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a. Is her family background a disadvantage for her in America? Why?

Yes, the difference culture in India and America creates difficulty for her. For
example, Mala is wearing sari in America and it caused the dog leaped up
and seized the end of the sari.
b. How does her description affect the protagonist and their relationship?
Mala is a shy Indian girl and it affects the protagonist at first because he has
difficulty to communicate with his wife.
c. How does she reacts to her marriage and life in America?
Mala learns to adapt with a new culture in America. After the incident of her
sari being leaped up and seized at the end by the sari. As a result, Mala no
longer drapes the end of her sari and over her heads.
11. Describe the protagonists relationship with the woman below. Provide one piece
of evidence.
a. The protagonists mother
Protagonist is responsible towards his mother. He looks after his mother
especially after his father died. Even his mother mad, he still treats her with
patience. For example, he accompanies his mother, and so its my job to sit by
my mothers feet and study for my exams as she counted and recounted the
bracelets on her arm as if they were the heads of an abacus.
b Mrs. Croft
Protagonist is punctual, particular and responsible towards Mrs Croft, he pays
the rent on Fridays, On Fridays I put the rent in her hands. He makes sure the
money is received by Mrs Croft. Apart from that, he is responsible as he makes
sure Mrs Croft sits upright on the bench or safe in her bedroom.
d. Mala
In the first palce, the protagonist has a distant relationship with Mala, his wife.
Even after a week staying together, he felt that they were still strangers.
However, after he brings Mala to Mrs Crofts house, he realised that she is a
perfect lady after Mrs Croft mentioned. He also felt responsible towards Mala it
was my duty to take care of Mala, to welcome her and protect her.

e. Helen
The protagonist is friendly towards Helen. As a result, he knew Mrs Crofts past
life and personality through Helen and due to this situation, he becomes closer
with Mrs Croft.
12. Identify the conflict in this story. Provide one piece of evidence from the text.
a. Internal conflict
The internal conflict in this story is how to accept Mala as a part of his life. The
protagonist has difficulties in communicating with his wife. For example, he felt
that they were still strangers even after a week of staying together in America.
b. External conflict
The external conflict in this story is how to adapt to a new culture. For example,
protagonist faces a difficulty to adapt with a new diet as he bought a carton of
milk and a box of cornflakes as his first meal in America. This diet is not usual for
Indian culture that he used to live in before.
13. but occasionally she weeps for our son. So we drive to Cambridge to visit him,
or bring him for a weekend, so that he can eat rice with us with his hands, and
speak in Bengali, things we sometimes worry he will no longer do after we die.
Explain the protagonists fear in the statement above.
The protagonist fear that his son may forget or may not practice their Indian
culture as he is born and raise in America. So, they still practice the common
Indian culture to maintain it.
I know that my achievement is quite ordinary. I am not the only man to seek his
fortune far from home, and certainly I am not the first. Still, there are times I am
bewildered by each mile I have travelled, each meal I have eaten, each person I
have known, each room in which I have slept. As ordinary as it all appears, there
are times when it is beyond my imagination.

14. How does the protagonist see his lifes achievement?

The protagonist sees his life achievement as an unbelievable success. He
admits that there are other immigrants who have tried their luck in America and
he knows that he is not the first person to do so. However, he couldnt believe
that he made it all the way from his hometown as he has travelled so far. He ate
a diet which was quite unusual. He thinks back the journey that he has come
across. It is beyond his imagination. He is still trying to accept that he has

succeeded in life by having a stable career, family, house and what he has
achieved now.
a. Do you agree with the protagonists assessment of his life achievement?
Yes/No? Why?
Yes, I do agree with the protagonists assessment of his life achievement.
The protagonist explained his success in achieving his life goal. For example,
he improves his life style and makes sure the comfortable life of his family. He
buys a house and sends his son to Harvard University.

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