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Stephen Savage

Mr. Garner
English Language Arts
11 January 2016
David Copperfield Inherited his Mothers Personality.
A Bildungsroman is a story about a character's formation or education, like a journey to
maturity. Charles Dickens wrote many of these, with one of the most famous ones being David
Copperfield. David Copperfield is about a boy, David, who journeys to maturity dealing with the
problems in his life. David's late mother, Clara, had a very pliable personality that rubbed off on
David, causing him to have difficulties. David Copperfield is characterized by his easily
influenced personality. His mother is the most important figure in developing this trait.
David Copperfield is characterized by his pliable personality. This weakness and his
inability to stand up for himself allows him to be easily influenced by other people. When David
first met Steerforth at Salem House, Steerforth convinced David to spend his money on food.
'What money have you got, Copperfield?' he said, walking aside with me when he had
disposed of my affair in these terms. I told him seven shillings. 'You had better give it to
me to take care of,' he said. 'At least, you can if you like. You needn't if you don't like.'
I hastened to comply with his friendly suggestion, and opening Peggotty's purse, turned it
upside down into his hand.'Do you want to spend anything now?' he asked me.
'No thank you,' I replied. 'You can, if you like, you know,' said Steerforth. 'Say the word.'
'No, thank you, sir,' I repeated.'Perhaps you'd like to spend a couple of shillings or so, in a
bottle of currant wine by-and-by, up in the bedroom?' said Steerforth. 'You belong to my

bedroom, I find.' It certainly had not occurred to me before, but I said, Yes, I should like
that. (Dickens 82).
This quote shows how easily Steerforth convinced David to spend his moneysomething he did
not want to doon food.
The most important figure in developing Davids pliable personality is his mother, Clara
Copperfield. She is easily influenced, just like David. In one incident, Miss Murdstone and Mr.
Murdstone bullied Mrs. Copperfield and convinced her she was incapable of managing her
house. She handed over all control of the house, and allowed them to lead her life.
Pray let us be friends, said my mother, I couldnt live under coldness or unkindness. I
am so. I have a great many defects, I know, and its very good of you, Edward, with your
strength of mind, to endeavour to correct them for me. Jane, I dont object to anything. I
should be quite correct broken-hearted if you thought of leaving My mother was too
much overcome to go on(Dickens 54).
This quote shows how the Murdstones were able to easily break Clara and take control of her
David thought highly of his mother and believed she was his only living relative. During
his early years, Davids knowledge and personality traits came from his mother. David was like
his mother and was easily manipulated by other people. When David was not doing well with
his work, Mr. Murdstone was going to beat him. Mrs. Copperfield did not want David to be
beaten and felt sick just thinking of it. However, she did not stop Mr. Murdstone. I am not
quite well, my dear Jane, I think. said my mother. I saw him wink, solemnly, at his sister, as he
rose and said, taking up the cane: Why, Jane, we can hardly expect Clara to bear, with perfect
firmness, the worry and torment that David has occasioned her to-day. That would be stoical.

Clara is greatly strengthened and improved, but we can hardly expect so much from her. David,
you and I will go up-stairs,boy...He beat me then, as if he would have beaten me to death.
(Dickens 59). In this quote, Mr. Murdstone plans to punish David for doing poor work, and Mrs.
Copperfield does nothing about it. David sees his mother giving in to other peoples will and
does not learn how to stand up for himself. Throughout his life David lets other people make
decisions for him.
Clara Copperfield was characterized by a pliable personality, so this affected
David by influencing him to be easily molded by the people around him. David blindly followed
advice, and it often caused problems. David trusted and admired Steerforth, but when David
realized that Steerforth had taken advantage of him, David began to distrust him. The breaking of
this trust helped him become aware of his vulnerability, and helped him form a stricter

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