Jumaa Prayer January 15, 2016 PDF

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Jumaa Prayer

for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

January 15, 2016

Intercede for the Muslim World!

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Co 5:21).

Today's Prayer Requests: Urgent Needs

CAMEROON: A WAAST alumnus, Jean-Luc Gnawe, suffered a serious stroke in December. Pastor Gnawe founded
and directs a strategic school in northern Cameroon, equipping workers to plant churches in unreached areas. Please
pray for his healing and that the Lord may be glorified in this situation. Pray that this vital training program may
continue, that bold, Spirit-led leaders would emerge, and that the Church may be established in resistant places.
SENSITIVE COUNTRY: Pray that the Lord would raise up a couple or individual to direct a community center that
offers the Muslim population a place to relax, drink coffee, and discuss issues of life and faith. The current leaders
must be away for a year, and personnel are needed within the next few months to keep the center open..

From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: A graduate asks us to pray for the church he pastors and for others
as their members face many temptations offered by false prophets, both Christian and Muslim. There are Muslims
in the rural areas who target young people. They give them charms to attract young women, to end pregnancies
through magic rituals, and to protect themselves from evil spirits. Some offer magic pens, lucky charms, help for
those having nightmares. Certainly the devil uses precarious social situations to win over those who are not wellgrounded. Pray that the Spirit would convict those who are tempted to seek help from these demonic sources, and for
wisdom for pastors as they work to make disciples who will stand firm.
MALI: Please pray for the opening of the Live-Dead training center in Bamako. Six trainees from North, South, and
Central America will be learning together, preparing to enter less-reached areas of West Africa to plant churches. Pray
for wisdom for the leaders as they help to enculturate these young people, and that team members would grow in
unity, in their spiritual walks, and in wisdom and sensitivity.

In the News
Open Doors, an organization that monitors persecution against Christians, has released its 2016 World Watch List,
ranking the 50 nations in which it is most difficult to freely practice the Christian faith. According to Christianity
Today, Open Doors noted that '16 of the 50 countries on the 2016 WWL are African, outnumbering the 14 countries
from the Middle East and Persian Gulf. When the list is expanded to 65 countries, a further nine African nations are
added.' Analyst Ronald Boyd-McMillan said, 'In numerical terms at least, though not in degree, the persecution of
Christians in this region dwarfs what is happening in the Middle East.' For the List and for information about each
country, see http://bit.ly/1zWfwMb. Intercede with us for these nations in the coming weeks.

From Global Initiative*

Intercede for Christian workers in Muslim areas of Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim nation. 80% of its 255
million people are Muslims.

For Muslim Women**

Pray that churches reaching out to refugees in Germany may offer hope to the many Muslim women who have
become prey to the sexual abuse of profiteers.

Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit http://globalinitiativeinfo.com/ for information
about praying for Muslims and weekly requests.
**Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at http://sayhelloinfo.com/.
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see http://waastjumaa.blogspot.com/2014/09/waast-jumaa-prayer-groups.html.
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit http://morningstarnews.org/, http://worldwatchmonitor.org/, and
For the 2015 World Watch List of countries where Christians are most persecuted, and prayer requests, see http://bit.ly/1zWfwMb.
For prayer requests, visit http://www.opendoorsusa.org/pray/ and http://www.persecution.com/public/pray.aspx.
To help you answer Muslims' questions about God's Word, see http://www.unchangingword.com/ and http://answeringislam.org/.

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