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High Density Silver Nanowire Arrays using Self-ordered Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO)
Han, Young-Hwan, University of California, Davis
Publication Date:
UC Davis Previously Published Works
Silver nanowires, AAO (anodic aluminum oxide) membrane
High density silver nanowire arrays were synthesized through the self-ordered Anodic Aluminum
Oxide (AAO) template. The pore size in the AAO membrane was confirmed by processing the
widening porosity with a honeycomb structure with cross sections of 20nm, 50nm, and 100nm,
by SEM. Pore numbers by unit area were consistent; only pore size changed. The synthesized
silver nanowire, which was crystallized, was dense in the cross sections of the amorphous AAO
membrane. The synthesized silver nanowire had a crystallized self-ordered array with a width of
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Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society

Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 191~195, 2008.


High Density Silver Nanowire Arrays using Self-ordered

Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) Membrane
Yong-Hyun Kim, Young-Hwan Han*, Hyung-Jik Lee**, and Hyung-Bock Lee

Department of Material Science & Engineering, Myongji University, Yongin 449728, Korea

*Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of California at Davis CA 95616 USA
**Department of Ceramic Engineering, Kangnung National University, Kangnung 210-702, Korea

(Received February 13, 2008; Accepted March 31, 2008)

Highly ordered silver nanowire with a diameter of 10 nm was arrayed by electroless deposition in a porous anodic aluminum
oxide (AAO) membrane. The AAO membrane was fabricated electrochemically in an oxalic acid solution via a two-step anodization process, while growth of the silver nanowire was initiated by using electroless deposition at the long-range-ordered
nanochannels of the AAO membrane followed by thermal reduction of a silver nitrate aqueous solution by increasing the temperature up to 350oC for an hour. An additional electro-chemical procedure was applied after the two-step anodization to control the
pore size and channel density of AAO, which enabled us to fabricate highly-ordered silver nanowire on a large scale. Electroless
deposition of silver nitrate aqueous solution into the AAO membrane and thermal reduction of silver nanowires was performed
by increasing the temperature up to 350oC for 1 h. The morphologies of silver nanowires arrayed in the AAO membrane were
investigated using SEM. The chemical composition and crystalline structure were confirmed by XRD and EDX. The electrolessdeposited silver nanowires in AAO revealed a well-crystallized self-ordered array with a width of 10 nm.
Key words : Silver nanowires, AAO (anodic aluminum oxide) membrane

1. Introduction


he anodization process has been used for metallic surface treatments and surface decorations by forming a
pore oxidation coating. Recently, this process has become
widely popular for industrial applications. The most characteristic feature of these materials has been the extremely
high aspect ratio of their channels, which is difficult to
achieve with conventional lithographic techniques.
Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) is a well-established nanotechnique for various research subjects, such as metallic
nanowires, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, and masks.
Extensive research on processing anodization continues to
improve AAO templates. The structure of self-ordered AAO
membranes has been known to form during the transformation of aluminum into alumina by volume expansion and
mechanical driving forces. When the volume expansion
ratio peaks with the highest mechanical driving force, pores
are unable to form under oxidation conditions. On the contrary, by lowering the ratio below a critical value, a nonordered porous alumina structure forms due to a weak
mechanical driving force. Self-ordered AAO membranes are
influenced by the following:voltage in anodic oxidation,
temperature, concentration of electrolytes, purity of alumi1-4)


num, and electrochemical conditions. Selfordered AAO

templates are available with high porosity (having unit area
10 to 10 pores/cm ) and the pore size can be controlled
from 10 to 250 nm. The templates pore size can also be
adjusted from 20 to 100 nm by changing voltage and time.
Porous discrepancy using the template technique is optimized when under 8%, and it has more than a 500 to 1 ratio
of pore length/pore size in a porous alumina oxidation coating. Current research techniques to manufacture silver
nanowires and carbon nanotubes include a sol-gel process,
electro-deposition, wetting, and CVD on the AAO template. Electro-deposition is very unstable with DC to
make the AAO template uniformly dense. This technique
increases the pH on the cathode to partially etch the wall
barrier of pore. Doing so leads to a lack of resistance at the
wall barrier of the pores, making only a partial adsorption.
However, AC makes it possible to create a stable adsorption
on the AAO template. Silver nanowires in photography
processing are being widely studied. Photolithography and
etching, which shed light on the silicon wafer, have been
used to fabricate highdensity direct circuits housed with
numerous transistors. However, using this technique, it is
difficult to fabricate circuits less than 100 nm in size, a limitation that has prompted research on nanowire synthesis
using an AAO template. Ultra high-density direct circuits
have more transistors housed on a high-density direct circuit Si wafer. The reduced volume promotes higher efficiency. Highly-conductive silver nanowires connected
between micro transistors would contribute to a better and







Corresponding author : Hyung-Bock Lee

E-mail : mjhblee
Tel : +82-31-330-6459 Fax : +82-31-330-6457



Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society - Yong-Hyun Kim et al.

Vol. 45, No. 4

higher capacity.
In this paper, we demonstrate a procedure to prepare
highly-oriented silver nanowires via electroless deposition
in a nanoporous AAO membrane. Firstly, electroless deposition of silver nitrate aqueous solution into an AAO membrane was performed. Afterward, thermal reduction of the
sample was performed by increasing the temperature up to
350 C for 1 h under atmosphere. Particularly, the silver
nanowires possess a tremendously high aspect ratio of
nanochannels, which is difficult to accomplish with conventional nanolithography. The developed method, even without using electrodepostion, enables the synthesis of uniform
silver nanowires embedded in AAO membranes with a pore
size of 10 nm, which could be directly applicable to connect
transistors on a Si wafer.

h to form a porous alumina film and immersed in a mixture

solution of 6 wt% phosphoric and 1.8 wt% chromic acid to
remove the produced alumina film at 60 C for 1 h. The AAO
membrane can be fabricated by repeating the anodization
process under the same conditions of the first step anodization. Afterward, the transparent AAO membrane was
immersed in a 0.1 M phosphoric acid solution to widen the
nanochannels. The immersing times were controlled at 0,
1 h and 2 h. To form silver nanowires in AAO, a few droplets of 0.1 M AgNO aqueous solution were dropped onto the
surface of the AAO membrane and heated up to 350 C for
an hour under atmosphere. The silver nanowire became
denser in the alumina nanochannels.

2. Experimental Procedure

The pore size of the AAO membrane for each controlled

widening time and the silver nanowires were examined
using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, Hitachi, S3500N). Silver nanowires fabricated in the nanochannels of
the AAO membrane were analyzed using an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDX, Horiba, EMAX). The crystallographic structures of the samples were identified using an
X-ray Diffractometer (XRD, PANalytical, Xpert-Pro) with
CuK radiation at a scanning step size of 2 =0.02 in the 2
range from 10 to 80 .

2.1. Fabrication of AAO membrane and preparation

of silver nanowires

The fabrication process involves three steps: (1) electrochemical preparation of an AAO membrane with ordered
hexagonal arrays of nanochannels, (2) electroless deposition
of silver ions in AAO, and (3) thermal reduction of silver
nanowire by increasing the temperature. A high-purity aluminum membrane (99.99%) was cut into 1 cm 3 cm sheets.
The aluminum sheets were cleaned in ethanol/acetone and
annealed at 550 C with a heating rate of 5 C/min under N
gas to increase the grain boundary. It was electropolished to
remove the native surface aluminum oxide (passive oxidation layer) in a mixture solution of perchloric acid and ethanol (HClO /CH CH OH=1:4 in v/o), and applied a constant
voltage of 30 V for 1.5 min. The first step of the anodization
process was done in a 0.3 M oxalic acid solution at 18 C for 7

Fig. 1.

2.2. Measurement of the AAO membrane and silver


3. Results and Discussion

Fig. 1 shows schematic diagrams of silver nanowire formation in the AAO membrane via the electroless and thermal reduction process. Fig. 1(a) shows an AAO membrane
fabricated after a second anodization procedure, while Fig.
1(c) shows electroless deposition was performed by dropping

Schematic diagrams of silver nanowires formation in AAO prepared by electroless deposition and thermal reduction. (a)
The AAO membrane was fabricated by a two-step anodization process through pore widening. (b) Ripping the aluminum
layer from AAO. (c) AgNO3 was electroless deposited into the nanochannels of the AAO membrane. (d) The AAO membrane was dissolved by immersion in 0.2M NaOH for 1 h to separate the silver nanowires.

April 2008

Fig. 2.

High Density Silver Nanowire Arrays using Self-ordered Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) Membrane

(a) SEM image of the AAO membrane fabricated by a

second anodization process using a pore widening process for 2 h (pore size about 50 nm). (b) A cross-sectional image of the AAO membranes (pore size about
50 nm). (c) A cross-sectional image of AAO membrane
(pore size about 10 nm) without applying the pore
widening process. (d) After four hours of the pore widening process (pore size about 100 nm).

a 0.1M AgNO aqueous solution into nanochannels and

thermally reduced by increasing the temperature to 350 C,
and silver nanowires were separated by immersing the
sample in a NaOH solution.
Fig. 2 shows SEM images of the surface of the AAO membrane after the second anodization process. The thickness
and pore size of the AAO can be controlled by changing the
concentration of electrolytes, the time of anodic oxidation,
time of pore widening, and other conditions.
The morphological structure of a self-ordered AAO membrane has around 50 nm pores as shown in Fig. 2(a). The
nanopores exhibit almost perfect two-dimensional arrays
with a hexagonal pattern. Especially, hexagonal patterns
are more apparent when the pore size is larger than 80 nm.
In this image, we could confirm that around 50 nm nanopores can be prepared by immersing the sample in a 0.1 M
phosphoric acid solution at 60 C for 2 h. Fig. 2(b) shows that
the formed nanochannels can be comparatively homogeneous without distorting the structures, resulting in them
being highly oriented in one direction with a large aspect
ratio. Fig. 2(c) shows a cross-sectional image of a sample
prior to the pore widening process. In the sample, the distance among the pores is around 100 nm with a pore size of
10 nm. In Fig. 2(d), pore sizes are around 100 nm after
implementing the widening process for 3 h. From the
results, pore density of the AAO membranes are rather constant with a uniform range between 10 /cm and 10 /cm
although pore diameter was controlled by changing the
immersing time in phosphoric acid.
Fig. 3 shows SEM micrographs of silver nanowires on the
AAO membrane. Electroless deposition 0.1 M AgNO was
directly dropped into the AAO membrane. The nanopores


Fig. 3.


SEM top image of silver nanowires array grown on

the surface of AAO membrane: (a) low magnification
image, (b) high magnification image, and (c) and (d)
silver nanowires after eliminating the AAO membrane in a NaOH solution.

have a strong capillary force when the Ag solution is applied

onto the surface resulting in spontaneous ion movement
into the nanochannels by driving force. When Ag+ was dissolved in the aqueous solution, the surface tension is
smaller than water droplets alone. Consequently, the Ag+
solution has a smaller wetting angle than water itself. Even
though the nanochannels have a strong capillary force, the
intermolecular interactions between the alumina surface
and Ag+ solution are of an immiscible phase resulting in
strong surface tensions. Generally, the oxide surfaces have
hydrophobic properties and it repels water droplets minimizing the surface tension. To improve the final density of
the silver nanowires, the AAO membrane was immersed in
a 0.1 M AgNO solution under ultrasonic agitation for 1 min
to eradicate the air bubbles in the nanopores. This step is
quite significant for the fabrication of high quality nanowires. Fig. 3 (a-b) shows the micrograph images of an AAO
membrane surface after thermal reduction at 350 C for 1 h.
It seems that silver nanowires were coalesced on the surface
of AAO because the gravity of the metal silver is 10.5. The
silver nanowires are sufficiently small after being thermally
reduced and can be easily melted because their high surface
area is sufficient to absorb the energy, even though the meting point of metal silver is 961 C. It is already well known
that metal nanoparticles are quite reactive and explosive in
certain conditions when their sizes are small enough. For
this reason, the metal solution can be reaching out during
the heat treatment as shown in Fig. 3 (a-b). These metal
affluent surfaces of the AAO membrane can be straightforwardly removed using an ion milling process. Fig. 3 (c-d)
shows micrograph images of silver nanowires after dissolving the AAO membrane in NaOH solutions. This figure
shows that the diameter of Ag nanowires is about 10 nm,
which is essentially equal to that of the pores of the AAO
membranes used. Essentially, the smallest pore size of AAO


Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society - Yong-Hyun Kim et al.

Vol. 45, No. 4

(1 1 1), (2 0 0), (2 2 0), and (3 1 1) reflection lines, respectively, of the FCC phase of silver. The sharp peaks are good
evidence of silver nanowires with high crystallinity. However, the broadening background curve results from the
amorphous AAO membrane.

4. Conclusion
Fig. 4.

(a) SEM image of a cross-sectional AAO membrane

(pore size 50 nm) fabricated by electroless and thermal reduction of silver nanowires in AAO. (b) EDX
spectrum of area marked by the arrow in (a).

was preferred for the growth of Ag nanowires. Length of the

nanowires is in the range of hundreds of nanometers to several microns depending on the thickness of AAO membranes used. From the images, the diameter and surface of
nanowires were quite uniform and homogeneous. However,
some nanowires showed bent shapes, instead of straight
wire, which could result from the induced mechanical forces
during the dissolution and drying process.
Fig. 4(a) shows a dense cross-sectional SEM image of silver nanowires in AAO membranes thermally reduced at
350 C for 1 h. The chemical composition of the resulting silver nanowires in AAO membranes prepared by thermal
reduction was analyzed by EDX elemental analysis as
shown in Fig. 4(b). The electron beam for EDX analysis was
focused on the cross-sectional area marked on Fig. 4(a), at
the low magnifications. In this spectrum pattern, Ag, Al,
and O peaks are noticeably shown, which indicates that the
presence of silver ion is an indirect evidence of silver nanowire formation. By this technique, no differences were detected between the samples obtained at different temperatures or between areas of interest, such as the central and
edge zones. From the figure, only one Ag peak indicates that
there is only one Ag phase presented as a monocrystalline
which is in good agreement with XRD results shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 shows the XRD pattern of resulting silver nanowires prepared in AAO membranes. The figure confirms that
the silver nanowires possessed a face-centered cubic (FCC)
structure and were well crystallized. The diffraction peaks
at 2 =38.39 , 44.51 , 64.45 , and 77.42 are assigned as the

Large-scale uniform silver nanowires with a size of 10 nm

have been fabricated in AAO membranes via an electroless
deposition and thermal reduction process. This fabrication
process can be broadened to synthesis of novel metal and
metal oxide nanowires. It is expected that the Ag nanowires/AAO assembly system can be applicable in functional
nanodevices, such as optical or electronic device. Moreover,
it could be applicable in the biomedical field, because silver
has a toxic effect on some bacteria, viruses, algae, and fungi.
Moreover, as a nanowire form, it could be used as catalysis.
To summarize, we prepared AAO membranes with pore
sizes of 10 nm, 50 nm, and 100 nm by adjusting the immersing time. It was confirmed that the silver nanowires became
denser in the AAO membrane after the heat treatment. The
synthesized silver nanowires show high crystallinity with
an average diameter of 10 nm and a FCC structure. The
proposed procedure for preparing silver nanowires by electroless and thermal reduction is rather facile and cost effective, since electro disposition for the growth of nanowires is
not accompanied.

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