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Prayer board

Please pray for:

Please be aware of, support, and

pray for those who will be on their

own this Christmas
Those who are ill or recovering from
Those who are going through difficult
Those who mourn and those who are
Our impact on the community around
Those who serve in the armed forces
Ruth and the work of Wycliffe UK
Steve, an older and long-time attender of the Bible study at Winchester
has decided not to come again as he
feels that we do not answer his many
questions satisfactorily. It's very difficult with so many men and so many
questions and only a limited amount
of time to deal with everyone. Please
pray that God will change his mind

and perhaps show the leaders how to

optimise the time available.
Paraguay & Ecuador Pray for Baptist Conventions in Ecuador (CBE)
and Paraguay (CEBPy); Clear leadership vision for Pastor Julio Xavier,
Director of CBE that he may further
the work; Church planting programme in Guayaquil, Ecuador; Pray
for Fernando Perez, President
(CEBPy) that God may give him wisdom and light his path; Pastor Osmar
and Elena in their ministry amongst
the elderly; Pray that five churches in
Juan Pedro Caballero will continue
their ministry to elderly; Carol and
Cesar Gonzalez ministry with teenagers in Paraguay.

Contact details
Our Minister is Rev George Bexon and he can be contacted as follows:
Telephone (at home) : 01329 239142 (at the church) : 07506 694258
Email :
The Church Web Site can be found at

21st December 2014

a.m. - Christmas Starts With Christ

Luke 2:8-20

p.m. - Carol Service - Christmas Lights

John 1:1-4

But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring

you good news that will cause great joy for all the
people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has
been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11 (NIV)

There are a number of other Church email addresses - these are: - to contact the Church Secretary - to contact the Church Treasurer - to contact the deacons (any email sent to
this address will be sent to ALL the deacons AND the minister)

Refreshments are served after each service


Diary for This Week

10:30am Christmas Family Celebration

Next Sunday

6:30pm Carol Service

10:30am Morning Worship

Sunday Club (yr R to yr 6)
M-UL8 (yr 7+)

Thursday - Christmas Day

6:30pm Evening Worship

10:30am Christmas Morning Celebration

PARENTS For safety reasons please

collect ensure children do not
play outside in the car park or
in the road.
Members of our prayer team will be available at the end of both services.
They will be at the front of Unit 2 should you want them to pray with you.
Sunday morning and evening services are held at Unit 2, Cooperage Green,
Royal Clarence Marina. All other activities are in Unit 3 unless otherwise stated.
The church website is

For information
Refreshments will be served in Unit 2 We do not take up an offollowing both services.
fering during services but
a box is available at the back before
The smaller box at the back of the
and after the services. For further dechurch is for your prayer requests, comtails about the different ways of giving
ments or concerns that you would like to
see the Church Treasurer.
bring for Georges attention.
Do you already give to the Building
There is a large Christmas Card availaFund, or are you planning to in the fuble for everyone to sign to send Christture? If either is true of you please see
mas greetings to the whole Church.
Patricia Criddle about completing a
The Christmas Morning Celebration will Building Fund Pledge form.
be at 10:30am in Unit 2 on Christmas
We have five Small Groups - if you are
Day (and will be finished by 11:15am!)
not in a small group and would like to
We are starting a pilot project to try join in please speak to our Minister,
and match peoples needs with availa- George.
ble resources. If you have any needs
Cassette recordings are available to
that others within our church family
borrow and much of the teaching can
may be able to help with, or want to
be watched on the church website.
know more about the project there is
more information by the prayer and This notice sheet can also be viewed on
needs request box at the back of the the church website. To receive an email
when each one is made available please
Parking in the Cooperage Green car
park is now limited to 4 hours. If you
are likely to be at the church for more
than 4 hours or are here more than
once in a day please leave a note in
your windscreen (only valid while on
church premises).
The Mission Statement of Stoke Road Baptist Church is:
"Under Christ, the family of believers at Stoke Road Baptist Church
seek to bring individuals into a relationship with Jesus Christ
and equip them for whole life discipleship."
The five purposes that we therefore have as a church are:
Worship Fellowship Evangelism - Discipleship Service

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