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Rev 1/07
From ANSI 17.1
This procedure provides guidelines for:
1. Operations and basic procedures of Phase I and Phase II elevators during high-rise fire ground
2. Basic procedures for the safe extrication of trapped elevator passengers.
1. Phase I and Phase II elevators are defined as elevators with specific Fire Service recall
capabilities. Phase I provides for the safe recall and securing of the elevator. Phase II allows for
the use of the elevator by Emergency personnel.
2. Extrication of trapped elevator passengers is defined as safe entry and removal of passengers
from a stalled elevator car.
This Standard Operating Procedure applies to all personnel in the Fire Suppression Division of the Saint
Paul Fire Department, and will be used during high-rise fireground emergencies and extrication of
trapped passengers from elevators.
It will be the responsibility of all fire ground personnel to follow Standard Operating Procedures when
using elevators in emergencies.
The Incident Commander will be responsible for the safe operation of elevators and extrication of
trapped passengers during a fire incident. In the event of elevator extrication during a single company
response, the Company Officer will assume the responsibility of Incident Command. It will be the
District Chief's responsibility to see that pre-fire plans are completed, practiced, and reviewed on a
regular basis for all buildings equipped with elevators within their district.
Pre-Fire Plans Should Include the Following:
A. Access to building, elevators, and stairwells.
B. Location and types of elevators, and which ones are equipped with Phase I and/or Phase II
operation, and those with emergency power.

C. Location of fire service keys and stairwell keys. The Elevator Lobby Fire box shall contain:
1. Elevator equipment room keys and all keys required to access room.
2. Elevator Fire Service Keys-1 for the lobby controls and 1 for each elevator in the bank.
3. Hoist way door unlock key (lunar key).
NOTE: Rescue Squads and Truck Companies have hoist way door keys to access elevator pits.
D. Location of:
Control panel, if provided.
Associated elevator equipment and rooms.
Main-line disconnects
E. Communication system.
F. Requirement of any special tools required for safe extrication
G. Training on a regular basis in the proper use of the following Fire Department Procedures:
Buildings with elevators in the City of Saint Paul may be equipped with only Phase I, or they may have
both Phase I and II features.
Buildings with elevators equipped with the
Phase I system only, shall not be used for firefighting operations.
See Standard Operating Procedure 1001.2 for specific code requirements.
When using fire service elevators in the event of a fire in a high-rise building:
1. The officer leading first-arriving units should determine the method of ascent to the fire area.
2. If the officer elects to use an elevator for firefighting operations, it must by equipped with
Phase II operation.
3. If the elevator is equipped with Phase I and Phase II, the following procedure should be
a. The officer should retrieve the elevator keys from the key box and activate Phase I by
turning the corridor switch to the On position.
b. The officer should activate the Phase II system by placing another key in the elevator car
control switch and turning to the On position.

A. Automatic elevators installed since the mid 1970s provide for the return of all cars to the
main floor or an alternate floor in the event of an activation of a lobby smoke detector,
elevator equipment room smoke detector, or the activation of the fire service key switch
located in the mail lobby. Some older cars have been retrofitted with this feature.
1. OFF- Normal operating mode, allows elevators to be recalled to the proper landing
dependent on which lobby detector is activated.
2. ON- Immediately returns car/cars that are operating in a normal manor to the main fire
floor. Will cancel all existing hall and car calls. Sounds an audible alarm and has a
visual indicator located in the elevator. Cars will return to the main floor with doors open
and the visual indicator lit. Cars will remain in PHASE 1 until placed into PHASE 2 or
3. BYPASS- Will bypass smoke detectors recall operation, and return all elevators in
affected bank to operate automatically. NOTE: Should only be used in an emergency, or
at the direction of the incident commander.
Once Phase I has been activated either by alarm circuitry or fire service keys, it should by
not be returned to the Off position except by direct order of the Incident Commander.
A. An additional safety device in automatic elevators installed in high-rise buildings (70 feet and
above) since the mid 1970s is the fire fighters in-car service feature Phase II.
B. FIRE SERVICE PHASE II- Keyed operation from with in an individual elevator. Allows
Fire Fighters to operate and control elevator functions.
1. OFF- Normal operating position, elevator is available for PHASE 1 recall.
2. ON- Fire Fighter Control, elevator operator controls all major functions, i.e.; door open,
door close, car call input, and can cancel car calls. Elevator will not respond to hall calls
nor will doors open automatically at destination. To operate doors, constant pressure is
required on either the door open button or door close button until doors reach full travel.
This feature will allow fire fighters to make a quick inspection of destination floor with
out doors having to travel full open, as doors will re-close instantly upon release of

3. HOLD- Will hold elevator at any landing with doors fully open. Elevator will not
respond to any car or hall calls or a PHASE I recall. Key can be removed from key
switch in this position.
4. CAR CALL CANCELL BUTTON- Located in the elevator on the main car station, this
button will cancel any elevator calls registered. If the car is in flight, the call will cancel
and the elevator will stop at the next landing.
NOTE: During PHASE I or PHASE II operation, safety edge and/or electric eye become
Special Elevator safety considerations:
1. Prior to entrance and use of elevator, attempt to determine smoke/fire condition in elevator
shaft way.
2. Stop 2 floors below the fire floor. Never take an elevator to the fire floor.
3. 1 FEO or firefighter must remain in the elevator with portable radio to control
4. Elevator operation and transport additional crews and equipment to resource division.
5. Limit firefighting personnel to 4-6 in an elevator at a time.
6. If available, the company officers should obtain stairwell door key from Knox box or
maintenance personnel to gain access to fire floor and other floors from stairwell.
7. Consider additional manpower for equipment relay to upper floors if elevators are inoperable
Turn the PHASE II key switch to the OFF position; if the elevator is not at the main fire
landing, the visual indicator will illuminate, and the audible alarm will sound. Elevator car doors
will automatically close and the elevator will return to the designated fire floor, open doors, and
wait in PHASE I. If already at the main fire floor, the car will return to PHASE I, and sit with
doors open.
Reset any and all Lobby detectors. From the Main Fire Service Panel, move key switch from the
ON or OFF position to BYPASS. At this time elevators should return to Normal
operation, key switch can then be placed in the OFF position. To test operation, enter a hall
call, and the elevators should respond normally.
A. Establish communication with trapped passengers:
1. They are safe
2. Steps are being taken to evacuate them from the elevator
3. Have passengers stand clear of the car door
NOTE: Have passengers ensure that the stop switch has not been moved into the STOP position
B. Find out if the elevator service company has been contacted, wait if possible.

C. Establish communication:
1. By hoistway door
2. By elevator controller
D. Shut off and maintain control of Main-Line Disconnect to affected elevator.
E. Access bottom landing, using hoistway door key, open hoistway door and make visual inspection
of hoistway:
1. Are elevator car doors open or closed?
2. Inform trapped people that the elevator will be lowering
3. Have trapped people stand away from the doors
F. Locate manual lowering valve. MAKE SURE POWER IS OFF!
G. Lower elevator by opening the manual lowing valve:
1. Use visual reference (spotter standing outside the bottom hoistway door)
2. Continue communication between spotter and person operating manual lowering valve
3. Start closing manual lowing valve while car is still slightly above bottom landing, trying to
stop car at floor level
H. Manually open elevator car door. Assist passengers from stalled car. Leave stalled elevator in the
OFF position, close hoistway door, and inform Elevator Company of car location. DO NOT
attempt to place the elevator back in service.
A. Establish communication with trapped passengers:
1. They are safe
2. Steps are being taken to evacuate them from the elevator
3. Have passengers stand clear of the car door
NOTE: Have passengers ensure that the stop switch has not been moved into the STOP position
B. Find out if the elevator service company has been contacted, wait if possible.
NOTE: Cycling the Main Line Disconnect or shaking the hoistway door at the last elevator stop may
cause the car to operate.
C. Establish communication:
1. By hoistway door closest to stalled car
2. By elevator controller
D. Shut off and maintain control of Main-Line Disconnect to affected elevator. Secure Main for
controlled elevator if using the poling method.

E. If possible, take control of adjacent elevator and verify stalled car location. If not possible look at
the position indicator for location, or access the bottom floor landing, open hoistway door and try
to visually locate stalled elevator.
F. Car located at or near landing:
1. Attempt to open stalled elevator hoistway door by manipulating hoistway door interlock with
elevator rescue tools. Use other door for reference.
2. Or attempt to open stalled elevator hoistway door by poling across from controlled car to
stalled car
3. Open elevator car door and assist trapped passengers out
G. Car located within 3 of landing:
1. Attempt to open stalled elevator hoistway door by manipulating hoistway door interlock with
elevator rescue tools
2. Or attempt to open stalled elevator hoistway door by poling up or down from controlled car
to stalled car
3. Once hoistway door is open, if car is located above landing, precautions must be taken to
guard the hoistway opening
4. Open elevator car door and have 1 firefighter enter cab to aid in passenger evacuation
H. Leave stalled elevator in the OFF position, close hoistway door, and inform Elevator Company
of car location. DO NOT attempt to place elevator back in service

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