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2007 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (14th)

August 20-22, 2007 Harbin, P.R.China

The Comparative and Improved Study on the Synergy Development Game

Model of Product Innovation and Process Innovation
BI Ke-xin" 2, SUN De-hua2, LI Bai-zhoul
School of Economics and Management, Harbin University of Engineering, P.R.China, 150001
2 School of Economics and Management, Harbin University of Science and Technology, P.R.China, 150080

Abstract: On the basis of analyzing the patent race game. Then the main method that game theory is applied
game model of product innovation and process to economics filed is non-cooperative game[4][5].
innovation, the Cournot Bertrand game model of Applying game theory to study the interrelated problems
product innovation and process innovation, the backward on product innovation and process innovation can date
induction game model of product innovation and process back to 1980s[6][7], and the manufacturing enterprises are
innovation, and the differential game model of product mainly study background. At present, the game method
innovation and process innovation, this paper compares for analyzing product innovation and process innovation
these models from the viewpoint of application scope of includes patent race game, Cournot game, Bertrand game,
game model, assumed condition of game model, and backward induction, and differential game, and so on.
players of game model, extends these game models
further, and constructs the synergy development game 2 The analysis of game model of product
model of product innovation and process innovation innovation and process innovation
under the condition of cooperative game. The objective
of this paper is to provide useful reference for 2.1 The patent race game model of product
interrelated study of the synergy development of product innovation and process innovation
innovation and process innovation and enterprisers. Eswaran and Gallini (1996) developed a new
Keywords: product innovation, process innovation, market model where heterogeneous consumers benefit
synergy development, game model, comparative and both from increased product variety and lower prices 8].
improved study In their model, a social planner announces a patent
policy that sets the minimal extent to which the second
1 Introduction firm's variant must differ from the pioneer's product and
process technologies. Following the announcement,
Product innovation and process innovation are two R&D is undertaken by two firms, in sequence. The first
important aspects of technological innovation in firm (firm 1) pioneers a new market with a product
enterprises. A product innovation is the introduction of a innovation, using a new or old process, and the second
good or service that is new or significantly improved (firm 2) develops a variant of its rival's innovations. No
with respect to its characteristics or intended uses; a further entry occurs. Moreover, they explicitly assumed
process innovation is the implementation of a new or that diseconomies of scope prevent the pioneer from
significantly improved production or delivery methodE'l. introducing additional products and processes. After the
Product innovation and process innovation are innovation choices are implemented, the firms compete
alternative ways of capturing customers 2]E3]. Now, using by setting prices.
game theory to study the decision-making of product Their model considers the duopoly pricing game,
innovation and process innovation has become gradually after the patent policy and innovation decisions have
important instrument for many scholars because been implemented. In the pricing game, firms 1 and 2
decision-making of product innovation and process solve, respectively,
innovation takes on typical game characteristic. And the max(pI cl)MI (P1, P2 Y)
- I
basic concept of game theory consists of player, action, PI

information, strategies, payoff, outcome, equilibrium. max(p2 - C2)M2 (PI, P2,Y) (1)
Game consists of cooperative game and non-cooperative
Where Let y denote the distance of firm 2 from firm 1,
where the latter's position is chosen as the origin,
Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of 0 < y < 1/ 2. Denote the prices charged by firms 1 and 2
China (70473019), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
(Grant NO. 20060390221), and Postdoctoral Foundation of by p, and P2, respectively. Let c1 and c2 denote firm l's
Heilongjiang Province (Grant NO. LBH-Z05069)

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marginal cost of production and firm 2's marginal cost of quality kH while firm L sells a product of quality kL,
production. Define x c1 c2 ,which is the extent to with kH > kl >0 . Let pi be the price charged by
which firm 2's marginal cost is lower than firm l's. Let firm i(i=H,L) . Thus we can get demand functions
M, (P1I P2, y) be the market share (or equivalently, output) DH (PH, PL) and DL (PH, PL) I reverse demand
of firm i(i = 1,2), for arbitrary prices and location of firm functions fH (qH, qL) and fL (qH, qL) .Where qH denotes
2. And the unique Nash equilibrium prices of firms are the output of firm H and qL denotes the output of firm L .
easily found by solving the pricing game defined in (1).
The social planner directs these choices with patent In the model, the two firms operate under constant
process and product breadths (a,,f). Let,l/ denote the returns to scale. Thus firm i(i H,L) has a cost function
breadth of the product patent awarded to firm 1. of the form ci (qi) =qciq,ci >0 Assuming that higher
Let a denote the breadth of the process patent awarded to quality is associated with higher costs: CH > CL . When
firm 1. The R&D cost to firm 1 of developing the new the two products are sold at unit cost, it is easy to see that
product and corresponding process is assumed to be this is the case if and only if the following two conditions
given by F1. Let H(x, y) denote the R&D cost to firm 2. are satisfied:
Denote the equilibrium variable profit of firm kH -kL > CH -CL, kLCH > kHCL (2)
i by zi(x,y), i=1,2 . Firm 2 chooses its product In the Bertrand case, the profit functions are given by
differentiation and production process, given the HI(PH,PL) = N(PH CH)K1 kLJ
announced patent policy (a,,/) and firm l's innovation ,;

decision, by solving maX T2(X, Y) -H(x, Y) subject

x,y HL (PH,PL) = N(PL-C ,kH kL kL)
to x >a,y>/ Since the R&D cost to firm 1 is
In the Coumot case, the profit functions are given by
independent of where it locates in product space and
since its production cost is given, the only choice c (qH, qL) qHNkH -qHkH -qLkL CH
confronting this firm is the entry decision. Anticipating
the equilibrium outcomes of the last two stages, and
given the social planner's choice of(a,,,6), firm 1 enters H L (qH, qL) qL ( H L) CL (4)
if its profit is nonnegative, that is, So we can get prices, output levels, and the equilibrium
if zi [X(a, 8), Y(a, 8)] 0F >0 , where X(a,O/) and profits of firms H and L under two cases.
Y(a, /8) denote firm 2's profit-maximizing process Finally, they analyzed the choice between process
and product innovation. Assuming firm H has invested
innovation and product differentiation, respectively, in R&D and the corresponding cost is sunk. Supposing
relative to firm 1.
In determining the optimal patent breadths, the that firm H has two options: (X it can instruct researchers
social planner has two sets of constraints to take into to pursue product innovation, expected to lead to an
account. One is the constraint that firm 1 makes increase in the quality from kH to kH+ ALk; or (2) it
nonnegative profit: )rl(x,y) F1 >O. The above nonnegativity can instruct them to pursue process innovation, expected
constraint can be rewritten as y > N(x, F1) . The other A
to lead to a reduction in the firm's unit cost from CH to
constraints are the incentive-compatibility constraints of
firm 2, given the patent breadths. The planner has to CH-Ac. Assuming that there are no other costs involved
incorporate firm 2's response into her optimization. in the implementation of the innovation, for arbitrary
Formally, the social planner's problem is given kH , kL, CH and CL satisfy (2). Analyzing Bertrand
by maxW(x,y), where x = max{a, xp(y)}, iso-profit curve and Cournot iso-profit curve, the result is
a,/8 that for high quality firm, a Bertrand competitor is more
y = max{/1,yp(x)}, y > N(x,Fi)- prone to choose product innovation, while a Cournot
competitor is more prone to choose process innovation.
2.2 The cournot-bertrand game model of product For low quality firm, a Bertrand competitor is more
innovation and process innovation prone to choose process innovation, while a Cournot
Bonanno and Haworth (1998) used a model of competitor is more prone to choose product innovation.
vertical differentiation where only one monopoly has a There are also scholars who analyzed the
chance to engage in innovation and analyzed the synergy relationship between product innovation and process
choice of product innovation and process innovation innovation. Yin and Zuscovitch (1998), Petsas and
under Cournot case versus Bertrand case[91. In the model, Giannikos (2005) used Cournot game to analyze how
there are N consumers with the same income, denoted firm size affects on the synergy choice of product
by E, but different values of the taste parameter 0. Each innovation and process innovation'0[ll"]. Lin and Saggi
consumer buys at most one unit. Considering the case (2002) constructed a duopoly model of product
where there are two firms. Firm H sells a product of differentiation, studied the relationship between product

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innovation and process innovation and compared the costs of production; through the latter, they choose a
choice between product innovation and process degree of product differentiation. Firms' strategies are
innovation under different modes of market (cv,3J)E R2with c, E (0, c 0) and 5, E (o, 5°) with v = i, j .
competition'121. Then Weiss (2003) constructed a The Nash-equilibrium strategies of both firms
two-stage game model, which also demonstrated the
conclusion from competition degree'13]. Filippini and (ci,8i) and (cj,- ) are defined by the mutual-response
Martini (2004) extended the model of vertical property. That is for firm i (firm j 's maximization
differentiation model constructed by Bonanno and problem is defined analogously):
Haworth['4]. (ci,5i8) E arg maxc {7 X = (ci,>cp,1i, 5) -K(ci) -G(i5) (6)
The model also considers the innovation decisions
2.3 The backward induction game model of product under R&D cooperation: Now supposing that firms form
innovation and process innovation a research joint venture in which they coordinate their
Rosenkranz (2003) constructed a duopolistic R&D activities while they remain competitors in the
two-stage game with consumers have preference for second stage of the game. If firms coordinate R&D
product variety. They buy all products but consider them activities in the first stage, they choose R&D investment
to be more or less substitutable to each other. She as to maximize their joint profit zi + zf . Concerning the
analyzed a non-cooperative two-stage game under
complete information and applied backward induction to organization of R&D, two cases can be considered: (1)
the synergy choice of product innovation and process firms coordinate their research strategies by joint profit
innovation of firmsE'5]. For simplicity, assuming that maximization, but conduct research in two separate labs,
firms i, j face linear inverse demand functions of the or (2) they coordinate their research strategies and
following form: achieve efficiency gains by building-up only one
research unit. The first case can be characterized as
Pi (xi,xj,8i) = a- (xi+j) (5) R&D-cartelization, the second as RJV-cartelization.
where a> max{ci, j c,ci,c representing firms' marginal
c Analyzing the two cases, we can know how firms invest
production costs and measures the degree of product on product innovation and process innovation. Besides,
substitutability with o < 5 <1. Considering a duopolistic Boone (2000) used a deterministic two-stage game to
industry, consisting of two firms i , j that produce analyze the effects of cmmpetitive pressure on a firm's
incentives to invest in product and process innovation '6].
quantities xi and xi . The two firms operate under
constant returns to scale. The product characteristics 2.4 The differential game model of product
which determine the degree of product substitutability innovation and process innovation
given by 8(8 =i +85), Si and 5i can also be influenced Lambertini and Mantovani (2004) built a
differential duopoly game over continuous time t E [0, o),
by the firms i , j through R&D investment
where at any instant, firms choose the quantity level and
in SiandS5i respectively with (0< 5i, 5j < 1/ 2). the investment level in either product or process
innovation, or both innovation[17]. Firms produce
Firms play a non-cooperative two-stage game under
complete information. In the first stage, firms decide on differentiated goods. The representative consumer's
their marginal costs by investing in a research project utility function is a function of the consumption of the
generating a process innovation. Simultaneously, they two differentiated goods and the numeraire good m.
decide on the optimal degree of product differentiation Constrained utility maximization for any given price pair
by investing in another research project generating a pi(t),pj (t)gives rise to the following demand system:
product innovation. On the second stage, applying pi(t)= a -qi(t) -s(t)qj(t) Vi j,i,j= {1,2} (7)
backward induction, firms first analyze firms' quantity Here the parameter s(t) represents the degree of
decision in the second stage.
The quantity decisions of the second stage: two substitutability between the two products. At any time t,
firms offer quantities xi and xj, firm i's profit function is the output level qi (t) is produced at a constant marginal
given by fzi(xi,xj) =xiPi(xi,xj,) -cixi . Each firm cost. Accordingly, the instantaneous cost function
is Ci (ci, qi, t) = ci (t)qi (t) -
maximizes its profit given the quantity chosen by the
other firm, the quantity decisions chosen by firms are Accordingly, the model describes the kinematic
equation of product innovation and process innovation.
Xi (Ci, Cj, a) and Xj (Cj, ci, a) - The instantaneous cost of investing in product innovation
The first stage of the game: firms choose the and process innovation is respectively given
optimal level of marginal costs and product by Axi (t)]2 and 8[ki (t)]2; both types of investment are
differentiation through R&D investment. Anticipating financed through internal funds. Instantaneous profits is
the outcome of the stage-two game, firms choose optimal given by:
R&D projects including process innovation and product
innovation. Through the former, they choose marginal )ri (t) = [a - ci (t) - qi (t) - s(t)q i (t)]qi (t) - Y[xi (t)]
_[ki (t)]2 (8)

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Assuming that firm i aims at maximizing the many scholars study the synergy development of product
discounted profit flow: innovation and process innovation mainly under
non-cooperative game, and few study focus on the
H i(t) f(t(e, 1dt
(9) synergy development game of product innovation and
The corresponding current value Hamiltonian process innovation under cooperative game. Then we can
function is: turn the game model of product innovation and process
Hi (t) = e pOt [;Ti (t) + /4 (ts + 1Ai (t)cj + Ayj (t)cjy ( 10) innovation into the synergy development game model of
product innovation and process innovation through
Where A1(t) =u,ui(t)e, i(t) = uii (t)eot, Plj (t) = ,uy(t)eg' being building up cooperation consciousness in the way of
the co-state variable associated with s(t), c,(t), cj(t) negotiation and communication of players and setting up
mechanism of mutual trust, restraint, promises[18].
In order to study the relation between product Furthermore, it is possible to realize Pareto Optimality
innovation and process innovation, they start by and promote the synergy development of product
considering the two activities separately. (1) Firms invest innovation and process innovation. This paper compares
only in product innovation aiming at reducing the degree every game model of product innovation and process
of product substitutability. At this time, process innovation from the viewpoint of application scope of
innovation is not taken into account, hence the effort game model, assumed condition of game model, and
made by firm i at time t to reduce the cost of players of game model in order to make enterprisers
production ki (t) = o and the marginal cost c does not understand fully application scope and assumed
condition of every game model.
depend on firms' innovative activity. Without loss of
generality, the marginal cost is constant and common for 3.1 The application scope of game model
both firms, hence ci = c . According to analysis, provided From the viewpoint of application scope of game
that certain condition, the steady state point sPd and model, we can conclude that patent race game model of
XPd which are the unique saddle point of the game when product innovation and process innovation mainly
firms invest only in product innovation. (2) Considering discusses how social planner (government) chooses
the case where firms are allowed to undertake only optimal product and process patent breadths so as to
process innovation, hence the amount of effort made by instruct decision-making of product innovation and
firm i at time t in order to increase product process innovation of enterprises in market and makes
differentiation xi (t)= 0 and the parameter s measuring product innovation and process innovation achieve
socially efficient mix; Cournot Bertrand game model
product substitutability does not change over time. And of product innovation and process innovation mainly
the open-loop Nash equilibrium of the game with firms studies the synergy choice of product innovation and
investing only in process innovation is subgame (or process innovation because of different factors such as
Markov) perfect. Provided that certain condition, the enterprise characteristic, market competition degree, firm
steady state point cps and k' of the game when firms size, and so on under Cournot case vs Bertrand case;
invest only in process innovation. backward induction game model of product innovation
Considering firms implement simultaneously and process innovation firstly chooses product output of
process innovation and product innovation. firms, and then retroes to how enterprises achieve
Instantaneous profits are given by (8) and firms optimal product differentiation and marginal cost
maximize the discounted profit flow. The corresponding through product innovation and process innovation;
Hamiltonian function writes: differential game model of product innovation and
Hi (t) = e Pt { [a - c(t)]qi (t) - qi (t)2 s(t)qi (t)qj (t) A[xi (t)]2 process innovation studies the timing of adoption of
product innovation and process innovation at any given
A3ki (t)]2 + A- (t)s(t [S xi (t) xi (t)] +Ai (t)ci (t) [177
- - (1 1 time (product/technology life cycle). After these game
- ki (t) f1k (t)] + (t)cj (t) [77 kj (t) Oki (t)] }
- , - - models are improved, they can apply to the synergy
Analyzing the model, s* (c) and c (s) can be got. Through development of product innovation and process
the analysis ofs*(c)andc*(S), under certain condition, we
would know the condition of firms invest in process 3.2 The assumed condition of game model
innovation only, product innovation only and both From the viewpoint of assumed condition of game
process and product innovation. model, we can see that there are mainly six assumptions
in patent race game model of product innovation and
3 The comparative analysis of synergy process innovation. One assumption is on the types of
development game model of product innovations examined; a second assumption is that of
quadratic transportation costs; a third assumption
innovation and process innovation maintained throughout the article is that all consumers
are served; fourth, demands are assumed to be inelastic
According to foregoing analysis, we can see that below some reservation price; fifth, they abstract from

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strategic considerations, such as attempts by the pioneer product innovation and process innovation not only
to influence the entrant's decisions; finally, licensing of include firms in industry, but also include product
technologies is not permitted in the model. Bonanno and innovation department and process innovation
Haworth (1998) , Filippini and Martini (2004) mainly department which are independent each other.
assumed that demand functions of consumers is function Moreover, we also find a remarkable issue: some
of product price, product quantity, consumer quantity in scholars come to an understanding for the function of
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation process innovation, i.e. process innovation is understood
and process innovation. Yin and Zuscovitch (1998) as lowering of marginal production. But there is diversity
principally assumed that during the game process, no in understanding the function of product innovation. The
enterprises entry and has no information spillovers in diversity in understanding is produced by study need.
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation Thereby, we must give clear definition on product
and process innovation. Lin and Saggi (2002) assumed innovation and process innovation when we study the
that enterprises produce differentiated goods and the firm synergy development game model of product innovation
size is asymmetry in R&D competition settings in and process innovation.
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation
and process innovation. The backward induction game 4 The improved study based on the
model of product innovation and process innovation coordinated development game model of
consumes that consumers have preference for product product innovation and process innovation
variety. The differential game model of product
innovation and process innovation regards every variable According to comparative analysis on synergy
such as price, cost, and output as function of time. If we development game model of product innovation and
turn these game models of product innovation and process innovation, this paper improves existing synergy
process innovation into the synergy development game development game model of product innovation and
models of product innovation and process innovation, we process innovation so as to promote the coordinated
should broaden some assumptions, at the same time, we development of product innovation and process
should also add some appropriate assumptions to these innovation. In the model, players are two firms in market,
models, and especially we should set up promissory or two independent innovation departments including
agreement between players. product innovation department and process innovation
department which look for benefits distribution scheme
3.3 The players of game model recognized by two players through cooperation. The two
From the viewpoint of players of game model, the players achieve collective rationality under the condition
players of patent race game model of product innovation of without prejudice to individual rationality in order to
and process innovation includes social planner and two realize optimizing resources. Besides, the players have
firms in market which engage in different innovation common in interests, and on the basis of volunteer,
activity. Bonanno and Haworth (1998) made players be equality, mutual benefit, they come to a compellent
two firms (high-quality firm and low-quality firm), but contract which will punish betrayer['8]['9].
only one firm had a chance to innovate in
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation 4.1 The improved patent race game model of product
and process innovation. Filippini and Martini (2004) innovation and process innovation
made players be two firms (high-quality firm and To delete the assumed condition that licensing of
low-quality firm), two firms had chance to innovate, technologies is not permitted, and the other assumed
which engage in a three-stage game in conditions remain changeless. After the patent policy and
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation innovation decisions have been implemented, two firms
and process innovation. Yin and Zuscovitch (1998) made set down the same price p. In the pricing game, firms 1
players in Cournot Bertrand game model of product
innovation and process innovation be two firms (large and 2 solve, respectively,
firm and small firm), which participate in a two-stage max (p -c1)M1 (p, y)
game. Lin and Saggi (2002) made players in
Cournot Bertrand game model of product innovation max(p - C2)M2(p,Y) (12)
and process innovation be two firms which engage in a
two-stage game. Players in backward induction game The equilibrium prices of the firms are easily found by
model of product innovation and process innovation are solving the pricing game defined in (12).
two firms which engage in a two-stage game. Besides, Foreseeing this, the social planner directs these
the model also discusses the impact of R&D-cartelization choices with patent process and product breadths (a,,6).
and RJV-cartelization on the strategies choice of product Firm 2 chooses its product differentiation and production
innovation and process innovation. Players in differential process, given the announced patent policy (a, ,i) and
game model of product innovation and process firm l's innovation decision, by solving
innovation are two firms which produce differentiated maxZ2(x,y)-H(x,y) subject to x>a,y>2, . In
product. Players in synergy development game model of x,y

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fact, x >a, y > f8 can be broadened if firm 2 can get the degree of product differentiation. Firms' strategies
licensing of technologies from firm 1. Anticipating the are(CV,85) R2, wherev =,i .
equilibrium outcomes of the last two stages, and given In the R&D-cartelization case, the combined profit
the social planner's choice of(a,,8), firm 1 enters if its functions of two firms is given by
profit is nonnegative, that is, lk = *i+ *j- K(ci) -K(cj) -G(5) - G(,5) (15)
if z4[X(a,,8), Y(a,,8)] - F1 > 0 . In the RJV-cartelization case, the combined profit
The decision of patent policy still keep changeless, functions of two firms is given by
that is to say, the social planner's problem is still given
by max W(x, y), where x = max{a, xp(y)}, y = max{3, yp(x)}, Hs = ir, + 2 K(c,) - 2 K(cj) -2 G(9i) -G(j) ( 16)
ax,8 Maximizing two firms combined profit functions
y N(x, FI).
through (15) and (16), and solving first order derivative
of ci,,i, c j, 6i respectively, we can get equilibrium
4.2 The improved Cournot-Bertrand game model of
product innovation and process innovation strategies of both firms (ci, 8i) and (cj,1j) under the two
The paper improves the vertical differentiation cases.
model built by Bonanno and Haworth (1998). Two firms
cooperate by maximizing combined profits. And the 4.4 The improved differential game model of product
other assumed conditions remain changeless in the innovation and process innovation
model. The two firms choose respective quantity level and
In the Bertrand case, the combined profit functions innovation decision, and the other assumed conditions
of two firms is given by keep changeless in the model. The combined profit
functions of two firms is given by
F(HH1L) = N(PH CH)K1 kH-kkL
(1 'V
zc(zc, (t),ffj (t)) = [a - c, (t) - qi (t) - s(t)qj (t)]qi (t) - A[xi (t)]2
PH PL PL _/4[ki (t)]2 + [a - cj (t) - qj (t) - s(t)qi (t)]qj (t)
+ N(PL -CL
kH -kL _ kL Axj (t)]2 _,8[kj (t)]2
In the Coumot case, the combined profit functions (17)
of two firms is given by Two firms aim at maximizing the discounted profit
f(lrcfJc) = qjNkH qHk qLkL flow:

ri (fl i (t) ri i (0)=
I (;Ti (t),;Tj (t))e-"'dt (18)
+ 1kH (N NqH CL)
(N) The corresponding current value Hamiltonian
So we can get prices, output levels, and the equilibrium function is:
profits of firms H and L under two cases. Hi (t) = e-Pt[p(pi(t),ff(t)) + ,4 (t)s + 2,(t)c, + 2;(t)cj] (19)
Finally, according to analyze Bertrand iso-profit Wvhere Ai (t) = pi (t)eot, Aii (t) = gii (t)eot, Ay (t) = Hij (t)eot
curve and Cournot iso-profit curve, two firms can choose
product innovation or process innovation. being the co-state variable associated to s(t), ci (t), cj (t)
4.3 The improved backward induction game model of Two firms invest only in product innovation. At this
product innovation and process innovation time, process innovation is not taken into account, hence
First, we assume that the two firms engage in R&D k(t) =kj(t)= oandc, =c=c, the combined profit functions of
cooperation and quantity cooperation. And the other
assumed conditions remain changeless in the model. two firms is given by
The quantity decisions of the second stage: two fT(fi (t),fT (t)) = [a c qi (t) s(t)qj (t)]qi (t) -yI[Xi (t)]2 (20)
- - -

firms provide quantities xi and xj, two firms combined + [a c qj (t) s(t)qi (t)]qj (t) -Ax1 (t)]2
- - -

profit functions is given by)r, xx)=x,P,(xi,xj,x )-c,x,. Further, we can get the steady state point of the game,
By solving first order derivative of xiandxj, we can that is to sdy, sPd and xPd when firms invest only in
product innovation.
get output levels x andx<, the equilibrium profits <z Two firms are allowed to undertake only process
and i1z. innovation R&D, hence X,(t) = xj(t) = o and the parameter
The first stage of the game: anticipating the s measuring product substitutability does not change
outcome of the stage-two game, firms choose optimal over time, the combined profit functions of two firms is
R&D projects including process innovation and product given by
innovation. Through the former, they choose marginal fl(fi (t),ffj(t)) = [a - ci (t) qi (t) sqj(t)]qi (t) _,L[ki(t)]2
- - (21)
costs of production; through the latter, they choose a + [a cj (t) qj (t) sqi (t)]qj (t) _,3[kj(t)]2
- - -

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