Demons of War

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The reality of the situation is that war is a devise of the fallen angels that were sentenced to hell as
stated in Enoch. These fallen evil spirits hate, and envy human. There main focus is to destroy the
creations of the Almighty, this includes the world and humans. The physical destruction of humans
requires the blood of humans. In this, the most notable would be that of one known as Jesus, and
includes the more than four thousand Black people hung in the south throughout the United States
during segregation of which satan uses racism to accomplish this feat.
Slavery is a war against Black people dating from the African Slave trade, apartheid, Australia,
Vietnam, Korea, and any other War. All wars require the blood of humans which satans despise.
Slavery still exists although not encoded in the laws of the day.
Now, individuals have a choice not to participate. However, they are fooled by a sense of honor and
propaganda and financial compensation, or prosperity. But, war is only a means by which the wealthy
white people whom started slavery benefit by circumventing tax payer dollars into their personal
accounts through their investments in businesses or corporations that support the war effort. We need
not look any further than AT&T.
We can see the result of this as injured soldiers return from murdering other humans and are
psychologically and physically damaged people as a result of fighting for these War Demons, that the
white establishment incorporate with. Notice that the offspring of the haves, and have mores do not
participate in the war effort so they can truly reap the benefits from the deaths. While the soldiers have
to suffer their conscience of murdering people they don't know, and have no idea as to why they shed
the blood of humans which is forbidden by the Almighty.
Soldiers of War are only servants of satan and then when they come home they are put back into a
society, no longer permitted to shed blood. Sometimes they end up killing themselves and are
possessed by these evil spirits to use racism and other beliefs to shed the blood of others for no reason,
as there is no reason for doing so with or without war. However, they can't receive any support from
the clergy because the clergy does not oppose war nor the demons of war. The clergy doesn't protest
the war because they are incorporated with the demons on various other levels which results in
The illusion or deception of protecting the interest of the United States is usually the reason or
rationale for these wars. This in placed in these future soldiers minds from the time they are born and
are given army men as gifts for christmas which is a cult practice within itself. It is a multi-billion
dollar business which churches promote from the blood of one known as Jesus.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of the Soldier is the guilt of the human mind as it realizes that they
took the lives of innocent people for a paycheck just as Judas did to one known as Jesus, as The
Almighty never meant for us to Kill. The War Demons don't care about the person that kills, because
when a person kills it vexes the soul which the demons are after in the first place. Then, they continue
with the Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Columbus day celebrations to sooth them and honor them
for the shedding blood, all worshiping death. It is only recently with the non-care of these people
suffering from PTSD that we can understand better the trick of satans.

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