is to help him to develop his
potentialities so that he can rely on himself and can manage unexpected
and new problems.
It is also important to give the children a global view of the universe by
introducing the ecological principle in education: the interrelation of
living and non-living things can be considered for example what plants
need from the earth to grow and what special functions they have with
regard to carbondioxide, oxygen, water, and so on.

Maria Montessori, Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori, page 101, AMI

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